Fox's James Rosen Investigated by Justice Dept; Personal E-Mails subpoenad

Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

This is really beyond the pale. A news reporter is named a "co-conspirator" for reporting the news.

It remains to be seen if that aspect holds up.

The reporter may have crossed a legal line -- wait for all the facts.

The abuse of power by the Obama Administration is out of control..

WTF are you talking about?

They had a warrant -- reading is your friend.
Now, prove to me he actually broke the law.

The Constitution doesn't require that I be able to prove someone broke a law before the DOJ executes a search warrant.

Take your time. Here is the entire US Codification Index

U.S. Code : Table of Contents | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

I'll tell you right off the First and Fourth Amendment were violated here. Federal Criminal Procedure laws were violated.

Rule 41 (c)(1)

(c) Persons or Property Subject to Search or Seizure. A warrant may be issued for any of the following:

(1) evidence of a crime

Why are you assuming there was no evidence of a crime presented in the warrant application?

You can't!! :clap2:

You have to prove they broke the law before you say "they broke the law." There is no evidence that Rosen broke the law, else we would have heard of it in the past two years after the warrant was filed.

So the DOJ has to prove Rosen broke the law before they get a warrant?

Find records you believe show evidence Rosen broke the law or was part of a criminal conspiracy, or shut your fucking mouth.
Is the DOJ only allowed to use evidence in a warrant application that is easily obtained by the public?
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Liberals like the sound of "freedom of speech", not the actual practice of it.

Freedom of speech means the DOJ cannot execute lawfully obtained search warrants?

Stop being obtuse. Quit trolling. They essentially accused Rosen of being part of a "criminal conspiracy". For which they have found no evidence of ever existing in the first place. Rosen was never ultimately prosecuted, Kim on the other hand was.

Find records you believe show evidence Rosen broke the law or was part of a criminal conspiracy, or shut your fucking mouth.

So any warrant for which no indictment is ever issued is not valid?
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

How can anyone seriously believe he is not behind all this stuff. How he gets someone else to take the fall for him is beyond me. He must be threatening death or something.
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

This is really beyond the pale. A news reporter is named a "co-conspirator" for reporting the news.

The abuse of power by the Obama Administration is out of control..

I just read another piece here on HuffPo:

DOJ's Targeting Of Fox News Reporter James Rosen Met With Outrage

That goes above and beyond what the Justice Department did when it monitored the Associated Press. There, it looked at phone records, not the actual contents of emails.

Perhaps more chilling, the Post reported that, in order to justify its search warrants for Rosen's private correspondence, the Justice Department labeled Rosen a "co-conspirator" with Kim because he made an arrangement with him about how to get him information:

Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.

DOJ's Targeting Of Fox News Reporter James Rosen Met With Outrage

It seems there may be a few who would condone such here on this board, but reporters, no matter their left or right status are outraged.
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

How can anyone seriously believe he is not behind all this stuff. How he gets someone else to take the fall for him is beyond me. He must be threatening death or something.

This is Obama's administration, he owns everything that goes on in front of him, OR behind his back. I never seen a president know nothing about what's going on at this high of level in his administration.
These tools on this board would follow him over a cliff, and looks to be doing so. Even the liberal press is turning on Obama.
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

How can anyone seriously believe he is not behind all this stuff. How he gets someone else to take the fall for him is beyond me. He must be threatening death or something.

This is Obama's administration, he owns everything that goes on in front of him, OR behind his back. I never seen a president know nothing about what's going on at this high of level in his administration.
These tools on this board would follow him over a cliff, and looks to be doing so. Even the liberal press is turning on Obama.

I guess you're too young to remember Reagan.
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

How can anyone seriously believe he is not behind all this stuff. How he gets someone else to take the fall for him is beyond me. He must be threatening death or something.

If everyone says he is, he must be.
How can anyone seriously believe he is not behind all this stuff. How he gets someone else to take the fall for him is beyond me. He must be threatening death or something.

This is Obama's administration, he owns everything that goes on in front of him, OR behind his back. I never seen a president know nothing about what's going on at this high of level in his administration.
These tools on this board would follow him over a cliff, and looks to be doing so. Even the liberal press is turning on Obama.

I guess you're too young to remember Reagan.

I'm old enough to remember what Nixon did, tool.
Going after the "But, he did it, he did it." deflection, huh? :eusa_hand:
This is Obama's administration, he owns everything that goes on in front of him, OR behind his back. I never seen a president know nothing about what's going on at this high of level in his administration.
These tools on this board would follow him over a cliff, and looks to be doing so. Even the liberal press is turning on Obama.

I guess you're too young to remember Reagan.

I'm old enough to remember what Nixon did, tool.
Going after the "But, he did it, he did it." deflection, huh? :eusa_hand:

You're the one who brought up the comparison to previous Presidents.
Liberals like the sound of "freedom of speech", not the actual practice of it.

Dimwit -- the first amendment doesn't cover government employees leaking sensitive or top secret documents to the press.

Also, it remains to be seen if the reporter is charged with anything at all.

Hope that helps you get smarter.

Rosen was charged with violating 18 U.S.C. §793 (d) or essentially violating the Espionage Act.

Rosen was never aware at any point he was being monitored. Nor was he aware a warrant had been served on him. Hope that helps you get smarter, dumbass. Law requires that the person subjected to a search warrant be notified. And that certain delays in notification must not exceed 9 months, not two years.

12 USC § 3406

(a) Applicability of Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

A Government authority may obtain financial records under section 3402 (3) of this title only if it obtains a search warrant pursuant to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

(b) Mailing of copy and notice to customer

No later than ninety days after the Government authority serves the search warrant, it shall mail to the customer’s last known address a copy of the search warrant together with the following notice:

“Records or information concerning your transactions held by the financial institution named in the attached search warrant were obtained by this (agency or department) on (date) for the following purpose: . You may have rights under the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 [12 U.S.C. 3401 et seq.].”.

(c) Court-ordered delays in mailing

Upon application of the Government authority, a court may grant a delay in the mailing of the notice required in subsection (b) of this section, which delay shall not exceed one hundred and eighty days following the service of the warrant, if the court makes the findings required in section 3409 (a) of this title. If the court so finds, it shall enter an ex parte order granting the requested delay and an order prohibiting the financial institution from disclosing that records have been obtained or that a search warrant for such records has been executed. Additional delays of up to ninety days may be granted by the court upon application, but only in accordance with this subsection. Upon expiration of the period of delay of notification of the customer, the following notice shall be mailed to the customer along with a copy of the search warrant:
“Records or information concerning your transactions held by the financial institution named in the attached search warrant were obtained by this (agency or department) on (date). Notification was delayed beyond the statutory ninety-day delay period pursuant to a determination by the court that such notice would seriously jeopardize an investigation concerning         . You may have rights under the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 [12 U.S.C. 3401 et seq.].”.
Interesting statement from Ryan Lizza.

Case against Fox's Rosen, in which O admin is criminalizing reporting, makes all of the other "scandals" look like giant nothing burgers.

For those who may be unaware of who Lizza is, he was recently presented the Aldo Beckman Memorial Award for journalistic excellence for his 2012 coverage of Barack Obama's presidency and re-election campaign by the White House Correspondents Association.

Eli Lake says (reporter for Newsweek):

Serious idea. Instead of calling it Obama's war on whistleblowers, let's just call it what it is: Obama's war on journalism.
Not that it will make any difference to the OMG! OBAMA brigade, here's the DOJ Inspector General's report which shows very clearly why the reporter was investigated. He was given sensitive documents which had not been released to the public. Worse, he seemed to have already been familiar with the contents before he asked his friend for one.

Now...would somebody please explain to me WHY he should not have been a subject of scrutiny? Does his being a news reporter give him a pass when receiving government documents which he does not have authorization to see? Would you be so critical of the DOJ had the documents he received been about our nuclear defense capabilities, rather than this subject? Where's the line between freedom of the press and accountability?

Oops. Sorry. This is a DIFFERENT Fox reporter gaining access to different sensitive documents.

Hmmmmm. Is a pattern of Fox behavior becoming apparent?
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Freedom of speech means the DOJ cannot execute lawfully obtained search warrants?

Stop being obtuse. Quit trolling.

He's NOT trolling.

He's SKILLFULLY pointing out the idiocy of your posts.

You've been consistently exposed as an idiot who doesn't understand this story at all.

Oh grow up. Whats with the boldface type, Hazel? You mad? I have consistently whipped many a liberal on these boards, and I've only been here since March! If you have an argument, I'd be glad to hear it. If not, shut the hell up.

Thank you!
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Not that it will make any difference to the OMG! OBAMA brigade, here's the DOJ Inspector General's report which shows very clearly why the reporter was investigated. He was given sensitive documents which had not been released to the public. Worse, he seemed to have already been familiar with the contents before he asked his friend for one.

Now...would somebody please explain to me WHY he should not have been a subject of scrutiny? Does his being a news reporter give him a pass when receiving government documents which he does not have authorization to see? Would you be so critical of the DOJ had the documents he received been about our nuclear defense capabilities, rather than this subject? Where's the line between freedom of the press and accountability?

Oops. Sorry. This is a DIFFERENT Fox reporter gaining access to different sensitive documents.

Hmmmmm. Is a pattern of Fox behavior becoming apparent?

You seem to be willfully naive with the DOJ investigating themselves....just sayin'
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

How many times have I heard the following from conservatives regarding gov't wiretapping or investigations:
"If he didn't do anything wrong, he doesn't have anything to worry about."
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

How many times have I heard the following from conservatives regarding gov't wiretapping or investigations:
"If he didn't do anything wrong, he doesn't have anything to worry about."

Dude, you do understand that this IS about freedom of the press, right?

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