Fox's James Rosen Investigated by Justice Dept; Personal E-Mails subpoenad

What part of "unannounced seizure" did you not comprehend?

Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?

I knew you guys had a deep seated hatred for free speech and Fox News.. but dayum.

Try again, fool.

My comment was specifically talking about Kim, the leak. Doesn't the U.S. Government have an obligation to go after people like him??

If it were Bush's DOJ -- you'b be cheering all the way.
There's an argument?
The DOJ obtained a search warrant, did they not?

What part of "unannounced seizure" did you not comprehend?

Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?

That would be their own employees. As you see, no one is looking at govenment employees to see who might be leaking information. Maybe the information wasn't leaked, but intentionally disseminated. Then the government has an excuse to start seizing records.
I knew you guys had a deep seated hatred for free speech and Fox News.. but dayum.



Does the 1st amendment prohibit the Department of Justice from executing a search warrant approved by a judge against a member of the press?

When there are no obvious violations of the law, yes. That's what we call unlawful search and seizure, idiot.

Now you're a federal judge?


I can't stop laughing.
The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter

That's impossible! FOX has no news reporters!

and you just don't give a damn about our rights or freedoms. People like you are probably going to be a lot like the Castro supporters of Cuba silencing anyone that speaks out.

You sir need to wake up and realize that freedom is about being about to speak out against the government.
What part of "unannounced seizure" did you not comprehend?

Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?

That would be their own employees. As you see, no one is looking at govenment employees to see who might be leaking information. Maybe the information wasn't leaked, but intentionally disseminated. Then the government has an excuse to start seizing records.

Maybe Obama is really a space alien and he's being given orders from an Evil Alien Overlord....

but until we see evidence of that you'll forgive me if I go on as if it isn't true.
What part of "unannounced seizure" did you not comprehend?

Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?

That would be their own employees. As you see, no one is looking at govenment employees to see who might be leaking information. Maybe the information wasn't leaked, but intentionally disseminated. Then the government has an excuse to start seizing records.

Wouldn't it be logical to start with the media source that first published the classified info?

And it appears this reporter went to great lengths to cover his trail -- as if he knew it was wrong.
Does the 1st amendment prohibit the Department of Justice from executing a search warrant approved by a judge against a member of the press?

When there are no obvious violations of the law, yes. Idiot.

So the DOJ is only allowed to investigate "obvious" violations of the law? I've never heard of that. Who decides what is "obvious" ? A judge? Or you? How do you know there were no "obvious" violations?

Now, prove to me he actually broke the law. Take your time. Here is the entire US Codification Index

U.S. Code : Table of Contents | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

I'll tell you right off the First and Fourth Amendment were violated here. Federal Criminal Procedure laws were violated.

Rule 41 (c)(1)

(c) Persons or Property Subject to Search or Seizure. A warrant may be issued for any of the following:

(1) evidence of a crime;

2) contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed;

(3) property designed for use, intended for use, or used in committing a crime; or

(4) a person to be arrested or a person who is unlawfully restrained.

18 USC 793 was not violated either.

Here is a search warrant. But nothing came out of it.

What this warrant does not specify is the information revealed that somehow "pertained to National Defense". That is a very paltry excuse, buddy.
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The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter

That's impossible! FOX has no news reporters!

and you just don't give a damn about our rights or freedoms. People like you are probably going to be a lot like the Castro supporters of Cuba silencing anyone that speaks out.

You sir need to wake up and realize that freedom is about being about to speak out against the government.

The search was executed under a warrant approved by a judge. What more does the DOJ have to do before they execute a search, does the Constitution say they need the personal approval of Matthew from U.S. Messageboard or is it OK by you if we let judges do that job?
Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?

That would be their own employees. As you see, no one is looking at govenment employees to see who might be leaking information. Maybe the information wasn't leaked, but intentionally disseminated. Then the government has an excuse to start seizing records.

Maybe Obama is really a space alien and he's being given orders from an Evil Alien Overlord....

but until we see evidence of that you'll forgive me if I go on as if it isn't true.

By all means, carry on, halfwit. It wasn't like you came here to engage in an intelligent debate to begin with.
Liberals like the sound of "freedom of speech", not the actual practice of it.
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.
I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg
When there are no obvious violations of the law, yes. Idiot.

So the DOJ is only allowed to investigate "obvious" violations of the law? I've never heard of that. Who decides what is "obvious" ? A judge? Or you? How do you know there were no "obvious" violations?

Now, prove to me he actually broke the law.

The Constitution doesn't require that I be able to prove someone broke a law before the DOJ executes a search warrant.

Take your time. Here is the entire US Codification Index

U.S. Code : Table of Contents | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

I'll tell you right off the First and Fourth Amendment were violated here. Federal Criminal Procedure laws were violated.

Rule 41 (c)(1)

(c) Persons or Property Subject to Search or Seizure. A warrant may be issued for any of the following:

(1) evidence of a crime

Why are you assuming there was no evidence of a crime presented in the warrant application?
So the DOJ is only allowed to investigate "obvious" violations of the law? I've never heard of that. Who decides what is "obvious" ? A judge? Or you? How do you know there were no "obvious" violations?

Now, prove to me he actually broke the law.

The Constitution doesn't require that I be able to prove someone broke a law before the DOJ executes a search warrant.

Take your time. Here is the entire US Codification Index

U.S. Code : Table of Contents | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

I'll tell you right off the First and Fourth Amendment were violated here. Federal Criminal Procedure laws were violated.

Rule 41 (c)(1)

(c) Persons or Property Subject to Search or Seizure. A warrant may be issued for any of the following:

(1) evidence of a crime

Why are you assuming there was no evidence of a crime presented in the warrant application?

You can't!! :clap2:

You have to prove they broke the law before you say "they broke the law." There is no evidence that Rosen broke the law, else we would have heard of it in the past two years after the warrant was filed.
Liberals like the sound of "freedom of speech", not the actual practice of it.

Freedom of speech means the DOJ cannot execute lawfully obtained search warrants?

Stop being obtuse. Quit trolling. They essentially accused Rosen of being part of a "criminal conspiracy". For which they have found no evidence of ever existing in the first place. Rosen was never ultimately prosecuted, Kim on the other hand was.

Find records you believe show evidence Rosen broke the law or was part of a criminal conspiracy, or shut your fucking mouth.
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

This is really beyond the pale. A news reporter is named a "co-conspirator" for reporting the news.

The abuse of power by the Obama Administration is out of control..
Liberals like the sound of "freedom of speech", not the actual practice of it.

Dimwit -- the first amendment doesn't cover government employees leaking sensitive or top secret documents to the press.

Also, it remains to be seen if the reporter is charged with anything at all.

Hope that helps you get smarter.

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