Fox's Judge Napolitano: Flynn Guilty Plea "Nightmare for Trump"

In March 2017, Napolitano was suspended from Fox News for making unsubstantiated claims that British intelligence officials spied on Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign at the request of U.S. President Barack Obama....

And, as i recall, The Moron in Chief praised him as a brilliant legal mind for making those comments.

Looks like you and your heroes are even too slimy for FOX News. Wow, that's embarrassing.
Yawn! Trump didn’t break any laws, but the wild goose chase will continue, as it would have without Flynn

riiiiiiiiiiight... they made that sweet little deal with Flynn because he's got nothing on Donald and his Russian scum... not at all. :rofl:
Flynn is willing to claim Trump asked him to talk to Russia. It appears Russia is a major player for some strange reason.

This must stop. Talking to Russia is just plain criminal.





is there some reason you're persistently trolling this trhead, you insane twit?

did president Obama lie about meeting a fellow world leader, moron?

but I guess it's ok when we find out that Donald had a meeting with vlat from Russian television.

insane treasonous loon
In March 2017, Napolitano was suspended from Fox News for making unsubstantiated claims that British intelligence officials spied on Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign at the request of U.S. President Barack Obama....

And, as i recall, The Moron in Chief praised him as a brilliant legal mind for making those comments.

Looks like you and your heroes are even too slimy for FOX News. Wow, that's embarrassing.

yup.... but look at the level of his hysteria. it's pretty funny.
Yes, it is....

Retired judge and Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Michael Flynn’s guilty plea is a “nightmare” for President Trump.

“I think this is probably the tip of a prosecutorial iceberg, so to speak,” Napolitano said Friday on Fox News. “It is a nightmare for Donald Trump"

Fox News's Napolitano: Flynn guilty plea 'a nightmare for Trump'
Damn. It must have been painful beyond belief for Napolitano to say those words.

I would imagine it was. but it should give the trumptards pause
More likely that Fox News will suddenly find itself under the umbrella of 'fake news'

well, that's what trumptards do when they don't like the facts.

but as you noted, Napolitano isn't exactly a lib... but he was a judge and he knows what this is.
He was actually only a judge on a state intermediate appellate court. So we're not talking Tribe or Dershowitz here. But yeah, Mueller doesn't give him a deal unless he had something on Trump or Trump admin to trade. And given how Mueller twisted him on a rack by threatening to put his kid in prison and even after that by racheting up his investigation into what Flynn may have done when working in the Obama admin, Mueller's probably drained him of all info he had.
Yes, it is....

Retired judge and Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Michael Flynn’s guilty plea is a “nightmare” for President Trump.

“I think this is probably the tip of a prosecutorial iceberg, so to speak,” Napolitano said Friday on Fox News. “It is a nightmare for Donald Trump"

Fox News's Napolitano: Flynn guilty plea 'a nightmare for Trump'
Damn. It must have been painful beyond belief for Napolitano to say those words.

I would imagine it was. but it should give the trumptards pause
More likely that Fox News will suddenly find itself under the umbrella of 'fake news'

When was it not under that umbrella.
Bear in mind that EVERY charge against Flynn carries a penalty of FIVE years in a cozy institution.
Bear in mind that EVERY charge against Flynn carries a penalty of FIVE years in a cozy institution.

I believe that makes, now, FOUR people either guilty of or charged with felonies from the Trump circle.

The whiners crying about "it's been a whole year!!!!" might want to keep that in mind. I don't know about anyone else, but I dont have 4 people close to me charged with or convicted of felonies in the last year.
Yes, it is....

Retired judge and Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Michael Flynn’s guilty plea is a “nightmare” for President Trump.

“I think this is probably the tip of a prosecutorial iceberg, so to speak,” Napolitano said Friday on Fox News. “It is a nightmare for Donald Trump"

Fox News's Napolitano: Flynn guilty plea 'a nightmare for Trump'
This POS was downplaying all along....and today he sounds like he was crying all night. I believe him Trump is in deep shit LOCK HIM UP!!!
Bear in mind that EVERY charge against Flynn carries a penalty of FIVE years in a cozy institution.

I believe that makes, now, FOUR people either guilty of or charged with felonies from the Trump circle.

The whiners crying about "it's been a whole year!!!!" might want to keep that in mind. I don't know about anyone else, but I dont have 4 people close to me charged with or convicted of felonies in the last year.

I'll also point out that Watergate took two years to unfold.
What's the definition of "nightmare" in a political sense? The IRS scandal, Benghazi and Fast/Furious were nightmares for Hussein. How did they work out?
Yes, it is....

Retired judge and Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano says Michael Flynn’s guilty plea is a “nightmare” for President Trump.

“I think this is probably the tip of a prosecutorial iceberg, so to speak,” Napolitano said Friday on Fox News. “It is a nightmare for Donald Trump"

Fox News's Napolitano: Flynn guilty plea 'a nightmare for Trump'
Damn. It must have been painful beyond belief for Napolitano to say those words.

I would imagine it was. but it should give the trumptards pause
why? no one is loyal to that old fart.

Trump White House Furiously Tries To Distance Itself From Michael F

Mike Flynn: What did Pence know and when did he know it?

The bombshell announcement that Donald Trump’s top campaign surrogate and former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe rocked the White House on Friday.

well, we know that sally yates told the transition that Flynn was a foreign agent. pence ran the transition. so at the latest, he knew during the transition.
How did they work out?

Let's see:

No special counsel investigation, no indictments, no charges recommended, no censure, no felony convictions, no foreign agents running the campaign or appointed as head of our national security.......

Wait, what was the stupid point you were trying to make? Seems like you shot yourself in the foot, there.

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