Frack-happy Oklahoma rocked by 20 earthquakes in just one day

Given what I know about the Left I'm going to say this is probable a total fiction made up from altered data or in 2010 they started counting a door slam as a "Seismic event"
Your article certainly doesn't say they are caused by hydraulic fracturing, why would I?
you are claiming these are all-natural, having nothing to do with fracking?

Given what I know about the Left I'm going to say this is probable a total fiction made up from altered data or in 2010 they started counting a door slam as a "Seismic event"

As a matter of fact, as instrumentation has become more sensitive, this is exactly part of the issue. Microseismic sondes can detect literally a chunk of rock being split into two using high pressure water. Never felt on the surface, any single completion can generate thousands of these events. But they can't be felt by you or I…and I've been standing right on top of them when I caused them. But those with something to sell can pretend all these "earthquakes" are dangerous. Been going on for 60+ years now, anyone heard of a single human casualty from these "earthquakes", rather than metal fatigue on the surface allowing metal to fail and killing someone on-site instead?
maybe you can make a list of WHAT doesn't get your panites all in in bunch?

we'll wait for it... :eusa_whistle:

I'll bet its a short list
You aren't asking a question. You are trying to get people to prove a negative. And aren't even familiar with the particulars of what you are talking about. I have already detailed how hydraulic fracturing jobs I have been responsible for have caused thousand of seismic events, i.e. "earthquakes" as this is the same technique used to measure earthquakes. Or train traffic. Or when buildings are being demolished. All of these create seismic waves and are registered as "earthquakes".

You need to understand the basics of this before appearing capable of discussing this issue at more than the average pinhead level.
You aren't asking a question. You are trying to get people to prove a negative.

No, I'm asking a question.

I will add a word to the beginning of the sentence, so that I am perfectly clear, and you can stop deflecting:

Are you are claiming these are all-natural, having nothing to do with fracking?
Two chunks of rock moving in relation to each other in an intermittent fashion. Are you seriously suggesting that you don't know what an earthquake/seismic event even IS?
you are claiming these are all-natural, having nothing to do with fracking?
So what if they are (which they aren't)? These events are minor and inconsequential.

Why don't you go pick on farmers, the true polluters and rapers of all environments. :slap:
The world runs on fossil fuel and oil is power. As long as Hussein keeps lying about alternate energy and keeps the US from engaging in oil exploration and prevents the construction of oil pipelines, fracking is all we got.
OK. So the quakes are caused by injection well. And what are these wells injecting? And why? The solution is simple. Any and all damage caused by the quakes should be charged to the companies injecting, and the companies whose product is injected, into these wells. And if the charges are not paid within six months, the companies assets, both financial and real, seized and auctioned.
OK. So the quakes are caused by injection well. And what are these wells injecting? And why? The solution is simple. Any and all damage caused by the quakes should be charged to the companies injecting, and the companies whose product is injected, into these wells. And if the charges are not paid within six months, the companies assets, both financial and real, seized and auctioned.
You do know that frac fluids aren't the only materials disposed of into deep stratigraphic zones?

...or do you? :dunno:
OK. So the quakes are caused by injection well. And what are these wells injecting? And why? The solution is simple. Any and all damage caused by the quakes should be charged to the companies injecting, and the companies whose product is injected, into these wells. And if the charges are not paid within six months, the companies assets, both financial and real, seized and auctioned.
You do know that frac fluids aren't the only materials disposed of into deep stratigraphic zones?

...or do you? :dunno:

Yep, its also wastewater from good old fashioned oil production, and this method of disposal has been in use for decades.
OK. So the quakes are caused by injection well. And what are these wells injecting? And why? The solution is simple. Any and all damage caused by the quakes should be charged to the companies injecting, and the companies whose product is injected, into these wells. And if the charges are not paid within six months, the companies assets, both financial and real, seized and auctioned.
If they actually did damage you might have a point Josef.

You realize your post reeks of fascist right?

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