Frack-happy Oklahoma rocked by 20 earthquakes in just one day

OK. So the quakes are caused by injection well. And what are these wells injecting? And why? The solution is simple. Any and all damage caused by the quakes should be charged to the companies injecting, and the companies whose product is injected, into these wells. And if the charges are not paid within six months, the companies assets, both financial and real, seized and auctioned.
If they actually did damage you might have a point Josef.

You realize your post reeks of fascist right?

proof? they don't need no stinking proof, some website said Frack Happy Oklahoma and that's all it took
OK. So the quakes are caused by injection well. And what are these wells injecting? And why? The solution is simple. Any and all damage caused by the quakes should be charged to the companies injecting, and the companies whose product is injected, into these wells. And if the charges are not paid within six months, the companies assets, both financial and real, seized and auctioned.
You do know that frac fluids aren't the only materials disposed of into deep stratigraphic zones?

...or do you? :dunno:
Does it matter? It's still causing earthquakes.

Rep. Alan Grayson should introduce a bill that states that no Federal FEMA money be used to pay for disasters caused by fracking, injection wells, etc.
OK. So the quakes are caused by injection well. And what are these wells injecting? And why? The solution is simple. Any and all damage caused by the quakes should be charged to the companies injecting, and the companies whose product is injected, into these wells. And if the charges are not paid within six months, the companies assets, both financial and real, seized and auctioned.
You do know that frac fluids aren't the only materials disposed of into deep stratigraphic zones?

...or do you? :dunno:
Does it matter? It's still causing earthquakes.

Rep. Alan Grayson should introduce a bill that states that no Federal FEMA money be used to pay for disasters caused by fracking, injection wells, etc.
So why focus on frac fluids?

Because you are a petrophobe.

Bitch, and slap. :slap:
OK. So the quakes are caused by injection well. And what are these wells injecting? And why? The solution is simple. Any and all damage caused by the quakes should be charged to the companies injecting, and the companies whose product is injected, into these wells. And if the charges are not paid within six months, the companies assets, both financial and real, seized and auctioned.
You do know that frac fluids aren't the only materials disposed of into deep stratigraphic zones?

...or do you? :dunno:
Does it matter? It's still causing earthquakes.

Rep. Alan Grayson should introduce a bill that states that no Federal FEMA money be used to pay for disasters caused by fracking, injection wells, etc.
So why focus on frac fluids?

Because you are a petrophobe.

Bitch, and slap. :slap:
I'm not focusing on any one component. I'm against all of it. Because the trade-off isn't worth it. We need massive investment in alternative energy and solar and wind and hydro.
Frack-happy Oklahoma rocked by 20 earthquakes in just one day

The state's dramatic increase in seismic activity is linked to oil and gas operations


Even judging by the state’s new standards for seismic activity (we’re calling it “the new California”), Tuesday was a dramatic day for Oklahoma. The state Geological Survey recorded 20 earthquakes in as many hours. If seven quakes in two days are considered a “swarm,” then what the frack do we call this?

Most were tiny, probably even imperceptible, although people definitely felt the largest one, which registered at a 4.3 magnitude. Four of the quakes recorded today add to the growing total of tremors that register as a 3.0 magnitude or higher, the number of which has spiked since — not at all coincidentally – fracking activity began to proliferate in the state.

Specifically, it’s wastewater injection wells (in which waste from fracking operations is injected, forcibly, into the ground) that we have to worry about. A study released last month established that the two are connected — what’s more, the researchers found that just four wells were responsible for 20 percent of the earthquakes recorded between 2008 and 2013. That’s over 100 of them.

ClimateProgress highlights these charts from a recent Oklahoma Geology Survey presentation, which show how the general rise in seismic activity is quickly becoming the state’s new reality. “No documented cases of induced seismicity,” it asserts, “have ever come close to the current earthquake rates or the area over which the earthquakes are occurring”:


Ironic a US state with a lot of Natives okays something that's destroying ancestral lands, but they throw a tantrum if anyone dares use their words or likeness for a sports team. Get your priorities straight guys geez.
I'm not focusing on any one component. I'm against all of it. Because the trade-off isn't worth it. We need massive investment in alternative energy and solar and wind and hydro.
We've invested massively in wind and solar. Drive through Kansas on I70, massive investment out the wazoo. And obviously you DO think the trade off is worth it, having yourself used the products of hydraulic fracturing, probably for as long as you've been alive.

Yet another whiner, who does their whining from the privileged position of having BENEFITED by a thing.
You do know that frac fluids aren't the only materials disposed of into deep stratigraphic zones?

...or do you? :dunno:

Mr. H, didn't you note that I did not name any particular industry, company, or government branch? Point is, fluids injected under pressure that get into faults lubricate them, and then they move. And since this movement affects the land around them, including other faults, such as the New Madrid, the effects can be serious.
No Fracking in NAPA...and it's been rocked with dozens of earthquakes over the past few days.
some people will just buy into anything. Fracking is now going to tear the earth apart evidently. I mean isn't that what Daryl Hannah that actress is telling us?

I wish everyone just stop and think for themselves but some needs to be led around by the nose it seems

these climate progress sites are, SALON and THINKPROGRESS

and get that title, FRACK HAPPY? you can bet some climate expert would speak like that

It's just the Prog script. Denounce anything that people Like or Need as EVUL...and then TAX it.
No Fracking in NAPA...and it's been rocked with dozens of earthquakes over the past few days.
^^^ Certified Dumbass

Au contraire. Dumbasses are the ones who continually spew correlation into causation.

In the real world of Knowledge and Logic, the earth is made up of tectonic plates which periodically cause earthquakes.
No Fracking in NAPA...and it's been rocked with dozens of earthquakes over the past few days.
^^^ Certified Dumbass

Au contraire. Dumbasses are the ones who continually spew correlation into causation.

In the real world of Knowledge and Logic, the earth is made up of tectonic plates which periodically cause earthquakes.
Not in Oklahoma, dumbass.

Dumbass, you are beyond ignorant.

Learn something:

Oklahoma Earthquake Information
No Fracking in NAPA...and it's been rocked with dozens of earthquakes over the past few days.
^^^ Certified Dumbass

Au contraire. Dumbasses are the ones who continually spew correlation into causation.

In the real world of Knowledge and Logic, the earth is made up of tectonic plates which periodically cause earthquakes.

oh darn that's going to fly in one ear and right out the other
he's an expert didn't you know? p.t. Barnum nailed it right one
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Which is it? Hydraulic fracturing causing earthquakes, or Class II injections wells doing what they have been doing even back on those graphs when there wasn't any micro-seismic activity. Or haven't you actually thought about this yet, you just post....stuff.....?
Oh, the chart is wrong. I understand now.

No its called incomplete lacking data,not comprehensive.
No Fracking in NAPA...and it's been rocked with dozens of earthquakes over the past few days.
^^^ Certified Dumbass

Au contraire. Dumbasses are the ones who continually spew correlation into causation.

In the real world of Knowledge and Logic, the earth is made up of tectonic plates which periodically cause earthquakes.
Not in Oklahoma, dumbass.

Dumbass, you are beyond ignorant.

Learn something:

Oklahoma Earthquake Information
Then Oklahoma should have a history of earthquakes. It doesn't.


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