Frack-happy Oklahoma rocked by 20 earthquakes in just one day

Fracking causes earthquakes!!
Farting cows cause global warming!!
Exhaling is a green house gas!!!!
Oklahoma is the only one of our 57 states that fracks and is now experiencing these UNPRECEDENTED earthquakes?



Manmade global warming?
I'm so sorry you got here late, Francis. I already won this thread in post #12.

Maybe the new software will let you set up Alerts for when I create a thread!
Fracking causes earthquakes!!
Farting cows cause global warming!!
Exhaling is a green house gas!!!!
It's amazing how progress and scientific advancements further human knowledge, ain't it, Z?
Oklahoma is the only one of our 57 states that fracks and is now experiencing these UNPRECEDENTED earthquakes?



Manmade global warming?
I'm so sorry you got here late, Francis. I already won this thread in post #12.

Maybe the new software will let you set up Alerts for when I create a thread!

It must be so comforting for you to have a vivid fantasy life.
Bore-dicca has now moved on to the next Level of FAIL: The Huge Cut And Paste.
Oklahoma is the only one of our 57 states that fracks and is now experiencing these UNPRECEDENTED earthquakes?



Manmade global warming?
I'm so sorry you got here late, Francis. I already won this thread in post #12.

Maybe the new software will let you set up Alerts for when I create a thread!

It must be so comforting for you to have a vivid fantasy life.
You're the one arguing against a huge scientific consensus, because FoxNews.
Oklahoma is the only one of our 57 states that fracks and is now experiencing these UNPRECEDENTED earthquakes?



Manmade global warming?
I'm so sorry you got here late, Francis. I already won this thread in post #12.

Maybe the new software will let you set up Alerts for when I create a thread!

It must be so comforting for you to have a vivid fantasy life.
You're the one arguing against a huge scientific consensus, because FoxNews.

I triple dog dare you to find any mention by me of Fox News in relation to fracking and earthquakes.
You're the one arguing against a huge scientific consensus, because FoxNews.

I triple dog dare you to find any mention by me of Fox News in relation to fracking and earthquakes.
It's your immersion in FoxNews that compels you to say anything to defend the indefensible.

I have shown throughout this thread links to increased earthquakes in numerous states where they have introduced fracking.

The science has been settled, and I'm so sorry that you have once again bittery clung to the losing argument.
You're the one arguing against a huge scientific consensus, because FoxNews.

I triple dog dare you to find any mention by me of Fox News in relation to fracking and earthquakes.
It's your immersion in FoxNews that compels you to say anything to defend the indefensible.

I have shown throughout this thread links to increased earthquakes in numerous states where they have introduced fracking.

The science has been settled, and I'm so sorry that you have once again bittery clung to the losing argument.

That just goes to show how ignorant you are. I rarely watch Fox News...I bet you watch it more than I do.

Having lived in CA most of my life, I understand what causes earthquakes, and that they can happen anywhere in the world where tectonic plates have created fault lines. Oklahoma is not immune to this phenom; and provided information regarding past earthquakes there.

You are the bitter clinger to your bogus anti-fracking (anti-humans having affordable energy) religion.
Fracking causes earthquakes!!
Farting cows cause global warming!!
Exhaling is a green house gas!!!!
It's amazing how progress and scientific advancements further human knowledge, ain't it, Z?

Oklahoma has a long history of seismic activity that predates fracking. Do I need to remind you that "Correlation is not causation"? You seem to have forgotten...
Fracking causes earthquakes!!
Farting cows cause global warming!!
Exhaling is a green house gas!!!!
It's amazing how progress and scientific advancements further human knowledge, ain't it, Z?
yeah but, it hasn't advanced the brain enough as we see people can still be we have "GLOBULL warming" and then when it wasn't warming anymore or fast enough for them they had find a new name... so they came up with of ALL things the planet does naturally, climate change... and some of you still suck it right up as if OMG OMG OMG the CLIMATE IS a few weeks it will be fall, then after that it will be winterwonderland and the brainwashed can make a snowman of Al Gore their dear,
You're the one arguing against a huge scientific consensus, because FoxNews.

I triple dog dare you to find any mention by me of Fox News in relation to fracking and earthquakes.
It's your immersion in FoxNews that compels you to say anything to defend the indefensible.

I have shown throughout this thread links to increased earthquakes in numerous states where they have introduced fracking.

The science has been settled, and I'm so sorry that you have once again bittery clung to the losing argument.

How many people have these earthquakes killed or injured?

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