Framing Israel for the War

booboo is right----while Israel should have complete control over its own borders----the ONLY people
who should control the Gazans is EGYPT Egypt is remiss------it ADBANDONED GAZA. Egypt
should be FORCED to take full responsibility for Gaza

Wrong again ONLY PALESTINIANS should control GAZA....get it RIGHT:mad:....and to the 1967 Borders

LOL for 1700 years the ONLY PALESTINIANS in the entire world ----
were JEWS ------- In 1960-----the scum that TODAY call themselves "Palestinians" ---
were not "Palestinians" and even those scum claimed that the "1967 borders" ----
did not exist---------you scum have a problem with consistent history. Over many years----
of elliciting "history" -----I have learned---the way to detect lies is ---not at all difficult-----liars
are inconsistent. I worked in an interesting field-----I depended on the story that people
told me and my own ability to detect FILTHY LYING SCUM
Not so fast! I want to know why he's a "...classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!"

I think you owe us all an explanation, as to how you came to that conclusion.

What is that based on?

You must have a reason why you're calling him that? Well, what is that reason?

As sure as the sun rises in the morning, Billy shows up to defend another two-bit anti-Semite. Billy is too dense to realize that many of the posters and also viewews can pick out the two-bit anti-Semites just from the nonsense they post.

Now that you slithered onto the Middle East forum, Billy, how about giving us some news from one or two of the Arab Middle East countries? Surely you must be keeping up with the entire region so that you can report back to us what is happening there.

How you equate what YOU THINK Billy is,IS MERELY YOUR FRACTURED OPINION.....I like the lady...I REPEAT :eusa_angel: Billy,she elucidates everything she says properly,truthfully and with candour........she could eat(and Drink)at my Table anytime.steve

Now that you slithered over to the Middle East forum, can you give us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? Surely such an "intelligent" fellow like you want us to believe you are is keeping track of what is happening there.

As far as Billy is concerned, he is just another losers who really cares nothing about the Arabs, but hates the Jews. Regarding various locations in the Middle East, the two-bit anti-Semite Billy has nothing to say about what is happening to his fellow Catholics no matter how many of them are being mistreated and/or killed. Perhaps you can help him out with this, and then he will invite you to his favorite bar in Long Beach (since you just mentioned he can drink at your table) where he will find a stool right next to his regular one, and you both can complain about those "lousy" Jews. Little Stevie still thinks he is fooling people.
booboo is right----while Israel should have complete control over its own borders----the ONLY people
who should control the Gazans is EGYPT Egypt is remiss------it ADBANDONED GAZA. Egypt
should be FORCED to take full responsibility for Gaza

Wrong again ONLY PALESTINIANS should control GAZA....get it RIGHT:mad:....and to the 1967 Borders

LOL for 1700 years the ONLY PALESTINIANS in the entire world ----
were JEWS ------- In 1960-----the scum that TODAY call themselves "Palestinians" ---
were not "Palestinians" and even those scum claimed that the "1967 borders" ----
did not exist---------you scum have a problem with consistent history. Over many years----
of elliciting "history" -----I have learned---the way to detect lies is ---not at all difficult-----liars
are inconsistent. I worked in an interesting field-----I depended on the story that people
told me and my own ability to detect FILTHY LYING SCUM

Your stupid IGNORANCE of all things Palestinian is only bettered by your inane filthy mouth.........which never are imbued with Zionist HATRED.Why don't you :eusa_silenced: for a change and let the more intelligent posters continue this debate
it is interesting, it does not appear that even israel believes that Hamas kidnapped the teens anymore.
I know you're mentally challenged, but if you're going to lie, at least make it believable :lol:

Why is it that you accuse Israel and Israelis of LITERALLY EXACTLY what Muslim states and Muslims are guilty of?
I'm guessing you're using the well know Muslim tactic of taking attention off Muslim atrocities by lying about Israel.
You need to work on your Taqiya Sunni Troll :cool:

Mr. Cuckoo Troll is just practicing his Turnspeak.

A technique of propaganda called "turnspeak"
Shut up stupid...... :cool:

Most of us would like to - but you keep on posting.
As sure as the sun rises in the morning, Billy shows up to defend another two-bit anti-Semite. Billy is too dense to realize that many of the posters and also viewews can pick out the two-bit anti-Semites just from the nonsense they post.

Now that you slithered onto the Middle East forum, Billy, how about giving us some news from one or two of the Arab Middle East countries? Surely you must be keeping up with the entire region so that you can report back to us what is happening there.

How you equate what YOU THINK Billy is,IS MERELY YOUR FRACTURED OPINION.....I like the lady...I REPEAT :eusa_angel: Billy,she elucidates everything she says properly,truthfully and with candour........she could eat(and Drink)at my Table anytime.steve

Now that you slithered over to the Middle East forum, can you give us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? Surely such an "intelligent" fellow like you want us to believe you are is keeping track of what is happening there.

As far as Billy is concerned, he is just another losers who really cares nothing about the Arabs, but hates the Jews. Regarding various locations in the Middle East, the two-bit anti-Semite Billy has nothing to say about what is happening to his fellow Catholics no matter how many of them are being mistreated and/or killed. Perhaps you can help him out with this, and then he will invite you to his favorite bar in Long Beach (since you just mentioned he can drink at your table) where he will find a stool right next to his regular one, and you both can complain about those "lousy" Jews. Little Stevie still thinks he is fooling people.

I don't attempt to fool anyone,my opinion about Syria which I have mentioned before is that I think the ruling party are War Criminals and hopefully justice will be melted out to them in to the Israeli Murderers....but the Syrian Government are backed by Russia......and the Opposition are backed by others, the problem with Russia is that they don't want this type of situation to spread to it's Muslim states......America are in an awkward situation because there is no definable opposistion sic and are concerned that a fundamentalist regime in Syria(like Iraq,Afghanistan)will take government.....but primarily it is a civil war against an entrenched corrupt and vile government.

And what I dislike about you is that you think you can speak for arrogant little Zionist.......Mistake YOU CAN'T because you are nothing but a revolting prissy little Zionist...Fool when have I every stated "LOUSY JEWS"??????? Yeah there are plenty of Jews I'd eat with....BUT YOU AIN'T ONE OF are too FRACTURED in Zionist Bullshit.....ZIONISM=HATE.....AND THEY HATE OTHER JEWS

NO ONE is framing Israel..........they have done that themselves......and shown their Cruelty......Figures don't this latest incursion!!!!!!!!!!..Palestinians slaughtered 1200(mostly innocent women,children and babies) Israeli deaths 47(mainly the IDF) see,so much for targeted Israeli response....but hey the Illegal Building on Palestinian Land continues
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How you equate what YOU THINK Billy is,IS MERELY YOUR FRACTURED OPINION.....I like the lady...I REPEAT :eusa_angel: Billy,she elucidates everything she says properly,truthfully and with candour........she could eat(and Drink)at my Table anytime.steve

Now that you slithered over to the Middle East forum, can you give us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? Surely such an "intelligent" fellow like you want us to believe you are is keeping track of what is happening there.

As far as Billy is concerned, he is just another losers who really cares nothing about the Arabs, but hates the Jews. Regarding various locations in the Middle East, the two-bit anti-Semite Billy has nothing to say about what is happening to his fellow Catholics no matter how many of them are being mistreated and/or killed. Perhaps you can help him out with this, and then he will invite you to his favorite bar in Long Beach (since you just mentioned he can drink at your table) where he will find a stool right next to his regular one, and you both can complain about those "lousy" Jews. Little Stevie still thinks he is fooling people.

I don't attempt to fool anyone,my opinion about Syria which I have mentioned before is that I think the ruling party are War Criminals and hopefully justice will be melted out to them in to the Israeli Murderers....but the Syrian Government are backed by Russia......and the Opposition are backed by others the problem with Russia is that they don't want this type of situation to spread to it's Muslim states......America are in an awkward situation because their is no definable opposistion sic and are concerned that a fundamentalist regime in Syria(like Iraq,Afghanistan)will take government.....but primarily it is a civil war against an entrenched corrupt and vile government.

And what I dislike about you is that you think you can speak for arrogant little Zionist.......Mistake YOU CAN'T because you are nothing but a revolting prissy little Zionist...Fool when have I every stated "LOUSY JEWS"??????? Yeah there are plenty of Jews I'd eat with....BUT YOU AIN'T ONE OF THEM:D

And you are an arrogant little man who was always telling the readers that you are the greatest when you are a nothing. Do you honestly think that I would even want to stand next to you, you big phony. You make me nauseous.

Strange how so many have crawled out of the woodwork when something is going on with Israel and the Arabs, but they didn't think it important enough to come to the Middle East forum and tell about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. Evidently they really care nothing about what is happening in other Middle East countries. Their main purpose here is saying something about Israel -- no matter how many thousands have died in the other Middle East countries.
Now that you slithered over to the Middle East forum, can you give us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? Surely such an "intelligent" fellow like you want us to believe you are is keeping track of what is happening there.

As far as Billy is concerned, he is just another losers who really cares nothing about the Arabs, but hates the Jews. Regarding various locations in the Middle East, the two-bit anti-Semite Billy has nothing to say about what is happening to his fellow Catholics no matter how many of them are being mistreated and/or killed. Perhaps you can help him out with this, and then he will invite you to his favorite bar in Long Beach (since you just mentioned he can drink at your table) where he will find a stool right next to his regular one, and you both can complain about those "lousy" Jews. Little Stevie still thinks he is fooling people.

I don't attempt to fool anyone,my opinion about Syria which I have mentioned before is that I think the ruling party are War Criminals and hopefully justice will be melted out to them in to the Israeli Murderers....but the Syrian Government are backed by Russia......and the Opposition are backed by others the problem with Russia is that they don't want this type of situation to spread to it's Muslim states......America are in an awkward situation because their is no definable opposistion sic and are concerned that a fundamentalist regime in Syria(like Iraq,Afghanistan)will take government.....but primarily it is a civil war against an entrenched corrupt and vile government.

And what I dislike about you is that you think you can speak for arrogant little Zionist.......Mistake YOU CAN'T because you are nothing but a revolting prissy little Zionist...Fool when have I every stated "LOUSY JEWS"??????? Yeah there are plenty of Jews I'd eat with....BUT YOU AIN'T ONE OF THEM:D

And you are an arrogant little man who was always telling the readers that you are the greatest when you are a nothing. Do you honestly think that I would even want to stand next to you, you big phony. You make me nauseous.

Strange how so many have crawled out of the woodwork when something is going on with Israel and the Arabs, but they didn't think it important enough to come to the Middle East forum and tell about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. Evidently they really care nothing about what is happening in other Middle East countries. Their main purpose here is saying something about Israel -- no matter how many thousands have died in the other Middle East countries.

You really are an IDIOT.....for the Zionist Troll Old SAL......In the Book of Revelations Chapters 1&2 verses 9 in both chapters it tells the real facts of the story..Be VERY CAREFUL WITH THE TERM JEW.

"Those who say they are Jews but are not,belong to the Synagogue of Satan".

The fact is European Jews are Ashkenazim "Jews" and originate between the Black and Caspian Seas.THEY ARE NOT,REPEAT "NOT" SEMITES......FACT.


Whereas the Sephardi JEWS of the Middle East and PALESTINIANS are Semites..FACT

So DIFFERENTIATE when the smear/guilt trip term "ANTI-SEMITISM" is used LOVINGLY by ZIONIST who mistakenly use this term adnausium.......In fact the true Jews oppose the ZIONIST STATE as BLASPHEMY..FACT

The abhorrent aspect is the deceit which these ZIONIST TERRORISTS perpetuate-vilification,guilt,religious untruths,character assassination and WORSE to achieve their corrupt and immoral ends.


I'm expertise in Israelite history shows how low these Zionists are and complete Bullshit artists.

WHAT SORT OF JEW ARE YOU SALLY or are you just a wannabee wandering ZIONIST TERRORIST and NOT A TRUE JEW AT ALL?????????????Yeah go check up in your ZIONIST MANTRA.

The only thing that has slithered onto this thread is YOU...........and your IDIOCY
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I don't attempt to fool anyone,my opinion about Syria which I have mentioned before is that I think the ruling party are War Criminals and hopefully justice will be melted out to them in to the Israeli Murderers....but the Syrian Government are backed by Russia......and the Opposition are backed by others the problem with Russia is that they don't want this type of situation to spread to it's Muslim states......America are in an awkward situation because their is no definable opposistion sic and are concerned that a fundamentalist regime in Syria(like Iraq,Afghanistan)will take government.....but primarily it is a civil war against an entrenched corrupt and vile government.

And what I dislike about you is that you think you can speak for arrogant little Zionist.......Mistake YOU CAN'T because you are nothing but a revolting prissy little Zionist...Fool when have I every stated "LOUSY JEWS"??????? Yeah there are plenty of Jews I'd eat with....BUT YOU AIN'T ONE OF THEM:D

And you are an arrogant little man who was always telling the readers that you are the greatest when you are a nothing. Do you honestly think that I would even want to stand next to you, you big phony. You make me nauseous.

Strange how so many have crawled out of the woodwork when something is going on with Israel and the Arabs, but they didn't think it important enough to come to the Middle East forum and tell about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. Evidently they really care nothing about what is happening in other Middle East countries. Their main purpose here is saying something about Israel -- no matter how many thousands have died in the other Middle East countries.

You really are an IDIOT.....for the Zionist Troll Old SAL......In the Book of Revelations Chapters 1&2 verses 9 in both chapters it tells the real facts of the story..Be VERY CAREFUL WITH THE TERM JEW.

"Those who say they are Jews but are not,belong to the Synagogue of Satan".

The fact is European Jews are Ashkenazim "Jews" and originate between the Black and Caspian Seas.THEY ARE NOT,REPEAT "NOT" SEMITES......FACT.


Whereas the Sephardi JEWS of the Middle East and PALESTINIANS are Semites..FACT

So DIFFERENTIATE when the smear/guilt trip term "ANTI-SEMITISM" is used LOVINGLY by ZIONIST who mistakenly use this term adnausium.......In fact the true Jews oppose the ZIONIST STATE as BLASPHEMY..FACT

The abhorrent aspect is the deceit which these ZIONIST TERRORISTS perpetuate-vilification,guilt,religious untruths,character assassination and WORSE to achieve their corrupt and immoral ends.


I'm expertise in Israelite history shows how low these Zionists are and complete Bullshit artists.

WHAT SORT OF JEW ARE YOU SALLY or are you just a wannabee wandering ZIONIST TERRORIST and NOT A TRUE JEW AT ALL?????????????Yeah go check up in your ZIONIST MANTRA.

The only thing that has slithered onto this thread is YOU...........and your IDIOCY

Oh look who felt he had to slither back on here. Nothing to say about the Middle East, but it is always ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS for him as if Zionist is a dirty word. There are even Hindus and Buddhists who would disagree with him. When they give him a pass to get out, I hope he spends his time on some major street in Australia wearing a sandwish board that says ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS ARE THE WORSE and then shouts to the passerbys: I AM THE GREATEST -- which he thinks he is. This way he will feel he has accomplished something before they lock him up again.
And you are an arrogant little man who was always telling the readers that you are the greatest when you are a nothing. Do you honestly think that I would even want to stand next to you, you big phony. You make me nauseous.

Strange how so many have crawled out of the woodwork when something is going on with Israel and the Arabs, but they didn't think it important enough to come to the Middle East forum and tell about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. Evidently they really care nothing about what is happening in other Middle East countries. Their main purpose here is saying something about Israel -- no matter how many thousands have died in the other Middle East countries.

You really are an IDIOT.....for the Zionist Troll Old SAL......In the Book of Revelations Chapters 1&2 verses 9 in both chapters it tells the real facts of the story..Be VERY CAREFUL WITH THE TERM JEW.

"Those who say they are Jews but are not,belong to the Synagogue of Satan".

The fact is European Jews are Ashkenazim "Jews" and originate between the Black and Caspian Seas.THEY ARE NOT,REPEAT "NOT" SEMITES......FACT.


Whereas the Sephardi JEWS of the Middle East and PALESTINIANS are Semites..FACT

So DIFFERENTIATE when the smear/guilt trip term "ANTI-SEMITISM" is used LOVINGLY by ZIONIST who mistakenly use this term adnausium.......In fact the true Jews oppose the ZIONIST STATE as BLASPHEMY..FACT

The abhorrent aspect is the deceit which these ZIONIST TERRORISTS perpetuate-vilification,guilt,religious untruths,character assassination and WORSE to achieve their corrupt and immoral ends.


I'm expertise in Israelite history shows how low these Zionists are and complete Bullshit artists.

WHAT SORT OF JEW ARE YOU SALLY or are you just a wannabee wandering ZIONIST TERRORIST and NOT A TRUE JEW AT ALL?????????????Yeah go check up in your ZIONIST MANTRA.

The only thing that has slithered onto this thread is YOU...........and your IDIOCY

Oh look who felt he had to slither back on here. Nothing to say about the Middle East, but it is always ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS for him as if Zionist is a dirty word. There are even Hindus and Buddhists who would disagree with him. When they give him a pass to get out, I hope he spends his time on some major street in Australia wearing a sandwish board that says ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS ARE THE WORSE and then shouts to the passerbys: I AM THE GREATEST -- which he thinks he is. This way he will feel he has accomplished something before they lock him up again.

I win yet again foul mouth,so ZIONIST......who are you.......Semitic like the Sephardi and Palestinians........or a WANNABEE didn't mention to my EXCELLENT ACCURATE POST:D
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And you are an arrogant little man who was always telling the readers that you are the greatest when you are a nothing. Do you honestly think that I would even want to stand next to you, you big phony. You make me nauseous.

Strange how so many have crawled out of the woodwork when something is going on with Israel and the Arabs, but they didn't think it important enough to come to the Middle East forum and tell about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. Evidently they really care nothing about what is happening in other Middle East countries. Their main purpose here is saying something about Israel -- no matter how many thousands have died in the other Middle East countries.

You really are an IDIOT.....for the Zionist Troll Old SAL......In the Book of Revelations Chapters 1&2 verses 9 in both chapters it tells the real facts of the story..Be VERY CAREFUL WITH THE TERM JEW.

"Those who say they are Jews but are not,belong to the Synagogue of Satan".

The fact is European Jews are Ashkenazim "Jews" and originate between the Black and Caspian Seas.THEY ARE NOT,REPEAT "NOT" SEMITES......FACT.


Whereas the Sephardi JEWS of the Middle East and PALESTINIANS are Semites..FACT

So DIFFERENTIATE when the smear/guilt trip term "ANTI-SEMITISM" is used LOVINGLY by ZIONIST who mistakenly use this term adnausium.......In fact the true Jews oppose the ZIONIST STATE as BLASPHEMY..FACT

The abhorrent aspect is the deceit which these ZIONIST TERRORISTS perpetuate-vilification,guilt,religious untruths,character assassination and WORSE to achieve their corrupt and immoral ends.


I'm expertise in Israelite history shows how low these Zionists are and complete Bullshit artists.

WHAT SORT OF JEW ARE YOU SALLY or are you just a wannabee wandering ZIONIST TERRORIST and NOT A TRUE JEW AT ALL?????????????Yeah go check up in your ZIONIST MANTRA.

The only thing that has slithered onto this thread is YOU...........and your IDIOCY

Oh look who felt he had to slither back on here. Nothing to say about the Middle East, but it is always ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS for him as if Zionist is a dirty word. There are even Hindus and Buddhists who would disagree with him. When they give him a pass to get out, I hope he spends his time on some major street in Australia wearing a sandwish board that says ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS ARE THE WORSE and then shouts to the passerbys: I AM THE GREATEST -- which he thinks he is. This way he will feel he has accomplished something before they lock him up again.

No,No Old Sally ......... The board would say "ZIONIST,ZIONIST TERRORIST,WHERE YOU GONNA RUN TO<>WHERE YOU GONNA HIDE":D....ZIONIST/ISM by the way is a TERRORIST the world knows.
As sure as the sun rises in the morning, Billy shows up to defend another two-bit anti-Semite. Billy is too dense to realize that many of the posters and also viewews can pick out the two-bit anti-Semites just from the nonsense they post.

Now that you slithered onto the Middle East forum, Billy, how about giving us some news from one or two of the Arab Middle East countries? Surely you must be keeping up with the entire region so that you can report back to us what is happening there.
You made an accusation, you owe everyone an answer.
How you equate what YOU THINK Billy is,IS MERELY YOUR FRACTURED OPINION.....I like the lady...I REPEAT :eusa_angel: Billy,she elucidates everything she says properly,truthfully and with candour........she could eat(and Drink)at my Table anytime.steve
She can do everything but explain it.
You really are an IDIOT.....for the Zionist Troll Old SAL......In the Book of Revelations Chapters 1&2 verses 9 in both chapters it tells the real facts of the story..Be VERY CAREFUL WITH THE TERM JEW.

"Those who say they are Jews but are not,belong to the Synagogue of Satan".

The fact is European Jews are Ashkenazim "Jews" and originate between the Black and Caspian Seas.THEY ARE NOT,REPEAT "NOT" SEMITES......FACT.


Whereas the Sephardi JEWS of the Middle East and PALESTINIANS are Semites..FACT

So DIFFERENTIATE when the smear/guilt trip term "ANTI-SEMITISM" is used LOVINGLY by ZIONIST who mistakenly use this term adnausium.......In fact the true Jews oppose the ZIONIST STATE as BLASPHEMY..FACT

The abhorrent aspect is the deceit which these ZIONIST TERRORISTS perpetuate-vilification,guilt,religious untruths,character assassination and WORSE to achieve their corrupt and immoral ends.


I'm expertise in Israelite history shows how low these Zionists are and complete Bullshit artists.

WHAT SORT OF JEW ARE YOU SALLY or are you just a wannabee wandering ZIONIST TERRORIST and NOT A TRUE JEW AT ALL?????????????Yeah go check up in your ZIONIST MANTRA.

The only thing that has slithered onto this thread is YOU...........and your IDIOCY

Oh look who felt he had to slither back on here. Nothing to say about the Middle East, but it is always ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS for him as if Zionist is a dirty word. There are even Hindus and Buddhists who would disagree with him. When they give him a pass to get out, I hope he spends his time on some major street in Australia wearing a sandwish board that says ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS ARE THE WORSE and then shouts to the passerbys: I AM THE GREATEST -- which he thinks he is. This way he will feel he has accomplished something before they lock him up again.

I win yet again foul mouth,so ZIONIST......who are you.......Semitic like the Sephardi and Palestinians........or a WANNABEE didn't mention to my EXCELLENT ACCURATE POST:D

Little Stevie wants us to believe that he is a well-known geneticist who specializes in the Jews. This is such a popular subject on the NeoNazi/islamofasicst hate sites -- just who is a Jew. Meanwhile, Little Stevie should contact the site where he got his information and tell them that the Middle East Jews also include the Mizrahis. The Mizrahis and even the Sephardic Jews in the Middle East don't speak Ladino like the Jews who moved to Greece and Rhodes during the Inquisition. You mean to tell us, Little Stevie, that you know Jews and never met a Jew with the last name of Mizrahi? You probably have never met a Jew who speaks Ladino. Has anyone seen me using vulgar language like so many of those who have the same mind set as Little Stevie. Tell your nurse that you are having delusions again.
Oh look who felt he had to slither back on here. Nothing to say about the Middle East, but it is always ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS for him as if Zionist is a dirty word. There are even Hindus and Buddhists who would disagree with him. When they give him a pass to get out, I hope he spends his time on some major street in Australia wearing a sandwish board that says ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS ARE THE WORSE and then shouts to the passerbys: I AM THE GREATEST -- which he thinks he is. This way he will feel he has accomplished something before they lock him up again.

I win yet again foul mouth,so ZIONIST......who are you.......Semitic like the Sephardi and Palestinians........or a WANNABEE didn't mention to my EXCELLENT ACCURATE POST:D

Little Stevie wants us to believe that he is a well-known geneticist who specializes in the Jews. This is such a popular subject on the NeoNazi/islamofasicst hate sites -- just who is a Jew. Meanwhile, Little Stevie should contact the site where he got his information and tell them that the Middle East Jews also include the Mizrahis. The Mizrahis and even the Sephardic Jews in the Middle East don't speak Ladino like the Jews who moved to Greece and Rhodes during the Inquisition. You mean to tell us, Little Stevie, that you know Jews and never met a Jew with the last name of Mizrahi? You probably have never met a Jew who speaks Ladino. Has anyone seen me using vulgar language like so many of those who have the same mind set as Little Stevie. Tell your nurse that you are having delusions again.

I Win yet again.........poor sal where can she run to now the truth has slammed into her .........yep nowhere:D
I win yet again foul mouth,so ZIONIST......who are you.......Semitic like the Sephardi and Palestinians........or a WANNABEE didn't mention to my EXCELLENT ACCURATE POST:D

Little Stevie wants us to believe that he is a well-known geneticist who specializes in the Jews. This is such a popular subject on the NeoNazi/islamofasicst hate sites -- just who is a Jew. Meanwhile, Little Stevie should contact the site where he got his information and tell them that the Middle East Jews also include the Mizrahis. The Mizrahis and even the Sephardic Jews in the Middle East don't speak Ladino like the Jews who moved to Greece and Rhodes during the Inquisition. You mean to tell us, Little Stevie, that you know Jews and never met a Jew with the last name of Mizrahi? You probably have never met a Jew who speaks Ladino. Has anyone seen me using vulgar language like so many of those who have the same mind set as Little Stevie. Tell your nurse that you are having delusions again.

I Win yet again.........poor sal where can she run to now the truth has slammed into her .........yep nowhere:D

Little Stevie is of the opinion he is the 'GREATEST." His mentally unbalanced mind thinks that the NeoNaziIslamofascist hate sites have the best geneticists in the world onboard. Go tell the nurse in the institution you are in. Little Stevie, that you are the missing link and to call in these geneticists to test you.
There are anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:

Lets see now, time for a history lesson.

Back in 1929 the Palestinian arab muslims attacked and murdered Jews in Hebron on the orders of the grand mufti. Then the same Palestinian arab muslims started a civil war in Palestine designed to wipe out all the Jews so they could steal all the land. The Palestinian arab muslims employed terrorism against civilians to force the mandate power to give in to Palestinian arab muslim demands. Fast forward to 1947 and the UN partition plan where the whole of the arab league denied the plan and stated that they would wipe out the Jews in the M.E. if they were not given all the land.

With me so far on the truth of the situation how it is arab nationalism that is the real bad guy and instigating the violence and wars.

On May 14 the Jews declared independence and the arab league attacked attempting to wipe out the Jews. The problem being that the arab league was unable to consolidate its troops and once Jordan had achieved its aims of annexing the west bank and Jerusalem it withdrew from the war leaving the rest of the arab muslims to face defeat at the hands of Israel. The arab league denied the Palestinian arab muslims the right to declare independence on the land allocated to them by the LoN/U.N. and so lost the chance of having a fifth new nation in the M.E. 1967 and the arab armies decided to try again and massed troops on the borders of Israel ready to invade, but Israel pre empted the attack by going after Egyptian and Syrian troops on the ground and having them run like rabbits, At the same time they asked that Jordan stay out of the fight as they did not have any problems with them, Jordan refused so Israel was forced to counter attack and drive the Jordanian forces back across the river. This left Israel with the hostile west bank, hostile gaza strip and the Sinai to police. 1973 and the arabs tried again to destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews and once again failed. Then in 1974 Israel signed a peace deal with Egypt and handed back all the land occupied during the 1967 war, including the gaza strip. Egypt refused to take control of the gaza strip and gave it back to Israel. Then in 1994 Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan and handed back control of all the land occupied in the 1967 war excluding Jerusalem, Jordan accepted all but the west bank and Jerusalem and handed control back to Israel.

Tells a story when the arab muslims don't want anything to do with the Palestinians doesn't it.

Since 1967 the arab muslim Palestinians have engaged in war, violence, terrorism and child murder against the Israeli civilians and children. They have mass murdered Israeli children until the Israelis erected the separation barrier that brought a halt to the majority of the terrorist attacks. The Palestinians complained to the UN about the separation barrier stopping them from carrying out suicide bombings and planting IED's targeting Israeli children

Now after facing 1400 years of constant attacks from the muslims because one tribe refused to lay down and worship the child rapist prophet the Jews are defending against the attacks with superior force and superior weapons. The Palestinians have brought it all on themselves for refusing to talk peace for the last 66 years.
Jews saying Palestinians are "free" is like saying a fish in a fish bowl is free because you are not occupying its water space. You control it's borders, who comes and goes, what gets shipped in or out, the ports. I don't think I could stand being under Israeli occupation. I'm starting to see the Palestinian's side of this. So be careful Jews. Our support isn't a guarantee.

Correct that is a LEGAL BLOCKADE to control the smuggling of weapons. You are aware that gaza gets more food, water, gas and electricity per head than the Israeli's do I take it. That the UN gives each gaza more money to live on than the US gives its unemployed. That US tax dollars are spent on terror weapons used to kill Israeli children and US citizens. This is what you are supporting.
According to Thrall, it was not the kidnapping of three Israeli teens or the daily barrages of rockets threatening millions of Israeli civilians that brought about this war. Rather, it was the fact that Israel refused to accept the Palestinian unity government that included Hamas.
Mr. Thrall is 100% correct .... :cool:

BULLSHIT the only reason for the recent war was the Palestinians following of the Islamic religion that commands them to " KILL THE JEWS ". Which they try ever so hard to carry out and fail every time. One day they will suddenly realise they are incapable of any chance of winning

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