Framing Israel for the War

Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:

Are you an Obergefrieter in the dirlwanger brigade by any chance, as you spout all the same ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED they did
For ***** SUPPORT THE FILTH OF SHARIAH ***** go to the I/P board

repeat after me MAWT AL YAHUD
There are anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:

Lets see now, time for a history lesson.

Back in 1929 the Palestinian arab muslims attacked and murdered Jews in Hebron on the orders of the grand mufti. Then the same Palestinian arab muslims started a civil war in Palestine designed to wipe out all the Jews so they could steal all the land. The Palestinian arab muslims employed terrorism against civilians to force the mandate power to give in to Palestinian arab muslim demands. Fast forward to 1947 and the UN partition plan where the whole of the arab league denied the plan and stated that they would wipe out the Jews in the M.E. if they were not given all the land.

With me so far on the truth of the situation how it is arab nationalism that is the real bad guy and instigating the violence and wars.

On May 14 the Jews declared independence and the arab league attacked attempting to wipe out the Jews. The problem being that the arab league was unable to consolidate its troops and once Jordan had achieved its aims of annexing the west bank and Jerusalem it withdrew from the war leaving the rest of the arab muslims to face defeat at the hands of Israel. The arab league denied the Palestinian arab muslims the right to declare independence on the land allocated to them by the LoN/U.N. and so lost the chance of having a fifth new nation in the M.E. 1967 and the arab armies decided to try again and massed troops on the borders of Israel ready to invade, but Israel pre empted the attack by going after Egyptian and Syrian troops on the ground and having them run like rabbits, At the same time they asked that Jordan stay out of the fight as they did not have any problems with them, Jordan refused so Israel was forced to counter attack and drive the Jordanian forces back across the river. This left Israel with the hostile west bank, hostile gaza strip and the Sinai to police. 1973 and the arabs tried again to destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews and once again failed. Then in 1974 Israel signed a peace deal with Egypt and handed back all the land occupied during the 1967 war, including the gaza strip. Egypt refused to take control of the gaza strip and gave it back to Israel. Then in 1994 Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan and handed back control of all the land occupied in the 1967 war excluding Jerusalem, Jordan accepted all but the west bank and Jerusalem and handed control back to Israel.

Tells a story when the arab muslims don't want anything to do with the Palestinians doesn't it.

Since 1967 the arab muslim Palestinians have engaged in war, violence, terrorism and child murder against the Israeli civilians and children. They have mass murdered Israeli children until the Israelis erected the separation barrier that brought a halt to the majority of the terrorist attacks. The Palestinians complained to the UN about the separation barrier stopping them from carrying out suicide bombings and planting IED's targeting Israeli children

Now after facing 1400 years of constant attacks from the muslims because one tribe refused to lay down and worship the child rapist prophet the Jews are defending against the attacks with superior force and superior weapons. The Palestinians have brought it all on themselves for refusing to talk peace for the last 66 years.


So Inaccurate......I'll only bother to answer one....In the 20's Illegal Jewish Immigrants entered Palestine......Wrought Terrorism on the local population,later Razed Palestinian towns and villages......murdered Palestinians and Exiled them for their land.

These were not Jews of Palestine who had lived in harmony..NO they were NON-SEMITIC Jews.......who through VIOLENCE and MURDER obtained Palestinians Land.FACT

They were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS..get your facts right ......theliq..Why seriously,would anyone talk peace to those who had stolen their land,Killed their People and driven them out of Palestine.....but had NO intention of giving it back,infact telling their children that NO ONE lived on this land.......Do me a favour and stop talking complete shit.
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I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:

Lets see now, time for a history lesson.

Back in 1929 the Palestinian arab muslims attacked and murdered Jews in Hebron on the orders of the grand mufti. Then the same Palestinian arab muslims started a civil war in Palestine designed to wipe out all the Jews so they could steal all the land. The Palestinian arab muslims employed terrorism against civilians to force the mandate power to give in to Palestinian arab muslim demands. Fast forward to 1947 and the UN partition plan where the whole of the arab league denied the plan and stated that they would wipe out the Jews in the M.E. if they were not given all the land.

With me so far on the truth of the situation how it is arab nationalism that is the real bad guy and instigating the violence and wars.

On May 14 the Jews declared independence and the arab league attacked attempting to wipe out the Jews. The problem being that the arab league was unable to consolidate its troops and once Jordan had achieved its aims of annexing the west bank and Jerusalem it withdrew from the war leaving the rest of the arab muslims to face defeat at the hands of Israel. The arab league denied the Palestinian arab muslims the right to declare independence on the land allocated to them by the LoN/U.N. and so lost the chance of having a fifth new nation in the M.E. 1967 and the arab armies decided to try again and massed troops on the borders of Israel ready to invade, but Israel pre empted the attack by going after Egyptian and Syrian troops on the ground and having them run like rabbits, At the same time they asked that Jordan stay out of the fight as they did not have any problems with them, Jordan refused so Israel was forced to counter attack and drive the Jordanian forces back across the river. This left Israel with the hostile west bank, hostile gaza strip and the Sinai to police. 1973 and the arabs tried again to destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews and once again failed. Then in 1974 Israel signed a peace deal with Egypt and handed back all the land occupied during the 1967 war, including the gaza strip. Egypt refused to take control of the gaza strip and gave it back to Israel. Then in 1994 Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan and handed back control of all the land occupied in the 1967 war excluding Jerusalem, Jordan accepted all but the west bank and Jerusalem and handed control back to Israel.

Tells a story when the arab muslims don't want anything to do with the Palestinians doesn't it.

Since 1967 the arab muslim Palestinians have engaged in war, violence, terrorism and child murder against the Israeli civilians and children. They have mass murdered Israeli children until the Israelis erected the separation barrier that brought a halt to the majority of the terrorist attacks. The Palestinians complained to the UN about the separation barrier stopping them from carrying out suicide bombings and planting IED's targeting Israeli children

Now after facing 1400 years of constant attacks from the muslims because one tribe refused to lay down and worship the child rapist prophet the Jews are defending against the attacks with superior force and superior weapons. The Palestinians have brought it all on themselves for refusing to talk peace for the last 66 years.


So Inaccurate......I'll only bother to answer one....In the 20's Illegal Jewish Immigrants entered Palestine......Wrought Terrorism on the local population,later Razed Palestinian towns and villages......murdered Palestinians and Exiled them for their land.

These were not Jews of Palestine who had lived in harmony..NO they were NON-SEMITIC Jews.......who through VIOLENCE and MURDER obtained Palestinians Land.FACT

They were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS..get your facts right ......theliq..Why seriously,would anyone talk peace to those who had stolen their land,Killed their People and driven them out of Palestine.....but had NO intention of giving it back,infact telling their children that NO ONE lived on this land.......Do me a favour and stop talking complete shit.

Looks like Little Stevie gave them the slip once again at the mental institution. Since it is obvious that Little Stevie uses the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites, it is a waste of time reading all that he has posted. Probably he is cheering all his savage friends in the Mixddle East who are busy murdering people in the name of their religion since Little Stevie has never written anything at all about what is happening there, no matter how many Shiites and Christians are being murdered. He is obsessed with Israel because the Jews are involved, and that is the only reason he drags himself over to a Middle East forum. Does anyone really think he actually cares about the Arabs when he can't even say one word about what is happening to them in places like Iraq or Syria? I have a great idea for you, Little Stevie. Never time you give the nurses a slip, why not catch up with this guy. You and he would probably have a great time together.

Foul-Mouthed Australian Columnist Quits Over Israel Flap | HonestReporting
Lets see now, time for a history lesson.

Back in 1929 the Palestinian arab muslims attacked and murdered Jews in Hebron on the orders of the grand mufti. Then the same Palestinian arab muslims started a civil war in Palestine designed to wipe out all the Jews so they could steal all the land. The Palestinian arab muslims employed terrorism against civilians to force the mandate power to give in to Palestinian arab muslim demands. Fast forward to 1947 and the UN partition plan where the whole of the arab league denied the plan and stated that they would wipe out the Jews in the M.E. if they were not given all the land.

With me so far on the truth of the situation how it is arab nationalism that is the real bad guy and instigating the violence and wars.

On May 14 the Jews declared independence and the arab league attacked attempting to wipe out the Jews. The problem being that the arab league was unable to consolidate its troops and once Jordan had achieved its aims of annexing the west bank and Jerusalem it withdrew from the war leaving the rest of the arab muslims to face defeat at the hands of Israel. The arab league denied the Palestinian arab muslims the right to declare independence on the land allocated to them by the LoN/U.N. and so lost the chance of having a fifth new nation in the M.E. 1967 and the arab armies decided to try again and massed troops on the borders of Israel ready to invade, but Israel pre empted the attack by going after Egyptian and Syrian troops on the ground and having them run like rabbits, At the same time they asked that Jordan stay out of the fight as they did not have any problems with them, Jordan refused so Israel was forced to counter attack and drive the Jordanian forces back across the river. This left Israel with the hostile west bank, hostile gaza strip and the Sinai to police. 1973 and the arabs tried again to destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews and once again failed. Then in 1974 Israel signed a peace deal with Egypt and handed back all the land occupied during the 1967 war, including the gaza strip. Egypt refused to take control of the gaza strip and gave it back to Israel. Then in 1994 Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan and handed back control of all the land occupied in the 1967 war excluding Jerusalem, Jordan accepted all but the west bank and Jerusalem and handed control back to Israel.

Tells a story when the arab muslims don't want anything to do with the Palestinians doesn't it.

Since 1967 the arab muslim Palestinians have engaged in war, violence, terrorism and child murder against the Israeli civilians and children. They have mass murdered Israeli children until the Israelis erected the separation barrier that brought a halt to the majority of the terrorist attacks. The Palestinians complained to the UN about the separation barrier stopping them from carrying out suicide bombings and planting IED's targeting Israeli children

Now after facing 1400 years of constant attacks from the muslims because one tribe refused to lay down and worship the child rapist prophet the Jews are defending against the attacks with superior force and superior weapons. The Palestinians have brought it all on themselves for refusing to talk peace for the last 66 years.


So Inaccurate......I'll only bother to answer one....In the 20's Illegal Jewish Immigrants entered Palestine......Wrought Terrorism on the local population,later Razed Palestinian towns and villages......murdered Palestinians and Exiled them for their land.

These were not Jews of Palestine who had lived in harmony..NO they were NON-SEMITIC Jews.......who through VIOLENCE and MURDER obtained Palestinians Land.FACT

They were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS..get your facts right ......theliq..Why seriously,would anyone talk peace to those who had stolen their land,Killed their People and driven them out of Palestine.....but had NO intention of giving it back,infact telling their children that NO ONE lived on this land.......Do me a favour and stop talking complete shit.

Looks like Little Stevie gave them the slip once again at the mental institution. Since it is obvious that Little Stevie uses the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites, it is a waste of time reading all that he has posted. Probably he is cheering all his savage friends in the Mixddle East who are busy murdering people in the name of their religion since Little Stevie has never written anything at all about what is happening there, no matter how many Shiites and Christians are being murdered. He is obsessed with Israel because the Jews are involved, and that is the only reason he drags himself over to a Middle East forum. Does anyone really think he actually cares about the Arabs when he can't even say one word about what is happening to them in places like Iraq or Syria? I have a great idea for you, Little Stevie. Never time you give the nurses a slip, why not catch up with this guy. You and he would probably have a great time together.

Foul-Mouthed Australian Columnist Quits Over Israel Flap | HonestReporting

You are such an silly old thing Sal......The journalist in Paradise was out of order vilifying Jews but hey we still have free speech but strong anti-vilification it should you and I we can get heated over the troubles in Gaza.

That said,I have always been consistent regarding a Peaceful Palestine and Israel....I more than anyone on here want these two nations to find a peaceful solution to eventually detraumatise them both.

I have explained about Syria.......For you to imply I somehow have Hatered for Jewish people is pathetic and of course my Jewish friend would attest.

This imagination of me being in a mental hospital is very low of you......Mental Illness in society is a growing problem worldwide and nothing to be joked about.......personally it's water off a ducks back....BUT your stigmatisation of people with Mental Illness merely exposes your horrible,unkind ingnorance of the many of your mutterings,totally SHAMEFUL.

But on and on you joke....You give fine Jewish folk a BAD are not,I repeat not like Jewish people I know both here and in are just full of HATE.

You need to work in a Mental establishment to give you some idea of what life is like for both patients and the medical may enlighten you.....even at your age.

But keep up your wilful,inane prose........if you feel the need to.

Much of the world is complicated,stop just spewing sound bites all the time as in general they have little or no substance of a particular situation and what caused it.stevie..come on Sal you can do much better.
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So Inaccurate......I'll only bother to answer one....In the 20's Illegal Jewish Immigrants entered Palestine......Wrought Terrorism on the local population,later Razed Palestinian towns and villages......murdered Palestinians and Exiled them for their land.

These were not Jews of Palestine who had lived in harmony..NO they were NON-SEMITIC Jews.......who through VIOLENCE and MURDER obtained Palestinians Land.FACT

They were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS..get your facts right ......theliq..Why seriously,would anyone talk peace to those who had stolen their land,Killed their People and driven them out of Palestine.....but had NO intention of giving it back,infact telling their children that NO ONE lived on this land.......Do me a favour and stop talking complete shit.

Looks like Little Stevie gave them the slip once again at the mental institution. Since it is obvious that Little Stevie uses the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites, it is a waste of time reading all that he has posted. Probably he is cheering all his savage friends in the Mixddle East who are busy murdering people in the name of their religion since Little Stevie has never written anything at all about what is happening there, no matter how many Shiites and Christians are being murdered. He is obsessed with Israel because the Jews are involved, and that is the only reason he drags himself over to a Middle East forum. Does anyone really think he actually cares about the Arabs when he can't even say one word about what is happening to them in places like Iraq or Syria? I have a great idea for you, Little Stevie. Never time you give the nurses a slip, why not catch up with this guy. You and he would probably have a great time together.

Foul-Mouthed Australian Columnist Quits Over Israel Flap | HonestReporting

You are such an silly old thing Sal......The journalist in Paradise was out of order vilifying Jews but hey we still have free speech but strong anti-vilification it should you and I we can get heated over the troubles in Gaza.

That said,I have always been consistent regarding a Peaceful Palestine and Israel....I more than anyone on here want these two nations to find a peaceful solution to eventually detraumatise them both.

I have explained about Syria.......For you to imply I somehow have Hatered for Jewish people is pathetic and of course my Jewish friend would attest.

This imagination of me being in a mental hospital is very low of you......Mental Illness in society is a growing problem worldwide and nothing to be joked about.......personally it's water off a ducks back....BUT your stigmatisation of people with Mental Illness merely exposes your horrible,unkind ingnorance of the many of your mutterings,totally SHAMEFUL.

But on and on you joke....You give fine Jewish folk a BAD are not,I repeat not like Jewish people I know both here and in are just full of HATE.

You need to work in a Mental establishment to give you some idea of what life is like for both patients and the medical may enlighten you.....even at your age.

But keep up your wilful,inane prose........if you feel the need to.

Much of the world is complicated,stop just spewing sound bites all the time as in general they have little or no substance of a particular situation and what caused it.stevie..come on Sal you can do much better.

Little Stevie must think that all the viewers are so dumb that they don't realize just what he is. He comes out of the woodwork to crawl over on this Middle East forum, and right away he starts in with the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites about who is a Jew. Meanwhile, of course, the hate sites don't mention the Mizrahi Jews of the Middle East. Then he was trying to give us the Arab version of history. I can't be bothered to read your nonsense, Little Stevie. It was difficult enough to get through the first sentence. Now since you have crawled over here, forget about your obsession with the Jews and tell us what you know and feel about the Christians being murdered in the Middle East. Surely some of the people in Australia, being Christians, must be talking a little about that. You even have a lot of Shiites living in your country now. What are they saying about all the Shiites being murdered in Iraq?
Looks like Little Stevie gave them the slip once again at the mental institution. Since it is obvious that Little Stevie uses the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites, it is a waste of time reading all that he has posted. Probably he is cheering all his savage friends in the Mixddle East who are busy murdering people in the name of their religion since Little Stevie has never written anything at all about what is happening there, no matter how many Shiites and Christians are being murdered. He is obsessed with Israel because the Jews are involved, and that is the only reason he drags himself over to a Middle East forum. Does anyone really think he actually cares about the Arabs when he can't even say one word about what is happening to them in places like Iraq or Syria? I have a great idea for you, Little Stevie. Never time you give the nurses a slip, why not catch up with this guy. You and he would probably have a great time together.

Foul-Mouthed Australian Columnist Quits Over Israel Flap | HonestReporting

You are such an silly old thing Sal......The journalist in Paradise was out of order vilifying Jews but hey we still have free speech but strong anti-vilification it should you and I we can get heated over the troubles in Gaza.

That said,I have always been consistent regarding a Peaceful Palestine and Israel....I more than anyone on here want these two nations to find a peaceful solution to eventually detraumatise them both.

I have explained about Syria.......For you to imply I somehow have Hatered for Jewish people is pathetic and of course my Jewish friend would attest.

This imagination of me being in a mental hospital is very low of you......Mental Illness in society is a growing problem worldwide and nothing to be joked about.......personally it's water off a ducks back....BUT your stigmatisation of people with Mental Illness merely exposes your horrible,unkind ingnorance of the many of your mutterings,totally SHAMEFUL.

But on and on you joke....You give fine Jewish folk a BAD are not,I repeat not like Jewish people I know both here and in are just full of HATE.

You need to work in a Mental establishment to give you some idea of what life is like for both patients and the medical may enlighten you.....even at your age.

But keep up your wilful,inane prose........if you feel the need to.

Much of the world is complicated,stop just spewing sound bites all the time as in general they have little or no substance of a particular situation and what caused it.stevie..come on Sal you can do much better.

Little Stevie must think that all the viewers are so dumb that they don't realize just what he is. He comes out of the woodwork to crawl over on this Middle East forum, and right away he starts in with the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites about who is a Jew. Meanwhile, of course, the hate sites don't mention the Mizrahi Jews of the Middle East. Then he was trying to give us the Arab version of history. I can't be bothered to read your nonsense, Little Stevie. It was difficult enough to get through the first sentence. Now since you have crawled over here, forget about your obsession with the Jews and tell us what you know and feel about the Christians being murdered in the Middle East. Surely some of the people in Australia, being Christians, must be talking a little about that. You even have a lot of Shiites living in your country now. What are they saying about all the Shiites being murdered in Iraq?

Shiites feel the involvements by the US have ruined their usual the US Fcuked Up again......apart from that your normal hate filled Jewish spew is just that.....I don't reckon you are even it's just YOUR HATE FILLED SPEW....whatever you are or are NOT.

I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:

Lets see now, time for a history lesson.

Back in 1929 the Palestinian arab muslims attacked and murdered Jews in Hebron on the orders of the grand mufti. Then the same Palestinian arab muslims started a civil war in Palestine designed to wipe out all the Jews so they could steal all the land. The Palestinian arab muslims employed terrorism against civilians to force the mandate power to give in to Palestinian arab muslim demands. Fast forward to 1947 and the UN partition plan where the whole of the arab league denied the plan and stated that they would wipe out the Jews in the M.E. if they were not given all the land.

With me so far on the truth of the situation how it is arab nationalism that is the real bad guy and instigating the violence and wars.

On May 14 the Jews declared independence and the arab league attacked attempting to wipe out the Jews. The problem being that the arab league was unable to consolidate its troops and once Jordan had achieved its aims of annexing the west bank and Jerusalem it withdrew from the war leaving the rest of the arab muslims to face defeat at the hands of Israel. The arab league denied the Palestinian arab muslims the right to declare independence on the land allocated to them by the LoN/U.N. and so lost the chance of having a fifth new nation in the M.E. 1967 and the arab armies decided to try again and massed troops on the borders of Israel ready to invade, but Israel pre empted the attack by going after Egyptian and Syrian troops on the ground and having them run like rabbits, At the same time they asked that Jordan stay out of the fight as they did not have any problems with them, Jordan refused so Israel was forced to counter attack and drive the Jordanian forces back across the river. This left Israel with the hostile west bank, hostile gaza strip and the Sinai to police. 1973 and the arabs tried again to destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews and once again failed. Then in 1974 Israel signed a peace deal with Egypt and handed back all the land occupied during the 1967 war, including the gaza strip. Egypt refused to take control of the gaza strip and gave it back to Israel. Then in 1994 Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan and handed back control of all the land occupied in the 1967 war excluding Jerusalem, Jordan accepted all but the west bank and Jerusalem and handed control back to Israel.

Tells a story when the arab muslims don't want anything to do with the Palestinians doesn't it.

Since 1967 the arab muslim Palestinians have engaged in war, violence, terrorism and child murder against the Israeli civilians and children. They have mass murdered Israeli children until the Israelis erected the separation barrier that brought a halt to the majority of the terrorist attacks. The Palestinians complained to the UN about the separation barrier stopping them from carrying out suicide bombings and planting IED's targeting Israeli children

Now after facing 1400 years of constant attacks from the muslims because one tribe refused to lay down and worship the child rapist prophet the Jews are defending against the attacks with superior force and superior weapons. The Palestinians have brought it all on themselves for refusing to talk peace for the last 66 years.


So Inaccurate......I'll only bother to answer one....In the 20's Illegal Jewish Immigrants entered Palestine......Wrought Terrorism on the local population,later Razed Palestinian towns and villages......murdered Palestinians and Exiled them for their land.

These were not Jews of Palestine who had lived in harmony..NO they were NON-SEMITIC Jews.......who through VIOLENCE and MURDER obtained Palestinians Land.FACT

They were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS..get your facts right ......theliq..Why seriously,would anyone talk peace to those who had stolen their land,Killed their People and driven them out of Palestine.....but had NO intention of giving it back,infact telling their children that NO ONE lived on this land.......Do me a favour and stop talking complete shit.

In the 1920's the Jews were invited to migrate to Palestine by the LEGAL LAND OWNERS as a pre cursor to resurrecting THE NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. So do explain how they were illegal Jewish immigrants. The many sources at the time show that it was the influx of arab muslims that were the illegal immigrants.

It was the ISLAMONAZIS that wrought terrorism on the local populations of Hebron, Jerusalem and Bethlehem when the grand mufti spread his BLOOD LIBELS. As the history of the area shows under 1% of the land of Palestine was in Palestinian arab muslim ownership, even the Christians owned nore land than the arab muslims. The Jews owned 7% of the land and the remainder was until 1919 owned by the Ottoman landlords, then it was transferred by international treaty to the hamds of the LoN.

It does not matter were the Jews migrated from as the DNA shows they are all related to the Jews of the Holy Land, even the Ethiopean Jews have the same haplotypes. The Land was not arab muslims and had not been arab muslim for over 1,000 years so their claim to the land is false and criminal.

Exactly why should the Israelis talk peace with the thieving, murdering, lying arab muslims who have proven time and time again that they just want world domination.

This seems to be the biggest LIE that the ISLAMONAZI's spread that the land was empty, when in fact under Ottoman rule it was populated by Jews who could trace their occupation of Palestine back 4,500 years, Christians who can trace their occupancy of Palestine back to the first 5 centuries A.D. and European Jews who were invited to migrate and own the land of Palestine by the Ottomans. The arab muslims were few and far between until they heard about the European Jews hard work making the desert bloom so they flooded Palestine on the look out of work and easy money. The arab muslims have stolen more Jewish land since 1948 than the Jews have stolen arab muslim land. So the right of return is easily solved by doing a one for one land swap and giving the stolen Jewish land to the Palestinian refugees at the same time as giving land in gaza and the west bank to Israel. In fact to make it even more lucrative how about we give the refugees 5 measures of stolen Jewish land for 1 measure of Palestinian land, a pretty good deal don't you think that the arab muslims are getting the best out of..........

When you start playing with the big boys you better be able to back up your claims, or you will find that you will be ripped a new one every day.
You are such an silly old thing Sal......The journalist in Paradise was out of order vilifying Jews but hey we still have free speech but strong anti-vilification it should you and I we can get heated over the troubles in Gaza.

That said,I have always been consistent regarding a Peaceful Palestine and Israel....I more than anyone on here want these two nations to find a peaceful solution to eventually detraumatise them both.

I have explained about Syria.......For you to imply I somehow have Hatered for Jewish people is pathetic and of course my Jewish friend would attest.

This imagination of me being in a mental hospital is very low of you......Mental Illness in society is a growing problem worldwide and nothing to be joked about.......personally it's water off a ducks back....BUT your stigmatisation of people with Mental Illness merely exposes your horrible,unkind ingnorance of the many of your mutterings,totally SHAMEFUL.

But on and on you joke....You give fine Jewish folk a BAD are not,I repeat not like Jewish people I know both here and in are just full of HATE.

You need to work in a Mental establishment to give you some idea of what life is like for both patients and the medical may enlighten you.....even at your age.

But keep up your wilful,inane prose........if you feel the need to.

Much of the world is complicated,stop just spewing sound bites all the time as in general they have little or no substance of a particular situation and what caused it.stevie..come on Sal you can do much better.

Little Stevie must think that all the viewers are so dumb that they don't realize just what he is. He comes out of the woodwork to crawl over on this Middle East forum, and right away he starts in with the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites about who is a Jew. Meanwhile, of course, the hate sites don't mention the Mizrahi Jews of the Middle East. Then he was trying to give us the Arab version of history. I can't be bothered to read your nonsense, Little Stevie. It was difficult enough to get through the first sentence. Now since you have crawled over here, forget about your obsession with the Jews and tell us what you know and feel about the Christians being murdered in the Middle East. Surely some of the people in Australia, being Christians, must be talking a little about that. You even have a lot of Shiites living in your country now. What are they saying about all the Shiites being murdered in Iraq?

Shiites feel the involvements by the US have ruined their usual the US Fcuked Up again......apart from that your normal hate filled Jewish spew is just that.....I don't reckon you are even it's just YOUR HATE FILLED SPEW....whatever you are or are NOT.


Islam is a cancer based on the delusions of a 7C mental defective, it has been shown that he suffered from frontal lobe epilepsy that caused him to see and hear things that were not there. He would make an alleged prophesy and when asked to clarify it the next day give a completely different one. When he related the satanic verses he did so to attract a certain group of arab muslims that worshiped 3 goddess's. Same with when he commanded his thugs to check every captive female for pubic hair, because he was a predatory paedophile and wanted only pre pubescent girls as his sex slaves. His legacy lives on and his followers are all mental defectives as they emulate the perfect muslim.
For ***** SUPPORT THE FILTH OF SHARIAH ***** go to the I/P board

repeat after me MAWT AL YAHUD

I look upon Little Stevie as non compus mentis. What mentally balanced man would get on a forum and so many times state "I am the greatest?" As you can see, when it was pointed out that the hate site he went to didn't even mention the Mizrahi Jews (just the Ashkenazi and Sepharidic Jews), what did this nut state -- "I win yet again foul mouth,so ZIONIST......who are you.......Semitic like the Sephardi and Palestinians........or a WANNABEE didn't mention to my EXCELLENT ACCURATE POST."

He must thinks he is in some kind of contest here, and he wants everyone to think that he won something when he actually won nothing. However, he will slither back here with some other nonsensical statement. His ego demands that he wants the viewers to think that he is the champion, but they are smart enough to figure him out.
Lets see now, time for a history lesson.

Back in 1929 the Palestinian arab muslims attacked and murdered Jews in Hebron on the orders of the grand mufti. Then the same Palestinian arab muslims started a civil war in Palestine designed to wipe out all the Jews so they could steal all the land. The Palestinian arab muslims employed terrorism against civilians to force the mandate power to give in to Palestinian arab muslim demands. Fast forward to 1947 and the UN partition plan where the whole of the arab league denied the plan and stated that they would wipe out the Jews in the M.E. if they were not given all the land.

With me so far on the truth of the situation how it is arab nationalism that is the real bad guy and instigating the violence and wars.

On May 14 the Jews declared independence and the arab league attacked attempting to wipe out the Jews. The problem being that the arab league was unable to consolidate its troops and once Jordan had achieved its aims of annexing the west bank and Jerusalem it withdrew from the war leaving the rest of the arab muslims to face defeat at the hands of Israel. The arab league denied the Palestinian arab muslims the right to declare independence on the land allocated to them by the LoN/U.N. and so lost the chance of having a fifth new nation in the M.E. 1967 and the arab armies decided to try again and massed troops on the borders of Israel ready to invade, but Israel pre empted the attack by going after Egyptian and Syrian troops on the ground and having them run like rabbits, At the same time they asked that Jordan stay out of the fight as they did not have any problems with them, Jordan refused so Israel was forced to counter attack and drive the Jordanian forces back across the river. This left Israel with the hostile west bank, hostile gaza strip and the Sinai to police. 1973 and the arabs tried again to destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews and once again failed. Then in 1974 Israel signed a peace deal with Egypt and handed back all the land occupied during the 1967 war, including the gaza strip. Egypt refused to take control of the gaza strip and gave it back to Israel. Then in 1994 Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan and handed back control of all the land occupied in the 1967 war excluding Jerusalem, Jordan accepted all but the west bank and Jerusalem and handed control back to Israel.

Tells a story when the arab muslims don't want anything to do with the Palestinians doesn't it.

Since 1967 the arab muslim Palestinians have engaged in war, violence, terrorism and child murder against the Israeli civilians and children. They have mass murdered Israeli children until the Israelis erected the separation barrier that brought a halt to the majority of the terrorist attacks. The Palestinians complained to the UN about the separation barrier stopping them from carrying out suicide bombings and planting IED's targeting Israeli children

Now after facing 1400 years of constant attacks from the muslims because one tribe refused to lay down and worship the child rapist prophet the Jews are defending against the attacks with superior force and superior weapons. The Palestinians have brought it all on themselves for refusing to talk peace for the last 66 years.


So Inaccurate......I'll only bother to answer one....In the 20's Illegal Jewish Immigrants entered Palestine......Wrought Terrorism on the local population,later Razed Palestinian towns and villages......murdered Palestinians and Exiled them for their land.

These were not Jews of Palestine who had lived in harmony..NO they were NON-SEMITIC Jews.......who through VIOLENCE and MURDER obtained Palestinians Land.FACT

They were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS..get your facts right ......theliq..Why seriously,would anyone talk peace to those who had stolen their land,Killed their People and driven them out of Palestine.....but had NO intention of giving it back,infact telling their children that NO ONE lived on this land.......Do me a favour and stop talking complete shit.

In the 1920's the Jews were invited to migrate to Palestine by the LEGAL LAND OWNERS as a pre cursor to resurrecting THE NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. So do explain how they were illegal Jewish immigrants. The many sources at the time show that it was the influx of arab muslims that were the illegal immigrants.

It was the ISLAMONAZIS that wrought terrorism on the local populations of Hebron, Jerusalem and Bethlehem when the grand mufti spread his BLOOD LIBELS. As the history of the area shows under 1% of the land of Palestine was in Palestinian arab muslim ownership, even the Christians owned nore land than the arab muslims. The Jews owned 7% of the land and the remainder was until 1919 owned by the Ottoman landlords, then it was transferred by international treaty to the hamds of the LoN.

It does not matter were the Jews migrated from as the DNA shows they are all related to the Jews of the Holy Land, even the Ethiopean Jews have the same haplotypes. The Land was not arab muslims and had not been arab muslim for over 1,000 years so their claim to the land is false and criminal.

Exactly why should the Israelis talk peace with the thieving, murdering, lying arab muslims who have proven time and time again that they just want world domination.

This seems to be the biggest LIE that the ISLAMONAZI's spread that the land was empty, when in fact under Ottoman rule it was populated by Jews who could trace their occupation of Palestine back 4,500 years, Christians who can trace their occupancy of Palestine back to the first 5 centuries A.D. and European Jews who were invited to migrate and own the land of Palestine by the Ottomans. The arab muslims were few and far between until they heard about the European Jews hard work making the desert bloom so they flooded Palestine on the look out of work and easy money. The arab muslims have stolen more Jewish land since 1948 than the Jews have stolen arab muslim land. So the right of return is easily solved by doing a one for one land swap and giving the stolen Jewish land to the Palestinian refugees at the same time as giving land in gaza and the west bank to Israel. In fact to make it even more lucrative how about we give the refugees 5 measures of stolen Jewish land for 1 measure of Palestinian land, a pretty good deal don't you think that the arab muslims are getting the best out of..........

When you start playing with the big boys you better be able to back up your claims, or you will find that you will be ripped a new one every day.

Idiot.....Time to take that Silver Spoon out of your Ass and put it in your MOUTH....and stop lying
Little Stevie must think that all the viewers are so dumb that they don't realize just what he is. He comes out of the woodwork to crawl over on this Middle East forum, and right away he starts in with the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites about who is a Jew. Meanwhile, of course, the hate sites don't mention the Mizrahi Jews of the Middle East. Then he was trying to give us the Arab version of history. I can't be bothered to read your nonsense, Little Stevie. It was difficult enough to get through the first sentence. Now since you have crawled over here, forget about your obsession with the Jews and tell us what you know and feel about the Christians being murdered in the Middle East. Surely some of the people in Australia, being Christians, must be talking a little about that. You even have a lot of Shiites living in your country now. What are they saying about all the Shiites being murdered in Iraq?

Shiites feel the involvements by the US have ruined their usual the US Fcuked Up again......apart from that your normal hate filled Jewish spew is just that.....I don't reckon you are even it's just YOUR HATE FILLED SPEW....whatever you are or are NOT.


Islam is a cancer based on the delusions of a 7C mental defective, it has been shown that he suffered from frontal lobe epilepsy that caused him to see and hear things that were not there. He would make an alleged prophesy and when asked to clarify it the next day give a completely different one. When he related the satanic verses he did so to attract a certain group of arab muslims that worshiped 3 goddess's. Same with when he commanded his thugs to check every captive female for pubic hair, because he was a predatory paedophile and wanted only pre pubescent girls as his sex slaves. His legacy lives on and his followers are all mental defectives as they emulate the perfect muslim.

Yeah and Jewish men in the past screwed their daughters,,,It's all bullshit but spew on.
For ***** SUPPORT THE FILTH OF SHARIAH ***** go to the I/P board

repeat after me MAWT AL YAHUD

I look upon Little Stevie as non compus mentis. What mentally balanced man would get on a forum and so many times state "I am the greatest?" As you can see, when it was pointed out that the hate site he went to didn't even mention the Mizrahi Jews (just the Ashkenazi and Sepharidic Jews), what did this nut state -- "I win yet again foul mouth,so ZIONIST......who are you.......Semitic like the Sephardi and Palestinians........or a WANNABEE didn't mention to my EXCELLENT ACCURATE POST."

He must thinks he is in some kind of contest here, and he wants everyone to think that he won something when he actually won nothing. However, he will slither back here with some other nonsensical statement. His ego demands that he wants the viewers to think that he is the champion, but they are smart enough to figure him out.

Should read my pm's.............I am the greatest........but on you hangs the red lantern(and this comment has nothing to do with prostitution by the way)....just incase your sullied mind thought otherwise you fool:D:D:D:D:D

never forget your Greatest.....Master:badgrin::badgrin::D
For ***** SUPPORT THE FILTH OF SHARIAH ***** go to the I/P board

repeat after me MAWT AL YAHUD

I look upon Little Stevie as non compus mentis. What mentally balanced man would get on a forum and so many times state "I am the greatest?" As you can see, when it was pointed out that the hate site he went to didn't even mention the Mizrahi Jews (just the Ashkenazi and Sepharidic Jews), what did this nut state -- "I win yet again foul mouth,so ZIONIST......who are you.......Semitic like the Sephardi and Palestinians........or a WANNABEE didn't mention to my EXCELLENT ACCURATE POST."

He must thinks he is in some kind of contest here, and he wants everyone to think that he won something when he actually won nothing. However, he will slither back here with some other nonsensical statement. His ego demands that he wants the viewers to think that he is the champion, but they are smart enough to figure him out.

Should read my pm's.............I am the greatest........but on you hangs the red lantern(and this comment has nothing to do with prostitution by the way)....just incase your sullied mind thought otherwise you fool:D:D:D:D:D

never forget your Greatest.....Master:badgrin::badgrin::D

See, folks, what I mean. Only someone with a mentally unstable mind calls himself the Greatest and a Master. He certainly does have delusions of grandeur which perhaps a therapist can help him get to the bottom of this..

When you slither back here, could you possibly give us some news about what is happening in at least one Middle East country besides Israel? I think you are at least a little mentally with it that you realize this is the Middle East forum.

Meanwhile tell your new friends that this is a no no in your country.

Australian thugs threaten to slit throats of Jewish schoolkids | The Times of Israel

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