Framing Israel for the War

Try learning a bit of history BOOBOO-----historically the only reason for killing
jews that muslims have required is THEY ARE THERE

for that matter it was also the only reason muslims needed for killing hindus---

and in some cases ----Christians


The ONLY REASON THEY NEEDED IS BECAUSE THEY WANTED THEIR LAND........DAVID EVEN RECRUITED THE PHILISTINES IN HIS WAR WITH KING SAUL.........and for their trouble he SLAUGHTERED ALL THE MALE PHILISTINES,the remnants of the women and children,being absorbed into the Tribes of Israel


reread the book-----saul committed suicide along with his son David did not
destroy the philistines------historians attribute their disappearance to the
constant warfare that involved various parties including the Egyptians and
ASSYRIANS etc that inflamed the whole area. The philistines were
also involved and had no real reason to deal with it------since they were actually
AEGEANS ----and simply FLOATED OFF. People like the MOABITES simply are
no longer extant ----probably by assimilation-----and also the incessant
warfare between parties east and west and to some extent ---north gee you are dim
According to Thrall, it was not the kidnapping of three Israeli teens or the daily barrages of rockets threatening millions of Israeli civilians that brought about this war. Rather, it was the fact that Israel refused to accept the Palestinian unity government that included Hamas.
Mr. Thrall is 100% correct .... :cool:

And you can of course provide a link from a reputable un biased non partisan source to prove the claims ?
Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:

Typical ANTI SEMITIC outburst because the RACISM AND JEW HATRED is being hung out to dry. Care to comment on this fact pussy, why when you are losing the argument to the facts and reality you try and place the blame elsewhere.

Now back to Israel why has the UN not made any comments on the ongoing fighting, could it be that the world has washed its hands of the palestinians
Try learning a bit of history BOOBOO-----historically the only reason for killing
jews that muslims have required is THEY ARE THERE

for that matter it was also the only reason muslims needed for killing hindus---

and in some cases ----Christians


The ONLY REASON THEY NEEDED IS BECAUSE THEY WANTED THEIR LAND........DAVID EVEN RECRUITED THE PHILISTINES IN HIS WAR WITH KING SAUL.........and for their trouble he SLAUGHTERED ALL THE MALE PHILISTINES,the remnants of the women and children,being absorbed into the Tribes of Israel


reread the book-----saul committed suicide along with his son David did not
destroy the philistines------historians attribute their disappearance to the
constant warfare that involved various parties including the Egyptians and
ASSYRIANS etc that inflamed the whole area. The philistines were
also involved and had no real reason to deal with it------since they were actually
AEGEANS ----and simply FLOATED OFF. People like the MOABITES simply are
no longer extant ----probably by assimilation-----and also the incessant
warfare between parties east and west and to some extent ---north gee you are dim

No doubt spoken like a Good Zionist from their Bullshit Mantra.

1.The Assyrians(not to be confused with modern day Syria)never reached Palestine,but they did have an amazing Empire.(and invented much but the Greeks tried to say it was themselves that had.Even what became Achimedes Principle and Screw!!! was the Assyrians that DROVE OUT the Israelites(and other minorities) from Babylon(part of modern Iraq) after they defeated NEBUCHADNEZZER II.FACT:D

2.King of ISRAEL Saul,and his supporters DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE...they were MURDERED BY DAVID the USERPER.FACT:D
It was one of the reasons King DAVID was not allowed to consecrate the Temple in Jerusalem because of his Bad Past and was consecrated by his son Abraham after Davids DEATH..FACT:D


4. Your Bullshit explanation about the Philistines is RUBBISH,as regarding the Caannites and Moabites likewise.

As life changes,for some it still remains the same...........Rosie...........You have always been an IDIOT and like Sally ALWAYS WILL BE
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Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:

Looks like Sunni Troll found his soul mate.... I mean troll mate :lol:

One of them doesnt have a rep meter and the other one has a rep meter full of red.
Liq, don't you get tired of posting the sane shit over and over?

You're inability to respond politely to posters who disagree with you shows just how immature you are. But then again, you're a pro Palestinian terrorist supporter, so that's not surprising... :lol:
There are anti-Semites posting trying to put the blame on Israel. To them, Israel has no right to defend itself and whatever is happening should all be put on Israel's shoulders. Hamas is so, so innocent and are angels.

I love it that if you disagree with a jew or Israel you're an anti semite. Got it.

No one said you have no right to defend yourselves. We point to your behavior leading up to them bombing you. We wonder, "why do they bomb Israel" and we see you are oppressors. So if we point that out we are anti semitic? Fuck you guys.

And what you are doing right now is deflecting. Because it is YOU guys who want to put ALL the blame on the Palestinians.

And all these old tricks of lies and changing the subject and playing the victim/martyrs when you are the oppressors is getting tired. The more we learn, the more we find out that you guys are not innocent in this at all. Not one bit. Sorry the truth is anti semitic. :badgrin:

Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!! Meanwhile, Sealybooboo, since you have slithered over to this board, have you anything to say about what is going on in the other Middle East countries? This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Sealybooboo is a Hateful drunk Irish AntiSemite; Something he learned from his " father" ( NOT his biological ) including the four letter words. When we left Japan and Germany after WW 2 there were restrictions on them. Israel left Gaza in 2005 and it was up to the Palestinians to prove they were " partners in peace" Instead Rockets increased immediately. Ask the foul mouth drunk Catholic about the Hamas Charter.
Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:

Ah, we have another two-bit anti-Semite chiming in -- the Skinhead with an 88 tattoo'd on his body in honor of Hitler. One would think when they slither over to this Middle East forum like a bunch of snakes, they would at least fake it that they are interested in what is also happening in the rest of the Middle East by giving a news item or two once in a while.
No, they only want to show us what Jew hating people they are. It makes you wonder how many times a week the local Bund meets.

His expression " Filthy Jews" should tell you all about this Scumbag . Can't stand the fact that Israel exists? FUCK HIM.
Liq, don't you get tired of posting the sane shit over and over?

You're inability to respond politely to posters who disagree with you shows just how immature you are. But then again, you're a pro Palestinian terrorist supporter, so that's not surprising... :lol:

NO Toastie,as you full well know......I support an ISRAEL and support an independent PALESTINE.

I have always responded IN KIND

For your information I am neither a TERRORIST or ANTI-SEMITIC.....most Jews and Palestinians are Great PEOPLE...........only a smallish % on both sides are MEAT-AXES

I am very polite with most, as I am with you.....but Distortion and Ignorance of the Truth,I cannot abide or ZIONISM in all it's facets,Immature I could be,I don't know really but posters who are Idiots(you are not one by the way:D) I tell them,I don't lie, so why would I want to be polite in any way to someone who is Idiotic:mad:

Any way I trust you and your family are Well and Happy...Best Regards steven:D
Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:

Ah, we have another two-bit anti-Semite chiming in -- the Skinhead with an 88 tattoo'd on his body in honor of Hitler. One would think when they slither over to this Middle East forum like a bunch of snakes, they would at least fake it that they are interested in what is also happening in the rest of the Middle East by giving a news item or two once in a while.
No, they only want to show us what Jew hating people they are. It makes you wonder how many times a week the local Bund meets.

His expression " Filthy Jews" should tell you all about this Scumbag . Can't stand the fact that Israel exists? FUCK HIM.

Proud I do agree with what you say,"Filthy Jews" is totally uncalled for but then likewise for Filthy Arab or Muslim.......I have found throughout my life it is normally the Ignorant and Uneducated that use this type of blatant verbal aggression.

To mention Skinheads and Hitler,we have this immergence in Israel of a few Neo-Nazis,which considering the abomination inflicted by Hitler,most Germans,Ukrainians,Croats etc., on Jewish people......IS A TOTAL DISGRACE.steve
Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!
Not so fast! I want to know why he's a "...classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!"

I think you owe us all an explanation, as to how you came to that conclusion.

What is that based on?

You must have a reason why you're calling him that? Well, what is that reason?
Liq, don't you get tired of posting the sane shit over and over?

You're inability to respond politely to posters who disagree with you shows just how immature you are. But then again, you're a pro Palestinian terrorist supporter, so that's not surprising... :lol:

NO Toastie,as you full well know......I support an ISRAEL and support an independent PALESTINE.

I have always responded IN KIND

For your information I am neither a TERRORIST or ANTI-SEMITIC.....most Jews and Palestinians are Great PEOPLE...........only a smallish % on both sides are MEAT-AXES

I am very polite with most, as I am with you.....but Distortion and Ignorance of the Truth,I cannot abide or ZIONISM in all it's facets,Immature I could be,I don't know really but posters who are Idiots(you are not one by the way:D) I tell them,I don't lie, so why would I want to be polite in any way to someone who is Idiotic:mad:

Any way I trust you and your family are Well and Happy...Best Regards steven:D

Steve using the Nazi comparison is offensive and unnecessary. There is no comparison at all actually.
My whole family is in Israel (except my parents who moved to Canada from there), so I'm talking to them everyday. I just got off the phone with my uncle in Haifa.
There is very little difference between German nazis and Israeli zionist juden.

They are both racial supremacists who thrive on the murder of innocents.

And have no regard for human life. .. :doubt:
Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!
Not so fast! I want to know why he's a "...classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!"

I think you owe us all an explanation, as to how you came to that conclusion.

What is that based on?

You must have a reason why you're calling him that? Well, what is that reason?

As sure as the sun rises in the morning, Billy shows up to defend another two-bit anti-Semite. Billy is too dense to realize that many of the posters and also viewews can pick out the two-bit anti-Semites just from the nonsense they post.

Now that you slithered onto the Middle East forum, Billy, how about giving us some news from one or two of the Arab Middle East countries? Surely you must be keeping up with the entire region so that you can report back to us what is happening there.
Sally drooled on the keyboard and tapped out furiously : >> Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!

Why? Because he posted the truth, unlike you, who only post pro-jew crappola like some rabid rabbi on Mini Thins. :eusa_liar:

>>> This is the Middle East forum after all; and when anti-Semites slither over here, they should at least be willing to give us some news about the other Middle East countries instead of just showing everyone what anti-Semites they are.

Hey, stupid! WE don't HAVE to show the world what anti-Semitism is. They can see it themselves by the words, thoughts and actions of the filthy jews themselves! THEY make everyone who knows them an anti-Semite! It's a disease and you catch it from the jews!:lol:

Aren't you a little late for your Bund meeting? Your leader is wondering where you are. As you can see, these skinheads slithered over to this board and actually have nothing to say about any of the other Middle East countries. With them, it is only the JEWS, JEWS, JEWS. I am willing to bet that none of these skinhead types ever made anything of themselves in life. I would be surprised if they even had GED's.
There is very little difference between German nazis and Israeli zionist juden.

They are both racial supremacists who thrive on the murder of innocents.

And have no regard for human life. .. :doubt:

I know you're mentally challenged, but if you're going to lie, at least make it believable :lol:

Why is it that you accuse Israel and Israelis of LITERALLY EXACTLY what Muslim states and Muslims are guilty of?
I'm guessing you're using the well know Muslim tactic of taking attention off Muslim atrocities by lying about Israel.
You need to work on your Taqiya Sunni Troll :cool:
There is very little difference between German nazis and Israeli zionist juden.

They are both racial supremacists who thrive on the murder of innocents.

And have no regard for human life. .. :doubt:

I know you're mentally challenged, but if you're going to lie, at least make it believable :lol:

Why is it that you accuse Israel and Israelis of LITERALLY EXACTLY what Muslim states and Muslims are guilty of?
I'm guessing you're using the well know Muslim tactic of taking attention off Muslim atrocities by lying about Israel.
You need to work on your Taqiya Sunni Troll :cool:

Mr. Cuckoo Troll is just practicing his Turnspeak.

A technique of propaganda called "turnspeak"
There is very little difference between German nazis and Israeli zionist juden.

They are both racial supremacists who thrive on the murder of innocents.

And have no regard for human life. .. :doubt:

I know you're mentally challenged, but if you're going to lie, at least make it believable :lol:

Why is it that you accuse Israel and Israelis of LITERALLY EXACTLY what Muslim states and Muslims are guilty of?
I'm guessing you're using the well know Muslim tactic of taking attention off Muslim atrocities by lying about Israel.
You need to work on your Taqiya Sunni Troll :cool:

Mr. Cuckoo Troll is just practicing his Turnspeak.

A technique of propaganda called "turnspeak"
Shut up stupid...... :cool:
There is very little difference between German nazis and Israeli zionist juden.

They are both racial supremacists who thrive on the murder of innocents.

And have no regard for human life. .. :doubt:

its practicing for tomorrow's Khutbah Jumaat fart session
Like many viewers and posters don't realize by now that Sealybooboo is the classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!
Not so fast! I want to know why he's a "...classic two-bit anti-Semite!!!"

I think you owe us all an explanation, as to how you came to that conclusion.

What is that based on?

You must have a reason why you're calling him that? Well, what is that reason?

As sure as the sun rises in the morning, Billy shows up to defend another two-bit anti-Semite. Billy is too dense to realize that many of the posters and also viewews can pick out the two-bit anti-Semites just from the nonsense they post.

Now that you slithered onto the Middle East forum, Billy, how about giving us some news from one or two of the Arab Middle East countries? Surely you must be keeping up with the entire region so that you can report back to us what is happening there.

How you equate what YOU THINK Billy is,IS MERELY YOUR FRACTURED OPINION.....I like the lady...I REPEAT :eusa_angel: Billy,she elucidates everything she says properly,truthfully and with candour........she could eat(and Drink)at my Table anytime.steve

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