France Has Fallen!



This is chilling to watch.
We ran the Nazis out of france and this is what we end up with?
Unfucking believable.
The old adage that "history repeats itself" comes to mind. How many are asking the authorities why this hasn't been required for the annual flu viruses? Tracking and recording all geographical movements of all there's a concept
The old adage that "history repeats itself" comes to mind

That it does.
I blame the indoctrination of our children,and the thing I find the most disgusting is it's happening in places like France where they've experienced what it's like to be under the thumb of communist/fascist .
Like they say,hard times make stronger people,easy times makes weak people.
Glad I dont live in that shithole

Unfortunately, the Nazis never really went away.

They just moved.

Yeah, they whacked the useful idiots, but that's always how it works. As you know, people who participate in coercion understand very little of their role in it. And absolutely nothing of its consequences. Not only to everyone else, but to themselves. For some silly reason they are under the foolish assumption they'll be spared, but they're almost universally the first on the chopping block, once their usefulness has run its course. Cuomo would be a recent example of this scenario.

Heck, America hired quite a bit of them in scientific fields, from the bio-weapon fields to electronics, medicine, chemistry and onward.

If you think about it, science and technology has evolved into the most effective utility for tyranny over society.

Really, all we get out of it are some cool new tracking devices wit ha convenient means t oflip a switch and shut us up if we say things they donlt want said with some colorful emojis of pregnant fellers in wedding dresses or whatever, just to rub it in nce and good.

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Glad I dont live in that shithole
I have an old friend about whom I'm learning a lot more these days. I thought she was pretty sane, but recently learned that she's a total sheep. She may soon start thinking a bit harder, as she spends a lot of time in France where she bought a second home several years ago. It'll be interesting to watch.
TNHarley you and me and everybody else in the states are fortunate in that way.My dear friend Dalia though is not so fortunate.she has not been on here in over a month and Im wondering if its cause she was given the kill jab and died from it.I so much hope that is not the case and there is another reason for her absence,she was about the nicest poster I ever met at this site. I have not heard back from her in PM's or anything,has me worried.:(
I don't believe that the French have experienced such an intense 'papers please' society since the Nazi occupation.


The people of the world of our Age are hungry—even starving for—totalitarian rule. Whereas our grandparents—men and women of the greatest generation—were often involuntarily heroic in their to the death fight against it (totalitarianism), the majority of our present day fellow human beings are abject cowards salivating down their chins for the hope of iron fisted governments to rise, lock them down and ensure they'll always have close at hand their favorite electronic devices and limitless internet access.

An anecdote for you. Up to a few months ago several members of my family and close friends were daily posting direct challenges to local government on social media in relation to COVID restrictions. And then, soon as local bars were reopened and local sporting events were allowed to kick off, they vanished from their keyboard commando pulpits on Facebook and shut their mouths. Courageous real Americans, huh?

Many, many, many modern Americans and peoples of the world are downright horny for dictatorial rule because it guarantees someone will sweep in, dominate every aspect of their lives and remove from them all obligation of responsibility and need for sometimes difficult decision making. To hell with them all . . .
The people of the world of our Age are hungry—even starving for—totalitarian rule. Whereas our grandparents—men and women of the greatest generation—were often involuntarily heroic in their to the death fight against it (totalitarianism), the majority of our present day fellow human beings are abject cowards salivating down their chins for the hope of iron fisted governments to rise, lock them down and ensure they'll always have close at hand their favorite electronic devices and limitless internet access.

An anecdote for you. Up to a few months ago several members of my family and close friends were daily posting direct challenges to local government on social media in relation to COVID restrictions. And then, soon as local bars were reopened and local sporting events were allowed to kick off, they vanished from their keyboard commando pulpits on Facebook and shut their mouths. Courageous real Americans, huh?

Many, many, many modern Americans and peoples of the world are downright horny for dictatorial rule because it guarantees someone will sweep in, dominate every aspect of their lives and remove from them all obligation of responsibility and need for sometimes difficult decision making. To hell with them all . . .

Yeah. Can't really disagree, N_S.

Good to see you around, btw.
Oh my! Who are these people to ask residents if they have been vaccinated from an infectious disease for the public good! The outrage!


Can hardly wait for it to be mandatory to declare all diseases that someone is infected with and can not be cured including mental health issues so they can be denied services and told to go home or to jail by the police.



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