France outlaws burkas

If you outlaw burqas.....only outlaws will have burqas

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And to think this is the same country that gave us the Statue of Liberty. :doubt:

Look at the Roma deportations in France. Sarkozy's public ratings are down with several corruption scandals which were made public in last months including illegal campaign raisers by L'Oreal femal inheritor in 2007 during Sarkozy's president candidacy campaign. Another scandal which was made public is from 1995, when Sarkozy was finance Minister, the judiciary is investaigating about weapon sales to Pakistan which included corruption-commission back to the Government for its re-election campaign, which was in same year and Sarkozy was Finance MInister of it. The money was likely transferred via Luxembourg.
I read German press, it's their neighbours. They report about such things.
He's trying to appease voters from the camp of Le Pen.
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It's not like I made it up, Ravi...I went and sought out the rationale behind this legislation so I could have an informed opinion. The French government is facing a complex issue where religious freedom and individual freedom clash with public standards of safety and citizenship. You might notice the proposed fine for a veiled face in public places is not prohibitive and the Citizenship class "punishment" offers an avenue for further communication and reconciliation...a public service probably paid for by the fine itself...Whereas the penalty for forcing anyone to veil their face in public places is both prohibitive and punitive.
The pre war Nazis also had a similar program for their second class citizens in the name public safety and national security.

A man who initially didn't wear the yellow Star of David was fined.

Later it was upped to a prison sentence if he or his family members were caught without one sewed onto their clothes.

Different country, different century.

Same type of people and mindset.

According to muslims, what happened to the jews during WWII in germany, it is all a lie. It never happened remember?
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It's not like I made it up, Ravi...I went and sought out the rationale behind this legislation so I could have an informed opinion. The French government is facing a complex issue where religious freedom and individual freedom clash with public standards of safety and citizenship. You might notice the proposed fine for a veiled face in public places is not prohibitive and the Citizenship class "punishment" offers an avenue for further communication and reconciliation...a public service probably paid for by the fine itself...Whereas the penalty for forcing anyone to veil their face in public places is both prohibitive and punitive.
The pre war Nazis also had a similar program for their second class citizens in the name public safety and national security.

A man who initially didn't wear the yellow Star of David was fined.

Later it was upped to a prison sentence if he or his family members were caught without one sewed onto their clothes.

Different country, different century.

Same type of people and mindset.

According to muslims, what happened to the jews during WWII in germany, it is all a lie. It never happened remember?

Yes, I remember Sunni Mouse posting all that crap.
If you outlaw burqas.....only outlaws will have burqas


Burqas are not outlawed...ALL citizens are expected to show their faces while in public places, regardless of religion, gender or choice of clothing.
The French are typically very liberal and tolerant, welcoming anyone into the secular society who desires to be there.
Obviously, you have never been to France and spoke to a waiter or asked directions in english. :lol:

Depends on your attitude and your location Sunnidiot.

If you're in the tourist areas, can be like that for people that don't have a phrase book and start talking to them in their language. They're tired of the Ugly Americans that automatically assume everyone should speak English.

Interestingly enough, if you go outside of the tourist areas, most of the little villages and the like are HAPPY to see you. Why? Because they are looking for a chance to practice speaking English (80 percent of Europe speaks it as a second or more language), and, if you don't act like an arrogant douchebag, the people over there are pretty darn friendly.

Learned that when I signed up for a ceremonial detail to go to on of the WWII cemeteries where US troops were buried. The people at that town were FANTASTIC towards us.
Update, in an attempt to create equality in France, a law is proposed banning Americans from France. It isn't specifically against Americans, just people who wear unfashionable jogging suits on vacation. Oh heck, face it, its against Americans.
Burqas are not outlawed...


Assemblée nationale - Société : interdiction de la dissimulation du visage dans l'espace public

French to English translation

National Assembly delegation for women's rights and equality of opportunity between men and women
Information report filed by the delegation of the National Assembly on women's rights and equality of opportunity between men and women on the bill prohibiting the concealment of the face in public spaces (No. 2520) No. 2646 filed June 23, 2010 (online since 24 June 2010 in 5:45 p.m.) by Bérengère Poletti

French to English translation
Preparatory work
National Assembly 1st reading - Senate first reading - Constitutional Council

National Assembly - 1st reading

Bill banning the concealment of the face in public space, No. 2520, filed May 19, 2010 (online since May 19, 2010 6:30 p.m.)
and referred to the Committee on Constitutional laws, legislation and general administration of the republic

Impact Study

- Amendments tabled on the text n ° 2648
- Multi-Search

Committee work

- Legislation Committee
The concerned committee has appointed Mr. Jean-Paul Garraud reporter May 26, 2010

Amendments tabled in committee

Auditon minister during the meeting on 16 June 2010 10:00
Examination of the text during the meeting on 23 June 2010 11:30
Consideration of amendments (Article 88) during the meeting on 6 July 2010 at 9:15 p.m.
Report No. 2648 filed June 23, 2010 (posted 25 June 2010 to 18 hours):
Appendix 0 - Text of the commission (put online 23 June 2010 at 5:45 p.m.)

Discussion in open session
3rd meeting of Tuesday, July 6, 2010
1st meeting of Wednesday, July 7, 2010
2nd meeting of Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ballot No. 0595 on the entire bill prohibiting the concealment of the face in public space during the second meeting of Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bill banning the concealment of the face in public, in 1st reading by the National Assembly July 13, 2010, TA No. 524

Video of the discussion in open session

Senate - 1st reading
(File online at the Senate site)
Bill, adopted by the National Assembly, prohibiting the covering of the face in public, No. 675, filed July 13, 2010
and referred to the Committee on Constitutional laws, legislation, universal suffrage, the regulation and general administration

Committee work

- Legislation Committee
The concerned committee has appointed Mr. Francis Christmas Buffet reporter June 2, 2010
Report No. 699 filed September 8, 2010 by Mr. Francis Christmas Buffet

Text of the Commission filed No. 700 (2009-2010) filed September 8, 2010

Discussion in open session during the meeting of Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Bill banning the concealment of the face in public, adopted without amendment the first reading by the Senate September 14, 2010, TA No. 161

Constitutional Council
Referral to the Constitutional Council 14 September 2010 by the President of the Senate, pursuant to Article 61 paragraph 2 of the Constitution
Referral to the Constitutional Council 14 September 2010 by the President of the National Assembly, pursuant to Article 61 paragraph 2 of the Constitution

Useful links
From the report of the Council of Ministers
Main provisions of the text
Major amendments commissions

French to English translation
Useful links

Resolution on the commitment to respect for republican values against growing radical practices that could undermine it adopted May 11, 2010
Mission of information on the practice of wearing the full veil in the national territory

From the report of the Council of Ministers of 19/05/10

The Minister of State, Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice and freedoms, introduced a bill prohibiting the concealment of the face in public space.

The attire designed to conceal the face, especially the full veil, calls into question the rules that form the social compact. Given the damage it has for those rules that "living together" in the dignity and equality between the sexes, this practice, even if voluntary, can not be tolerated in any place public space. It is in this respect a very broad consensus, as was highlighted by the adoption of the National Assembly on 11 May, the resolution on the commitment to respect for republican values against growing radical practices that could undermine it.

Breach of this prohibition will be punished by a fine of not exceed 150 euros, a citizenship course can be substituted or added to this sentence.

The bill provides that the prohibition generally enter into force six months after the promulgation of the law. This period will be used to continue a process of dialogue and persuasion among women wearing the full veil voluntarily.

In addition, the bill punishes, under the outrages of the human person, compelling a person because of her sex to hide her face. By establishing a specific crime, punishable by one year imprisonment and fine of € 15,000, it comes to fighting against this new form of enslavement of women, that the Republic could not agree on its ground.

Main provisions of the text

Article 1
Principle that "no person may, in public, wear clothing designed to conceal his face."

Article 2
Definition of the concept of public space as comprising public roads, public places and places affected by a utility.
Definition of the four exceptions to the prohibition:
- Uniforms prescribed by statute or by regulation (helmets for motorcycles);
- Uniforms authorized to protect the anonymity of the individual (status of certain witnesses in criminal trials);
- Uniforms justified by medical reasons (masks in case of epidemic, respiratory masks, bandages) or professional reasons (officers law enforcement, welding, sandblasting, asbestos removal, rat control, pest of vessels);
- Outfits that are part of festivities (carnival costumes, Santa Claus) or artistic (film actors, circus and theater) or traditional (processions, especially religious).

Article 3
Sanction the violation of the prohibition of concealing his face in public space: second class ticket, punishable by a fine of a maximum of 150 euros, which may supplement or replace the requirement a probationary period of citizenship.

Article 4
Creating the crime of incitement to hide his face, punishable by one year imprisonment and 15,000 euros fine.

Article 5
Entry into force six months after the publication of the Act, sections 1 to 3 (in contrast, Article 4 on the instigation to conceal his face will become effective immediately).

Article 6
Law enforcement throughout the territory of the Republic, both in France and overseas.

Article 7
Transmission to Parliament of a report prepared by the Government taking stock of the implementation of the law after a period of 18 months after its promulgation.

Major amendments commissions


Article 2
- Merge the first two exceptions to the prohibition of concealment of the face (Provision introduced at the initiative of the Rapporteur)
- The enlargement of the third exception, replacing the term "medical reasons" the term "health reasons" (Provision introduced at the initiative of the Rapporteur)
- Extension of exceptions to the "sporting", when they need a hiding place on the face (Provision introduced at the initiative of the Rapporteur)

Article 4
Increased from 15 000 to 30 000 euros the amount of the fine for the crime of enforced concealment of the face (imprisonment maintained at 1 year) increase in penalties (two years in prison and 60,000 euros fine) when Persons under stress are minor at the relevant time (Provision introduced at the initiative of Jean Glavany, CBC, Hautes-Pyrenees, and members of the group CBC)

Article 7
Extending the scope of the report, so it also reflects the quantitative assessment of the number of violations and the current state of the practice of wearing the full veil in public spaces (provision introduced at the initiative Rapporteur)

See Report No. 72 of the commission.

© National Assembly
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It's not like I made it up, Ravi...I went and sought out the rationale behind this legislation so I could have an informed opinion. The French government is facing a complex issue where religious freedom and individual freedom clash with public standards of safety and citizenship. You might notice the proposed fine for a veiled face in public places is not prohibitive and the Citizenship class "punishment" offers an avenue for further communication and reconciliation...a public service probably paid for by the fine itself...Whereas the penalty for forcing anyone to veil their face in public places is both prohibitive and punitive.
The pre war Nazis also had a similar program for their second class citizens in the name public safety and national security.

A man who initially didn't wear the yellow Star of David was fined.

Later it was upped to a prison sentence if he or his family members were caught without one sewed onto their clothes.

Different country, different century.

Same type of people and mindset.

According to muslims, what happened to the jews during WWII in germany, it is all a lie. It never happened remember?

That's a tenet of Islam, is it?
The pre war Nazis also had a similar program for their second class citizens in the name public safety and national security.

A man who initially didn't wear the yellow Star of David was fined.

Later it was upped to a prison sentence if he or his family members were caught without one sewed onto their clothes.

Different country, different century.

Same type of people and mindset.

According to muslims, what happened to the jews during WWII in germany, it is all a lie. It never happened remember?

That's a tenet of Islam, is it?

Are suicide bombings a tenet of Islam? The way they occur, one would think so...:eusa_whistle:

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