France seals borders, Muslims on murderous rampage

Well, I hope they aren't profiling people as they search for the murderers.

Because that might hurt people's feelings 'n stuff.
Well, I hope they aren't profiling people as they search for the murderers.

Because that might hurt people's feelings 'n stuff.

It's kind of funny that the people that yell loudest about infringement of individual rights by government are also the strongest supporters of profiling.
Well, I hope they aren't profiling people as they search for the murderers. Because that might hurt people's feelings 'n stuff..
It's kind of funny that the people that yell loudest about infringement of individual rights by government are also the strongest supporters of profiling.
Right! They need to search granny just as carefully as anyone else!
Honestly, how can some of you on here defend this?? I am incredibly angry about it, as I suspect most civilized people are. It is clear that once again, the ideology of Islamists has struck in the murder of innocents. All of you who continue to equate it to other religions are stretching incredibly far. Islamism is a cancer on the civilized people of the world!
Who's defending it ?
I see no point in going batshit .
The question is do you have the wearwithall to do what is needed to stop them even if it means you may die in the process.
When you sit there and say, well, it's no worse than this or that, or that it is comparable to Columbine, that is a form of defending it.
False! it's a statement of fact .

Is it not a fact used in defending it? I would NEVER defend the Columbine shooters by saying.... well, your guys did this. And also, I don't recall the Columbine shooters shouting "Jesus is Lord" when reports have shouts of "Allah Akbar" being heard in the Paris attacks. False equivalence in the effort of defending.
Still more rationalizing.
Would you stfu....columbine or any other U.S. mass shooting is just as evil as this attack in Paris. No one is suggesting that our violence any better.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Bullshit it's all about a feigned moral superiority.

That's because we have the moral superiority here.

They are the lowest form of coward, they hide their means of mass death under their clothes and then blow themselves up, they cut innocent peoples' heads off, including beheading children, they burn people alive, including children, they crucify people, including children, they stone people, including children, they bury people alive, including children.

They have neither any morals nor any superiority.

They are in-human savages with their 7th Century mentality taught to them by the "Prophet" in their Satanic Koran.

We have the moral superiority, we are not sub-human savages.
False , but if that helps you sleep, then go with it.

Prove how any of this is false:

They are the lowest form of coward, they hide their means of mass death under their clothes and then blow themselves up, they cut innocent peoples' heads off, including beheading children, they burn people alive, including children, they crucify people, including children, they stone people, including children, they bury people alive, including children.

Go on, prove any of that is false.
His point is that Christians do this all the time also....except they don't.
He can't and won't prove that any of what you said was false because you've provided facts.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Don't need to re prove anything.
History is replete with examples of christian atrocities .
Are you Google challenged.?
"Welcome! Please feel free to Rape and Kill us All then Take Over our Country!"

(yes I know this is Dublin)
View attachment 54692

Yep, and its happening in sweden to where 77 percent of all rapes are committed by muslim men.


No, it's true.

It's been debunked multiple times and needs to be put in context: Misleading Murder and Rape Maps, and the Sweden Rape Puzzle
No, it hasn't been debunked. Progressive nuts twist the facts to explain it away. Like idiots pretend that since more child sexual predation crimes are reported, it indicates there's really less of it. That's nonsense, and so are the lies you spread to cover up the disgusting,violent nature of the Muslims and other criminals that you and your friends have delivered our country to.
"Welcome! Please feel free to Rape and Kill us All then Take Over our Country!"

(yes I know this is Dublin)
View attachment 54692

Yep, and its happening in sweden to where 77 percent of all rapes are committed by muslim men.


No, it's true.

It's been debunked multiple times and needs to be put in context: Misleading Murder and Rape Maps, and the Sweden Rape Puzzle
No, it hasn't been debunked. Progressive nuts twist the facts to explain it away. Like idiots pretend that since more child sexual predation July s reported, it indicates there's really less of it. That's nonsense, and so are the l July escape you spread to cover up the disgusting,violent nature of the Muslims and other criminals that you and your friends have delivered our country to.

Sweden defines rape much more broadly than many other countries - because of differences in laws and in crime reporting stats it's meaningless to try to draw comparisons between countries.

"and so are the l July escape you spread" what the hell are you talking about?
Yep, and its happening in sweden to where 77 percent of all rapes are committed by muslim men.


No, it's true.

It's been debunked multiple times and needs to be put in context: Misleading Murder and Rape Maps, and the Sweden Rape Puzzle
No, it hasn't been debunked. Progressive nuts twist the facts to explain it away. Like idiots pretend that since more child sexual predation July s reported, it indicates there's really less of it. That's nonsense, and so are the l July escape you spread to cover up the disgusting,violent nature of the Muslims and other criminals that you and your friends have delivered our country to.

Sweden defines rape much more broadly than many other countries - because of differences in laws and in crime reporting stats it's meaningless to try to draw comparisons between countries.

"and so are the l July escape you spread" what the hell are you talking about?
Auto correct on my devices I fix it when I can.

So now your defense of rapist Muslims is 'they weren't really raped...'....nice feminist attitude there. And when that doesn't work, will you say they are sluts who had it coming?
No, it hasn't been debunked. Progressive nuts twist the facts to explain it away. Like idiots pretend that since more child sexual predation July s reported, it indicates there's really less of it. That's nonsense, and so are the l July escape you spread to cover up the disgusting,violent nature of the Muslims and other criminals that you and your friends have delivered our country to.

Sweden defines rape much more broadly than many other countries - because of differences in laws and in crime reporting stats it's meaningless to try to draw comparisons between countries.

"and so are the l July escape you spread" what the hell are you talking about?
Auto correct on my devices I fix it when I can.

So now your defense of rapist Muslims is 'they weren't really raped...'....nice feminist attitude there. And when that doesn't work, will you say they are sluts who had it coming?

No it's not my defense.

The point I'm making is rape laws and what defines rape and what gets reported to authorities varies widely across countries. Sweden defines as "rape" actions that the US might not define as "rape". We recognize spousal rape, other countries do not. In Sweden - if a woman is gang raped, each action is recorded as a seperate rape while other countries count it as one. I'm not saying they were or were not "really raped" - only that there are widespread differences that make it impossible to make comparisons. Do you know which country has one of the lowest recorded rape records? Egypt. Now do you honestly believe they have very little rape?
Anybody notice that this thread is an "if you ain't fer us yer agin us" propaganda piece of shit.
Oh brother etc. and so on. Liberals love muslims? The big republican kahuna who destabilized the middle east and caused this latest uprising is the one who had his nose up muslim culo, not the liberals. See said kahuna below.

Take it on back to when Clinton was in there, I mean wasn't he and the dems fighting Osama prior and/or didn't they have problems with the dude who bombed the basement level of the towers before baby Bush ever came into power ? As long as we are dealing with the middle east on it's oil, then there are going to be meetings with these people, do you say otherwise ? And as long as there is a national interest on oil from the middle east, then we are going to be involved in making sure our interest are secure in the region just as it should be. Do you say otherwise ? The blame game is getting old, because people aren't this dum anymore really. If anything the dems have weakened the region with their unrealistic thinking and resolve that has taken place within the region. Bush was attacked shortly into his term as President, and that was something that was a result of past dealings within the area or region in which was going on during the dems being in power just as well... Clinton had 8 years in power, so do the math as to the resolve that didn't happen under his watch either. It proves that all of our government was involved in the middle east and still is, and not just a lone president as you would like to place the blame for anti-republican political purposes, but the game is to serious to play these silly games anymore now, so get with the update how bout it.

OK, so the struggle in that region between the countries or factions over there is also over the oil, and over the sharing of the wealth that comes from the oil, and of course there will always be winners and losers in such situations. The thing is, who do we side with in those situations as long as we are dealing in there or over there ? Getting caught in the middle of these problems has been a problem for us of course, but until we become energy independent somehow or until we don't need as much oil from over there as this nation has needed, then the show will continue to go on.
Oh brother etc. and so on. Liberals love muslims? The big republican kahuna who destabilized the middle east and caused this latest uprising is the one who had his nose up muslim culo, not the liberals. See said kahuna below.

Take it on back to when Clinton was in there, I mean wasn't he and the dems fighting Osama prior and/or didn't they have problems with the dude who bombed the basement level of the towers before baby Bush ever came into power ? As long as we are dealing with the middle east on it's oil, then there are going to be meetings with these people, do you say otherwise ? And as long as there is a national interest on oil from the middle east, then we are going to be involved in making sure our interest are secure in the region just as it should be. Do you say otherwise ? The blame game is getting old, because people aren't this dum anymore really. If anything the dems have weakened the region with their unrealistic thinking and resolve that has taken place within the region. Bush was attacked shortly into his term as President, and that was something that was a result of past dealings within the area or region in which was going on during the dems being in power just as well... Clinton had 8 years in power, so do the math as to the resolve that didn't happen under his watch either. It proves that all of our government was involved in the middle east and still is, and not just a lone president as you would like to place the blame for anti-republican political purposes, but the game is to serious to play these silly games anymore now, so get with the update how bout it.

OK, so the struggle in that region between the countries or factions over there is also over the oil, and over the sharing of the wealth that comes from the oil, and of course there will always be winners and losers in such situations. The thing is, who do we side with in those situations as long as we are dealing in there or over there ? Getting caught in the middle of these problems has been a problem for us of course, but until we become energy independent somehow or until we don't need as much oil from over there as this nation has needed, then the show will continue to go on.

We(USA) buy very little oil from the ME........
Oh brother etc. and so on. Liberals love muslims? The big republican kahuna who destabilized the middle east and caused this latest uprising is the one who had his nose up muslim culo, not the liberals. See said kahuna below.

Take it on back to when Clinton was in there, I mean wasn't he and the dems fighting Osama prior and/or didn't they have problems with the dude who bombed the basement level of the towers before baby Bush ever came into power ? As long as we are dealing with the middle east on it's oil, then there are going to be meetings with these people, do you say otherwise ? And as long as there is a national interest on oil from the middle east, then we are going to be involved in making sure our interest are secure in the region just as it should be. Do you say otherwise ? The blame game is getting old, because people aren't this dum anymore really. If anything the dems have weakened the region with their unrealistic thinking and resolve that has taken place within the region. Bush was attacked shortly into his term as President, and that was something that was a result of past dealings within the area or region in which was going on during the dems being in power just as well... Clinton had 8 years in power, so do the math as to the resolve that didn't happen under his watch either. It proves that all of our government was involved in the middle east and still is, and not just a lone president as you would like to place the blame for anti-republican political purposes, but the game is to serious to play these silly games anymore now, so get with the update how bout it.

OK, so the struggle in that region between the countries or factions over there is also over the oil, and over the sharing of the wealth that comes from the oil, and of course there will always be winners and losers in such situations. The thing is, who do we side with in those situations as long as we are dealing in there or over there ? Getting caught in the middle of these problems has been a problem for us of course, but until we become energy independent somehow or until we don't need as much oil from over there as this nation has needed, then the show will continue to go on.

We(USA) buy very little oil from the ME........

Not about the amount per-sae, but also it's about the price... You should know that. The price the dems don't want to pay here is the environment, so we use the oil from over there just like this nation is doing with the products from China, Mexico and etc. Have any ideas on how to change things, because they have all been involved in all of this mess. Hmm doesn't fit with your political narrative or agenda you aspire to now does it ?
Well, I hope they aren't profiling people as they search for the murderers.

Because that might hurt people's feelings 'n stuff.

It's kind of funny that the people that yell loudest about infringement of individual rights by government are also the strongest supporters of profiling.

muslims are carrying out these heinous acts; not profiling muslims because "oh my feeeelings are hurt!" is retarded.
Well, I hope they aren't profiling people as they search for the murderers.

Because that might hurt people's feelings 'n stuff.

It's kind of funny that the people that yell loudest about infringement of individual rights by government are also the strongest supporters of profiling.

muslims are carrying out these heinous acts; not profiling muslims because "oh my feeeelings are hurt!" is retarded.

Who said anything about "feelings being hurt"?
Well, I hope they aren't profiling people as they search for the murderers.

Because that might hurt people's feelings 'n stuff.

It's kind of funny that the people that yell loudest about infringement of individual rights by government are also the strongest supporters of profiling.

muslims are carrying out these heinous acts; not profiling muslims because "oh my feeeelings are hurt!" is retarded.

Who said anything about "feelings being hurt"?

Oh please. It's the battlecry of the left.

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