France seals borders, Muslims on murderous rampage

Well, I hope they aren't profiling people as they search for the murderers.

Because that might hurt people's feelings 'n stuff.

It's kind of funny that the people that yell loudest about infringement of individual rights by government are also the strongest supporters of profiling.

muslims are carrying out these heinous acts; not profiling muslims because "oh my feeeelings are hurt!" is retarded.

And the irony is all this psuedo-leftist gibberish and PC Nazism is having the effect of marginalizing the idiots indulging it; right wing parties all across Europe are on the rise, and these idiots are too stupid and clueless to see that their propaganda nonsense is going to provoke a worse reaction that they won't be able to counter. They have zero common sense and no grip on reality whatsoever, opposing even the most modest safeguards and common sense restrictions.
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

The whole of the sane majority of Europe is outraged, many who hadn't woken up, now will have woken up.

So far 160 are dead, the 100 in the theatre ALL young people like myself.

When the so far 160 funerals begin....many more Europeans will wake up.

We are going to have to BURY our European brothers and sisters because of the f-cking Traitor Merkel and the MENTALLY ILL Leftists.

Can I say I hate them, they are beneath contempt. OUR own people are dead already, 160 innocent Europeans, we're allowed to hate those who brought sub-human savages into OUR beautiful Continent and brought death himself, Satan, the Anti-Christ along with them.

It's too damn late for them. There are too many Muslims in Europe now, many have political clout. After the next distraction comes along, nothing will be done and people will forget.

Yes, well there's always Iceland. they haven't gotten to the Vikings yet

Sorry......they have:

1. "Sweden's population grew from 9 million to 9.5 million in the years 2004-2012, mainly due toimmigration from "countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia".16 percent of all newborns have mothers born in non-Western countries. Employment rate among immigrants: 54 percent.

Sweden now has the secondhighest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that1 out of every 4 Swedish womenwill be raped.

...Muslims representedin as many as 77 percentof the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration,the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be asexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology."1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%

a. "It is the country credited with saving Protestant Northern Europe during the 30 years war. TodaySweden is deemed “The Rape Capital of Europe” because there is virtually no punishment for Muslim immigrants who commit rape. "SWEDISH COURT RULES THAT IT’S OKAY FOR MUSLIMS TO RAPE WOMEN | Washington Weekly News

2. "Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…
...100 percentof convicted rapists in Oslo have non-Western background. According to the Oslo police, non-Western immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say thatthey just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…
Well, I hope they aren't profiling people as they search for the murderers.

Because that might hurt people's feelings 'n stuff.

It's kind of funny that the people that yell loudest about infringement of individual rights by government are also the strongest supporters of profiling.

muslims are carrying out these heinous acts; not profiling muslims because "oh my feeeelings are hurt!" is retarded.

And the irony is all this psuedo-leftist gibberish and PC Nazism is having the effect of marginalizing the idiots indulging it; right wing parties all across Europe are on the rise, and these idiots are too stupid and clueless to see that their propaganda nonsense is going to provoke a worse reaction that they won't be able to counter. They have zero common sense and no grip on reality whatsoever, opposing even the most modest safeguards and common sense restrictions.
Common sense is a fabrication .
He's right.
It's our biggest threat, all the wars ever, pale in comparison to climate change .
The positive side is, that area of the world will die off first .

I just came in from outside. The climate is about the same as it has been for as long as I can remember. I haven't witnessed any climate change during my lifetime except when I was in Viet Nam or Canada or in some state other than Florida.
He's right.
It's our biggest threat, all the wars ever, pale in comparison to climate change .
The positive side is, that area of the world will die off first .

I just came in from outside. The climate is about the same as it has been for as long as I can remember. I haven't witnessed any climate change during my lifetime except when I was in Viet Nam or Canada or in some state other than Florida.
It's cold here too, and right on time.. I think they have fabricated all of this in order to shift the world's wealth around in ways that benefit certain groups in order to empower them. It's a way to rob the treasury as well... Look for it..
It's nice to see the progressive shitstains come out in force supporting their Muslim brothers.

It 's nice to see the religious right come out in force and support Reverend Hagee, Bibi and the Zionut brotherhood.

the terrorists in paris have nothing to do with hagee, zionists or netanyahu...why are you trying to change the subject?

Who is Hagee?
some wack TV preacher.
Completely insignificant and unrelated to any of this.He just needed a way to try to derail the thread...these people believe ANYthing they see or are told on television...useful idiots, the communists call dupes like them.
"Whacked out TV preacher". Tell us some more about how Bush the Greater tricked Saddam Hussein into invading Kuwait, loony toons.
Oh brother etc. and so on. Liberals love muslims? The big republican kahuna who destabilized the middle east and caused this latest uprising is the one who had his nose up muslim culo, not the liberals. See said kahuna below.

Take it on back to when Clinton was in there, I mean wasn't he and the dems fighting Osama prior and/or didn't they have problems with the dude who bombed the basement level of the towers before baby Bush ever came into power ? As long as we are dealing with the middle east on it's oil, then there are going to be meetings with these people, do you say otherwise ? And as long as there is a national interest on oil from the middle east, then we are going to be involved in making sure our interest are secure in the region just as it should be. Do you say otherwise ? The blame game is getting old, because people aren't this dum anymore really. If anything the dems have weakened the region with their unrealistic thinking and resolve that has taken place within the region. Bush was attacked shortly into his term as President, and that was something that was a result of past dealings within the area or region in which was going on during the dems being in power just as well... Clinton had 8 years in power, so do the math as to the resolve that didn't happen under his watch either. It proves that all of our government was involved in the middle east and still is, and not just a lone president as you would like to place the blame for anti-republican political purposes, but the game is to serious to play these silly games anymore now, so get with the update how bout it.

OK, so the struggle in that region between the countries or factions over there is also over the oil, and over the sharing of the wealth that comes from the oil, and of course there will always be winners and losers in such situations. The thing is, who do we side with in those situations as long as we are dealing in there or over there ? Getting caught in the middle of these problems has been a problem for us of course, but until we become energy independent somehow or until we don't need as much oil from over there as this nation has needed, then the show will continue to go on.

Our meddling in the middle east was pre clinton or baby bush. However, it's the bushes who've starting the wars. bush senior and desert storm, partly to help his wimp factor. Partly on orders from exxon. Our problems with Iran go back at least to the 50's when we interfered in their politics. This country actually could have survived without the oil from the middle east. We would have paid more for gas at the pump, but in the long run that would've been cheaper than constant wars, not even including the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. But then, our politicians march to the orders of the oil companies and defense industries, not we the people. Our military exists to provide protection for corporations that want to do business in dangerous places, but are to cheap to hire their own mercenaries.
This is not in the same league as Charlie Hebdo. This is MASSIVE, this is the worst carnage in France since WWII. This is the first time since then that France has closed it's borders. That's how bad it is.

True but if you'll remember, the whole world was just as outraged, just as shocked, and nothing was done. And so it will be again. It's too late for the majority of Europe. France in particular. Remember, the Ayatollah Kohmeni who took our hostages in Iran came from radical Islamic cells in France. That was more than 30 years ago.

I'm listening to French radio and believe me this reaction will have to be hardcore. Every person interviewed is saying is must be a severe response and they also say what I just said, this is nothing like Charlie Hebdo....the French media are saying this is war.

Ok, believe what you want to, but let me tell you for your own sake, don't bet on it happening.

We must believe this changes things, we can't let the defeatists and Leftists get in the way now.

Barack Hussein Obama offering France all the help she might need....My God France just tell him to p-ss off.

P-ss off Mullah Obama.
My new avatar, well my only avatar.

That is The Imperial Flag of The Holy Roman Empire....since the 8th Century that flag and that Empire kept my Continent free of Islam, the flag that led all the Crusades.

May the Spirit of The Holy Roman Empire make us brave one more time, the final Crusade to keep my Continent free of Islamic takeover.
That's a wonderful choice for an avatar. The Christian armies get far too little credit for saving the world from complete Muslim domination.
Oh brother etc. and so on. Liberals love muslims? The big republican kahuna who destabilized the middle east and caused this latest uprising is the one who had his nose up muslim culo, not the liberals. See said kahuna below.

Take it on back to when Clinton was in there, I mean wasn't he and the dems fighting Osama prior and/or didn't they have problems with the dude who bombed the basement level of the towers before baby Bush ever came into power ? As long as we are dealing with the middle east on it's oil, then there are going to be meetings with these people, do you say otherwise ? And as long as there is a national interest on oil from the middle east, then we are going to be involved in making sure our interest are secure in the region just as it should be. Do you say otherwise ? The blame game is getting old, because people aren't this dum anymore really. If anything the dems have weakened the region with their unrealistic thinking and resolve that has taken place within the region. Bush was attacked shortly into his term as President, and that was something that was a result of past dealings within the area or region in which was going on during the dems being in power just as well... Clinton had 8 years in power, so do the math as to the resolve that didn't happen under his watch either. It proves that all of our government was involved in the middle east and still is, and not just a lone president as you would like to place the blame for anti-republican political purposes, but the game is to serious to play these silly games anymore now, so get with the update how bout it.

OK, so the struggle in that region between the countries or factions over there is also over the oil, and over the sharing of the wealth that comes from the oil, and of course there will always be winners and losers in such situations. The thing is, who do we side with in those situations as long as we are dealing in there or over there ? Getting caught in the middle of these problems has been a problem for us of course, but until we become energy independent somehow or until we don't need as much oil from over there as this nation has needed, then the show will continue to go on.

Our meddling in the middle east was pre clinton or baby bush. However, it's the bushes who've starting the wars. bush senior and desert storm, partly to help his wimp factor. Partly on orders from exxon. Our problems with Iran go back at least to the 50's when we interfered in their politics. This country actually could have survived without the oil from the middle east. We would have paid more for gas at the pump, but in the long run that would've been cheaper than constant wars, not even including the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. But then, our politicians march to the orders of the oil companies and defense industries, not we the people. Our military exists to provide protection for corporations that want to do business in dangerous places, but are to cheap to hire their own mercenaries.

You mean this 50 years ago? ~ Suez's lesson (David Frum on Middle-East mistakes of 50 years ago)

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