France seals borders, Muslims on murderous rampage

Death toll over 100...

Paris Attacks Kill More Than 100, Police Say; French Seal Border
NOV. 13, 2015 — The Paris area reeled Friday night from a shooting rampage, explosions and mass hostage-taking that President François Hollande called an unprecedented terrorist attack on France. He closed the borders and mobilized the military in a national emergency.
French television and news services quoted the police as saying around 100 people had been killed at a concert venue where hostages had been taken, and dozens more killed in apparently coordinated attacks outside the country’s main sports stadium and at least five other popular locations in the city. Witnesses on French television said the scene at the concert was a massacre. Ambulances were seen racing back and forth in the area into the early hours of Saturday morning. The casualties eclipsed the deaths and mayhem that roiled Paris in the Charlie Hebdo massacre and related assaults around the French capital by Islamic militant extremists less than a year ago.


Fire brigade members aided a wounded woman near the Bataclan concert hall in Paris on Friday.​

An explosion near the sports stadium, which French news services said may have been a suicide bombing, came as Germany and France were playing a soccer match, forcing a hasty evacuation of Mr. Hollande. As the scope of the assaults quickly became clear, he convened an emergency cabinet meeting and announced that France was closing its borders. “As I speak, terrorist attacks of an unprecedented scale are taking place in the Paris region,” he said in a nationally televised address. “There are several dozen dead, lots more wounded, it’s horrific.” Mr. Hollande said that on his orders the government had “mobilized all the forces we can muster to neutralize the threats and secure all of the areas.”

President Obama in Washington came to the White House Briefing room to express solidarity and offer aid and condolences. “Once again, we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians,” he said. “This is an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share.” There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Twitter erupted with celebratory messages by members and sympathizers of the Islamic State, the extremist group based in Syria and Iraq that is under assault by major powers including the United States, France and Russia.

What Happened at Each Location
This is payback for French airstrikes in Syria...

... look for Russia to be next...

... hope Homeland Security is on top of things.

I expect if that happens, russia will pay them back 10 fold. We can be sure that HS is on the bottom of this.

In preparedness for such attacks. Not responsible for what just happened.
Okay. Read like you were blaming HS for the attacks in France. Hell there's already been one demented idiot who claimed the CIA is behind the French attacks tonight.
Besides doesn't really matter how hard HS works, it would surprise me if it doesn't happen here on such a scale....... again.
I see failed governments around the world is what I see.

Hope ours isn't the ring leader of weakness, but it very well could be.
Cultural and religious clashes around the world seem to be getting way out of line these days, but governments and their support of very bad things are causing all of this chaos and mayhem now.
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

We sane Europeans have warned about this for a month and a half. We said not to allow any of the Muslim hordes pretending to be refugees in, 90% are young, angry males of military age. We said they were possibly terrorists, we said there would be suicide bombs, we said we were all being put at the risk of death.

We were called "racists" and every name under the sun. We and the Eastern European leaders have been proven right as we always knew we were.

Traitor Merkel and the Leftist nutters in Europe have caused this, the death is solely their fault.

What should happen now:

ALL European borders shut, ALL European armies on the borders with shoot to kill orders.

Every plane in Europe, military and commercial made available for action.

All Muslim hordes in the various "refugee" camps, those camps put in total lockdown. The media told that none of them allowed within 100 yards of each camp.

The police, riot police, internal security agencies, anti-terrorist police etc go to the camps, drag all Muslim hordes out, by violence if need be, get them transported to all the available planes and hurd them in to them.

Muslim Middle Eastern hordes flown en masse to Turkey and dumped there.

Sub-Saharan African savages flown en masse and dumped in the actual Sahara desert.

Tell the UN to f-ck off when they start whining about human rights.

All European Navy vessels off coast of Italy and Greece.

When new boats carrying more invaders turn up, get invaders off the boats, sink the boats and take invaders back to where they came from.

Repeat the European Navy vessel operation until the POS get the message, if the POS don't get the message, the next wave of boats open fire and shoot everyone on said boats....then they'll get the message.

European nations issue mass declaration that Europe is closed, so forget about coming ever again.

Traitor Merkel should be overthrown, this would include a military coup to remove her, then arrest her and put her on trial for High Treason against Germany and it's population.

We need to get hardcore, or we're finished.
Recently the FBI said something about activity in all 50 states. OK? huh? go get them? take them out. Don't wait till they manage to do something.


But, then again.........


Nuff said?

Obama the Muslim Marxist just been on BBC Propaganda news, saying how shocked he is about Paris attacks, the usual horsecrap from his mouth.

He means to bring this to America also, America be warned, he wants you to die also.

Like Traitor Merkel, Obama is also a Traitor....I wish you could have Impeached him two years ago. I HOPE America has another election and that he doesn't find some way to stay in office....Donald Trump can save you, Europe and Trump can work together, Trump already is friendly with many Central European leaders, we can help each other in order to save each other from the Satanic Death Cult known as Islam.
News flash!!!!!!
Obama calls it theater place violence.
What would you call it a slow night in the trailer park?
Typical from Obama. It's not "theatre place violence", it was cold-blooded murder, that's not "violence" that's utter savagery committed by in-human savages.

As they're members of Obama's "religion" he can't call a spade a spade. Islam is a religion of peace we must remember:rolleyes-41:
News flash!!!!!!
Obama calls it theater place violence.
What would you call it a slow night in the trailer park?
Typical from Obama. It's not "theatre place violence", it was cold-blooded murder, that's not "violence" that's utter savagery committed by in-human savages.

As they're members of Obama's "religion" he can't call a spade a spade. Islam is a religion of peace we must remember:rolleyes-41:
Oh bullshit , it no more murderous than any of the mass shooting we've seen since columbine.
By the power vested in me I rename this thread the lazyboy warrior and paranoid reactionaries festival
There's nothing paranoid or reactionary about taking all measures to protect a Continents people from sub-human savages who's aim it is to kill and maim as many of us as possible.

Either you deal with them using ANY means OR they'll kill you. It's quite an easy choice to make.
News flash!!!!!!
Obama calls it theater place violence.
What would you call it a slow night in the trailer park?
Typical from Obama. It's not "theatre place violence", it was cold-blooded murder, that's not "violence" that's utter savagery committed by in-human savages.

As they're members of Obama's "religion" he can't call a spade a spade. Islam is a religion of peace we must remember:rolleyes-41:
Oh bullshit , it no more murderous than any of the mass shooting we've seen since columbine.

Yes when you get the suicide bombs, we'll see how you then feel about that situation.
This is payback for French airstrikes in Syria...

... look for Russia to be next...

... hope Homeland Security is on top of things.
Can monkeys add 1 + 1?

If so, then they have surpassed your level to reason.

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