France's far right smothered in election by normal people.



France delivers cautionary tale for Republicans: Column

PARIS — Rationality has reasserted itself in France, as it so often does. The second and final round of France’s last nationwide elections before its next vote for a new president in 2017 showed the moderate right reasserting itself and the ruling Socialists holding on after the nation had a brief flirtation with its version of the Tea Party movement just a week ago.

France's far-right National Front party fails to capture any region in election

"The danger of the extreme right has not gone away, far from it," Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in a televised statement. "We must prove that politics won't carry on like before, show that we are capable, particularly on the left, to again inspire the wish to vote for [something] and not only against."


That's the problem with the GOP. They are against everything but stand for nothing.
The Far Right is claiming to have success, they always do unless they can't.

Like the Tea Party? Not really, the Far Right of Le Pen in France are really Far Right, they're the sort of people who would have been in Vichy France's govt in WW2 (their Grandparents probably were)
Now this will make your hair stand on end.

I the right wing of the right wing of the right wing believe in Hollande.

I believe he cares. I think his heart broke. I beleive he wants to make things right. I wish the French would give him more time and not knee jerk react. I think he is ready and willing and able to work with Putin.
The French may need another incident to convince them, just like America.

If you'd admit that you would like to see a major terrorist attack on US soil so you can win a political victory, I would begin to have some respect for you. You present yourself as a person who "tells it like it is". Will you?
The French may need another incident to convince them, just like America.

If you'd admit that you would like to see a major terrorist attack on US soil so you can win a political victory, I would begin to have some respect for you. You present yourself as a person who "tells it like it is". Will you?

I am admitting no such thing. Merely extrapolating the cause and effect of the facts at hand.

Where you place your respect is no concern of mine. It's a fact about which I could not care less.
The French may need another incident to convince them, just like America.

If you'd admit that you would like to see a major terrorist attack on US soil so you can win a political victory, I would begin to have some respect for you. You present yourself as a person who "tells it like it is". Will you?

I am admitting no such thing. Merely extrapolating the cause and effect of the facts at hand.

Where you place your respect is no concern of mine. It's a fact that I could not care less.

The far right came in below expectations in the UK with UKIP only winning two seats in the last election, now the far right in France has also come in below expectations.

That will happen in the US as well.
Sanity is apparently allowing MILLIONS of Muslims into your country turning a once proud EUROPEAN country into a cesspool of shit. I guess Paris attack didn't do the job to wake these sheeple up...need more attacks....oh well. French want to commit suicide be sad to see them go but nothing I can do about it. BTW TRIPLING your representation on councils,going from 15% to 25% in 4 years means you are on the right track ....when 2 parties have to team up to defeat you,you are going to win sooner than later.ANYONE that celebrates this is celebrating the genocide of the French people,nation,culture.
Sanity is apparently allowing MILLIONS of Muslims into your country turning a once proud EUROPEAN country into a cesspool of shit. I guess Paris attack didn't do the job to wake these sheeple up...need more attacks....oh well. French want to commit suicide be sad to see them go but nothing I can do about it. BTW TRIPLING your representation on councils,going from 15% to 25% in 4 years means you are on the right track ....when 2 parties have to team up to defeat you,you are going to win sooner than later.ANYONE that celebrates this is celebrating the genocide of the French people,nation,culture.
This country has never been european. Your ancestors may have tried to make it so but they failed.
The French once again demonstrate they have bigger balls than Donald Trump and all the right wing fearmongering ministries of propaganda.

They also have shown they have more Christian compassion than America.
This only happened because conservatives in France refused to run TV ads just prior to elections of the church of LGBT teaching anal sex to kids in school as "OK"...or pictures of young men (boys really) dying of AIDS or the statistics on young men dying of AIDS. ie: they refused, for PC reasons, and misinformation in polling on this one particular topic, to believe that rolling out the stark truth about who is running their opponents' campaigns would be an advantage to them in an election.

If our conservatives make the same mistake, they too will watch their numbers fall. There is one liberal platform that is deadly in an election, and to the young men who will fall victims to this "mandatory forced social change"...if conservatives miss it, they have nobody but themselves to blame. Run the photos on TV ads THEN poll the public; not the other way around...idjits....
This only happened because conservatives in France refused to run TV ads just prior to elections of the church of LGBT teaching anal sex to kids in school as "OK"...or pictures of young men (boys really) dying of AIDS or the statistics on young men dying of AIDS. ie: they refused, for PC reasons, and misinformation in polling on this one particular topic, to believe that rolling out the stark truth about who is running their opponents' campaigns would be an advantage to them in an election.

If our conservatives make the same mistake, they too will watch their numbers fall. There is one liberal platform that is deadly in an election, and to the young men who will fall victims to this "mandatory forced social change"...if conservatives miss it, they have nobody but themselves to blame. Run the photos on TV ads THEN poll the public; not the other way around...idjits....

You guessed it folks, the far right under-preformed in the French elections not b/c people were not buying their policies but b/c they didn't smear gays enough. :lol:
The French may need another incident to convince them, just like America.
People wont fall for your fear response.

No, they will fall to the enemy's bullets while waiting for their government to take effective action.

Same old story.
Same old story, all right. More being killed here in the USA by the bullets of rightwingnuts than by ISIS. Remember Oklahoma City? One of your guys targeted babies in a nursery with his bomb.
France delivers cautionary tale for Republicans: Column

PARIS — Rationality has reasserted itself in France, as it so often does. The second and final round of France’s last nationwide elections before its next vote for a new president in 2017 showed the moderate right reasserting itself and the ruling Socialists holding on after the nation had a brief flirtation with its version of the Tea Party movement just a week ago.

France's far-right National Front party fails to capture any region in election

"The danger of the extreme right has not gone away, far from it," Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in a televised statement. "We must prove that politics won't carry on like before, show that we are capable, particularly on the left, to again inspire the wish to vote for [something] and not only against."


That's the problem with the GOP. They are against everything but stand for nothing.
Bring back FREEDOM FRIES! Those snail eating terrorist coddling surrenderests!
"France's far right smothered in election by normal people."

The politics of fear practiced by the American right will likewise fail.

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