France's far right smothered in election by normal people.

People wont fall for your fear response.

No, they will fall to the enemy's bullets while waiting for their government to take effective action.

Same old story.
Same old story, all right. More being killed here in the USA by the bullets of rightwingnuts than by ISIS. Remember Oklahoma City? One of your guys targeted babies in a nursery with his bomb.

Nope, OKC was just like 9/11/01. A complete inside job. McVeigh was still in the military and was working black ops until he was officially discharged in August of 1993 where he went to work undercover. He was set up as the fall guy. I have spent many hours researching and reading about this event. I even met personally with Brigadier General Benton Partin, an expert in explosives that gave a very detailed account on how the building was gutted. Seismic graphs show two distinct and separate explosions seconds apart.

I have personally met with five star general and legend Hugh Janus, and he has given a detailed account of the propaganda confederates like you propagate. You have long lost the war, and continue to lose with weak campaigns such as this.

True patriots understand that the likes of you and your propaganda are the enemy, your efforts to weaken the standing of the US govt. with false information are ignored. Your dream of civil war and instituting your new confederate govt. is denied.

Says the far left drone that supports ISIS

JW v State Benghazi support 01511 - Judicial Watch

Says the far right Fox-bot who sips up anti govt. propaganda when it suits him without question, and supports terrorism.
No, they will fall to the enemy's bullets while waiting for their government to take effective action.

Same old story.
Same old story, all right. More being killed here in the USA by the bullets of rightwingnuts than by ISIS. Remember Oklahoma City? One of your guys targeted babies in a nursery with his bomb.

Nope, OKC was just like 9/11/01. A complete inside job. McVeigh was still in the military and was working black ops until he was officially discharged in August of 1993 where he went to work undercover. He was set up as the fall guy. I have spent many hours researching and reading about this event. I even met personally with Brigadier General Benton Partin, an expert in explosives that gave a very detailed account on how the building was gutted. Seismic graphs show two distinct and separate explosions seconds apart.

I have personally met with five star general and legend Hugh Janus, and he has given a detailed account of the propaganda confederates like you propagate. You have long lost the war, and continue to lose with weak campaigns such as this.

True patriots understand that the likes of you and your propaganda are the enemy, your efforts to weaken the standing of the US govt. with false information are ignored. Your dream of civil war and instituting your new confederate govt. is denied.

Says the far left drone that supports ISIS

JW v State Benghazi support 01511 - Judicial Watch

Says the far right Fox-bot who sips up anti govt. propaganda when it suits him without question, and supports terrorism.
I have no use for democrats or neocons. Both parties are the same at the very top. You are only given the illusion that your voice and vote makes a doesn't. BTW, USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat on the planet and has been for some time.
I have no use for democrats or neocons. Both parties are the same at the very top. You are only given the illusion that your voice and vote makes a doesn't. BTW, USA.INC is the biggest terrorist threat on the planet and has been for some time.
There is a common misconception that neocon is synonymous with republican. This is due to the rise in attention the neocon movement received during the Bush administration. But the neocons encompass both parties. Liberals are also neocons. The driving ideology is that US dominance over the rest of the planet must be maintained no matter the costs.
The French may need another incident to convince them, just like America.
You know your party is flirting with fascism when the only way to convince people to elect you is by terrorising them.
Your beloved "gubermint" is the biggest terrorist threat on the planet.
I know. I do not associate myself with a party, nor do I support my countries hegemonic desires which are dictated by the corporate state.
The French may need another incident to convince them, just like America.
You know your party is flirting with fascism when the only way to convince people to elect you is by terrorising them.
Your beloved "gubermint" is the biggest terrorist threat on the planet.
I know. I do not associate myself with a party, nor do I support my countries hegemonic desires which are dictated by the corporate state.

I knew I would eventually find someone that is awake....
The French may need another incident to convince them, just like America.
You know your party is flirting with fascism when the only way to convince people to elect you is by terrorising them.
Your beloved "gubermint" is the biggest terrorist threat on the planet.
I know. I do not associate myself with a party, nor do I support my countries hegemonic desires which are dictated by the corporate state.

I knew I would eventually find someone that is awake....
We are out there, most are probably smart enough not to be frequenting this place.
The French may need another incident to convince them, just like America.
You know your party is flirting with fascism when the only way to convince people to elect you is by terrorising them.
Your beloved "gubermint" is the biggest terrorist threat on the planet.
I know. I do not associate myself with a party, nor do I support my countries hegemonic desires which are dictated by the corporate state.

I knew I would eventually find someone that is awake....
We are out there, most are probably smart enough not to be frequenting this place.

Got to do what we can to wake up the sleeping masses because I see where we are going and it's not going to be a good thing.
Sanity is apparently allowing MILLIONS of Muslims into your country turning a once proud EUROPEAN country into a cesspool of shit. I guess Paris attack didn't do the job to wake these sheeple up...need more attacks....oh well. French want to commit suicide be sad to see them go but nothing I can do about it. BTW TRIPLING your representation on councils,going from 15% to 25% in 4 years means you are on the right track ....when 2 parties have to team up to defeat you,you are going to win sooner than later.ANYONE that celebrates this is celebrating the genocide of the French people,nation,culture.
Your claim shows much ignorance. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England where they are 5.02% of the population. They are by no means taking over the country. In the US, Native Americans, overall, make up 2% of the population. In most European countries, Muslims are less than 2% of the population. Put things into perspective. How much influence do Native Americans have on the US?
I don't care if it was 0.000000000001% in the country they don't belong there PERIOD. London has NO GO AREAS! for non muslims,English girls were/are raped for the past 20 years and the police in England are afraid of doing anything for fear of being called racist. Indians weren't the first ones here. Solutreans were. FROM EUROPE. Even if Indians were here first they came from ASIA hence aren't native.
Sanity is apparently allowing MILLIONS of Muslims into your country turning a once proud EUROPEAN country into a cesspool of shit. I guess Paris attack didn't do the job to wake these sheeple up...need more attacks....oh well. French want to commit suicide be sad to see them go but nothing I can do about it. BTW TRIPLING your representation on councils,going from 15% to 25% in 4 years means you are on the right track ....when 2 parties have to team up to defeat you,you are going to win sooner than later.ANYONE that celebrates this is celebrating the genocide of the French people,nation,culture.
Your claim shows much ignorance. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England where they are 5.02% of the population. They are by no means taking over the country. In the US, Native Americans, overall, make up 2% of the population. In most European countries, Muslims are less than 2% of the population. Put things into perspective. How much influence do Native Americans have on the US?
I don't care if it was 0.000000000001% in the country they don't belong there PERIOD. London has NO GO AREAS! for non muslims,English girls were/are raped for the past 20 years and the police in England are afraid of doing anything for fear of being called racist. Indians weren't the first ones here. Solutreans were. FROM EUROPE. Even if Indians were here first they came from ASIA hence aren't native.
Funny how the Brits think you're Foxbot it.
France delivers cautionary tale for Republicans: Column

PARIS — Rationality has reasserted itself in France, as it so often does. The second and final round of France’s last nationwide elections before its next vote for a new president in 2017 showed the moderate right reasserting itself and the ruling Socialists holding on after the nation had a brief flirtation with its version of the Tea Party movement just a week ago.

France's far-right National Front party fails to capture any region in election

"The danger of the extreme right has not gone away, far from it," Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in a televised statement. "We must prove that politics won't carry on like before, show that we are capable, particularly on the left, to again inspire the wish to vote for [something] and not only against."


That's the problem with the GOP. They are against everything but stand for nothing.

It is hard claim to be for democracy if, on one hand, like to win elections but then blame 'politics' when you lose. What is politics in a democratic system of government?

The socialist side seems to know what is best for anyone and genuinely do hate it when politics gets in the way of their ruling over the people.
This country has never been european. Your ancestors may have tried to make it so but they failed.
In at least 2 ways that is a very GOOD thing.

1. Our refusal to cave in to the harmful practice of hate speech laws.

2. Our 2nd amendment, and capability to defend against attackers (except where Obama and other hare-brained liberals have installed gun-free zones).
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Of course all the lefties want to convince Americans that France, Greece, and Russia are brilliant; they want us to look exactly like them, with the left in charge, lol!

By the way.........if France calls (or any European country for that matter) for massive planes to again save their chickenshit ass**, charge them some of their socialist money for the favor-)

Just think.................what would those wonderful, Democratic Socialist countries of Europe look like today, if it wasn't for those EVIL CAPITALISTS from America saving their SOCIALIST bacon, hehehehehehehe. They would all be saying a night time prayer to the dearly departed Fuehrer.

May not like it, but it is the truth!

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