Frances Fox Piven: Tea Party Chant ‘Take It Back’ Is Code For ‘Taking America Back Fr

[ame=]Artur Davis Adresses NOVA Tea Party 5 of 5 - YouTube[/ame]
And of course it has nothing to do with his policies, it's only because he's black !

Forget the fact that we wanted to "take it back" from Carter, or Clinton, no it's only because Obama is black.

Let me break the news to liberals, had social networking, talk radio and cable news been around during Carter's years you would have heard us screaming loudly !

With Clinton you heard it to the point that he nearly was removed from office, and he was much more moderate than the current pos !
I've been called a racist so many times now that it doesn't have any meaning to me any more. The left has made being called a racist a sign of a true believer in freedom. Maybe it's not a bad thing any more. I guess I can proudly be called a racist in some circles now.
I've been called a racist so many times now that it doesn't have any meaning to me any more. The left has made being called a racist a sign of a true believer in freedom. Maybe it's not a bad thing any more. I guess I can proudly be called a racist in some circles now.

That's exactly right, the left have so over used the term, I don't even blink anymore.
Their main goal in the use is to silence people. Don't let them get away with that !
Let's say for instance Hillary was the Dem nominee back in '08, and she won the White House.

Does anyone really believe that if she had ram-rodded Hillarycare/Hillarytax through despite the majority of Americans being against it, and she went after other very divisive issues such as "free" contraception, gay marriage, giving "amnesty" to the illegal children of illegal aliens, challenging state laws that seek to do something about illegal immigration, that we wouldn't be going nuts ?!!!

Give me a break !
I've been called a racist so many times now that it doesn't have any meaning to me any more.

Yup, the term has become badly diluted. That's what happens when a word is completely over-used.

Too bad too, since real racism does still exist. Now it's just buried in the noise.


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