Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad Read

Homofascists are among the most intolerant people on earth. Their agenda contributes to social demise on several levels and they want to force everyone to acquiesce to their otherwise irrelevant personal behavior choices.
Pure evil.

Ironic given that is an exact description of the aniumus that fundamentalist Christians are displaying towards the LBGT community.
But I don't come at this from a religious POV. My take is entirely empirical and uber progressive. It just happens to be in line with some religious fundamentalism. Coincidence.
It's backwards, out-of-touch people who promote the homo agenda.

Your vile bigotry just happens to align with fundamentalist Christianity and yet you claim that is coincidence.

My take on the social counter-productivity of the homo agenda is, again, purely empirical and based in social science. It just so happens that fundamentalists including muslims are in agreement with me.
I've been saying all along that all fundamentalists, including Muslims, are alike.
Currently muslims separate themselves from the group by blowing people up.
Wrong -

My company no longer does business with Wells Fargo (we did for over 16 years) for the same reason.

Total loss to Wells Fargo? $13.5 million/year in cash flow-thru.

Had offers from 4 different banks - moved the same day.

Oh .... picked Chase Bank ... hardly a nothing banking institution.

Irrelevant since you are not publicly advertising your bigotry to the nation at large.

Also, irrelevant because it negates your previous posts about banks not being willing to take their accounts .. oh, and the other one, about nobody else doing this.

BZZZT Wrong!

Graham has publicly announced that he intends to move his accounts which is what makes them risk toxic to whichever bank accepts them.

You have just closed your paltry checking account without any publicity whatsoever therefore there is zero risk to the banks concerned because no one knows about your LBGT bigotry.
You obviously don't realize if a national bank accepts Graham's accounts. More than likely all Christian businesses and all churches, even christians, and people who are tired of hearing about queers 24/7. Will move their money there. That would make that bank the biggest in the world and would put some banks that are trying to play the pc card, out of business. You really don't understand how it really works.

How long have you worked in the banking sector?
Never, but I do know money and sex makes the world go around. When banks go against Christians and people that don't support gay marriage. Then a majority of America takes their money to a bank that doesn't become politically correct. Those politically correct banks lose. You do realize bank of America, won't fly the American flag? Liberals are insane.
Good for him. I stopped banking there several years ago...good riddance.I would close accounts from bank I use now if I saw that shit.
Hope you didn't choose Morgan Stanley, J P Morgan Chase, Bank of American, or Citigroup, just 4 more big banks seeking the business of LGBT.
Not an evangelical here. Last time I was in a church (yard) was for an easter egg hunt. But way to go Frankie Graham. I'm right there with you. Two of the same sex makes me puking sick to my stomach. Sickening.

What about lesbian porn?
Banks would usually line up for those kinds of deposits. But Ken Thomas, a Miami-based independent bank consultant and economist, said the bank that receives Graham’s bank accounts will have to answer some tough questions.

“The bank that takes this account will be in a higher visibility position because you’re going to ask them, ‘What do you think of that ad?’ … And they will face some potential reputation risk.”

Banks, Thomas said, “don’t like controversy, and they don’t like reputation risk.”

Whichever bank receives these accounts will have to combat the perception that they stand counter to the ideals of Wells Fargo.

“To take your money out of one of the best-run banks in America, and for another bank to accept an account that came out of Wells Fargo, some people might ask questions like, ‘Does your bank not agree with Wells Fargo?’” Thomas said.

Read more here: Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer

He is going to have a hard time finding a major national bank willing to assume the reputational risk that he brings with that account.

None of them will want to be associated with anti-LBGT bigotry.

He is probably going to have to put the funds in some mom&pop bank somewhere and they won't have the resources to handle that kind of deposit.

What a fool!

Once again you revel in attacking the livelihood of people who disagree with you. A pox on you, and your ilk.

I was expanding on the point made in the article which is perfectly valid.

Banks are risk averse and reputational risk is something banks take very seriously.

That you don't understand this concept is your problem.

I understand it fine, you are a petty miserable person that wants to punish people who disagree with you. That you want people to have NO options for banking due to their political beliefs shows how terrible of a human being you really are.

Kinda like being forced to bake a cake, huh?

Exactly like that actually.
Homofascists are among the most intolerant people on earth. Their agenda contributes to social demise on several levels and they want to force everyone to acquiesce to their otherwise irrelevant personal behavior choices.
Pure evil.

Ironic given that is an exact description of the aniumus that fundamentalist Christians are displaying towards the LBGT community.
But I don't come at this from a religious POV. My take is entirely empirical and uber progressive. It just happens to be in line with some religious fundamentalism. Coincidence.
It's backwards, out-of-touch people who promote the homo agenda.

Your vile bigotry just happens to align with fundamentalist Christianity and yet you claim that is coincidence.

What bigotry? Show me the bigotry.

Using the term "homofascists" exposes you as a bigot!
Homofascists are among the most intolerant people on earth. Their agenda contributes to social demise on several levels and they want to force everyone to acquiesce to their otherwise irrelevant personal behavior choices.
Pure evil.

Ironic given that is an exact description of the aniumus that fundamentalist Christians are displaying towards the LBGT community.
But I don't come at this from a religious POV. My take is entirely empirical and uber progressive. It just happens to be in line with some religious fundamentalism. Coincidence.
It's backwards, out-of-touch people who promote the homo agenda.

Your vile bigotry just happens to align with fundamentalist Christianity and yet you claim that is coincidence.

My take on the social counter-productivity of the homo agenda is, again, purely empirical and based in social science. It just so happens that fundamentalists including muslims are in agreement with me.

You are known by the scummy company you keep.
Ironic given that is an exact description of the aniumus that fundamentalist Christians are displaying towards the LBGT community.
But I don't come at this from a religious POV. My take is entirely empirical and uber progressive. It just happens to be in line with some religious fundamentalism. Coincidence.
It's backwards, out-of-touch people who promote the homo agenda.

Your vile bigotry just happens to align with fundamentalist Christianity and yet you claim that is coincidence.

My take on the social counter-productivity of the homo agenda is, again, purely empirical and based in social science. It just so happens that fundamentalists including muslims are in agreement with me.
I've been saying all along that all fundamentalists, including Muslims, are alike.
Currently muslims separate themselves from the group by blowing people up.

Fundie Christians were blowing up their fellow Americans at clinics not that long ago.
Franklin Graham is pulling bank accounts from Wells Fargo for featuring same-sex couple in ad The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Observer

He wants you evangelicals to boycott such corporations who support LGBT. The far right social con Christian reactionaries are going to find out just how irrelevant they are truly.

You cannot be the Morality Police anymore.

Run along.
And, as an American citizen, he has that right.

Liberals are not going to be able to continually make people think the way they want them to.

Run along
hortysir, once again you demonstrate your incomprehension. No one is saying he should not do this or that the should not think this way. Good for him; it's his right. The point of the OP is that only evangelicals will care and they no longer affect our culture significantly and will do so even less in the future.
You do realize bank of America, won't fly the American flag?

The American flag was flying the last time I was at one of their office complexes right alongside the local state flag.


Denying reality is YOUR problem. Seek professional help, stat!
Six years ago, one incident. The losers are really reaching for . . . nothing.

Bank of America Draws Fire for Pulling U.S. Flags From Property
Published September 23, 2009
Bank of America Draws Fire for Pulling U.S. Flags From Property Fox News

With a name like Bank of America, it was particularly surprising when a branch manager in South Carolina ordered the removal of a U.S. flag honoring a fallen soldier from the bank's property.

Brenda Earls of Gaffney, S.C., tried to honor her next-door neighbor, Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher Fowlkes, who was recently killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, by planting flags along the route the casket would follow. But a Bank of America branch manager pulled the flags from the bank's property, citing "corporate policy."

Bank of America, which has received $45 billion in federal loans as part of the government rescue of the financial industry, apologized for the incident, calling it a "terrible mistake."

"We want to ensure the community knows how deeply proud we are of the men and women who have sacrificed so much in service to our country," the bank said in a written statement. "The bank does fly the American flag at our locations throughout the country and flags were displayed in front of our banking center in Gaffney the evening prior to our dedicated Marine returning home. We deeply apologize for any misunderstandings."
Irrelevant since you are not publicly advertising your bigotry to the nation at large.

Also, irrelevant because it negates your previous posts about banks not being willing to take their accounts .. oh, and the other one, about nobody else doing this.

BZZZT Wrong!

Graham has publicly announced that he intends to move his accounts which is what makes them risk toxic to whichever bank accepts them.

You have just closed your paltry checking account without any publicity whatsoever therefore there is zero risk to the banks concerned because no one knows about your LBGT bigotry.
You obviously don't realize if a national bank accepts Graham's accounts. More than likely all Christian businesses and all churches, even christians, and people who are tired of hearing about queers 24/7. Will move their money there. That would make that bank the biggest in the world and would put some banks that are trying to play the pc card, out of business. You really don't understand how it really works.

How long have you worked in the banking sector?
Never, but I do know money and sex makes the world go around. When banks go against Christians and people that don't support gay marriage. Then a majority of America takes their money to a bank that doesn't become politically correct. Those politically correct banks lose. You do realize bank of America, won't fly the American flag? Liberals are insane.
Look at you! :lol: A bank provided the same benefits to its gay employees translating to being against christians. :lol:
hortysir, once again you demonstrate your incomprehension. No one is saying he should not do this or that the should not think this way. Good for him; it's his right. The point of the OP is that only evangelicals will care and they no longer affect our culture significantly and will do so even less in the future.
He has every right to think up his latest "send me money" scheme.
The evangelicals are losing their war against American culture.
You do realize bank of America, won't fly the American flag?

The American flag was flying the last time I was at one of their office complexes right alongside the local state flag.


Denying reality is YOUR problem. Seek professional help, stat!
Six years ago, one incident. The losers are really reaching for . . . nothing.

Bank of America Draws Fire for Pulling U.S. Flags From Property
Published September 23, 2009
Bank of America Draws Fire for Pulling U.S. Flags From Property Fox News

With a name like Bank of America, it was particularly surprising when a branch manager in South Carolina ordered the removal of a U.S. flag honoring a fallen soldier from the bank's property.

Brenda Earls of Gaffney, S.C., tried to honor her next-door neighbor, Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher Fowlkes, who was recently killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, by planting flags along the route the casket would follow. But a Bank of America branch manager pulled the flags from the bank's property, citing "corporate policy."

Bank of America, which has received $45 billion in federal loans as part of the government rescue of the financial industry, apologized for the incident, calling it a "terrible mistake."

"We want to ensure the community knows how deeply proud we are of the men and women who have sacrificed so much in service to our country," the bank said in a written statement. "The bank does fly the American flag at our locations throughout the country and flags were displayed in front of our banking center in Gaffney the evening prior to our dedicated Marine returning home. We deeply apologize for any misunderstandings."

If that is all they have then yes, they are a bunch of losers.

One idiot makes a mistake and they never forget. :cuckoo:

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