FRC Shooter Pleads Guilty, Admits He Was Inspired by Left-wing Website;


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
FRC Shooter Picked Up His List of Poltiical Targets to be Assassinated from the Southern Poverty Law Center Websites' List of "Hate Groups"​


If a a legislative ban -- a restriction of freedom -- can save a single human life, we must take that action, no matter what the consequences.

A little more: the SLPC is a partner organization with the Justice Department. For "reducing hate."

And/or, sometimes inflaming someone to shoot some innocent citizens expressing their political opinions.

You know how Sarah Palin was responsible for inspiring Jared Loughner even though he wasn't a fan of hers and also wasn't even political (except he did believe in the left-wing Truther Conspiracy) but she was responsible for his actions because of a few words she once said?

Like how a single innocent thing she said became worse than the madman's shooting itself?

How the single innocent thing she said became, within 24 hours, the Real Reason for the madman's crimes?


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Ace of Spades HQ
Will this admission make the evening news or discussion on gun control?

I doubt it. He got the idea from the left's hate-filled rhetoric.

The man who critically injured a Family Research Center security staffer in a shooting last August pleaded guilty on Wednesday to, among other charges, "committing an act of terrorism with the intent to kill." the Associated Press and ABC affiliate WJLA today are reporting. What's more, the suspect in question admitted he was inspired to strike out at the FRC after visiting a liberal website which declared them an anti-gay hate group. That fact,however, was omitted by the Washington Post in their write-up on the story.

Floyd Lee Corkins, "who had been volunteering at a center for gay, lesbian and transgender people" was apprehended with a handgun, two extra magazines of ammunition and sandwiches from Chick-fil-A, that latter of which he "intended to smear... in the faces of his victims to make a statement about gay rights opponents, [Corkins] acknowledged during a hearing Wednesday," reported on Wednesday afternoon.


"In a statement released after Corkins' plea, the head of the Family Research Council blamed the shooting in part on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has labeled his organization a hate group. In his plea agreement, Corkins acknowledged he identified the Council as 'an anti-gay organization' by visiting Southern Poverty's website," the ABC affiliate reported, although it buried this crucial detail at the very bottom of its post.

The Washington Post, on the other hand, failed to draw the connection to the SPLC, merely noting that when he was arrested, "law enforcement officials found a hand-written note with the names and some addresses of four socially conservative organizations, including the Family Research Council."

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Wow, definitive proof that left wing Hate spewing led directly to violence and no comment from all these Liberals who claim (with out any proof) that right wing rhetoric does the same.


Liberals will either ignore this story, or defend the guy. They will say the group he targeted deserved it. You watch.
Wow, definitive proof that left wing Hate spewing led directly to violence and no comment from all these Liberals who claim (with out any proof) that right wing rhetoric does the same.


Liberals will either ignore this story, or defend the guy. They will say the group he targeted deserved it. You watch.

Oh grow up and stop being a foolish hack. Comporting "left wing" and "liberal" is tantamount to comporting callous conservative and Christian.
By this time next week the liberal left wing will have spun the story that he is the son of Ronald Reagan and did the shooting because the FRC is not conservative enough.
By this time next week the liberal left wing will have spun the story that he is the son of Ronald Reagan and did the shooting because the FRC is not conservative enough.

Please define the "liberal left wing" as to its goals and membership. Your post suggests you believe you have some great insight into a movement I've never heard of, though the phrase is mindful of Islamo-fascist, a term made up by the neo-cons in the Bush Administration.
From the OP link:

<<Update: The Post has updated the Ann Marimow article to include a reference to the Southern Poverty Law Center's website and also noted that conservative websites are noting the media's bias in ignoring the SPLC angle:

A detail sure to re-ignite the culture wars that erupted around the shooting is the fact that Corkins told FBI agents that he identified the Family Research Council as anti-gay on the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The day after the shooting, the president of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, suggested that the law center&#8217;s labeling of the organization as a hate group had given Corkins a &#8220;license to perpetrate this act of violence.&#8221; On Wednesday, Perkins said the revelation had validated his earlier comments. At the time of the shooting, conservative commentators had also accused media outlets of giving the shooting less coverage than other gun crimes because the perpetrator was a liberal. Those accusations resurfaced Wednesday.

Obviously, we must ban left wing sites like the Southern Poverty Law Center...I mean, if just one life can be saved, it's worth the curtailing of a Constitutional Right, isn't it Wry Catcher?
Will this admission make the evening news or discussion on gun control?

I doubt it. He got the idea from the left's hate-filled rhetoric.

The man who critically injured a Family Research Center security staffer in a shooting last August pleaded guilty on Wednesday to, among other charges, "committing an act of terrorism with the intent to kill." the Associated Press and ABC affiliate WJLA today are reporting. What's more, the suspect in question admitted he was inspired to strike out at the FRC after visiting a liberal website which declared them an anti-gay hate group. That fact,however, was omitted by the Washington Post in their write-up on the story.

Floyd Lee Corkins, "who had been volunteering at a center for gay, lesbian and transgender people" was apprehended with a handgun, two extra magazines of ammunition and sandwiches from Chick-fil-A, that latter of which he "intended to smear... in the faces of his victims to make a statement about gay rights opponents, [Corkins] acknowledged during a hearing Wednesday," reported on Wednesday afternoon.


"In a statement released after Corkins' plea, the head of the Family Research Council blamed the shooting in part on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has labeled his organization a hate group. In his plea agreement, Corkins acknowledged he identified the Council as 'an anti-gay organization' by visiting Southern Poverty's website," the ABC affiliate reported, although it buried this crucial detail at the very bottom of its post.

The Washington Post, on the other hand, failed to draw the connection to the SPLC, merely noting that when he was arrested, "law enforcement officials found a hand-written note with the names and some addresses of four socially conservative organizations, including the Family Research Council."

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FRC Shooter Pleads Guilty, Admits He Was Inspired by Left-wing Website; WashPost Ignores That Critical Detail | NewsBusters

Can you show me on the Souther Poverty Law Center's website where they advocated killing people?

Will this admission make the evening news or discussion on gun control?

I doubt it. He got the idea from the left's hate-filled rhetoric.

The man who critically injured a Family Research Center security staffer in a shooting last August pleaded guilty on Wednesday to, among other charges, "committing an act of terrorism with the intent to kill." the Associated Press and ABC affiliate WJLA today are reporting. What's more, the suspect in question admitted he was inspired to strike out at the FRC after visiting a liberal website which declared them an anti-gay hate group. That fact,however, was omitted by the Washington Post in their write-up on the story.

Floyd Lee Corkins, "who had been volunteering at a center for gay, lesbian and transgender people" was apprehended with a handgun, two extra magazines of ammunition and sandwiches from Chick-fil-A, that latter of which he "intended to smear... in the faces of his victims to make a statement about gay rights opponents, [Corkins] acknowledged during a hearing Wednesday," reported on Wednesday afternoon.


"In a statement released after Corkins' plea, the head of the Family Research Council blamed the shooting in part on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has labeled his organization a hate group. In his plea agreement, Corkins acknowledged he identified the Council as 'an anti-gay organization' by visiting Southern Poverty's website," the ABC affiliate reported, although it buried this crucial detail at the very bottom of its post.

The Washington Post, on the other hand, failed to draw the connection to the SPLC, merely noting that when he was arrested, "law enforcement officials found a hand-written note with the names and some addresses of four socially conservative organizations, including the Family Research Council."

Each Copy & Paste needs to be Linked to It's source.

FRC Shooter Pleads Guilty, Admits He Was Inspired by Left-wing Website; WashPost Ignores That Critical Detail | NewsBusters

Can you show me on the Souther Poverty Law Center's website where they advocated killing people?


Ask the shooter who made the statement...I suspect he knows better than anyone what motivated his attack, don't ya think?
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Wow, definitive proof that left wing Hate spewing led directly to violence and no comment from all these Liberals who claim (with out any proof) that right wing rhetoric does the same.


Liberals will either ignore this story, or defend the guy. They will say the group he targeted deserved it. You watch.

Oh grow up and stop being a foolish hack. Comporting "left wing" and "liberal" is tantamount to comporting callous conservative and Christian.

Do you want to argue that SPLC is not liberal? Seriously?
Will this admission make the evening news or discussion on gun control?

I doubt it. He got the idea from the left's hate-filled rhetoric.

The man who critically injured a Family Research Center security staffer in a shooting last August pleaded guilty on Wednesday to, among other charges, "committing an act of terrorism with the intent to kill." the Associated Press and ABC affiliate WJLA today are reporting. What's more, the suspect in question admitted he was inspired to strike out at the FRC after visiting a liberal website which declared them an anti-gay hate group. That fact,however, was omitted by the Washington Post in their write-up on the story.

Floyd Lee Corkins, "who had been volunteering at a center for gay, lesbian and transgender people" was apprehended with a handgun, two extra magazines of ammunition and sandwiches from Chick-fil-A, that latter of which he "intended to smear... in the faces of his victims to make a statement about gay rights opponents, [Corkins] acknowledged during a hearing Wednesday," reported on Wednesday afternoon.


"In a statement released after Corkins' plea, the head of the Family Research Council blamed the shooting in part on the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has labeled his organization a hate group. In his plea agreement, Corkins acknowledged he identified the Council as 'an anti-gay organization' by visiting Southern Poverty's website," the ABC affiliate reported, although it buried this crucial detail at the very bottom of its post.

The Washington Post, on the other hand, failed to draw the connection to the SPLC, merely noting that when he was arrested, "law enforcement officials found a hand-written note with the names and some addresses of four socially conservative organizations, including the Family Research Council."

Each Copy & Paste needs to be Linked to It's source.
FRC Shooter Pleads Guilty, Admits He Was Inspired by Left-wing Website; WashPost Ignores That Critical Detail | NewsBusters

Can you show me on the Souther Poverty Law Center's website where they advocated killing people?


Can you show me where Palin advocated killing people? The Tea Party? Are you aware that your blatant hypocrisy just makes the argument that your side is biased beyond hope of recovery?
Can you show me where Palin advocated killing people? The Tea Party? Are you aware that your blatant hypocrisy just makes the argument that your side is biased beyond hope of recovery?



Do you notice the name GIFFORDS on the menu?
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Can you show me where Palin advocated killing people? The Tea Party? Are you aware that your blatant hypocrisy just makes the argument that your side is biased beyond hope of recovery?



Do you notice the name GIFFORDS on the menu?

Proven not to have had any bearing whatsoever on Loughner And his assassination attempt on Giffords...even the Washington Post FactChecker calls the assertion ludicrous.

As opposed to this situation, where the shooter specifically identifies the EXACT SOURCE of his motivation...Southern Poverty Law Centers Website.

Racist Clown

Family Research Council shooter pleads guilty

Caroline May


Following the guilty plea the FRC issued a statement placing a large portion of the blame for the shooting at the feet of the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center, which had listed FRC as a hate group. FRC noted that prosecutors discovered Corkins identified his targets on the SPLC&#8217;s website.

&#8220;The day after Floyd Corkins came into the FRC headquarter and opened fire wounding one of our team members, I stated that while Corkins was responsible for the shooting, he had been given a license to perpetrate this act of violence by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center which has systematically and recklessly labeled every organization with which they disagree as a &#8216;hate group,&#8217;&#8221; FRC president Tony Perkins said in a statement, which went on to demand that SPLC stop attacking organizations that have a different opinion on gay rights.


Read more: Family Research Council shooter pleads guilty | The Daily Caller

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Wow, definitive proof that left wing Hate spewing led directly to violence and no comment from all these Liberals who claim (with out any proof) that right wing rhetoric does the same.


Liberals will either ignore this story, or defend the guy. They will say the group he targeted deserved it. You watch.

Oh grow up and stop being a foolish hack. Comporting "left wing" and "liberal" is tantamount to comporting callous conservative and Christian.

talk about hackage:rolleyes: and the usual strawman .....:lol:

this is your upset? is that it? thats all you got? after watching the MSM Print/Network/Cable media begin narratives describing several violent as being 'right wing' inspired, only to discover no such evidence for such existed?
I hear noise.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Thomas Jefferson
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Can you show me where Palin advocated killing people? The Tea Party? Are you aware that your blatant hypocrisy just makes the argument that your side is biased beyond hope of recovery?



Do you notice the name GIFFORDS on the menu?

It's a graphic illustration of various targeted House seats or whatever they were aiming to keep out of others' hands post election. But definitely the kind of bullshit the low information folks will buy into as presented. They're easy that way.

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