FRC Shooter Pleads Guilty, Admits He Was Inspired by Left-wing Website;

By this time next week the liberal left wing will have spun the story that he is the son of Ronald Reagan and did the shooting because the FRC is not conservative enough.

Please define the "liberal left wing" as to its goals and membership. Your post suggests you believe you have some great insight into a movement I've never heard of, though the phrase is mindful of Islamo-fascist, a term made up by the neo-cons in the Bush Administration.

Please define the "neo-con" as to its goals and membership. Your post suggests you believe you have some great insight into a movement I've never heard of, though the phrase is mindful of "right wing extremism", a term made up by the leftists in the Obama Administration.
Wow, definitive proof that left wing Hate spewing led directly to violence and no comment from all these Liberals who claim (with out any proof) that right wing rhetoric does the same.


Liberals will either ignore this story, or defend the guy. They will say the group he targeted deserved it. You watch.

Oh grow up and stop being a foolish hack. Comporting "left wing" and "liberal" is tantamount to comporting callous conservative and Christian.

ROFLMAO you fuckers comport Conservative and Right wing constantly.

Dang he looks like progressive trailer trash...

DC shooter wanted to kill as many as possible, prosecutors say

By Carol Cratty and Michael Pearson, CNN
updated 6:41 AM EST,
Thu February 7, 2013


Corkins -- who had chosen the research council as his target after finding it listed as an anti-gay group on the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center -- had planned to stride into the building and open fire on the people inside in an effort to kill as many as possible, he told investigators, according to the court documents.

If he'd been successful and escaped, his plan was to go to another conservative group to continue the attack, prosecutors said. A handwritten list naming three other groups he planned to attack was found among his belongings, prosecutors said.


The Southern Poverty Law Center has listed the Family Research Council as a hate group since 2010, pointing to what it describes as its anti-gay propaganda and legislative agenda.

On his nightly radio show on Wednesday, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins mentioned the plea deal and accused the Southern Poverty Law Center of playing a role in the shooting by inciting hatred and violence rather than fighting it -- a claim he has repeatedly made since the shooting.

"The Southern Poverty Law Center is dangerous. They are inciting hatred, and in this case a clear connection to violence," he said on the radio broadcast. "They need to be held accountable, and they need to be stopped before people are killed because of their reckless labeling and advocacy for homosexuality and their anti-Christian stance."


DC shooter wanted to kill as many as possible, prosecutors say -
Can you show me where Palin advocated killing people? The Tea Party? Are you aware that your blatant hypocrisy just makes the argument that your side is biased beyond hope of recovery?



Do you notice the name GIFFORDS on the menu?

The answer is no then, good to know.

My answer is that Palin's use of gunsight targets on a map of congressional opponents, which was broadcasted nationally, is highly suggestive to the point of being not only subliminal, but overt as well.

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