FRC suggest reality shouldn't be denid, treatment not enabling

What do you expect from the FRC? It bills itself as a Christian organization, but in reality it's politically partisan to the core. It opposes anything the President says or does, carries the GOP's water and seems to be excessively fixated on homosexuality.

It was founded by James Dobson, one of the fathers of the Republican Evangelical movement, and is currently run by Tony Perkins. He's an Oklahoma-born former Republican member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, Senate candidate, and alumni of Jerry Falwell's Liberty University (another God-father of Evangelicalism). He makes no pretense of liberality, tolerance, respect or acceptance of anyone not just like him, or anyone who doesn't agree with the Republican Party platform. He is, in a word, Neo-Conservative in every fibre of his being who hides his hatred for all things not Republican behind the name of Jesus Christ.

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