Freddie Gray Verdict Thread

Riots will probably start Friday night. Big game coming up this memorial wk end. Got to have the big screen tvs.
I don't think anyone should be suggesting the cops did not in fact kill a guy in custody. Now whether they can be held accountable in court ...... that always seemed dubious to me, so long as none of them rat anyone out.
The cops didn't kill him, I am not suggesting it, I am outright telling you. Freddie Gray is responsible for his demise.
Shouldn't have been struggling. When the Popo said hands up or stop resisting you do what your told.
And blacks are thrilled as they will use this as an excuse to loot and the media will support them.
The natives will be restless tonight. Someone give out free coonskin caps!
Lefties on twitter are crying "institutional racism" over the verdict.

Black judge.
Black prosecutor.
Black mayor.
good another reason to go nuts on the streets

burning the place down and rioting

or as the leftards sees it

simply protesting
Here is what Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake had to say.

"We once again ask the citizens to be patient and to allow the entire process to come to a conclusion. In the case of any disturbance in the city, we are prepared to respond. We will protect our neighborhoods, our businesses and the people of our city," she said.

Interesting because I remember last year she told cops to back down and give room for protestors to destroy. She is just pandering for votes. The previous mayor, ousted for stealing money from tax payers, is planning on running against her. What's amazing is the stupid blacks actually think their only choices are a black who steals from them or a black who allowed their neighborhoods to be destroyed. That's Negro mentality for ya.
Blacks only understand mass shaming as a reason to apologize or change their ways. They're like that in Africa. I worked in Johannesburg for a couple years...and I notice this is how both blacks in Africa and in America view right and wrong. They have a hard time doing any self-criticism....and I don't think it's genetic...its cultural. Because the more westernized a black is education wise....the more likely he is to not think that way.
I believe it's genetic.
The negro race globally has an average IQ in the low eighties.
That was no problem when they were eating each other and taking slaves from neighboring villages up to 200 years ago in Africa.
Enter a race with an average IQ in the 115-120 with highly developed technologies.
What you get today is the same as two hundred years ago.
One race not mentally capable of barely hanging on and the other literally light years ahead in literally every field of human endeavor.
If you want to blame someone for the inequity blame GOD. Not the White man.
Without the White man's helping hands the negroes in the US would have become extinct by now.
You could just as easily blame evolution.
Get ready democrats! It's getting daaaaark! The colored folk are gonna be wanting sum reparations!
I don't think anyone should be suggesting the cops did not in fact kill a guy in custody. Now whether they can be held accountable in court ...... that always seemed dubious to me, so long as none of them rat anyone out.
What do you know that the judge didn't?
What? You are unaware the Gray was not only in custody but restrained when his back was broken? Proving cops did it is another question. But if Gray was you're kid you'd be mad as hell. And YES it is about race. But, I wouldn't want a Freddie Gray in my neighborhood.

First, it was not his back. Second, based on that, what other misinformation do you have?
First, it was not his back. Second, based on that, what other misinformation do you have?

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", or question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race card

9. Play gender card

10. Play gay/lesbian card

11. Make up shit.

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat

This covers most of their bullshit.

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