Free College Education vs Spam

Don't give me any BS about what I didn't say. My whole thing is to make college not only free, but pay students to go.

Yes, you're a moron, we get it.

Still, the claim you made about Germany caught my eye, since only the top 6% of students are ALLOWED to attend the universities. This is a tiny percent as compared to the numbers of Americans who attend universities.

Just look at it as a fifth armed service if it makes you feel any better. The student army. I doubt if there would ever be any need for a draft.

What a foolish claim.

I assume that you were not able to complete a high school education, correct?
I don't know how they do it in Europe.

You say we should "do it like Europe" but you're ignorant of how they do it.

Typical liberal. Typical idiot.

If you didn't know what they put in hot dogs, would you still eat them? The point is that they HAVE free higher education in most (if not all) other developed countries. How they do it is unimportant. What matters is that they do it. Are you even an American? It sure as hell doesn't sound like it. Otherwise you wouldn't be spouting off about how INFERIOR Americans are. Inferior because we supposedly can't do what other countries do.

The point is that they HAVE free higher education in most (if not all) other developed countries. How they do it is unimportant.

They don't do it how you've said you want to do it here, so why pretend their actions help your case?

Are you even an American?


It sure as hell doesn't sound like it.

How do you figure?

Otherwise you wouldn't be spouting off about how INFERIOR Americans are.

Pointing out your confusion doesn't make any claim about the superiority or inferiority of anyone.

Inferior because we supposedly can't do what other countries do.

When you figure out what they actually do, you should come back to the thread and spell it out.

Have you nothing better to do than waste my time? I will say this one last time. That they DO it is the important thing.

Have you nothing better to do than waste my time?

Pointing out your idiocy wastes your time. Sad.

That they DO it is the important thing.

What if they only do it for the top 10% of students?
Should we do that here?

You are the idiot. And who do you mean by "they." France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, China or whoever else? No doubt they would put their top 10% of students in college. But I doubt if a free college education would be limited to just them.

And who do you mean by "they." France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, China or whoever else?

Anyone you care to use as an example.

But I doubt if a free college education would be limited to just them.

We've seen your lack of specific knowledge. It's cute!

Would there be a cow to take if grass wasn't free.

You are clearly a child, and/or mildly retarded.

Grass is not free. The land it grows on has a cost, the water to make the grass grow has a cost.

That you think life should be given to you on a silver platter does not change reality.

Fukin criminal moron! At one time down in Peru the water utility there made it illegal for people to collect rain water. Why? Because it was FREE! You can take your diseased capitalist notions and stick them so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to see the other end of it.
Fukin criminal moron! At one time down in Peru the water utility there made it illegal for people to collect rain water. Why? Because it was FREE! You can take your diseased capitalist notions and stick them so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to see the other end of it.

Collecting rain water is not free. You need a vessel to put it in, you need the labor to position the vessels to catch the rain. Once collected, the water would not be safe to drink, though don't let that stop you.

You have a rather dull wit. You are filled with greed, but lack any creativity.
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

According to what I have seen, college in France is free.

Great. Post your source so we can show you your error.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now. I couldn't care less what you believe. If you or anybody else doubts the reality of it, all you or they have to do is enter into their browser, "Is college in France free." Then click on whatever website that comes up.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now.

That's good news!
It would suck if we used your own source to point out your errors.

Just enter into your browser, "Is college in France free." READ what comes up. Apparently in France, students have to pay $200.00 in tuition. Which is pretty close to free. In other countries students have to pay nothing at all. It must suck to be you.
College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

According to what I have seen, college in France is free.

Great. Post your source so we can show you your error.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now. I couldn't care less what you believe. If you or anybody else doubts the reality of it, all you or they have to do is enter into their browser, "Is college in France free." Then click on whatever website that comes up.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now.

That's good news!
It would suck if we used your own source to point out your errors.

Just enter into your browser, "Is college in France free." READ what comes up. Apparently in France, students have to pay $200.00 in tuition. Which is pretty close to free. In other countries students have to pay nothing at all. It must suck to be you.

Sorry, no proof for your claims there.
Grass isn't free. On a purely technical level they do not directly pay someone to grow the grass, but from an economic perspective, there is a cost to maintaining the land.

If you simply set your cattle loose, they wander off and you lose them. So you have to fence in the land. Then you have to provide watering troughs. Additionally, you'll need to start partitioning the land.

If you simply let your cattle into the land, they'll tend to over graze and destroy the grass in one area, and leave the rest alone.

You must build fences to force the cattle to graze the land more evenly, so the grass is not destroyed.

Then you'll also need to do some land management, such as eliminating weeds that over run the grass. Sometimes you'll need to fertilize the grass depending on the condition of the soil, and the climate situation.

Lastly, you'll have to do some water management. If the cattle get into the water supply of the land too much, they can ruin the water supply and harm grass growth. So water inlets need fenced off, and water outlets need protected. You can't completely fence off the water, as it has to reach the soil to water the grass. But you can't allow the cattle into it, to ruin the water.

You may also need to determine what types of grass are in your grazing area, and may need to plant better grass than what is there.

Point being, there is a ton of work and effort, and even money, that goes into providing that "free" grass for your cattle.

That's one of the reasons that when you lease land for cattle grazing, you'll generally see two different prices for the same general area.

One owner is providing maintained land, which demands a higher price, because the land owner is spending the money to maintain the land.

Another owner is providing grazing land as-is, which fetches a lower price, because the cattle owner has to spend the money to maintain the grazing land himself.

The Bottom line again is... nothing in this world is free. Nothing.

If there were no humans on the planet, cattle would eat FREE grass. And before they were mostly killed off, there were millions of buffalo that roamed the prairies. There probably wouldn't have been so many if they were overgrazing. All of it Free Free Free.

The only free thing I notice here is the free space between your ears.

I guess that means I said something you disagree with. Well tell me what it is you idiot. Or piss off.

All of it. Your entire premise is abject nonsense.

Go find an ant, termite or bee colony and tell them that what they are doing is nonsense. But you will see them doing it. None the less.

Have you yet graduated elementary school?
Money would still exist.


You want college to be free, or so you say.

But you really don't - you want other people to pay for you to go to college, though clearly you lack the qualifications to do so. This is not "free."

"IF" we can pay for students to get a high school diploma for free, only a moron would think the same couldn't or shouldn't be done for college students. Also, I don't want to go to college. Maybe if at one time I didn't have to pay for it, which with my being so poor would have been something like paying for a trip to the moon, I would have went.
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College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

According to what I have seen, college in France is free.

Great. Post your source so we can show you your error.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now. I couldn't care less what you believe. If you or anybody else doubts the reality of it, all you or they have to do is enter into their browser, "Is college in France free." Then click on whatever website that comes up.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now.

That's good news!
It would suck if we used your own source to point out your errors.

Just enter into your browser, "Is college in France free." READ what comes up. Apparently in France, students have to pay $200.00 in tuition. Which is pretty close to free. In other countries students have to pay nothing at all. It must suck to be you.

French teenagers go through their first major career sorting at around age 15, when they decide on an academic or vocational course of study. This choice determines what kind of high-school graduation exam, or baccalauréat, the student will sit for, and to some extent what kind of higher education is open to them. The choice of track is also not entirely up to the students; the head of their lycée, or high school, has the final say. There’s some ability to change tracks, but it’s not particularly easy.

The baccalauréat exam is very different from American standardized tests like the SAT. Instead of a single afternoon, the bac is a weeklong process that includes written and oral tests in everything from French literature to math to philosophy. And unlike the SAT, the bac is the sole factor that determines whether a French student will graduate from lycée; grades and extracurricular activities are not considered.

France’s Higher-Ed System Is More Egalitarian and More Elitist Than Ours

Wow, if you fail this test, you don't even graduate from High School.
I guess we could do the same thing here. That would leave you out, of course.
"IF" we can pat for students to get a high school diploma for free, only a moron would think the same couldn't or shouldn't be done for college students. Also, I don't want to go to college. Maybe if at one time I didn't have to pay for it, which with my being so poor would have been something like paying for a trip to the moon, I would have went.

Free college then would have the same value as high school, which is none.

We have dumbed down high school to accommodate for the unqualified. You seek the same for college, that we ensure stupid people gain undergraduate degrees, rendering those degrees meaningless.
According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

According to what I have seen, college in France is free.

Great. Post your source so we can show you your error.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now. I couldn't care less what you believe. If you or anybody else doubts the reality of it, all you or they have to do is enter into their browser, "Is college in France free." Then click on whatever website that comes up.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now.

That's good news!
It would suck if we used your own source to point out your errors.

Just enter into your browser, "Is college in France free." READ what comes up. Apparently in France, students have to pay $200.00 in tuition. Which is pretty close to free. In other countries students have to pay nothing at all. It must suck to be you.

French teenagers go through their first major career sorting at around age 15, when they decide on an academic or vocational course of study. This choice determines what kind of high-school graduation exam, or baccalauréat, the student will sit for, and to some extent what kind of higher education is open to them. The choice of track is also not entirely up to the students; the head of their lycée, or high school, has the final say. There’s some ability to change tracks, but it’s not particularly easy.

The baccalauréat exam is very different from American standardized tests like the SAT. Instead of a single afternoon, the bac is a weeklong process that includes written and oral tests in everything from French literature to math to philosophy. And unlike the SAT, the bac is the sole factor that determines whether a French student will graduate from lycée; grades and extracurricular activities are not considered.

France’s Higher-Ed System Is More Egalitarian and More Elitist Than Ours

Wow, if you fail this test, you don't even graduate from High School.
I guess we could do the same thing here. That would leave you out, of course.

Maybe you have some global warming denial bullshit you would like to bring up. A doubt very much if they would make the ability to attend college beyond the ability of the average student. Maybe they just want to find out who the best students are. No great harm in that. But as far as being elitist, at one time they cut off the heads of the elite.
"IF" we can pat for students to get a high school diploma for free, only a moron would think the same couldn't or shouldn't be done for college students. Also, I don't want to go to college. Maybe if at one time I didn't have to pay for it, which with my being so poor would have been something like paying for a trip to the moon, I would have went.

Free college then would have the same value as high school, which is none.

We have dumbed down high school to accommodate for the unqualified. You seek the same for college, that we ensure stupid people gain undergraduate degrees, rendering those degrees meaningless.

Everybody goes to high school. But nobody would be forcing them to go to college. Also, unlike high school, all they have to do is hold college students to some standards. And if you weren't already willing to have some standards in that regard, why in the hell would you even go to college.
According to what I have seen, college in France is free.

Great. Post your source so we can show you your error.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now. I couldn't care less what you believe. If you or anybody else doubts the reality of it, all you or they have to do is enter into their browser, "Is college in France free." Then click on whatever website that comes up.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now.

That's good news!
It would suck if we used your own source to point out your errors.

Just enter into your browser, "Is college in France free." READ what comes up. Apparently in France, students have to pay $200.00 in tuition. Which is pretty close to free. In other countries students have to pay nothing at all. It must suck to be you.

French teenagers go through their first major career sorting at around age 15, when they decide on an academic or vocational course of study. This choice determines what kind of high-school graduation exam, or baccalauréat, the student will sit for, and to some extent what kind of higher education is open to them. The choice of track is also not entirely up to the students; the head of their lycée, or high school, has the final say. There’s some ability to change tracks, but it’s not particularly easy.

The baccalauréat exam is very different from American standardized tests like the SAT. Instead of a single afternoon, the bac is a weeklong process that includes written and oral tests in everything from French literature to math to philosophy. And unlike the SAT, the bac is the sole factor that determines whether a French student will graduate from lycée; grades and extracurricular activities are not considered.

France’s Higher-Ed System Is More Egalitarian and More Elitist Than Ours

Wow, if you fail this test, you don't even graduate from High School.
I guess we could do the same thing here. That would leave you out, of course.

Maybe you have some global warming denial bullshit you would like to bring up. A doubt very much if they would make the ability to attend college beyond the ability of the average student. Maybe they just want to find out who the best students are. No great harm in that. But as far as being elitist, at one time they cut off the heads of the elite.

I live in Chicago.
There used to be a mile thick sheet of ice over the area.
Of course the Earth warms.

Keep pushing for free college, it'll never happen.

Maybe they just want to find out who the best students are.

Yup. They don't let the stupid kids go to college. Like I said, that would leave you out.
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

College is not free in France or anywhere else. And YOU won't be cutting out anything with a knife, tough boy.

Next, we get the police for free. Fire fighters put out fires for free. The post office delivers mail for free. ....

No, we don't. How can someone be this stupid?

My sisters house caught in fire. The firefighters didn't charge her anything to put out the fire. And I get mail delivered all the time. I have never been required to give the postman one penny. To that extent, those things are free! True or false.

You and your sister pay taxes, moron. You also pay for stamps, MORON.
I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now. I couldn't care less what you believe. If you or anybody else doubts the reality of it, all you or they have to do is enter into their browser, "Is college in France free." Then click on whatever website that comes up.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now.

That's good news!
It would suck if we used your own source to point out your errors.

Just enter into your browser, "Is college in France free." READ what comes up. Apparently in France, students have to pay $200.00 in tuition. Which is pretty close to free. In other countries students have to pay nothing at all. It must suck to be you.

French teenagers go through their first major career sorting at around age 15, when they decide on an academic or vocational course of study. This choice determines what kind of high-school graduation exam, or baccalauréat, the student will sit for, and to some extent what kind of higher education is open to them. The choice of track is also not entirely up to the students; the head of their lycée, or high school, has the final say. There’s some ability to change tracks, but it’s not particularly easy.

The baccalauréat exam is very different from American standardized tests like the SAT. Instead of a single afternoon, the bac is a weeklong process that includes written and oral tests in everything from French literature to math to philosophy. And unlike the SAT, the bac is the sole factor that determines whether a French student will graduate from lycée; grades and extracurricular activities are not considered.

France’s Higher-Ed System Is More Egalitarian and More Elitist Than Ours

Wow, if you fail this test, you don't even graduate from High School.
I guess we could do the same thing here. That would leave you out, of course.

Maybe you have some global warming denial bullshit you would like to bring up. A doubt very much if they would make the ability to attend college beyond the ability of the average student. Maybe they just want to find out who the best students are. No great harm in that. But as far as being elitist, at one time they cut off the heads of the elite.

I live in Chicago.
There used to be a mile thick sheet of ice over the area.
Of course the Earth warms.

Keep pushing for free college, it'll never happen.

Maybe they just want to find out who the best students are.

Yup. They don't let the stupid kids go to college. Like I said, that would leave you out.
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

College is not free in France or anywhere else. And YOU won't be cutting out anything with a knife, tough boy.

Yes it is. And I already cut you out a long time ago. You don't even exist as far as I'm concerned. The only reason I say anything to you is because I enjoy telling the stupid how stupid they are.
I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now.

That's good news!
It would suck if we used your own source to point out your errors.

Just enter into your browser, "Is college in France free." READ what comes up. Apparently in France, students have to pay $200.00 in tuition. Which is pretty close to free. In other countries students have to pay nothing at all. It must suck to be you.

French teenagers go through their first major career sorting at around age 15, when they decide on an academic or vocational course of study. This choice determines what kind of high-school graduation exam, or baccalauréat, the student will sit for, and to some extent what kind of higher education is open to them. The choice of track is also not entirely up to the students; the head of their lycée, or high school, has the final say. There’s some ability to change tracks, but it’s not particularly easy.

The baccalauréat exam is very different from American standardized tests like the SAT. Instead of a single afternoon, the bac is a weeklong process that includes written and oral tests in everything from French literature to math to philosophy. And unlike the SAT, the bac is the sole factor that determines whether a French student will graduate from lycée; grades and extracurricular activities are not considered.

France’s Higher-Ed System Is More Egalitarian and More Elitist Than Ours

Wow, if you fail this test, you don't even graduate from High School.
I guess we could do the same thing here. That would leave you out, of course.

Maybe you have some global warming denial bullshit you would like to bring up. A doubt very much if they would make the ability to attend college beyond the ability of the average student. Maybe they just want to find out who the best students are. No great harm in that. But as far as being elitist, at one time they cut off the heads of the elite.

I live in Chicago.
There used to be a mile thick sheet of ice over the area.
Of course the Earth warms.

Keep pushing for free college, it'll never happen.

Maybe they just want to find out who the best students are.

Yup. They don't let the stupid kids go to college. Like I said, that would leave you out.
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

College is not free in France or anywhere else. And YOU won't be cutting out anything with a knife, tough boy.

Yes it is. And I already cut you out a long time ago. You don't even exist as far as I'm concerned. The only reason I say anything to you is because I enjoy telling the stupid how stupid they are.

The fact that EVERY person reading this thread recognizes how stupid YOU are hasn't given you a little hint?

Next, we get the police for free. Fire fighters put out fires for free. The post office delivers mail for free. ....

No, we don't. How can someone be this stupid?

My sisters house caught in fire. The firefighters didn't charge her anything to put out the fire. And I get mail delivered all the time. I have never been required to give the postman one penny. To that extent, those things are free! True or false.

Of course not. You are charged tons of money to provide those services.

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