Free College Education vs Spam

No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

All you need to do is get all the professors and administrators to work for free, as well as the grounds and maintenance people.

Good luck, Comrade.
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

All you need to do is get all the professors and administrators to work for free, as well as the grounds and maintenance people.

Good luck, Comrade.
And the people who build the schools building will need to work for free along with free materials..
Nothing is free. How much have you personally donated to pay college students?

Everything is free. What is the oil or coal underground? FREE. What is the grass cows or deer out in the field? FREE. What were the trees in the old growth forests that lumber companies cut down in the 18th century? FREE. What are the fish that fishermen catch out to sea? FREE. What is sunlight and the air you breathe? FREE. What is the love of a parent for a child? FREE. Etc. etc. etc. When you are talking about paying, for the most part, you are just talking about BS capitalist concepts.

You are talking crazy talk.

None of what you said is free. Maybe from some suedo definition, but economically, it's not free.

Economically speaking... if you want wood... you have to pay me to get it. I'm not spending my time to cut lumber, if you are not going to pay me. If you want to cut down your own lumber, fine. But unless you intend to hack at it with sharp rocks, my guess is you'll have to buy a chain saw and hatchet. So it's still not free.

If you don't pay me for the fish I catch... I'm keeping them. You want to get your own boat, and catch your own fish, that's fine. But unless you intend to make your own boats, make your own fishing poles, and your own bait... then even that is going to cost you money. So it's not "free".

Just like you want to catch wild game to eat, that's fine. But unless you know how to make your own guns, your own gun powder, and stuff your own bullets, that's all going to cost you money. It's not free.

Intangible things like "love" and "air", that are not the result of hard work and effort are free. Trying to make a comparison between "love" and "lumber" is ridiculous.

YOU are the one talking crazy talk. What if a fisherman supplied the fish he caught for free. What if he needed a boat, fuel or whatever. They would be free too. Everybody uses goods and services that everybody else provides. What if everybody got what they needed for free from everybody else. What if everything was free like the air and sunlight.

Of course, the only drawback to any of this is that for those who are of more value to society because of the difficulty of what they do, such as being a doctor, they would be allowed to have more than others. Bigger houses, better appliances, better cars or whatever. In the past, they used to placate the powerful who wanted to have more than the average person was by only allowing them to be able to wear purple clothing.

Another drawback is giving people incentive to work. But to do that, all you need to do is treat them well. People can exist and live without the driving force of greed. Also, there are many people in the military who simply do what they're told. Despite that, there are many military people who decide to make a career out of the military. People who decide not to work will, so to speak, just dig their own graves.

If I'm given everything I need, why would I go to work at all? Gotta tell you dude... I promise you I wouldn't go to work if I didn't have to.

And that's true for many people. We know this because in the 1990s, the Republicans pushed through welfare reform, and literally millions of people were kicked of welfare.

They went to work. Now they could have gone to work before welfare was reformed, but.... why? They didn't have to, so why do it?

Did you ever read about the original 13 colonies of the 'new world'?

It's amazing what isn't taught in schools. The original colonies in America, where communists based. Everyone worked for a collective pot. Everyone got everything they needed from the collective. Food, water, housing, everything was collective.

Everyone got everything they needed.

The result was, the colony started to starve to death. People said they were too sick to work. Others too tired. Others lame, and injured. Women too busy with other things.

The leadership of the colony was literally looking at mass starvation.

They changed the system. Instead of common land, they partitioned the land up to individual families, and food became rationed. People were told, they could have whatever food they grew themselves, with only 5% of it going to collective.

Suddenly, all the people who had been too sick to work, magically found the strength to plow fields. Men who were too injured to work, magically could move enough to sow seed. Women who had been to busy with other things, suddenly found time to water.

The colony went from on the brink of starvation, to having surplus of food to sell (barter) to other colonies.

Socialism never works. It never does. Capitalism ALWAYS works. It 100%, every single time it is tried, works.

Rarely have I seen such massive bullshit! Greed is not absolutely necessary to social success. Ants, termites and bees don't need it. But of course, humans ARE different. Those who's task in life is more difficult should receive a little bigger slice of the pie. But there has to be limits.

The whole point for humans is what it takes to be happy. But look at corporations. They are psychotic and sociopathic entities. What makes them happy? In the majority of cases, it is telling suckers what it is that they need to be happy. Which most people gobble up like the instruction came from god. But the instruction actually came from the devil!
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.
There is a college by Branson Missouri that has free college, but you must work for the college to earn it...

Then it isn't free. Is it.
There is no such thing as free in terms of education. It has to be paid in some manner...Are you saying that the colleges all operate for free? Taxes must be paid to support your idea of free..Why is it my responsibility to pay for you to go to college?

It should cost no more to get a college diploma than it costs to get a high school diploma. So what if people have to pay taxes. They say that educated people benefit society on a whole. So it isn't as if those tax dollars would be getting flushed down the toilet.
College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.
There is a college by Branson Missouri that has free college, but you must work for the college to earn it...

Then it isn't free. Is it.
There is no such thing as free in terms of education. It has to be paid in some manner...Are you saying that the colleges all operate for free? Taxes must be paid to support your idea of free..Why is it my responsibility to pay for you to go to college?

It should cost no more to get a college diploma than it costs to get a high school diploma. So what if people have to pay taxes. They say that educated people benefit society on a whole. So it isn't as if those tax dollars would be getting flushed down the toilet.
I have to pay real estate taxes and property taxes to pay for kids to get a high school diploma..So that is not free also...If you are old enough to play on the computer you can easily find how education is funded....

Or maybe the U.S. should just do what places like France and Germany have already SHOWN can be done. Make college free!

So Goober, a HIGHER percentage of students are allowed to attend college in Germany, then?

You may want to check on that.... :eusa_whistle:

Don't give me any BS about what I didn't say. My whole thing is to make college not only free, but pay students to go. Just look at it as a fifth armed service if it makes you feel any better. The student army. I doubt if there would ever be any need for a draft.

Or maybe the U.S. should just do what places like France and Germany have already SHOWN can be done. Make college free!

So Goober, a HIGHER percentage of students are allowed to attend college in Germany, then?

You may want to check on that.... :eusa_whistle:

Don't give me any BS about what I didn't say. My whole thing is to make college not only free, but pay students to go. Just look at it as a fifth armed service if it makes you feel any better. The student army. I doubt if there would ever be any need for a draft.
That will never happen..Better get grounded and think of something else to advance yourself inlife...
According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.
There is a college by Branson Missouri that has free college, but you must work for the college to earn it...

Then it isn't free. Is it.
There is no such thing as free in terms of education. It has to be paid in some manner...Are you saying that the colleges all operate for free? Taxes must be paid to support your idea of free..Why is it my responsibility to pay for you to go to college?

It should cost no more to get a college diploma than it costs to get a high school diploma. So what if people have to pay taxes. They say that educated people benefit society on a whole. So it isn't as if those tax dollars would be getting flushed down the toilet.
I have to pay real estate taxes and property taxes to pay for kids to get a high school diploma..So that is not free also...If you are old enough to play on the computer you can easily find how education is funded....

I see. According to you, we should go back to the "good" old days when only the wealthy could afford schooling. And most other people were illiterate.
There is a college by Branson Missouri that has free college, but you must work for the college to earn it...

Then it isn't free. Is it.
There is no such thing as free in terms of education. It has to be paid in some manner...Are you saying that the colleges all operate for free? Taxes must be paid to support your idea of free..Why is it my responsibility to pay for you to go to college?

It should cost no more to get a college diploma than it costs to get a high school diploma. So what if people have to pay taxes. They say that educated people benefit society on a whole. So it isn't as if those tax dollars would be getting flushed down the toilet.
I have to pay real estate taxes and property taxes to pay for kids to get a high school diploma..So that is not free also...If you are old enough to play on the computer you can easily find how education is funded....

I see. According to you, we should go back to the "good" old days when only the wealthy could afford schooling. And most other people were illiterate.
I went to school and wasn't wealthy..
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

According to what I have seen, college in France is free.

Great. Post your source so we can show you your error.
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

All you need to do is get all the professors and administrators to work for free, as well as the grounds and maintenance people.

Good luck, Comrade.

Money would still exist.
For whatever percentage want to go.

That's not how they do it in Europe.

I don't know how they do it in Europe. But if you find yourself going to college, you aren't charged tuition.

I don't know how they do it in Europe.

You say we should "do it like Europe" but you're ignorant of how they do it.

Typical liberal. Typical idiot.

If you didn't know what they put in hot dogs, would you still eat them? The point is that they HAVE free higher education in most (if not all) other developed countries. How they do it is unimportant. What matters is that they do it. Are you even an American? It sure as hell doesn't sound like it. Otherwise you wouldn't be spouting off about how INFERIOR Americans are. Inferior because we supposedly can't do what other countries do.

The point is that they HAVE free higher education in most (if not all) other developed countries. How they do it is unimportant.

They don't do it how you've said you want to do it here, so why pretend their actions help your case?

Are you even an American?


It sure as hell doesn't sound like it.

How do you figure?

Otherwise you wouldn't be spouting off about how INFERIOR Americans are.

Pointing out your confusion doesn't make any claim about the superiority or inferiority of anyone.

Inferior because we supposedly can't do what other countries do.

When you figure out what they actually do, you should come back to the thread and spell it out.

Have you nothing better to do than waste my time? I will say this one last time. That they DO it is the important thing.

Have you nothing better to do than waste my time?

Pointing out your idiocy wastes your time. Sad.

That they DO it is the important thing.

What if they only do it for the top 10% of students?
Should we do that here?
Then it isn't free. Is it.
There is no such thing as free in terms of education. It has to be paid in some manner...Are you saying that the colleges all operate for free? Taxes must be paid to support your idea of free..Why is it my responsibility to pay for you to go to college?

It should cost no more to get a college diploma than it costs to get a high school diploma. So what if people have to pay taxes. They say that educated people benefit society on a whole. So it isn't as if those tax dollars would be getting flushed down the toilet.
I have to pay real estate taxes and property taxes to pay for kids to get a high school diploma..So that is not free also...If you are old enough to play on the computer you can easily find how education is funded....

I see. According to you, we should go back to the "good" old days when only the wealthy could afford schooling. And most other people were illiterate.
I went to school and wasn't wealthy..

BS. Even most of the poor in this country have it far better off then the poor in third world countries.
College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.
There is a college by Branson Missouri that has free college, but you must work for the college to earn it...

Then it isn't free. Is it.
There is no such thing as free in terms of education. It has to be paid in some manner...Are you saying that the colleges all operate for free? Taxes must be paid to support your idea of free..Why is it my responsibility to pay for you to go to college?

It should cost no more to get a college diploma than it costs to get a high school diploma. So what if people have to pay taxes. They say that educated people benefit society on a whole. So it isn't as if those tax dollars would be getting flushed down the toilet.

They say that educated people benefit society on a whole.

In your case, that's clearly untrue.

So it isn't as if those tax dollars would be getting flushed down the toilet.

In your case, they would be wasted.
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

According to what I have seen, college in France is free.

Great. Post your source so we can show you your error.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now. I couldn't care less what you believe. If you or anybody else doubts the reality of it, all you or they have to do is enter into their browser, "Is college in France free." Then click on whatever website that comes up.
No doubt there will be those who would say that my promotion of free college education is "spam." Such things have happened to me before. But the point is that college education should be free! In fact, we should actually PAY students to go to college. If having people who are college educated is good for society in general, then it is something worth the government subsidizing. After all, they do it in places like France and Germany. So why not here.

College in France is not free. College in Germany is free, but the German culture is not like the American every man for himself problem.

American colleges teach what high schools teach in Germany. So how much money do you want to spend on your second high school? The current average $100k? That can buy you a house instead. And if you can't pay your mortgage, it is only foreclosed on you, unlike if you can't pay your student loans you are enslaved for life, no bankruptcy.

Anyways, all skilled jobs are now in low exchange rate countries with cheap currencies and so cheap labor. America is not one of them. Do you really need a university degree to start hassling for some business?

According to what I have seen, college in France is free. Next, you're not telling me anything about Germany that I don't already know. But I can tell you something about America that you probably don't want to know. The reason for ALL our problems is that we live in a country that suffers from the DISEASE of a multi-ethnic society. That is a disease that NEEDS to be cut out with a knife if necessary!

Next, the educated people in other countries has absolutely nothing what so ever with exchange rates or anything else. The reason they do what they do is because of the grinding poverty there. In the Philippines for example, there are many families that live in the tombs of the dead in graveyards. For any educator or anybody else, it doesn't take a whole hell of a lot to satisfy one of the basic urges of humanity and feel happy. And that is to have others they can feel FAR superior to.

According to what I have seen, college in France is free.

Great. Post your source so we can show you your error.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now. I couldn't care less what you believe. If you or anybody else doubts the reality of it, all you or they have to do is enter into their browser, "Is college in France free." Then click on whatever website that comes up.

I never posted a source and I don't intend to do so now.

That's good news!
It would suck if we used your own source to point out your errors.
I don't know how they do it in Europe. But if you find yourself going to college, you aren't charged tuition.

I don't know how they do it in Europe.

You say we should "do it like Europe" but you're ignorant of how they do it.

Typical liberal. Typical idiot.

If you didn't know what they put in hot dogs, would you still eat them? The point is that they HAVE free higher education in most (if not all) other developed countries. How they do it is unimportant. What matters is that they do it. Are you even an American? It sure as hell doesn't sound like it. Otherwise you wouldn't be spouting off about how INFERIOR Americans are. Inferior because we supposedly can't do what other countries do.

The point is that they HAVE free higher education in most (if not all) other developed countries. How they do it is unimportant.

They don't do it how you've said you want to do it here, so why pretend their actions help your case?

Are you even an American?


It sure as hell doesn't sound like it.

How do you figure?

Otherwise you wouldn't be spouting off about how INFERIOR Americans are.

Pointing out your confusion doesn't make any claim about the superiority or inferiority of anyone.

Inferior because we supposedly can't do what other countries do.

When you figure out what they actually do, you should come back to the thread and spell it out.

Have you nothing better to do than waste my time? I will say this one last time. That they DO it is the important thing.

Have you nothing better to do than waste my time?

Pointing out your idiocy wastes your time. Sad.

That they DO it is the important thing.

What if they only do it for the top 10% of students?
Should we do that here?

You are the idiot. And who do you mean by "they." France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, China or whoever else? No doubt they would put their top 10% of students in college. But I doubt if a free college education would be limited to just them.

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