"Free College Tuition" is NOT a pipe-dream

You are pandering in hopes of swaying people to vote for Hillary. We all know this. Fuckwad Obama floated the idea, and Hillary is flirting with it, while you sycophants tout it in places like this.

Not to interfere with both your imbecility and Hillary hatred....But the original post CLEARLY states that the free tuition idea comes from Bernie Sanders.......Really, that enema would help you.

Haven't taken a peek at the hildabeast web sit have ya. She's advocating the same crap, trying to steal Sanders thunder.
You are pandering in hopes of swaying people to vote for Hillary. We all know this. Fuckwad Obama floated the idea, and Hillary is flirting with it, while you sycophants tout it in places like this.

Not to interfere with both your imbecility and Hillary hatred....But the original post CLEARLY states that the free tuition idea comes from Bernie Sanders.......Really, that enema would help you.

Haven't taken a peek at the hildabeast web sit have ya. She's advocating the same crap, trying to steal Sanders thunder.

Hillary is particularly susceptible to peer pressure.
Well, if we only let the top 10% of H.S. graduates go to college, we could be more like the rest of the world.
Of course with mostly white and Asian college students, liberal's tiny heads would explode.
No more affirmative action students actually sounds like a good idea.

Well, there you go.....You can satisfy your racial animus and the rest of the country could benefit. A "win-win"?

You don't want to follow the example of the rest of the world?
Make up your mind already.....if you can find it.
Forgiveness of debt for those who complete an education and work in the field of their degree comes to mind. Of course this requires effort, so democrats would never support it.

Of course, you nitwit, THAT is already in place.....For example, doctors and nurses work off their debt by serving in the Indian Health Services.
Before we engage in casual badinage, perhaps you should FIRST explain how such tuition would be "free".
I think that throughout my O/P I have pointed out that "free" means subsidized by taxes.....
And so, it isn't free.
Like a good little socialist, you are more than happy to force people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation, creating a condition of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
Why do you like involuntary servitude?
As already pointed out nothing is free.

As it is today college is free to SOME.

It won't be free for all. The middle class will get hit hard because they will need to pay for the college of other kids. When are the democrats going to realize this? Every single great idea they have had has done nothing but increased costs for those who PAY.

Here is what is really needed, is good jobs when the kids leave college. A young person making 100000, can easily pay off a 50000 dollar loan.

But no, the liberals whine like hell about income inequality yet the US is trucking in low paid IT workers and flooding the job market for the low class with low class workers.

It is lunacy to listen to anything a liberal tells us because the opposite is allways the result of the stated intent. We have been moving to the left for at least the last 20 years and look where it has gotten us.
Why Germany's Free College Education Is Actually Not That Great

Read more: Why Germany s Free College Education Is Actually Not That Great - Business Insider

But without the extra funding provided by these fees, German universities have been unable to build more classrooms or train more teachers to accommodate this higher demand, the Economist reported back in 2011.

German universities also have a hard time finding places for their students to live,Inside Higher Ed reported last year. There are around 400,000 new students every year and only about 230,000 places to house them, the report noted. This leads to scenarios where multiple students live in a single room.

“This is far from luxury, of course,” Niclas Zumholte, a student in Heidelberg sharing a room with several others in emergency accommodation, told Inside Higher Ed.

Germany began guaranteeing in the 1970s that every graduate of a Gymnasium — the country's most academically rigorous type of high school — would be entitled to a place in a university paid for entirely by the state, The New York Times reported.

University enrollment increased, but government funding for universities did not. As of 2008, Germans spent only 4.7% of their gross domestic product on higher education, compared with the international average of 5.9%.

Read more: Why Germany s Free College Education Is Actually Not That Great - Business Insider
Couldn't resist. I find it amusing when people throw letters around in this venue.

Some nitwit asked, I responded....probably shouldn't have since a public forum is just a free-for-all circus.
Public funding of college would turn colleges into their high school,counterparts. I always like college simply because I can get away from the rif raf that seems to plague high schools. There is nothing better than the private system. Unfortunately so much of this country seems to think the other way.
Public funding of college would turn colleges into their high school,counterparts. I always like college simply because I can get away from the rif raf that seems to plague high schools. There is nothing better than the private system. Unfortunately so much of this country seems to think the other way.

Actually no, there would still be a "private system"......and something that conservatives would surely "love"....perhaps a "voucher" toward college tuition??
I'm conservative and I see no problem with making college free ONLY if universities are FORCED to curb costs.

Fully agree.......Not only forced to curb costs, but also to rid themselves of the sports (and make them a private not an educational enterprise which turns out to be a farce,) eliminate tenure which has many professors earning $150K to teach ONE class or even none, etc.
What would happen if government bought everyone a ford car? Who benefits from that? Who would you think actually would benefit from that the most? Do you think that ford motor company would benefit from that a lot?
Is the payout for a degree worth the government funding it? We all talk about the guy who got a degree and is making a lot of money but not all degrees are equal. Why should the government loan someone money for a degree in philosophy or another degree that doesn't have the same payout as a degree in chemistry. It just seems that kids who get degrees in history are getting screwed because they won't be getting a job good enough to pay off ther loan comfortably.

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