"Free College Tuition" is NOT a pipe-dream

Too funny. Look to your base.

Actually, take a look a YOUR base and their caliber of intelligence

I'm conservative and I see no problem with making college free ONLY if universities are FORCED to curb costs.

Fully agree.......Not only forced to curb costs, but also to rid themselves of the sports (and make them a private not an educational enterprise which turns out to be a farce,) eliminate tenure which has many professors earning $150K to teach ONE class or even none, etc.

I don't see the problem with making college football the only sport to have on campus, and I hate football so I'm not being biased. Football is not just for the university, but it's good business for the city and that needs to be taken into account. I agree about eliminating tenure.
Is the payout for a degree worth the government funding it? We all talk about the guy who got a degree and is making a lot of money but not all degrees are equal. Why should the government loan someone money for a degree in philosophy or another degree that doesn't have the same payout as a degree in chemistry. It just seems that kids who get degrees in history are getting screwed because they won't be getting a job good enough to pay off ther loan comfortably.

Please RE-read my original post; it does point out that there should be serious caveats to obtain free tuition......among these: Grades, discipline choices at matriculation (by that I mean which major(s) have been chosen by the student and do those choices match the societal needs),,and, finally, there should be an expectation that the graduate "pay-back" the community with his/her service.
Is the payout for a degree worth the government funding it? We all talk about the guy who got a degree and is making a lot of money but not all degrees are equal. Why should the government loan someone money for a degree in philosophy or another degree that doesn't have the same payout as a degree in chemistry. It just seems that kids who get degrees in history are getting screwed because they won't be getting a job good enough to pay off ther loan comfortably.

The answer to your question is that during a low unemployment rate of around 4% nationally people with history degrees can find jobs. When the economy is suffering nobody can find jobs. I see no point in picking and choosing a degree to fund.

I will say this - If the GOP will not compromise and go with free tuition for all, then to compromise they can make all community college classes free and all university math science classes free of charge. By doing this it will incentivize math and science degrees and curb most of the tuition costs since most tuition is expensive due to the General edu requirements.
I don't see the problem with making college football the only sport to have on campus, and I hate football so I'm not being biased. Football is not just for the university, but it's good business for the city and that needs to be taken into account. I agree about eliminating tenure.

Again, agreed....Actually, I fully know that sports are great revenue for some universities.....but just as often they're not and an actual drain (to please some alumni) on the institution's budget.....Make sports a SEPARATE enterprise from the academics.
I don't see the problem with making college football the only sport to have on campus, and I hate football so I'm not being biased. Football is not just for the university, but it's good business for the city and that needs to be taken into account. I agree about eliminating tenure.

Again, agreed....Actually, I fully know that sports are great revenue for some universities.....but just as often they're not and an actual drain (to please some alumni) on the institution's budget.....Make sports a SEPARATE enterprise from the academics.

I would say the sports need to be city funded. However, if a student wants to play for that university they need to abide by academic requirements.
I have. I'll match the middle working class with your inner city imbeciles any day of the week.

Since I AM part of that "middle, working class".....I thank you for your kind words.

(BTW, is there just a bitty hint of racial bias in your label of "inner city imbeciles"????? If so, wear a turtle neck to hide that "redness".)
As expected, some right wingers on this forum are ridiculing Sanders' call for free college tuition......Of course, the low intelligence of some right wingers is legendary and, as usual, they mistake the term "free" as just another socialistic "give-away."

First, right wingers should realize that throughout the civilized world, college tuition IS free (except for books and lodging expenses.) Haw can the rest of the world do this? Simple, first one has to determine if free tuition is an investment in the most precious resource a country has....and that is a better economic future through educating its youth.

Second, YES tuition would be paid through an increase in state taxation; after all, most universities are sitting on land grants and universities' charter clearly spell out that they exist for the be betterment of the community, along with the need for both teaching and research.

Third, (and this is something that conservatives SHOULD like if they exercised their brain cells a bit more); that is, tenure for professors may be soon a thing of the past.....part-time/adjunct faculty is on the rise, and THAT should drastically cut down on the very expensive staffing of colleges and universities. The cost of a tenured professor's teaching of 2 or 3 classes could translate to the hiring of 5 part-timers to teach about 15 or so classes.

Fourth, tuition could also be drastically reduced if universities get off their insane quest for college sports. Coaches in such institutions make an average of 3 times the salary of the institution's president or provost. This insanity causes tuitions to be raised for ALL other students to basically subsidize jocks and the athletic staff.

Finally, free tuition should be granted FIRST to students who major in fields that can readily benefit all of the taxed society....Need more doctors? Offer free tuition at medical schools; Need more information technology graduates? the same applies; Need more engineers? Same........

Free tuition must have the caveats of a student's high grades, discipline at matriculation, completion and commitment to pay back to the society that subsidized (and invested in) such free tuition.

Free tuition.
Maybe if we move to the "fair tax" or the "flat tax" or .............under this tax system tax everyone making over $100k at 100%
Or maybe have classes outdoors, and make the teachers work free.
I would say the sports need to be city funded. However, if a student wants to play for that university they need to abide by academic requirements.

Although I agree in theory, let me relay a quick anecdote from a colleague who in one of his lectures he tangentially mentioned Sigmund Freud and, the jock that was in attendance said (with all seriousness), "Oh, you mean those guys in Vegas with the white tigers?"

What I mean is that recruiters could not care LESS is a high school jock even knows how to spell "jock".
I would say the sports need to be city funded. However, if a student wants to play for that university they need to abide by academic requirements.

Although I agree in theory, let me relay a quick anecdote from a colleague who in one of his lectures he tangentially mentioned Sigmund Freud and, the jock that was in attendance said (with all seriousness), "Oh, you mean those guys in Vegas with the white tigers?"

What I mean is that recruiters could not care LESS is a high school jock even knows how to spell "jock".

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that student athletes need to be held to a higher standard of academics if they want to STAY on the team.
As expected, some right wingers on this forum are ridiculing Sanders' call for free college tuition......Of course, the low intelligence of some right wingers is legendary and, as usual, they mistake the term "free" as just another socialistic "give-away."

First, right wingers should realize that throughout the civilized world, college tuition IS free (except for books and lodging expenses.) Haw can the rest of the world do this? Simple, first one has to determine if free tuition is an investment in the most precious resource a country has....and that is a better economic future through educating its youth.

Second, YES tuition would be paid through an increase in state taxation; after all, most universities are sitting on land grants and universities' charter clearly spell out that they exist for the be betterment of the community, along with the need for both teaching and research.

Third, (and this is something that conservatives SHOULD like if they exercised their brain cells a bit more); that is, tenure for professors may be soon a thing of the past.....part-time/adjunct faculty is on the rise, and THAT should drastically cut down on the very expensive staffing of colleges and universities. The cost of a tenured professor's teaching of 2 or 3 classes could translate to the hiring of 5 part-timers to teach about 15 or so classes.

Fourth, tuition could also be drastically reduced if universities get off their insane quest for college sports. Coaches in such institutions make an average of 3 times the salary of the institution's president or provost. This insanity causes tuitions to be raised for ALL other students to basically subsidize jocks and the athletic staff.

Finally, free tuition should be granted FIRST to students who major in fields that can readily benefit all of the taxed society....Need more doctors? Offer free tuition at medical schools; Need more information technology graduates? the same applies; Need more engineers? Same........

Free tuition must have the caveats of a student's high grades, discipline at matriculation, completion and commitment to pay back to the society that subsidized (and invested in) such free tuition.

First, right wingers should realize that throughout the civilized world, college tuition IS free

Well, if we only let the top 10% of H.S. graduates go to college, we could be more like the rest of the world.
Of course with mostly white and Asian college students, liberal's tiny heads would explode.
No more affirmative action students actually sounds like a good idea.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that student athletes need to be held to a higher standard of academics if they want to STAY on the team.

I know, I know that you mean well on this...Yet the reality is that if a jock can run like the wind and tackle like a truck......NO coach would ever expect him to really comprehend chemistry.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that student athletes need to be held to a higher standard of academics if they want to STAY on the team.

I know, I know that you mean well on this...Yet the reality is that if a jock can run like the wind and tackle like a truck......NO coach would ever expect him to really comprehend chemistry.

The states determine public k-12 achedemic standards. You put university football under city/state control then they can make a min CGPA standard that has to be met in order for a student athlete to stay on the team. It doesn't matter what the coach thinks.
The idea of affordable college scares the hell out of those on the right, same with universal healthcare, public schools, food stamps, meals on wheels.. It's proven that helping to provide education to students benefits everyone, it's why germany/etc do this. Of course, when you live in a country where a moderate social democrat is labeled a radical communist, you know there's a problem.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that student athletes need to be held to a higher standard of academics if they want to STAY on the team.

I know, I know that you mean well on this...Yet the reality is that if a jock can run like the wind and tackle like a truck......NO coach would ever expect him to really comprehend chemistry.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that student athletes need to be held to a higher standard of academics if they want to STAY on the team.

I know, I know that you mean well on this...Yet the reality is that if a jock can run like the wind and tackle like a truck......NO coach would ever expect him to really comprehend chemistry.

You should take this inferiority complex up with your shrink.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that student athletes need to be held to a higher standard of academics if they want to STAY on the team.

I know, I know that you mean well on this...Yet the reality is that if a jock can run like the wind and tackle like a truck......NO coach would ever expect him to really comprehend chemistry.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that student athletes need to be held to a higher standard of academics if they want to STAY on the team.

I know, I know that you mean well on this...Yet the reality is that if a jock can run like the wind and tackle like a truck......NO coach would ever expect him to really comprehend chemistry.

You should take this inferiority complex up with your shrink.

You have got to do something about your avatar. Wow.
As expected, some right wingers on this forum are ridiculing Sanders' call for free college tuition......Of course, the low intelligence of some right wingers is legendary and, as usual, they mistake the term "free" as just another socialistic "give-away."

First, right wingers should realize that throughout the civilized world, college tuition IS free (except for books and lodging expenses.) Haw can the rest of the world do this? Simple, first one has to determine if free tuition is an investment in the most precious resource a country has....and that is a better economic future through educating its youth.

Second, YES tuition would be paid through an increase in state taxation; after all, most universities are sitting on land grants and universities' charter clearly spell out that they exist for the be betterment of the community, along with the need for both teaching and research.

Third, (and this is something that conservatives SHOULD like if they exercised their brain cells a bit more); that is, tenure for professors may be soon a thing of the past.....part-time/adjunct faculty is on the rise, and THAT should drastically cut down on the very expensive staffing of colleges and universities. The cost of a tenured professor's teaching of 2 or 3 classes could translate to the hiring of 5 part-timers to teach about 15 or so classes.

Fourth, tuition could also be drastically reduced if universities get off their insane quest for college sports. Coaches in such institutions make an average of 3 times the salary of the institution's president or provost. This insanity causes tuitions to be raised for ALL other students to basically subsidize jocks and the athletic staff.

Finally, free tuition should be granted FIRST to students who major in fields that can readily benefit all of the taxed society....Need more doctors? Offer free tuition at medical schools; Need more information technology graduates? the same applies; Need more engineers? Same........

Free tuition must have the caveats of a student's high grades, discipline at matriculation, completion and commitment to pay back to the society that subsidized (and invested in) such free tuition.

This could never work here because of Political Correctness. If it was going to work effectively, the free college tuition would go to the top 10% and they would likely be white and Asians. Black and other immigrants would have a fit and the Democrats would try to get Affirmative Action going again, ruining the benefits and enticement of being the best in High School.

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