"Free College Tuition" is NOT a pipe-dream

I have an MBA, which I paid for, by the way, because that's what adults do. They accept responsibility as opposed to expecting others to accept it for them.

Heck, not like you have ever tried that anyway. LOL

Ahhh, the anonymity of the internet allows you to bullshit about yourself as much as you care to.
If THAT is your conclusion and all you got from this thread, I'd recommend you indulge in a strong enema.

You are pandering in hopes of swaying people to vote for Hillary. We all know this. Fuckwad Obama floated the idea, and Hillary is flirting with it, while you sycophants tout it in places like this.

It is a proposal devoid of any merit, but the left only panders and demagogues - you are not responsible adults interested in rational ideas.
Could you imagine being saddled with some dolt who went through school on free ride, for your thesis (capstone)? I worked with a 4 person team on my MBA thesis, the PhD. has me with a 6 person team. THANKFULLY these are brilliant and hardworking people, who have sacrificed a lot to get to this level. This is part of my disgust at the pandering of Hillary and morons like Gnat. In the quest for votes, they will utterly destroy higher education.

Did that MBA and Ph.D. diplomas get a bit crumpled up in the mail???
You are pandering in hopes of swaying people to vote for Hillary. We all know this. Fuckwad Obama floated the idea, and Hillary is flirting with it, while you sycophants tout it in places like this.

Not to interfere with both your imbecility and Hillary hatred....But the original post CLEARLY states that the free tuition idea comes from Bernie Sanders.......Really, that enema would help you.
Did that MBA and Ph.D. diplomas get a bit crumpled up in the mail???

The PhD. is still over a year off. While you don't grasp such things, it is a process, involving a team and peer reviewed publications. If we fail to get published, the board of governors will not consider our application.

These types of activities force one to depend on a team of peers, should your pandering take hold, then the prospect of someone handed admission and tuition for no valid reason becomes quite likely.

Honestly, what is your level of education?
Without using Google, what is an MBA?

I have an MBA, are you going to ask what it's in?

Private for profit institutions have long given a Masters in Business to whomever sends them a check.
Did yours spell out "Advanced Croquet"?
These types of activities force one to depend on a team of peers, should your pandering take hold, then the prospect of someone handed admission and tuition for no valid reason becomes quite likely.

Honestly, what is your level of education?

Moron......who stated "admission and tuition for no valid reason"?????
You are the idiot that keeps on harping on that free ride imbecility.

...and if you must know, I'm a retired prof. and earned my Ph.D. in higher educational administration and political sciences back in 1986,
Obama floated free tuition before Sanders was in the spotlight.

Try again.

Idiot.......Read the first post...We are talking about Sanders' idea on this issue. Save your hatred spewing for Obama and Clinton for another thread (and DO partake in that enema.) .

But, my friend, we all know that corporate welfare is highly acceptable and actually preferable among the whores that roam the halls of congress.
Moron......who stated "admission and tuition for no valid reason"?????

More ad hom? Fallacy remains your only link to logic.

You seek to turn higher education into an entitlement as a means of pandering for votes. Such a program is short lived if the majority of the your key constituency will fail. You are pandering to the least qualified; those legitimately qualified already attain higher education. The only meaning to the Obama idiocy is a hand out to those who cannot devise a means to obtain an education.

You are the idiot that keeps on harping on that free ride imbecility.

...and if you must know, I'm a retired prof. and earned my Ph.D. in higher educational administration and political sciences back in 1986,

Where I am a current facilitator for the largest private university in the nation, earning a PhD in Supply Chain Management with an emphasis on lean systems. I work a real job as well. (I am on hiatus until the program is finished.)

I have had 300 level students who could not formulate a coherent sentence, much less comply with APA formatting; yet you suggest lowering standards even further.

Utter madness.
I don't believe scraping college tuition for the impecunious from the pockets of those who work hard and pay to send their own kids to college is an enumerated power in any federal or state constitution.

In other words it is better for that impecunious family to incur a huge student loan debt that can't even be re-negotiated to a lower interest rate.

Yup. Certainly better for the working family that's actually producing something.
Yup. Certainly better for the working family that's actually producing something.

There are rational ideas - not entitlements as Sanders, Obama, and Gnat suggest. Forgiveness of debt for those who complete an education and work in the field of their degree comes to mind. Of course this requires effort, so democrats would never support it.
YES tuition would be paid through an increase in state taxation

=/= "free"

YES why don't we have an optional "free tuition tax" so left wingers can put THEIR money where their mouths are?
Let's bring back the draft so right wingers can put their asses where their mouths are.

It would certainly get the EBT Democrats off the streets.
A whole lot of Republican mothers too.
...and if you must know, I'm a retired prof. and earned my Ph.D. in higher educational administration and political sciences back in 1986,

Ahhh, the anonymity of the internet allows you to bullshit about yourself as much as you care to.

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