Free College.

Stop putting that "street mugger" in over-crowded shit schools, stop imprisoning their fathers for crimes that white people walk free from with slaps on the wrist.

You're so fucking blind it's hilarious.

I grew up in a poor white neighborhood, and I'll tell you right now...
Not locking the white criminals up, hasn't helped the neighborhood that I lived in, nor has it made it any safer to live where I grew up... and there was a whole lot of parents there who encouraged their kids to assault people...

I even seen one of them give a kid named Mat.. a pocket knife, to stab me with.... he was unsuccessful though.

Your anecdotes are fucking meaningless. Disproportionate amounts of blacks are in prison because of racist policies like making 1/100th the amount of crack a felony compared to cocaine.

The Democrats mercifully reduced the disparity from 1:100 to 1/12th as much crack as cocaine = a felony.

Blacks use crack, whites use Cocaine.

Open your fucking eyes.
your accusations of a disparity in the justice system is for you to take up with the justice system.

The behavior of criminal activity isn't acceptable, period.

Your blind eye to real discrimination is unacceptable.

It is the direct cause for a whole "criminal" class.

Treat people like shit and they will act like shit.

Hardcore crimes like Killing people, Raping people, Robbing people, Burglarizing houses and selling drugs... and beating people up...

And even non-criminal things that just plain assholes do, isn't acceptable either...

Things like hanging signs threatening to shoot people and telling people to beware of your dog, and using vicious dogs to protect objects instead of human security guards...

None of it earns a Birthday party at a French Bistro.

Most blacks are in prison for victimless crimes such as smoking pot. Pull your head out of your ass.
We're not at the stage in our development as a country, where if you can spread concrete, you got a job.
We're at the stage in our nationhood, where we have to maintain our power in the world technologically, and we run on the cream of the crop that we have.
Maximizing the number of people who know and are familiar with technology should be our priority then, not restricting it to the wealthy few.

But how do we do that, with a street mugger who blames the cops and not his behavior for his legal problems ?

Stop putting that "street mugger" in over-crowded shit schools, stop imprisoning their fathers for crimes that white people walk free from with slaps on the wrist.

You're so fucking blind it's hilarious.
Oh, dearie-me, more bemoaning about the plight fo the Poor Black Man... ho-hum... how quaint.

Another racist, how droll.
Back under your rock, little Black troll...
I grew up in a poor white neighborhood, and I'll tell you right now...
Not locking the white criminals up, hasn't helped the neighborhood that I lived in, nor has it made it any safer to live where I grew up... and there was a whole lot of parents there who encouraged their kids to assault people...

I even seen one of them give a kid named Mat.. a pocket knife, to stab me with.... he was unsuccessful though.

Your anecdotes are fucking meaningless. Disproportionate amounts of blacks are in prison because of racist policies like making 1/100th the amount of crack a felony compared to cocaine.

The Democrats mercifully reduced the disparity from 1:100 to 1/12th as much crack as cocaine = a felony.

Blacks use crack, whites use Cocaine.

Open your fucking eyes.
your accusations of a disparity in the justice system is for you to take up with the justice system.

The behavior of criminal activity isn't acceptable, period.

Your blind eye to real discrimination is unacceptable.

It is the direct cause for a whole "criminal" class.

Treat people like shit and they will act like shit.

Hardcore crimes like Killing people, Raping people, Robbing people, Burglarizing houses and selling drugs... and beating people up...

And even non-criminal things that just plain assholes do, isn't acceptable either...

Things like hanging signs threatening to shoot people and telling people to beware of your dog, and using vicious dogs to protect objects instead of human security guards...

None of it earns a Birthday party at a French Bistro.

Most blacks are in prison for victimless crimes such as smoking pot. Pull your head out of your ass.
Nobody outside your ghetto really gives a shit... pull your own head out of your own ass... lightweight.
I grew up in a poor white neighborhood, and I'll tell you right now...
Not locking the white criminals up, hasn't helped the neighborhood that I lived in, nor has it made it any safer to live where I grew up... and there was a whole lot of parents there who encouraged their kids to assault people...

I even seen one of them give a kid named Mat.. a pocket knife, to stab me with.... he was unsuccessful though.

Your anecdotes are fucking meaningless. Disproportionate amounts of blacks are in prison because of racist policies like making 1/100th the amount of crack a felony compared to cocaine.

The Democrats mercifully reduced the disparity from 1:100 to 1/12th as much crack as cocaine = a felony.

Blacks use crack, whites use Cocaine.

Open your fucking eyes.
your accusations of a disparity in the justice system is for you to take up with the justice system.

The behavior of criminal activity isn't acceptable, period.

Your blind eye to real discrimination is unacceptable.

It is the direct cause for a whole "criminal" class.

Treat people like shit and they will act like shit.

Hardcore crimes like Killing people, Raping people, Robbing people, Burglarizing houses and selling drugs... and beating people up...

And even non-criminal things that just plain assholes do, isn't acceptable either...

Things like hanging signs threatening to shoot people and telling people to beware of your dog, and using vicious dogs to protect objects instead of human security guards...

None of it earns a Birthday party at a French Bistro.

Most blacks are in prison for victimless crimes such as smoking pot. Pull your head out of your ass.

And where in my original thread or anywhere does it say that I would check for race or that race should be a consideration in accepting college students ?
Your anecdotes are fucking meaningless. Disproportionate amounts of blacks are in prison because of racist policies like making 1/100th the amount of crack a felony compared to cocaine.

The Democrats mercifully reduced the disparity from 1:100 to 1/12th as much crack as cocaine = a felony.

Blacks use crack, whites use Cocaine.

Open your fucking eyes.
your accusations of a disparity in the justice system is for you to take up with the justice system.

The behavior of criminal activity isn't acceptable, period.

Your blind eye to real discrimination is unacceptable.

It is the direct cause for a whole "criminal" class.

Treat people like shit and they will act like shit.

Hardcore crimes like Killing people, Raping people, Robbing people, Burglarizing houses and selling drugs... and beating people up...

And even non-criminal things that just plain assholes do, isn't acceptable either...

Things like hanging signs threatening to shoot people and telling people to beware of your dog, and using vicious dogs to protect objects instead of human security guards...

None of it earns a Birthday party at a French Bistro.

Most blacks are in prison for victimless crimes such as smoking pot. Pull your head out of your ass.
Nobody outside your ghetto really gives a shit... pull your own head out of your own ass... lightweight.

Racism is another thing that gets people put out of college, and has.
your accusations of a disparity in the justice system is for you to take up with the justice system.

The behavior of criminal activity isn't acceptable, period.

Your blind eye to real discrimination is unacceptable.

It is the direct cause for a whole "criminal" class.

Treat people like shit and they will act like shit.

Hardcore crimes like Killing people, Raping people, Robbing people, Burglarizing houses and selling drugs... and beating people up...

And even non-criminal things that just plain assholes do, isn't acceptable either...

Things like hanging signs threatening to shoot people and telling people to beware of your dog, and using vicious dogs to protect objects instead of human security guards...

None of it earns a Birthday party at a French Bistro.

Most blacks are in prison for victimless crimes such as smoking pot. Pull your head out of your ass.
Nobody outside your ghetto really gives a shit... pull your own head out of your own ass... lightweight.

Racism is another thing that gets people put out of college, and has.
Yep... that goes for both racism and reverse-racism... both are destructive and divisive behavioral manifestations.
Unk is right - there is no such thing as free college - although it can appear that way, for a generation or two, depending upon how the finances are structured, until the whole unsustainable thing eventually shakes apart, and we have a nation in which burger-flippers also routinely have an Associate or Bacherlor or Masters degree.

Isn't that basically what we see in Europe today, in countries where college IS free? Highly educated garbage-men and street sweepers and sewer workers and burger flippers?

When the "pull yourself up by your boostraps" types encourage people to go to college, they are challenging folks to do a difficult thing, not to do an easy thing.

There's a difference.

And it is that difference which diffuses so-called Liberal counterarguments like: "Well, you tell us to go to college, then you balk at making college free for everyone."

Hell... anybody can go to college, when it's paid for - and that goes for either the free-college-for-everyone crowd AND those who have a college education handed to them on a silver platter.

But it's mostly true 'fighters' and 'winners' go to (and finish) college when it's not free, or when they otherwise face difficulties that must be overcome, in order to complete a higher education.
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Going to college is much better than trying to pull yourself up by your bootstraps much more help is available to you in college, if you have that option.

Going it alone is horrible.
Going to college is much better than trying to pull yourself up by your bootstraps...
For folks who have to work for their schooling, going to college IS pulling one up by one's bootstraps.

...much more help is available to you in college, if you have that option. Going it alone is horrible.

Nobody said it was easy.

That's why there was (and to some extent, still is) a premium placed upon a college education.

If we shift to a Free College scenario, every burger-flipper and his brother will have a Bachelor's or higher.

The value of a degree will have been cheapened.

When everybody is Special, then, in truth, NOBODY is Special.

When college degrees are a dime-a-dozen, they won't matter any longer, and we're back to Square One again, anyway; only a lot poorer, as a nation.

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