Free contraception passes despite heated religious opposition


Road Warrior
Aug 6, 2012

The Philippians has the highest birth rate in the region, and a maternal mortality rate of 36%. You can purchase condoms, however they are too expensive for many to afford. Despite these staggering numbers, the free contraception and family planning bill took 14 years to pass, partly because of the staunch opposition the Catholic Church had taken.
Before the religious rabble start to condemn this, lets wait 12 months and then see the changes, then they can argue.
There is still a chance that the chruch will find a way to over turn the bill.
I use my free condoms for birthday balloons.

One year we collected all the free condoms the local PP had given us and filled a bucket, spray painted my friends name on it, and dropped it on his door step.

His mom was not amused :lmao:
The Seventh Day Adventists have pretty much pushed the Catholics out of the Phillipines. And it isn't hard to understand why.
Free contraception is a better option than abortion and unwanted births
So everyone gets free birth control and condoms? LOL. Really good use of our limited funds.
Free contraception is a better option than abortion and unwanted births

WHY WHY WHY WHY can't the rw's see this?

And WHY do they believe they should be able to force governmental controls on our private lives?

Because contraception isn't free. Someone has to pay for it. That someone should be someone like you, who thinks that contraception should be provided at the expense of others. The right believes that government controls should be OUT of private lives, that includes the lives of the right as well as the left.
Free contraception is a better option than abortion and unwanted births

WHY WHY WHY WHY can't the rw's see this?

And WHY do they believe they should be able to force governmental controls on our private lives?

Because contraception isn't free. Someone has to pay for it. That someone should be someone like you, who thinks that contraception should be provided at the expense of others. The right believes that government controls should be OUT of private lives, that includes the lives of the right as well as the left.

Society has to consider the costs of free contraception vs the costs of abortion and caring for unwanted children

Conservatives are assholes for fighting open access to contraception and then bitching about the number of abortions
We already provide free birth control in the US, go to any local state health clinic or PP and you will have free BC. However, this isn't about us, we dont have the birth and maternal death rates that they do. They have a serious national health crisis.
WHY WHY WHY WHY can't the rw's see this?

And WHY do they believe they should be able to force governmental controls on our private lives?

Because contraception isn't free. Someone has to pay for it. That someone should be someone like you, who thinks that contraception should be provided at the expense of others. The right believes that government controls should be OUT of private lives, that includes the lives of the right as well as the left.

Society has to consider the costs of free contraception vs the costs of abortion and caring for unwanted children

Conservatives are assholes for fighting open access to contraception and then bitching about the number of abortions

Maybe Russia is actually helping us care for unwanted children by banning the adoption of Russian children. Americans adopted 60,000 Russian children last year. There aren't enough American children up for adoption.

There is no such thing as FREE contraception. It is paid for by someone. That someone should be those people who want to contribute to the maintenance costs of someone else's sex life. It should not be required of those who have objections.
Because contraception isn't free. Someone has to pay for it. That someone should be someone like you, who thinks that contraception should be provided at the expense of others. The right believes that government controls should be OUT of private lives, that includes the lives of the right as well as the left.

Society has to consider the costs of free contraception vs the costs of abortion and caring for unwanted children

Conservatives are assholes for fighting open access to contraception and then bitching about the number of abortions

Maybe Russia is actually helping us care for unwanted children by banning the adoption of Russian children. Americans adopted 60,000 Russian children last year. There aren't enough American children up for adoption.

There is no such thing as FREE contraception. It is paid for by someone. That someone should be those people who want to contribute to the maintenance costs of someone else's sex life. It should not be required of those who have objections.

Russian children are in demand because they are cute little white children

Limiting the available choices to young women is not conducive to reducing the number of abortions
We don't have a shortage of children needing adopted. We have a shortage of healthy white babies.

There are plenty of kids needing homes.

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