Free Sex


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
A guy goes into a Gas Station and there is a big sign that says "Free Sex with Fill Up". So he fills his tank and the owner comes over and says, Here's how it works....I'm thinking of a number between one and ten, if you guess the right number, you win free sex

The guy looks at him, thinks a moment and spurts out....Ummmmmm SIX!
The owner says....Ohhhhh, you were so close, it was seven

So he comes back in a few days, fills up and the owner comes over. He looks at him and says........Ummmmmmmm THREE!
The owner says....Ohhhhhh, that was close, it was two

Few days later he is back and has his buddy in the car. He fills up and the owner comes over. He looks at him and says.....Ummmmm NINE!
The owner say....Ohhhhh, so close, it was ten

The guys buddy tells him.....You are so stupid, can't you tell nobody ever wins this contest?

The guy says....Shows what you know, my wife won three times last week
Between him and his wife, they sure buy a lot of gasoline.

Actually, they both drive gas guzzlers and commute 75 miles to work everyday. But since it adds nothing to the joke, I left it out
So this prostitute walks up to the old geezer and says, “Hey mister, want some super sex for twenty dollars?”

And the old guy says. “Well, if it's all the same to you I'll take the soup, but damn it's expensive.”

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