Free speech suit aims to end twitters political censorship

Does Antifa promote violence?

If they do then they should be banned.
Is this real?

Official Antifa (@OfficialAntifa) | Twitter
That's a fake account created by the alt-right.
It's linked to this.
Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement
So what. Anyone can make a twitter account and link to whatever they want. I can make an account with a name like OfficialConservativeYouth and link to KKK or a fascist website.

This is how propaganda is spread on the internet, and it is widespread nowadays.
So the onus is on you to demonstrate your assertions. Your credibility is at stake.
Extremists have a voice.Nobody is required to give them a platform to promote violence.
Does Antifa promote violence?

If they do then they should be banned.
Is this real?

Official Antifa (@OfficialAntifa) | Twitter
That's a fake account created by the alt-right.
By all means then. For posterities sake... Do demonstrate your claim with supporting information. There’s enough fake news” floating around the web. Let’s put this one to bed. We patiently await your link.
Meanwhile, the fake @OfficialAntifa account ended its series of trolling tweets by sharing a GIF of burning crosses and falsely claiming the fires were started by "an anonymous #Antifa cell."
Fake Antifa Twitter Accounts Are Trolling People And Spreading Misinformation
So what. Anyone can make a twitter account and link to whatever they want. I can make an account with a name like OfficialConservativeYouth and link to KKK or a fascist website.

This is how propaganda is spread on the internet, and it is widespread nowadays.
So the onus is on you to demonstrate your assertions. Your credibility is at stake.
Fake Antifa Twitter Accounts Are Trolling People And Spreading Misinformation
‘Free Speech’ Suit Aims To End Twitter’s Political Censorship
A group of free-speech lawyers filed the most serious legal challenge yet to Twitter’s censorship policies Tuesday in San Francisco County Superior Court, seeking a ruling preventing Twitter from banning users purely on the basis of their views and political associations.

And end it we should, nothing like bringing down big social media oh yeah that's right money talks and bs walks this would be a simple little ding , ding to them.
And there it is folks. Conservatives want to regulate and control a private company. Never ever let them get away with saying they are for small government, because they are liars and are for big govt control when it suits them. Total hypocrites and fakes.
Where were you when the bakery was being sued? Stow your phony outrage “Johnny Come Lately”. No ones buying your act.
^tries to undermine my point by calling me names and implying I'm not credible. Typical
You can easily demonstrate your credibility by posting a link to your outrage over the bakery incident. Can’t wait to read it. Don’t worry... I’ll wait...
And the funniest thing about this, is twitter is banning fake and russian/foreign accounts and the alt-right is furious because their ability to spread propaganda is taking a hit. :laugh2:
So what. Anyone can make a twitter account and link to whatever they want. I can make an account with a name like OfficialConservativeYouth and link to KKK or a fascist website.

This is how propaganda is spread on the internet, and it is widespread nowadays.
So the onus is on you to demonstrate your assertions. Your credibility is at stake.
Fake Antifa Twitter Accounts Are Trolling People And Spreading Misinformation
Thank you.

Still, why does twitter permit it? Given their policy of denying a voice to people that promote violence.
Extremists have a voice.Nobody is required to give them a platform to promote violence.
Does Antifa promote violence?

If they do then they should be banned.
Is this real?

Official Antifa (@OfficialAntifa) | Twitter
That's a fake account created by the alt-right.
By all means then. For posterities sake... Do demonstrate your claim with supporting information. There’s enough fake news” floating around the web. Let’s put this one to bed. We patiently await your link.

Idiots like that will tell themselves anything to make them feel better, it takes away the scariness of reality.

Live Now! Google/YouTube Launch Unprecedented Attack On Free Speech, Infowars
That's a fake account created by the alt-right.
It's linked to this.
Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement
So what. Anyone can make a twitter account and link to whatever they want. I can make an account with a name like OfficialConservativeYouth and link to KKK or a fascist website.

This is how propaganda is spread on the internet, and it is widespread nowadays.
So the onus is on you to demonstrate your assertions. Your credibility is at stake.
Fake Antifa Twitter Accounts Are Trolling People And Spreading Misinformation
Thank you.

Still, why does twitter permit it? Given their policy of denying a voice to people that promote violence.
Because Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc want to make money. Facebook makes a to but believe it or not Twitter and Reddit don't. But still including facebook how do these entities prove thier worth to investors or shareholders? By the amount of accounts they have. The more accounts the more they can charge for advertising as well.

So they want as many accounts as possible and if they are fake or bots they don't care because it looks good for their bottom line. They are businesses. Their goal is to make money. They are starting to crack down a bit now because of pressure from people complaining to companies that advertise on their sites about it and the US govt has told them to get rid of the Russian propaganda. Look at this, it is real and just the tip of the iceberg:Twitter deleted Russian troll tweets. So we published more than 200,000 of them.

And its not just Russia. And its not just "the right" doing it either. The internet is a battlefield of propaganda for your mind.
It's a waste of time and money. It would like someone trying to sue this forum for eating a ban. lol


Don't for a second think that posters here haven't threatened to do just that.

He ain't lyin' and I know he ain't lyin' :21:

I say everyone is free to not use Twitter of Facebook.

If you don't like the way they do, don't deal with them.

Reddit's kinda cwazay, 4chan, too.

Fill that void, Noid!

Start your own social media site! There is obviously a demand.
I don't know how they could win such a suit, unless Twitter is somehow classified as a utility.

If Twitter and Facebook want to mimic the Regressive Left and control and punish speech at every opportunity, they can, as private sector companies. They're just a reflection of what's going on in our culture.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death my right to shut you down, shut you up, or punish you if I can find a way".

The problem with that, is that these private companies are controlling an awful lot of our Public Space, and they are being able to censor people in a very real way with a very real, negative impact on Public Discourse.

Classifying them as an Utility might make some sense.

OUr system is already failing. Allowing more censorship is not going to help.
I don't know how they could win such a suit, unless Twitter is somehow classified as a utility.

If Twitter and Facebook want to mimic the Regressive Left and control and punish speech at every opportunity, they can, as private sector companies. They're just a reflection of what's going on in our culture.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death my right to shut you down, shut you up, or punish you if I can find a way".

The problem with that, is that these private companies are controlling an awful lot of our Public Space, and they are being able to censor people in a very real way with a very real, negative impact on Public Discourse.

Classifying them as an Utility might make some sense.

OUr system is already failing. Allowing more censorship is not going to help.
I can't imagine that happening, though. Wal Mart largely destroyed retail, and Amazon is destroying pretty much everything, and I don't see it happening there either.

This division is going to continue and accelerate. Now that we no longer have a press to play watchdog, it's just going to be one, huge, open air demolition derby.
I don't know how they could win such a suit, unless Twitter is somehow classified as a utility.

If Twitter and Facebook want to mimic the Regressive Left and control and punish speech at every opportunity, they can, as private sector companies. They're just a reflection of what's going on in our culture.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death my right to shut you down, shut you up, or punish you if I can find a way".

The problem with that, is that these private companies are controlling an awful lot of our Public Space, and they are being able to censor people in a very real way with a very real, negative impact on Public Discourse.

Classifying them as an Utility might make some sense.

OUr system is already failing. Allowing more censorship is not going to help.
I can't imagine that happening, though. Wal Mart largely destroyed retail, and Amazon is destroying pretty much everything, and I don't see it happening there either.

This division is going to continue and accelerate. Now that we no longer have a press to play watchdog, it's just going to be one, huge, open air demolition derby.

And WE will win in the end. Good will always triumph over evil. :D
I don't know how they could win such a suit, unless Twitter is somehow classified as a utility.

If Twitter and Facebook want to mimic the Regressive Left and control and punish speech at every opportunity, they can, as private sector companies. They're just a reflection of what's going on in our culture.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death my right to shut you down, shut you up, or punish you if I can find a way".

The problem with that, is that these private companies are controlling an awful lot of our Public Space, and they are being able to censor people in a very real way with a very real, negative impact on Public Discourse.

Classifying them as an Utility might make some sense.

OUr system is already failing. Allowing more censorship is not going to help.
I can't imagine that happening, though. Wal Mart largely destroyed retail, and Amazon is destroying pretty much everything, and I don't see it happening there either.

This division is going to continue and accelerate. Now that we no longer have a press to play watchdog, it's just going to be one, huge, open air demolition derby.
The image of individual freedom in America.
Liberals need to move to another country that best suits their needs for government to be in control of them and a nanny state. That is not what America was meant to be though. If you can't handle the freedom, get out of the country. :) Don't try to change the country to meet YOUR needs because of your fears of freedom and your need for government supplied security.
Too bad we can’t harness pearl clutching drama as an energy source. We could power Pittsburgh for a year with this thread. Twitter and Facebook are utilities!? :lol:

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