Free Trade isn't all that great after all. Who saw that coming?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Group think is perhaps the most dangerous thing in the world. It is true about science, it is true about social issues, and it's true about economics. If anyone who challenges the accepted thought is denounced as some sort of heretic, you know you have a problem.

Economics is the subject today. This town got thrown to the wolves, and suddenly economists care

It is what many people tried to argue about when NAFTA was being debated, and they were told it was shut up this is the future and we have to do it. If they challenged the accepted thought, we were told that Nobel Winning economists all agreed Free Trade was the best, it would be a great thing, and it was the future.

When we saw the destruction sweep across the land, and we raised questions, we were told that those industries were dying, and the future was in solar, and technology, and whatever. Now, we are becoming a service industry nation, and towns like the one highlighted in the article are dying, or dead. This isn't some western ghost town where the gold ran out and the people just up and left. It was a town with thriving industry, and was decimated by the globalization.

These are the people that Trump spoke to, people who get snorted at when they point out the devastation of Free Trade.

In a March 2016 article, the conservative National Review magazine analyzed the problems of “poor white America,” from family breakdown to drug abuse. “The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die,” it concluded. The people who live in them “need real change, which means that they need U-Haul.”

If you live in a town where manufacturing was king, then you just need to leave. Because that's so last century. Get over it, move on.

Free Trade between economic equals is actually a good thing. Free trade between economic inequality is just offshoring the jobs, and raping the more powerful nation.

That's the truth gang.
Any time someone says "that's the truth," hold on to your wallet and reach for the salt.
Great Britain found out the same damn thing when they dropped the Corn laws...And that was 150 years ago, you'd think these eggheads that put out policy for the US would at least look at history once and awhile...

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