Free Trade Or Fair Trade? 20 Reasons Why All Americans Should Be Against The Insane T


Bursting Bubbles
Feb 24, 2012
Free Trade Or Fair Trade? 20 Reasons Why All Americans Should Be Against The Insane Trade Policies Of The Globalists

t is absolutely amazing how many Americans are still convinced that more "free trade" is the answer to our economic problems. The truth is that there is a vast difference between "free trade" and "fair trade", and in this article I will prove that all true conservatives and all true liberals should be completely against the insane trade policies of the federal government. Yes, we will always need to trade with other nations. Other nations make or have things that we need to trade for. Balanced trade relationships with other nations that have similar economies and that share similar values can be very beneficial. For example, our trading relationship with Canada, though not perfect, is generally beneficial to both sides. However, the United States also has dozens of trading relationships that are highly destructive to the U.S. economy. There are some predatory nations that are blatantly and openly cheating and everyone can see it. They are getting away with bloody murder and they are robbing us blind. The United States of America is being taken advantage of, and as a result thousands of good businesses are being destroyed and millions of good jobs are being lost. If you are an American and you are in favor of all of the unfair trade that is currently going on, then either you don't know much about economics or you actually want to see the U.S. economy be destroyed.
The rest can be read here:
Free Trade Or Fair Trade? 20 Reasons Why All Americans Should Be Against The Insane Trade Policies Of The Globalists
Free Trade Or Fair Trade? 20 Reasons Why All Americans Should Be Against The Insane Trade Policies Of The Globalists

you seem slow.

If the poorest country in the world has the climate to grow banannas should we buy them for 5 cents a pound or grow our own in hot houses at 5 dollars a pound??

Obviously both countries are better off by trading. A liberal will lack the IQ to understand that simple example.
True free trade benefits both sides in the exchange of goods and elevating standards of living. The principle arguments, pro and con, revolving around free trade agreements centers on exporting US jobs, some in Washington along with union management seem to think subjecting businesses to the largest state and federal tax rates in the world will bring manufacturing back to America. Interesting in how ignorant they perceive those that run businesses are.
True free trade benefits both sides in the exchange of goods and elevating standards of living. The principle arguments, pro and con, revolving around free trade agreements centers on exporting US jobs, some in Washington along with union management seem to think subjecting businesses to the largest state and federal tax rates in the world will bring manufacturing back to America. Interesting in how ignorant they perceive those that run businesses are.

if we buy banannas from the poorest country in the world for 5 cents a pound instead of growing them ourselves in hot houses for 5 dollars a pound we are exporting jobs to the poorest country in the world.

Is there a liberal fool who would argue that we should grow banannas here in hot houses??
If the poorest country in the world has the climate to grow banannas should we buy them for 5 cents a pound or grow our own in hot houses at 5 dollars a pound??

Obviously both countries are better off by trading. A liberal will lack the IQ to understand that simple example.

Opponents of free trade are either economically ignorant or they're liars who personally benefit from unfree trade and are willing to sacrifice American prosperity for a buck.
If the poorest country in the world has the climate to grow banannas should we buy them for 5 cents a pound or grow our own in hot houses at 5 dollars a pound??

Obviously both countries are better off by trading. A liberal will lack the IQ to understand that simple example.

Opponents of free trade are either economically ignorant or they're liars who personally benefit from unfree trade and are willing to sacrifice American prosperity for a buck.

ergo has left the room because he couldn't defend his cut and paste

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