Free Voter ID Cards

It saddens me that so many people have bought into the "you gotta have your papers" paradigm. Just goes to show how successful the brainwashing of America has been. Enjoy your chips...they're coming soon.
It saddens me that so many people have bought into the "you gotta have your papers" paradigm. Just goes to show how successful the brainwashing of America has been. Enjoy your chips...they're coming soon.

Yes "you gotta have your papers" especially if you are voting, common sense tells you that. So showing id is wrong in your opinion?
Do you think it is wrong to have to show ID when cashing a check? Is it wrong to show your driver's license to the cop that pulled you over for speeding?
Does a black person really want the distinction of being too stupid to obtain an ID card?

They have to present ID:

At the liquor store where they cash their checks

At the liquor store where they buy their malt liquor and Mad Duck

When they open a bank account to engage in check kiting

Anytime they try to obtain credit

Driving (duh)

Applying for gob-ment benefits

When stopped by police

When in an airport

That Voter ID is compared to a poll tax is asinine as hell. Fuck you, and pull up yo fucking pants, shitheads!
I.D.'s are 11 dollars where I live..
Hm. That's dinner for 2 at McD.
Sounds prohibitively expensive to me.
Multiply that by tens of millions of people, dipshit.

You really love wasting taxpayer dollars, don't you. On a completely ineffective government program which is a further intrusion into our lives.

I hate to break this to you, but you are a liberal.

Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking a plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.
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It saddens me that so many people have bought into the "you gotta have your papers" paradigm. Just goes to show how successful the brainwashing of America has been. Enjoy your chips...they're coming soon.

Yes "you gotta have your papers" especially if you are voting, common sense tells you that. So showing id is wrong in your opinion?
Do you think it is wrong to have to show ID when cashing a check? Is it wrong to show your driver's license to the cop that pulled you over for speeding?

I have been voting since 1980, have only had to show ID a couple of times. I got no problem showing ID when it is needed...but when boneheads start accepting having to show ID to do everything and its brother, government finds more things to require ID for...and more oppressive ways to ID you. Enjoy your deserve one.
Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.

No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.
Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.

No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.

Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.
Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.

No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.

Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.

One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.
I.D.'s are 11 dollars where I live..
Hm. That's dinner for 2 at McD.
Sounds prohibitively expensive to me.
Multiply that by tens of millions of people, dipshit.

You really love wasting taxpayer dollars, don't you. On a completely ineffective government program which is a further intrusion into our lives.

I hate to break this to you, but you are a liberal.

Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.

I don't think its that at all. I think it's just that the boneheads have decided voter ID is a "right" issue and so oppose it solely because of that.
Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.

No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.

Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.

One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.

You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchised, we enable the corrupt Big Government.
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maybe not ..

(Harvard Law)

In sum, voter IDs are expensive, often prohibitively so.7 And their costs can produce the

constitutionally impermissible effect of abridging or denying individual citizens their right
to vote. The total costs to citizens in all voter ID states for “free” IDs, plus state government
expenses for producing those “free” IDs, can reach into the multiple $100s of millions.

typical Republicans ... bitch about spending money, then step on their dress trying to find their purse.
Any excuse to let your brown illegals vote... We get it.
It is Voter ID proponents who want fraud. They are wasting a shit ton of taxpayer money that could have been spent on fraud prevention which actually works.

It's all quite clear.
You have my interest. What I fraud prevention that would actually work?
some moron RW'r on a message board says A Harvard study, and the findings of said study is a " bunch of nonsense"
So, far, all the information posted proves the study wrong, while none of the information proves it right.
You can refuse to accept this; in doing so, you choose to be wrong.
Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.

No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.

Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.

One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.

You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchises, we enable the corrupt Big Government.

You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.
Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.

No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.

Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.

One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.

You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchises, we enable the corrupt Big Government.

You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.

Yes, because requiring ID once every couple of years to vote is EXACTLY like having your ID being part of your body.

Talk about a slippery slope argument.
Trying getting into a federal building without an ID...or opening a bank account...or taking plane flight.

This hyperventilation over having to show an ID to vote is just a smoke screen to enable voter fraud.

No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.

Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.

One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.

You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchises, we enable the corrupt Big Government.

You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.

As if by focusing on voter fraud we cannot also address other issues with our government, system, and culture.

Big data and analytics make it much easier to identify key local voting precincts for vote manufacturing. Think of them as targets of surgical strikes. It's happening now; and it swings elections. I care about that.
Ah, c'mon TK!! You know he was only bringing those absentee ballots in and submitting them for his disabled, and otherwise distracted, fellow citizens. Really! Where the hell are you!

Where the hell am I? In a place called REALITY!

Reality? That's where the libturds are, right? I am so NOT voting for Bagitch. Guy won originally because his party falsely accused his opponent of wrongdoing...and that just barely.

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