Free Voter ID Cards

No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.

Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.

One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.

You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchises, we enable the corrupt Big Government.

You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.

Yes, because requiring ID once every couple of years to vote is EXACTLY like having your ID being part of your body.

Talk about a slippery slope argument.

Are you really this dim? Look at the arguments you are making. If you can't see how they will be turned against you when it's time for a "reasonable" fix-all measure like universal ID, then I can't help you.
No, it is a traditionally American resistance to potential tyranny. This notion that we now have to have ID to do things that never required one before only highlights how far we have devolved. Rather than being free people who are assumed to be responsible and law-abiding by default, until proven otherwise, we are now all suspected terrorists and criminals until proven otherwise. If that's the way you want to live, fine...but don't drag me down to the depths of sheepledom with you.

Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.

One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.

You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchises, we enable the corrupt Big Government.

You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.

As if by focusing on voter fraud we cannot also address other issues with our government, system, and culture.

Big data and analytics make it much easier to identify key local voting precincts for vote manufacturing. Think of them as targets of surgical strikes. It's happening now; and it swings elections. I care about that.

Fine, focus on the big pieces of voter fraud, not the pissant stuff that makes little difference. The 80/20 rule applies.
Ah, c'mon TK!! You know he was only bringing those absentee ballots in and submitting them for his disabled, and otherwise distracted, fellow citizens. Really! Where the hell are you!

Where the hell am I? In a place called REALITY!

Reality? That's where the libturds are, right? I am so NOT voting for Bagitch. Guy won originally because his party falsely accused his opponent of wrongdoing...and that just barely.

Naw, liberal Democrats exist in a realm of rose petals and unicorns, and with a queen of hearts screaming "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"

I hope the Republican wins Alaska to be honest.
Great. One can easily see that you don't mind your vote being disenfranchised by voter fraud.

One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.

You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchises, we enable the corrupt Big Government.

You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.

Yes, because requiring ID once every couple of years to vote is EXACTLY like having your ID being part of your body.

Talk about a slippery slope argument.

Are you really this dim? Look at the arguments you are making. If you can't see how they will be turned against you when it's time for a "reasonable" fix-all measure like universal ID, then I can't help you.

What a crock of shit you are peddling.

We're talking about showing ID that 99.9999% of all people ALREADY posses to vote.

No one is asking you to take the mark of the beast here.
One can easily see that you are easily scared into giving up your basic rights as an American over bullshit non-issues. I know it's easier to blame voter fraud for what this country has become than admitting that it was us, one and all, who caused it by our complacency, gullibility and tendency to trade freedom for faux security.

You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchises, we enable the corrupt Big Government.

You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.

Yes, because requiring ID once every couple of years to vote is EXACTLY like having your ID being part of your body.

Talk about a slippery slope argument.

Are you really this dim? Look at the arguments you are making. If you can't see how they will be turned against you when it's time for a "reasonable" fix-all measure like universal ID, then I can't help you.

What a crock of shit you are peddling.

We're talking about showing ID that 99.9999% of all people ALREADY posses to vote.

No one is asking you to take the mark of the beast here.

The shit would be surrounding your head, since it is obviously firmly encased up your ass. Again, take a look at all the arguments you all are making about how so many things (many that never used to) require ID and how reasonable it is to show it. If you can't see the logical result of such arguments, you are the Idiocracy.

Wait, don't tell me. You are probably also one of those bright boys who so gleefully registered yourself with the government for their permission to hide your pistol in your pants, right?
You don't know me very well, bub.

We have legal IDs that are used constantly for identification purposes for financial, commercial, travel, and civic activities. Excluding voting from the list is nonsense.

My ire is more appropriately directed at the overall bloat and corruption of Big Government and its Cronies. By allowing our votes to be disenfranchises, we enable the corrupt Big Government.

You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.

Yes, because requiring ID once every couple of years to vote is EXACTLY like having your ID being part of your body.

Talk about a slippery slope argument.

Are you really this dim? Look at the arguments you are making. If you can't see how they will be turned against you when it's time for a "reasonable" fix-all measure like universal ID, then I can't help you.

What a crock of shit you are peddling.

We're talking about showing ID that 99.9999% of all people ALREADY posses to vote.

No one is asking you to take the mark of the beast here.

The shit would be surrounding your head, since it is obviously firmly encased up your ass. Again, take a look at all the arguments you all are making about how so many things (many that never used to) require ID and how reasonable it is to show it. If you can't see the logical result of such arguments, you are the Idiocracy.

If this were truly your stance you would be campaigning to do away with ALL state Id. You aren't doing so, so that suggests to me that you aren't being honest about your intentions.
Voter ID laws cost much, accomplish little

Rather than cutting down on widespread fraud, requiring ID at the polls disenfranchises voters.

A healthy civic society requires protecting citizens' fundamental right to vote while ensuring the integrity of our electoral system. Sadly, this goal is being jeopardized by a coordinated, nationwide effort to enact voter ID laws that will not solve the challenges facing our electoral systems and will instead disenfranchise voters and infringe upon the fundamental American right to free and fair elections.

Proponents of voter ID laws claim that they will reduce fraud. We agree that preventing voter fraud is extremely important. That is why dozens of states and the federal government have created safeguards to ensure voter integrity and passed laws imposing stiff penalties on individuals who commit voter fraud. We should vigorously enforce those laws.

However, it is a grave mistake and a waste of precious resources to enact voter ID laws that target only one extremely rare type of voter fraud — Election Day polling place impersonations — and leave in their wake millions of disenfranchised voters.

Let's look at the facts. The Justice Department under George W. Bush launched a massive, five-year investigation into voter fraud that resulted in a paltry 86 convictions across the entire country. Similarly, a three-year study conducted by Professor Lori Minnite of Barnard College showed that not only is voter fraud a very rare phenomenon, but the vast majority of cases involved people who were either ineligible to vote at all or had voted more than once in an election. Voter ID laws, which only target voter impersonation, would not have done anything to prevent these instances of fraud.

However, the costs of implementing these laws are very real. States must undertake massive public information campaigns, retrain poll workers, account for longer lines on Election Day, and issue millions of free IDs to citizens to avoid running afoul of constitutional mandates. This has the potential to increase electoral costs in some states by as much as 50 percent — tens of millions of dollars.

Voter ID laws are costly and don't prevent fraud - Baltimore Sun

Voter ID laws don't work: They are expensive, ineffective, and disenfranchise honest Americans.
Voter ID laws cost much, accomplish little

Rather than cutting down on widespread fraud, requiring ID at the polls disenfranchises voters.

A healthy civic society requires protecting citizens' fundamental right to vote while ensuring the integrity of our electoral system. Sadly, this goal is being jeopardized by a coordinated, nationwide effort to enact voter ID laws that will not solve the challenges facing our electoral systems and will instead disenfranchise voters and infringe upon the fundamental American right to free and fair elections.

Proponents of voter ID laws claim that they will reduce fraud. We agree that preventing voter fraud is extremely important. That is why dozens of states and the federal government have created safeguards to ensure voter integrity and passed laws imposing stiff penalties on individuals who commit voter fraud. We should vigorously enforce those laws.

However, it is a grave mistake and a waste of precious resources to enact voter ID laws that target only one extremely rare type of voter fraud — Election Day polling place impersonations — and leave in their wake millions of disenfranchised voters.

Let's look at the facts. The Justice Department under George W. Bush launched a massive, five-year investigation into voter fraud that resulted in a paltry 86 convictions across the entire country. Similarly, a three-year study conducted by Professor Lori Minnite of Barnard College showed that not only is voter fraud a very rare phenomenon, but the vast majority of cases involved people who were either ineligible to vote at all or had voted more than once in an election. Voter ID laws, which only target voter impersonation, would not have done anything to prevent these instances of fraud.

However, the costs of implementing these laws are very real. States must undertake massive public information campaigns, retrain poll workers, account for longer lines on Election Day, and issue millions of free IDs to citizens to avoid running afoul of constitutional mandates. This has the potential to increase electoral costs in some states by as much as 50 percent — tens of millions of dollars.

Voter ID laws Voter ID laws are costly and don t prevent fraud - Baltimore Sun

Voter ID laws don't work: They are expensive, ineffective, and disenfranchise honest Americans.

Show us ONE honest American who has been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws

Furthermore. You morons tell us that gay "marriage" has been okayed by SCOTUS so we have to get used to it.

Voter ID has been okayed by SCOTUS. Fucking deal with it.
You seem like an intelligent gal, which is why it depresses me that you seem to be so gullible on this issue. Voter fraud due to lack of ID is like a pissant on an elephant's ass when it comes to the bigger causes of voter fraud...things like online voting, computerized voting machines, voting over the course of weeks and months, absentee voting, exchanging favors for votes, boozing up voters and taking them to the polls in exchange for their votes, buying votes in general, taking advantage of people's stupidity via slick ads, etc. Stomping on the pissant while ignoring the elephant isn't going to stop the elephant from pissing in your wheaties.

All you are doing by expending so much time on this pissant issue is helping our enemies develop their tactics for the real battle to come...the battle over having one single ID for everything...and having it made a permanent part of our bods.

Yes, because requiring ID once every couple of years to vote is EXACTLY like having your ID being part of your body.

Talk about a slippery slope argument.

Are you really this dim? Look at the arguments you are making. If you can't see how they will be turned against you when it's time for a "reasonable" fix-all measure like universal ID, then I can't help you.

What a crock of shit you are peddling.

We're talking about showing ID that 99.9999% of all people ALREADY posses to vote.

No one is asking you to take the mark of the beast here.

The shit would be surrounding your head, since it is obviously firmly encased up your ass. Again, take a look at all the arguments you all are making about how so many things (many that never used to) require ID and how reasonable it is to show it. If you can't see the logical result of such arguments, you are the Idiocracy.

If this were truly your stance you would be campaigning to do away with ALL state Id. You aren't doing so, so that suggests to me that you aren't being honest about your intentions.

Your statement has no logic. I don't need to campaign to do away with existing ID to prevent the consolidation of existing ID into one ID. Try again, this time think with your other brain.

I am not opposing requiring ID for voting, I am opposing making a bigger deal out of it than it is and giving the enemy talking points for more nefarious crap in the future. You're playing checkers, I am playing chess. Try thinking a little farther ahead than the length of my tiny pecker, k?
Last edited:
Voter ID laws cost much, accomplish little

Rather than cutting down on widespread fraud, requiring ID at the polls disenfranchises voters.

A healthy civic society requires protecting citizens' fundamental right to vote while ensuring the integrity of our electoral system. Sadly, this goal is being jeopardized by a coordinated, nationwide effort to enact voter ID laws that will not solve the challenges facing our electoral systems and will instead disenfranchise voters and infringe upon the fundamental American right to free and fair elections.

Proponents of voter ID laws claim that they will reduce fraud. We agree that preventing voter fraud is extremely important. That is why dozens of states and the federal government have created safeguards to ensure voter integrity and passed laws imposing stiff penalties on individuals who commit voter fraud. We should vigorously enforce those laws.

However, it is a grave mistake and a waste of precious resources to enact voter ID laws that target only one extremely rare type of voter fraud — Election Day polling place impersonations — and leave in their wake millions of disenfranchised voters.

Let's look at the facts. The Justice Department under George W. Bush launched a massive, five-year investigation into voter fraud that resulted in a paltry 86 convictions across the entire country. Similarly, a three-year study conducted by Professor Lori Minnite of Barnard College showed that not only is voter fraud a very rare phenomenon, but the vast majority of cases involved people who were either ineligible to vote at all or had voted more than once in an election. Voter ID laws, which only target voter impersonation, would not have done anything to prevent these instances of fraud.

However, the costs of implementing these laws are very real. States must undertake massive public information campaigns, retrain poll workers, account for longer lines on Election Day, and issue millions of free IDs to citizens to avoid running afoul of constitutional mandates. This has the potential to increase electoral costs in some states by as much as 50 percent — tens of millions of dollars.

Voter ID laws Voter ID laws are costly and don t prevent fraud - Baltimore Sun

Voter ID laws don't work: They are expensive, ineffective, and disenfranchise honest Americans.

Show us ONE honest American who has been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws

Furthermore. You morons tell us that gay "marriage" has been okayed by SCOTUS so we have to get used to it.

Voter ID has been okayed by SCOTUS. Fucking deal with it.

Let me know if you want more...
maybe not ..

(Harvard Law)

In sum, voter IDs are expensive, often prohibitively so.7 And their costs can produce the

constitutionally impermissible effect of abridging or denying individual citizens their right
to vote. The total costs to citizens in all voter ID states for “free” IDs, plus state government
expenses for producing those “free” IDs, can reach into the multiple $100s of millions.

typical Republicans ... bitch about spending money, then step on their dress trying to find their purse.

Babies and dogs should be able to vote too. It's not fair.
It's like watching the Special Olympics.

Voter ID gives people a false sense of security.

Ohio enacts Voter ID. Remember this. This is key.

A black woman in Ohio then votes for Obama six times.

She goes to some anti Voter ID rally. Woo hoo! Look at me! I voted for Obama SIX TIMES!

But then...get this...the Voter ID rubes say, "It's because of people like her that we need Voter ID!!!"


False sense of security. Idiots. This is why if you are for Voter ID, you are for fraud. You let a woman vote SIX TIMES for Obama because you wasted our money on ineffective BULLSHIT.

She needs to be taken out and shot. Whoever let her vote six times needs to be either caned (if through incompetence) or shot (if deliberate). Vote fraud should be punished with death.
Voter ID laws cost much, accomplish little

Rather than cutting down on widespread fraud, requiring ID at the polls disenfranchises voters.

A healthy civic society requires protecting citizens' fundamental right to vote while ensuring the integrity of our electoral system. Sadly, this goal is being jeopardized by a coordinated, nationwide effort to enact voter ID laws that will not solve the challenges facing our electoral systems and will instead disenfranchise voters and infringe upon the fundamental American right to free and fair elections.

Proponents of voter ID laws claim that they will reduce fraud. We agree that preventing voter fraud is extremely important. That is why dozens of states and the federal government have created safeguards to ensure voter integrity and passed laws imposing stiff penalties on individuals who commit voter fraud. We should vigorously enforce those laws.

However, it is a grave mistake and a waste of precious resources to enact voter ID laws that target only one extremely rare type of voter fraud — Election Day polling place impersonations — and leave in their wake millions of disenfranchised voters.

Let's look at the facts. The Justice Department under George W. Bush launched a massive, five-year investigation into voter fraud that resulted in a paltry 86 convictions across the entire country. Similarly, a three-year study conducted by Professor Lori Minnite of Barnard College showed that not only is voter fraud a very rare phenomenon, but the vast majority of cases involved people who were either ineligible to vote at all or had voted more than once in an election. Voter ID laws, which only target voter impersonation, would not have done anything to prevent these instances of fraud.

However, the costs of implementing these laws are very real. States must undertake massive public information campaigns, retrain poll workers, account for longer lines on Election Day, and issue millions of free IDs to citizens to avoid running afoul of constitutional mandates. This has the potential to increase electoral costs in some states by as much as 50 percent — tens of millions of dollars.

Voter ID laws Voter ID laws are costly and don t prevent fraud - Baltimore Sun

Voter ID laws don't work: They are expensive, ineffective, and disenfranchise honest Americans.

Show us ONE honest American who has been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws

Furthermore. You morons tell us that gay "marriage" has been okayed by SCOTUS so we have to get used to it.

Voter ID has been okayed by SCOTUS. Fucking deal with it.

Let me know if you want more...

Liekhota, I didn't ask you for a list of article. I asked you to provide a single example of a real person actually being told they can't vote because they didn't have ID.
Voter ID laws cost much, accomplish little

Rather than cutting down on widespread fraud, requiring ID at the polls disenfranchises voters.

A healthy civic society requires protecting citizens' fundamental right to vote while ensuring the integrity of our electoral system. Sadly, this goal is being jeopardized by a coordinated, nationwide effort to enact voter ID laws that will not solve the challenges facing our electoral systems and will instead disenfranchise voters and infringe upon the fundamental American right to free and fair elections.

Proponents of voter ID laws claim that they will reduce fraud. We agree that preventing voter fraud is extremely important. That is why dozens of states and the federal government have created safeguards to ensure voter integrity and passed laws imposing stiff penalties on individuals who commit voter fraud. We should vigorously enforce those laws.

However, it is a grave mistake and a waste of precious resources to enact voter ID laws that target only one extremely rare type of voter fraud — Election Day polling place impersonations — and leave in their wake millions of disenfranchised voters.

Let's look at the facts. The Justice Department under George W. Bush launched a massive, five-year investigation into voter fraud that resulted in a paltry 86 convictions across the entire country. Similarly, a three-year study conducted by Professor Lori Minnite of Barnard College showed that not only is voter fraud a very rare phenomenon, but the vast majority of cases involved people who were either ineligible to vote at all or had voted more than once in an election. Voter ID laws, which only target voter impersonation, would not have done anything to prevent these instances of fraud.

However, the costs of implementing these laws are very real. States must undertake massive public information campaigns, retrain poll workers, account for longer lines on Election Day, and issue millions of free IDs to citizens to avoid running afoul of constitutional mandates. This has the potential to increase electoral costs in some states by as much as 50 percent — tens of millions of dollars.

Voter ID laws Voter ID laws are costly and don t prevent fraud - Baltimore Sun

Voter ID laws don't work: They are expensive, ineffective, and disenfranchise honest Americans.

Show us ONE honest American who has been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws

Furthermore. You morons tell us that gay "marriage" has been okayed by SCOTUS so we have to get used to it.

Voter ID has been okayed by SCOTUS. Fucking deal with it.

Let me know if you want more...

Liekhota, I didn't ask you for a list of article. I asked you to provide a single example of a real person actually being told they can't vote because they didn't have ID.

Just ONE? Okay...

92-year-old Texas woman denied photo ID to vote -
Voter ID laws cost much, accomplish little

Rather than cutting down on widespread fraud, requiring ID at the polls disenfranchises voters.

A healthy civic society requires protecting citizens' fundamental right to vote while ensuring the integrity of our electoral system. Sadly, this goal is being jeopardized by a coordinated, nationwide effort to enact voter ID laws that will not solve the challenges facing our electoral systems and will instead disenfranchise voters and infringe upon the fundamental American right to free and fair elections.

Proponents of voter ID laws claim that they will reduce fraud. We agree that preventing voter fraud is extremely important. That is why dozens of states and the federal government have created safeguards to ensure voter integrity and passed laws imposing stiff penalties on individuals who commit voter fraud. We should vigorously enforce those laws.

However, it is a grave mistake and a waste of precious resources to enact voter ID laws that target only one extremely rare type of voter fraud — Election Day polling place impersonations — and leave in their wake millions of disenfranchised voters.

Let's look at the facts. The Justice Department under George W. Bush launched a massive, five-year investigation into voter fraud that resulted in a paltry 86 convictions across the entire country. Similarly, a three-year study conducted by Professor Lori Minnite of Barnard College showed that not only is voter fraud a very rare phenomenon, but the vast majority of cases involved people who were either ineligible to vote at all or had voted more than once in an election. Voter ID laws, which only target voter impersonation, would not have done anything to prevent these instances of fraud.

However, the costs of implementing these laws are very real. States must undertake massive public information campaigns, retrain poll workers, account for longer lines on Election Day, and issue millions of free IDs to citizens to avoid running afoul of constitutional mandates. This has the potential to increase electoral costs in some states by as much as 50 percent — tens of millions of dollars.

Voter ID laws Voter ID laws are costly and don t prevent fraud - Baltimore Sun

Voter ID laws don't work: They are expensive, ineffective, and disenfranchise honest Americans.

Show us ONE honest American who has been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws

Furthermore. You morons tell us that gay "marriage" has been okayed by SCOTUS so we have to get used to it.

Voter ID has been okayed by SCOTUS. Fucking deal with it.

Let me know if you want more...

Liekhota, I didn't ask you for a list of article. I asked you to provide a single example of a real person actually being told they can't vote because they didn't have ID.

Just ONE? Okay...

92-year-old Texas woman denied photo ID to vote -

Should anyone have to prove that they are of legal age to vote ?
Voter ID laws cost much, accomplish little

Rather than cutting down on widespread fraud, requiring ID at the polls disenfranchises voters.

A healthy civic society requires protecting citizens' fundamental right to vote while ensuring the integrity of our electoral system. Sadly, this goal is being jeopardized by a coordinated, nationwide effort to enact voter ID laws that will not solve the challenges facing our electoral systems and will instead disenfranchise voters and infringe upon the fundamental American right to free and fair elections.

Proponents of voter ID laws claim that they will reduce fraud. We agree that preventing voter fraud is extremely important. That is why dozens of states and the federal government have created safeguards to ensure voter integrity and passed laws imposing stiff penalties on individuals who commit voter fraud. We should vigorously enforce those laws.

However, it is a grave mistake and a waste of precious resources to enact voter ID laws that target only one extremely rare type of voter fraud — Election Day polling place impersonations — and leave in their wake millions of disenfranchised voters.

Let's look at the facts. The Justice Department under George W. Bush launched a massive, five-year investigation into voter fraud that resulted in a paltry 86 convictions across the entire country. Similarly, a three-year study conducted by Professor Lori Minnite of Barnard College showed that not only is voter fraud a very rare phenomenon, but the vast majority of cases involved people who were either ineligible to vote at all or had voted more than once in an election. Voter ID laws, which only target voter impersonation, would not have done anything to prevent these instances of fraud.

However, the costs of implementing these laws are very real. States must undertake massive public information campaigns, retrain poll workers, account for longer lines on Election Day, and issue millions of free IDs to citizens to avoid running afoul of constitutional mandates. This has the potential to increase electoral costs in some states by as much as 50 percent — tens of millions of dollars.

Voter ID laws Voter ID laws are costly and don t prevent fraud - Baltimore Sun

Voter ID laws don't work: They are expensive, ineffective, and disenfranchise honest Americans.

Show us ONE honest American who has been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws

Furthermore. You morons tell us that gay "marriage" has been okayed by SCOTUS so we have to get used to it.

Voter ID has been okayed by SCOTUS. Fucking deal with it.

Let me know if you want more...

Liekhota, I didn't ask you for a list of article. I asked you to provide a single example of a real person actually being told they can't vote because they didn't have ID.

Just ONE? Okay...

92-year-old Texas woman denied photo ID to vote -

From your own link

found a way to allow Barber a Photo ID for voting this year.

So, I asked you for an example of a person who was not able to vote, and you provided me with an example of someone who was able to vote.

Are you stupid Liekhota?
Libtard stupidity is an amazing sight to see. The government already has a process in place in which they provide every citizen... I'm sorry I didn't mean provide I should have said MANDATES everyone to have in order to pay the government their fair share of your earnings. It's called Social Security. We can provide taking peoples earnings for free but can't seem to make that an ID you need to vote? How fucking hard would it be to combine the two?
Amazing minorities that drive cars, pick up welfare checks, cash checks, etc......don't have IDs.

So are they using other people's IDs to drive cars, pick up welfare checks, cash checks????

You liberals know you are full of shit. People in the ghetto have IDs....otherwise they would never get out of jail when arrested.

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