Free will? or god's will?

What ever maks you thing a god is nice, LN?

The Greeks, Romans, and Vikings, among others, knew what you don't.
You have free will to choose god or not, but if you don't choose god, you burn for all eternity.
Yeah, Some choice! :eek:

ISIL burns people to death ONCE and its over quickly and we hate them for it.

God burns people forever and we worship him for it.

Blatant blackmail of the worse kind - You bow down to me or I'll fry you for all of eternity.

You have free will to choose god or not, but if you don't choose god, you burn for all eternity.
Yeah, Some choice! :eek:

ISIL burns people to death ONCE and its over quickly and we hate them for it.

God burns people forever and we worship him for it.

Blatant blackmail of the worse kind - You bow down to me or I'll fry you for all of eternity.

You are right, LN. You don't get it.
What ever maks you thing a god is nice, LN?

The Greeks, Romans, and Vikings, among others, knew what you don't.

Where did I EVER say I think god is "nice"?

What I believe is that those who made up this god are monsters. But, if they didn't make him a monster who threatens eternal hellfire, who would be dumb enough to buy it?

And I use the word "buy" on purpose.

The whole legend and myth of a god comes from things like a failed crop, a long hungry winter, still born babies. Pray to the skies and when your crops produce or a baby lives, you thank your god. If the crops fail again, if the next baby dies, ""its god's will".

I'm reading an interesting history of the 14-16th century ... it is thought that Anne Bolelyn had only one baby that lived because she was Rh Neg but at that time, they believed it was because she consorted with witches.
You have free will to choose god or not, but if you don't choose god, you burn for all eternity.
Yeah, Some choice! :eek:

ISIL burns people to death ONCE and its over quickly and we hate them for it.

God burns people forever and we worship him for it.

Blatant blackmail of the worse kind - You bow down to me or I'll fry you for all of eternity.

You are right, LN. You don't get it.

But of course you do.

And of course, you choose not to share your great and all knowing wisdom.

I certainly don't cast precious matters before militant atheist swine.
nothing gets by God unawares.
I can not speak to the almighty God's will, but we live in a fallen state.
some people say whatever they need to to comfort themselves, but, rest assured, this soul is in Heaven.
That's enough comfort for anyone.
Yet no proof...

what do you want MG? want me to have Him call you on the phone?



Actually, of course, the very definition of "faith" is to suspend facts, science, reality, your brain in favor of blind belief so, no, I don't really expect any evidence or proof.

That's not really what I made this thread about though.
I certainly don't cast precious matters before militant atheist swine.

You really think calling me a pig serves your agenda or message?

In fact, its the sign of a coward.

Biggest difference between you and Templar Kormac is that when he admits he is wrong, he says some dumb thing about 'sir, you are no gentleman'.

If you don't like my questions and opinions, stop reading them.
You asked and got corrected. Sux to be you.

You made this thread because as an anti-Godist, you feel threatened by religionists. You should be by some of them, yes. We, the majority, can keep them to simply booing and yelling, which is their right. But, if you threaten our liberties, we will crush yours.

It's a two street, boo boo. Treat others as you want to be treated. Be polite. Ask others to be polite to you. You have every right to believe as you do. But you have no right to persecute others any more than they do to persecute you.
Last edited:
You asked and got corrected. Sux to be you.

You made this thread because as an anti-Godist, you feel threatened by religionists. You should be by some of them, yes. We, the majority, can keep them to simply booing and yelling, which is their right. But, if you threaten our liberties, we will crush yours.

It's a two street, boo boo. Treat others as you want to be treated. Be polite. Ask others to be polite to you. You have every right to believe as you do. But you have no right to persecute others any more than they do to persecute you.


You "corrected" nothing. You stated your own opinion, to which you are more than welcome because NO ONE is "threatening your liberties". (Lame, really lame)

You are trying desperately to derail the thread so it matches your agenda.

Why have you not addressed my very polite questions in the OP? Why are you trying to drag the thread down into the mud? Others have tried to actually hold a civil conversation but YOU started with the childish name calling.

Grow a pair and just stick with the subject. Or, as I said, if you don't like my questions and opinions, don't read them.
You, LN, have not been polite. You have been projecting much as if you are far right political reactionary. So you have been treated as you treat others. If you don't like answers, don't read them.

I advise you to change. Anti-Godism will find rough sledding in the USA for a very long time.
Family Of Toddler Shot Dead By 5-Year-Old Brother: ‘It Was God’s Will’

by Steven Bernstein • August 25, 2015


Besides the tragedy that guns can bring, there is no deadlier combination for moral and legal responsibility than guns and God. Just ask the family of Caroline Sparks, a two-year-old toddler who was shot with a .22 rifle by her brother- who was five years old, and received the gun as a birthday gift.

What is most difficult to comprehend is the family’s response. Little Caroline was described by her family in the video as a “church-going girl who enjoyed singing and playing outdoors,” as if she understood and chose to accept Divine Revelation at 2 – and go to church.

Acknowledging the tragedy, Caroline’s uncle said “It’s just tragic…It’s something that you can’t prepare for, as if you should ever have to. The family believes that Caroline is in a “better place.”

The grandmother said It was God’s will. It was her time to go, I guess…I just know she’s in heaven right now and I know she’s in good hands with the Lord.”

I'm putting this in Religion in hopes that it won't be a discussion about giving children access to guns.

Every once in a while, I think to try again to actually discuss religious beliefs. I'm fascinated by the concept of "sin" but even more by the teeter-totter belief in "god's will". I say "teeter-totter" because it seems to me it is often invoked when people can't or won't take responsibility for their own decisions - "free will" and instead, blame their god.

There's a documentary showing on HBO about fundies disagreement with Darwin - a subject for a different thread. It shows a very tragic case of a young teenage girl who had suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident and will be forever paralyzed.

She and her parents believe the doctors are wrong, they pray constantly and the mother expressed her disappointment that god is choosing to ignore her asking for her daughter to walk again. (This also reminds me of those who believe in faith healers, don't seek medical care and believe the bad outcome means someone didn't believe hard enough) Then she said that her faith gives her great comfort and said she could not imagine how non-believers could bear such a tragedy.

Where does the responsibility lie? Isn't god all knowing, all seeing? If so, he made these tragedies happen by directing an adult to give a baby a gun and by making a truck hit the car the girl was driving. (Or was it the doing of satan")

If the tragedies are caused by free will, if the adult and the car/truck drivers made the decisions then why bother bring a god into it? And why pray to a god to change the outcome of the people's actions?

Needless to say, my own opinion is that the people involved are directly responsible and that god is a human construct borne of an inability to understand and accept the world as it really is.


I can tell you're all torn up about the kid...

In your anger over God do you think for just a minute you may have to answer to him someday?
Family Of Toddler Shot Dead By 5-Year-Old Brother: ‘It Was God’s Will’

by Steven Bernstein • August 25, 2015


Besides the tragedy that guns can bring, there is no deadlier combination for moral and legal responsibility than guns and God. Just ask the family of Caroline Sparks, a two-year-old toddler who was shot with a .22 rifle by her brother- who was five years old, and received the gun as a birthday gift.

What is most difficult to comprehend is the family’s response. Little Caroline was described by her family in the video as a “church-going girl who enjoyed singing and playing outdoors,” as if she understood and chose to accept Divine Revelation at 2 – and go to church.

Acknowledging the tragedy, Caroline’s uncle said “It’s just tragic…It’s something that you can’t prepare for, as if you should ever have to. The family believes that Caroline is in a “better place.”

The grandmother said It was God’s will. It was her time to go, I guess…I just know she’s in heaven right now and I know she’s in good hands with the Lord.”

I'm putting this in Religion in hopes that it won't be a discussion about giving children access to guns.

Every once in a while, I think to try again to actually discuss religious beliefs. I'm fascinated by the concept of "sin" but even more by the teeter-totter belief in "god's will". I say "teeter-totter" because it seems to me it is often invoked when people can't or won't take responsibility for their own decisions - "free will" and instead, blame their god.

There's a documentary showing on HBO about fundies disagreement with Darwin - a subject for a different thread. It shows a very tragic case of a young teenage girl who had suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident and will be forever paralyzed.

She and her parents believe the doctors are wrong, they pray constantly and the mother expressed her disappointment that god is choosing to ignore her asking for her daughter to walk again. (This also reminds me of those who believe in faith healers, don't seek medical care and believe the bad outcome means someone didn't believe hard enough) Then she said that her faith gives her great comfort and said she could not imagine how non-believers could bear such a tragedy.

Where does the responsibility lie? Isn't god all knowing, all seeing? If so, he made these tragedies happen by directing an adult to give a baby a gun and by making a truck hit the car the girl was driving. (Or was it the doing of satan")

If the tragedies are caused by free will, if the adult and the car/truck drivers made the decisions then why bother bring a god into it? And why pray to a god to change the outcome of the people's actions?

Needless to say, my own opinion is that the people involved are directly responsible and that god is a human construct borne of an inability to understand and accept the world as it really is.


I can tell you're all torn up about the kid...

In your anger over God do you think for just a minute you may have to answer to him someday?

I purposely left out my feelings because I have stated how I feel about children and the shitty way they're treated many many many many many many times and no, of course I will not have to "answer" to any of the many and sundry gods.

I appreciate the serious answers but it seems the thread is being trolled now.
No more than you have trolled others.

Simply be polite, share how you feel, and let it go.
No more than you have trolled others.

Simply be polite, share how you feel, and let it go.

Instead of calling other posters "swine"?

Like that?

Is THAT what you mean?
I treated you as you were treating others with disrespect and rudeness before. You were acting as if you were a far right political reactionary. You know I don't take that from them, and I certainly won't take disrespectful anti-Godism from you.

You want to be treated like Vigilante or JimBowie or The Rabbi, keep it up.

Or change.
You have free will to choose god or not, but if you don't choose god, you burn for all eternity.
Yeah, Some choice! :eek:

ISIL burns people to death ONCE and its over quickly and we hate them for it.

God burns people forever and we worship him for it.

Blatant blackmail of the worse kind - You bow down to me or I'll fry you for all of eternity.

Your perception is all messed up. Its okay though because most who claim to know and understand the Bible won't hear either and theirs is messed up too.

God does not burn humans. It is the spiritual hosts within that burn eternally when their own evil is chosen.

The Lord does not force anyone. Again this is a false precept among many. You are given choices, "choose that which is good". If you do not and choose evil rather than good you put yourself into subjection. No blackmail to it. Pretty basic, if you have chosen to be a druggy or a theif or whatever you decide, you choose your own path. If you choose to deny truth when it finds you then you remain asleep 'dead' to the spirit of that portion in yourself (the soul in you) which is created to grow, learn and become an eternal being. If you deny, don't believe or mistreat that portion within yourself it is through your own choice. If you can't find a portion of it to believe in you simply remain as a dead spiritual soul being.
What ever maks you thing a god is nice, LN?

The Greeks, Romans, and Vikings, among others, knew what you don't.

Where did I EVER say I think god is "nice"?

What I believe is that those who made up this god are monsters. But, if they didn't make him a monster who threatens eternal hellfire, who would be dumb enough to buy it?

And I use the word "buy" on purpose.

The whole legend and myth of a god comes from things like a failed crop, a long hungry winter, still born babies. Pray to the skies and when your crops produce or a baby lives, you thank your god. If the crops fail again, if the next baby dies, ""its god's will".

I'm reading an interesting history of the 14-16th century ... it is thought that Anne Bolelyn had only one baby that lived because she was Rh Neg but at that time, they believed it was because she consorted with witches.
You would make a great North Korean.
  1. Gnostics are fun to read.

They almost get it, like the Blessed above, even rodISHI.
What ever maks you thing a god is nice, LN?

The Greeks, Romans, and Vikings, among others, knew what you don't.

Where did I EVER say I think god is "nice"?

What I believe is that those who made up this god are monsters. But, if they didn't make him a monster who threatens eternal hellfire, who would be dumb enough to buy it?

And I use the word "buy" on purpose.

The whole legend and myth of a god comes from things like a failed crop, a long hungry winter, still born babies. Pray to the skies and when your crops produce or a baby lives, you thank your god. If the crops fail again, if the next baby dies, ""its god's will".

I'm reading an interesting history of the 14-16th century ... it is thought that Anne Bolelyn had only one baby that lived because she was Rh Neg but at that time, they believed it was because she consorted with witches.
You would make a great North Korean.

Why? Because I'm daring to actually ask a question?


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