Freedom Caucus subversives give thumbs up to open borders Paul Ryan


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: Paul Ryan Wins Backing of Majority in Freedom Caucus for House Speaker

”A strong majority of anti-establishment conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus voted on Wednesday night to support Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin for House speaker, assuring that he will have the votes to secure the post next week and averting a leadership crisis for Republicans.”

Not only does Paul Ryan want to give legal status and job permits to millions of illegals who have invaded our borders who are causing political, social and devastating financial consequences, but he also wants to be dictator and exempted from section 315 of the House Rules under which he can be removed as Speaker of the House by its members.

Paul Ryan has also been a big fan of Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority which is blatantly unconstitutional. Fast-track trade power allows the President to negotiate regulations of commerce with foreign nations in secret, while Congress’ only part before these regulations become law would be an up or down vote within 90 days upon receiving the presidents' concocted deals.

Keep in mind that our Constitution places exclusive power to legislate regulations of commerce with foreign nations in Congress’ hands. Placing this power in Congress’ hands was intended by our Founders to insure that any regulations of commerce would be formulated, debated, and amended if needed by the various State’s Congressional Delegations sent to Washington to insure that each State’s best interests would be represented and served in the making of such regulations. And after any regulations of commerce were drawn up in a bill and agreed upon by Congress, the president was left with a limited power to either approve or veto the regulations of commerce agreed to by Congress.

Fast Track Trade promotion authority is intentionally designed to reverse the president's and the People’s Representatives constitutionally assigned duties as they apply to regulating commerce with foreign nations. In this reversal, the president would usurp Congress’ assigned duty to represent particular state interests when fashioning regulations of commerce while Congress would be left with the limited power to either approve or veto what the president has cooked up in secret with foreign nations.

Fast-track trade authority and open borders are Chamber of Commerce’s ideas and benefit international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation. As Speaker of the House Paul Ryan would be in a position to prevent any legislation to reverse these traitorous acts which are not in the best interests of America’s general welfare or the interests of America’s working people.

The good news is, those who support Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House will expose themselves for the traitors they are, and hopefully they will be removed from office this coming election along with Paul Ryan who is the mouthpiece for the Chamber of Commerce and a shill for our Global Governance Crowd


To support Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
So does this mean the Freedom Caucus is a nothing but a bunch of damn RINOs and communists and Marxists?
Paul Ryan is and has been in bed with Luis Gutierrez on open borders

SEE: Paul Ryan’s Open Borders Push With Luis Gutierrez Exposed in 2013 Video

”In the wide-ranging 53 minute video, which took place in Chicago, both Gutierrez and Ryan outline their shared plan for adopting open borders: that is, a national policy of allowing companies to bring in and hire as many foreign workers as they would like. This “free movement” of people across national boundaries is the centerpiece of the open borders ideology to which Ryan has devoted much of his career.”

Any member of the Republican Party who votes for Paul Ryan to be Speaker of the House needs to be primaried this coming election!


To support Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
freedom caucus? they are the Asslick caucus.

Grow up child.


To support Paul Ryan for Speaker of the House is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Only left wing idiots could use the words "freedom" and "subversive" in the same sentence.
Freedom Caucus split over Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House

See Rep. Clawson splits from Freedom Caucus and not supporting Paul Ryan for Speaker; supports Webster

Oct 23, 2015

” WASHINGTON — Congressman Curt Clawson wants a Floridian and an “outsider” candidate not promoted from within the existing Republican leadership to be the next Speaker of the House and said Friday has split with his Freedom Caucus on backing Rep. Paul Ryan.”

As I understand the “Freedom Caucus” rules, it votes as a block and needs 80% approval when voting. If this is true, the Ryan deal is not a done deal as we are led to believe by our corporatist controlled media.


To support Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their FAST TRACK, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Why does the Establishment want Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House?

The Speaker of the House determines what legislation moves forward!

SEE: Why The Speakership Matters

” The Speaker of the House is one of the most powerful positions in our government.

The duties of the Speaker include, but are not limited to, appointing members to various committees, deciding when a bill will be introduced and to what committee it will be assigned, ruling on points of order, controlling the flow of debate and calling for the vote. This means that whatever party holds the majority, and therefore the Speakership, has serious control over what legislation moves forward and what gets blocked, what gets funded and what doesn’t.”

This is why the Chamber of Commerce and the Club for Growth are doing everything they can to get Ryan to be Speaker!


To support Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!
Paul Ryan says his Chief of Staff will be a Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist!

See:Paul Ryan Says Corporate Lobbyist Would Be Chief Of Staff If He Becomes House Speaker

October 25 2015

”As he builds support for his bid for speaker of the House, Republican Rep. Paul Ryan has announced he will name as his top aide a longtime corporate lobbyist whose past clients have significant business before Congress. The Washington Post reported if he wins the speaker's job, Ryan will name as his chief of staff registered lobbyist David Hoppe, a former aide to Sens. Trent Lott and John Kyl. The announcement comes a decade after congressional Republicans' so-called K Street Project, which sought to bring lobbyists closer to the Republican policymaking machine, resulted in federal indictments.”

Now tell me the “freedom caucus” is not infested with Washington Establishment, Chamber of Commerce loyalists whose mission is to get Ryan elected as Speaker of the House so he can make genuine freedom caucus members ineffective in getting their legislation passed his office.

The freedom caucus needs to cleanse itself of Washington Establishment loyalists from its group!


To support Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their FAST TRACK, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
The "freedom" caucus... what a joke. Democrats should start naming their groups like "Star Spangled Patriots" and "Ultimate America Fuck YEAH" and "America is the TITS!" Maybe we can pull some of the dumbasses who are into that over to our side. Then again... do we really want to?
Ryan is a pig supported by the illegal alien asslick caucus.

What do you think about Paul Ryan picking a Chamber of Commerce lobbyist as his chief of staff?


To support Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their FAST TRACK, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.


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