Freedom Convoy: Video shows Ottawa police seize fuel; mayor declares state of emergency and says city is 'losing this battle'


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Ottawa police seize fuel supplies from Freedom Convoy protestors; mayor declares state of emergency

Canadian authorities began cracking down on the Freedom Convoy this weekend. Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency on Sunday in an effort to contain truckers who have protested peacefully in Canada's capital.

“Declaring a state of emergency reflects the serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents posed by the ongoing demonstrations and highlights the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government,” the city said in a statement. “It also provides greater flexibility within the municipal administration to enable the City of Ottawa to manage business continuity for essential services for its residents and enables a more flexible procurement process, which could help purchase equipment required by frontline workers and first responders.”

Watson said that Ottawa was “outnumbered” and “losing the battle”

They seem "upset". ;)

IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway.

Notice how quickly they resort to force in an attempt to stop free speech or protests of their own actions. It's what Liberals DO. I just wonder if Trudeau's government is foolish enough to try to roll in with military to clear the area with real force.
Let the workers demonstrate just as you let BLM and Antifa demonstrate or is that illegal in Canada.
When Ottawa Tyrant mayor threatens anyone bringing fuel to the truckers, this is what the Citizens DID.

sic semper tyrannis bitches.
this is a major victory,a non corrupt judge ordered the fascist globalists police of canada to return the stolen gas.:yes_text12:

Everytime the tyrannical Turdeau regime makes a move the Truckers Countermove.

Turdeau was totally unprepared for these counter moves. He always thinks he has the upper hand.

Seems now in response to his latest the Convoy is about to get bigger. Word is more trucks are coming in from the east. It is not sure how far they can get into the city but it will certain cause more leftist triggering.

Truck Fudeau.

THESE GUYS are freakin' awesome supermen. GOD protect these men. Encamp your army of angels about them and protect them from every evil power and scheme LORD. Give them your wisdom and strength and Courage. We ask this in your son's name. AMEN
This is spreading and thank GOD for that.

An estimated 1,500 pro-freedom demonstrators continued to rally outside the New Zealand Parliament on Friday in defiance of the police and the government. They gathered in what was described as a carnival atmosphere just 24-hours after some 120 of their number were arrested and removed.

After witnessing the shocking footage of how New Zealand’s police handled the protestors, who were initially supported by politicians and allowed onto the lawn outside the Wellington parliament, alongside the mass arrests – including a lady who was dragged naked by her hair across the lawn by the police – the freedom convoy crowd has now increased from 200 to 1,500.

Reports have emerged that protestors have repitched new tents after police initially confiscated some, as well as erecting a marquee to protect themselves from forecast rain and some have even set up portaloos, the New Zealand Herald reports.

New Zealand Police Back off as Freedom Convoy Protests Build
I am freakin' embarrassed that as an American we sit here on our haunches doing NOTHING to show support for these people.

I've prayed all day that God would encamp his angels around these truckers and prevent the evil ones from entering the area and the trucks. These People are the angels. I think God has answered my prayer.
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Ottawa police seize fuel supplies from Freedom Convoy protestors; mayor declares state of emergency

Canadian authorities began cracking down on the Freedom Convoy this weekend. Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency on Sunday in an effort to contain truckers who have protested peacefully in Canada's capital.

“Declaring a state of emergency reflects the serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents posed by the ongoing demonstrations and highlights the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government,” the city said in a statement. “It also provides greater flexibility within the municipal administration to enable the City of Ottawa to manage business continuity for essential services for its residents and enables a more flexible procurement process, which could help purchase equipment required by frontline workers and first responders.”

Watson said that Ottawa was “outnumbered” and “losing the battle”

They seem "upset". ;)

IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway.

They care deeply about small businesses under an assault by a fringe white right wing extremist movement to overthrow deeeemocwqcy



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