Freedom of Religion? Christian Artists Face Jail Time For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Invitations

No- you just keep dodging the question over and over. Because you really know that an honest answer would out you for who you are.
Thanks for confirming you can not re-read or simply do not accept the answer given to you.

Wait, quick - ask me ONE MORE time...maybe my answer will change. :p
Your freedom of religion does not provide for legal COVER to break other laws.
Laws are required to be Constitutional. The Constitution states that we have the freedom of religion and the EXERCISE THEREOF....
Where did this peculiar dogma come from? Never before has the adminonition to avoid commerce with homosexuals been sent forth from the pulpit. These unfortunate people are wrapping themselves in a dogma to perpetuate the hatred in their hearts and calling it "Christianity".

You're obviously not a Christian. Again, you don't grasp that Christianity is a way to lead your life, it's not a tool to demand things from others and force them to do it your way. You don't understand the fundamental concept of Christianity get to determine whether someone is a christian or not? get to determine whether someone is a christian or not?
No, just as Liberals are not allowed to determine what Christians get to believe and what religious practices Christians get to engage in.
No- you just keep dodging the question over and over. Because you really know that an honest answer would out you for who you are.
Thanks for confirming you can not re-read or simply do not accept the answer given to you.

Wait, quick - ask me ONE MORE time...maybe my answer will change. :p

Oh I know what your answer really is.

No one can discriminate against Christians

But Christians get to discriminate against anyone they decide they want to discriminate is.
I do wish the LGBT community would stop bringing suit against the rare Christian purveyors who refuse to serve them. I understand that a gay person doesn't want to be discriminated against, but are there really that many out there who refuse to do business with them? There have been so few suits of this kind, although they are discussed so endlessly it seems as if there were a million of them.
Lawyers and courts may protect our rights, but taken to extremes nothing goes right, and this is one of those pushes that will not go well, imo. It just gives fundamentalists a big platform to complain from.
No one has brought suit against them....they are suing the city of Phoenix. get to determine whether someone is a christian or not?
No, just as Liberals are not allowed to determine what Christians get to believe and what religious practices Christians get to engage in.

But wait- you keep determining that- when you said Christians don't get to believe it is okay to not serve blacks- but okay when they decide it is okay not to serve gays.
Oh I know what your answer really is.
Anyone who says these words are just about to create a false narrative and try to tell you what THEY say you think, which is always BS.

Just stick to speaking for yourself because you suck trying to speak FOR me.

I have told you what I think 3 times, and you still aren't smart enough to understand...or tolerant enough to accept it.
But wait- you keep determining that- when you said Christians don't get to believe it is okay to not serve blacks- but okay when they decide it is okay not to serve gays.
That's the difference between you and I - that's what I THINK, and I am not trying to impose that on anyone. Thank goodness the Constitution protects Christians' freedom of religion and the exercise of that religion against Liberals, as seen on this board, who want to impose THEIR beliefs and limitations upon them.
If you're in business, refusing to do business with someone based on their sexual orientation is not a protected constitutional right. (And at least in certain areas, that type of discrimination is illegal.)
It is not their sexual orientation but the practice of homosexuality, which is a sin, as per the bible.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.
Who is the liberal clown who said the KKK and NAZI are not protected classes?

In United States federal anti-discrimination law, a protected class is a group of people with a common characteristic who are legally protected from discrimination on the basis of that characteristic.
If you're in business, refusing to do business with someone based on their sexual orientation is not a protected constitutional right. (And at least in certain areas, that type of discrimination is illegal.)
It is not their sexual orientation but the practice of homosexuality, which is a sin, as per the bible.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Lots of things are defined as sins in the Bible- but not marriage between two men or two women.
I am not going to come flat out and say that is a 'lie' as that may be offensive; however, I will point out that the Bible teaches homosexuality is NOT acceptable. It calls it an 'abomination'.

Note you never actually quote the Bible- do you? That way you can make the facts as 'truthy' as you would like them to be.

Leviticus 18:22: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”

And of course according to the Bible- the penalty for that is death.

Of course eating shrimp is an abomination also

Leviticus 11:10-19: “But anything in the seas or the rivers that has not fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is an abomination to you. They shall remain an abomination to you; of their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall have in abomination. Everything in the waters that has not fins and scales is an abomination to you

So are Christians refusing to marry shrimpers? People who serve chilled shrimp cocktails at their weddings?

Remember- Leviticus is where you come up with your term of abomination- so I hope you are just as appalled by those people buying frozen shrimp in the market.

And heaven forbid you deal with people who burn incense:
Isaiah 1:13: Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me.

Wait- what is this? What is this artist wearing? Pants?

Deuteronomy 22:5: “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.”

What you won't find in the Bible though is anywhere that calls the marriage between two men or two women- an abomination.
If you're in business, refusing to do business with someone based on their sexual orientation is not a protected constitutional right. (And at least in certain areas, that type of discrimination is illegal.)
It is not their sexual orientation but the practice of homosexuality, which is a sin, as per the bible.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?
If you're in business, refusing to do business with someone based on their sexual orientation is not a protected constitutional right. (And at least in certain areas, that type of discrimination is illegal.)
It is not their sexual orientation but the practice of homosexuality, which is a sin, as per the bible.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?

Does the Muslim restaurant owner normally serve ham at his restaurant?

The two women who are suing saying that as Christians they shouldn't have to follow the law do calligraphy for weddings- they are saying they shouldn't have to follow the law and provide wedding calligraphy regardless of of the customers race, religion or sexual orientation.

The restaurant owner who doesn't put ham on the menu, doesn't put ham on the menu. But he is not saying he won't serve you.
Syriusly, do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Leviticus 18:22 2-3: 2"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." 3. Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? 12 Scripture Verses About Gay Marriage
Make up your the OT valid today or not?
If you're in business, refusing to do business with someone based on their sexual orientation is not a protected constitutional right. (And at least in certain areas, that type of discrimination is illegal.)
It is not their sexual orientation but the practice of homosexuality, which is a sin, as per the bible.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?

I doubt if ham was on his menu.

Eggs? I admit I know squat about Muslims. Do they have a thing against eggs too?

So yeah it's different.
It is not their sexual orientation but the practice of homosexuality, which is a sin, as per the bible.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Are faghadist invitations on the artist menu?
You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Are faghadist invitations on the artist menu?

Try wedding invitations.
It is not their sexual orientation but the practice of homosexuality, which is a sin, as per the bible.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?

Does the Muslim restaurant owner normally serve ham at his restaurant?

The two women who are suing saying that as Christians they shouldn't have to follow the law do calligraphy for weddings- they are saying they shouldn't have to follow the law and provide wedding calligraphy regardless of of the customers race, religion or sexual orientation.

The restaurant owner who doesn't put ham on the menu, doesn't put ham on the menu. But he is not saying he won't serve you.

Your telling the artist they have to crate something from scratch they don't offer, no different from telling the restaurateur they have to create what I want that they don't offer.

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