Freedom of Religion? Christian Artists Face Jail Time For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Invitations

Does the Muslim restaurant owner normally serve ham at his restaurant?

The two women who are suing saying that as Christians they shouldn't have to follow the law do calligraphy for weddings- they are saying they shouldn't have to follow the law and provide wedding calligraphy regardless of of the customers race, religion or sexual orientation.

The restaurant owner who doesn't put ham on the menu, doesn't put ham on the menu. But he is not saying he won't serve you.

Your telling the artist they have to crate something from scratch they don't offer, no different from telling the restaurateur they have to create what I want that they don't offer.

Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.

Requests are usually limited to menu items, but what the hell, they're serving them to the next table over, so, it's just you they don't want to serve. You're from Texxas. They hate Texxans in that restaurant.
Syriusly, do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Leviticus 18:22: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Thanks for proving me correct again. Nothing in the Bible says that a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman is an abomination.

Of course eating shrimp is an abomination also

Leviticus 11:10-19: “But anything in the seas or the rivers that has not fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is an abomination to you. They shall remain an abomination to you; of their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall have in abomination. Everything in the waters that has not fins and scales is an abomination to you

So are Christians refusing to marry shrimpers? People who serve chilled shrimp cocktails at their weddings?

Remember- Leviticus is where you come up with your term of abomination- so I hope you are just as appalled by those people buying frozen shrimp in the market.

And heaven forbid you deal with people who burn incense:
Isaiah 1:13: Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me.

Wait- what is this? What is this artist wearing? Pants? Abomination


Deuteronomy 22:5: “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.”

What you won't find in the Bible though is anywhere that calls the marriage between two men or two women- an abomination.

The bible calls homosexuality an abominaion, as scripture shows, but you are seriously aguing that God is ok with homosexials marrying?

Ok, our discussion is over because you just lost your damn mind and/or refuse to admit you're wrong.

Either way we have nothing more to discuss.

Why am I not surprised that you run away when I confront you with the language of the Bible?

The Bible calls men having sex with each other an abomination- just like it calls women wearing pants an abomination.

The Bible nowhere says women having sex with each other is an abomination. The Bible nowhere says two men marrying each other is an abomination.

But the Bible does say that Donald Trump is committing adultery every day.

So you're saying God is OK with SSM as long as there is no sex involved.....good grief
Where in the bible does it say one cannot print words on a piece of paper for gay people?

Their business is NOT a religion

One does not give up constitutional rights because one wants to sell something.

you have yet to tell me how printing words on paper stops those people from practicing their religion

they are doing something against their moral code, due to government coercion. The whole idea of the 1st amendment is to allow them to do so, and place a burden on the government to say why forcing them to do so is needed, and to do so in such a way as to minimally impact their right to practice religion as they see fit.

You don't get to decide what is or isn't moral and the government be damned. That's reality.

And government doesn't get to decide to punish people over no actual harm, only hurt feelings. If you were actually a fan of the constitution, you would know that.

Argumentum ad abusrdum, the first refuge of the dumbass.

It is illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, race religion or sexual orientation
If they don't want to comply with public accommodation laws then they can close shop
Your telling the artist they have to crate something from scratch they don't offer, no different from telling the restaurateur they have to create what I want that they don't offer.

Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

If you go to a hardware store and they refuse to sell you a ham- you have gone to the wrong store.
If you go to a hardware store and they refuse to sell you a screwdriver because you are Jewish, you can either go to another hardware store, or you can file a complaint with the appropriate city or state agency.

What if I go to a hardware store and want a rotary hammer and they tell me they don't sell them because rotary hammers violate their religion.

Not selling a product is different than refusing to sell a product to a black person that you sell to everyone else.

The artist don't offer certain invitations based on a persons preferences, what's the difference.
You don't get to decide what is or isn't moral and the government be damned. That's reality.
No I don't, but I san point out that the United States Constitution protects 'freedom of religion and the exercise thereof' from liberals who seek to control and enforce their will on Christians.
printing words on paper is not part of any religious rite I'm aware of.

divorce is a sin but they print words for divorced people or people who will get divorced or people who cheat on their spouses, etc etc so the idea that the gay sin is somehow special is complete and utter bullshit.
Syriusly, do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Leviticus 18:22: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Thanks for proving me correct again. Nothing in the Bible says that a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman is an abomination.

Of course eating shrimp is an abomination also

Leviticus 11:10-19: “But anything in the seas or the rivers that has not fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is an abomination to you. They shall remain an abomination to you; of their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall have in abomination. Everything in the waters that has not fins and scales is an abomination to you

So are Christians refusing to marry shrimpers? People who serve chilled shrimp cocktails at their weddings?

Remember- Leviticus is where you come up with your term of abomination- so I hope you are just as appalled by those people buying frozen shrimp in the market.

And heaven forbid you deal with people who burn incense:
Isaiah 1:13: Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me.

Wait- what is this? What is this artist wearing? Pants? Abomination


Deuteronomy 22:5: “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.”

What you won't find in the Bible though is anywhere that calls the marriage between two men or two women- an abomination.

The bible calls homosexuality an abominaion, as scripture shows, but you are seriously aguing that God is ok with homosexials marrying?

Ok, our discussion is over because you just lost your damn mind and/or refuse to admit you're wrong.

Either way we have nothing more to discuss.

Why am I not surprised that you run away when I confront you with the language of the Bible?

The Bible calls men having sex with each other an abomination- just like it calls women wearing pants an abomination.

The Bible nowhere says women having sex with each other is an abomination. The Bible nowhere says two men marrying each other is an abomination.

But the Bible does say that Donald Trump is committing adultery every day.

So you're saying God is OK with SSM as long as there is no sex involved.....good grief

No- I am saying that the Bible doesn't prohibitted same gender marriages.

But it does say that Donald Trump's marriage is at least as sinful as any gay marriage.
Does the Muslim restaurant owner normally serve ham at his restaurant?

The two women who are suing saying that as Christians they shouldn't have to follow the law do calligraphy for weddings- they are saying they shouldn't have to follow the law and provide wedding calligraphy regardless of of the customers race, religion or sexual orientation.

The restaurant owner who doesn't put ham on the menu, doesn't put ham on the menu. But he is not saying he won't serve you.

Your telling the artist they have to crate something from scratch they don't offer, no different from telling the restaurateur they have to create what I want that they don't offer.

Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

If you go to a hardware store and they refuse to sell you a ham- you have gone to the wrong store.
If you go to a hardware store and they refuse to sell you a screwdriver because you are Jewish, you can either go to another hardware store, or you can file a complaint with the appropriate city or state agency.

What if I go to a hardware store and want a rotary hammer and they tell me they don't sell them because rotary hammers violate their religion.

Then you are out of luck.

But if they refused to sell to you because you are a Christian, you could sue the hell out of them.
Your telling the artist they have to crate something from scratch they don't offer, no different from telling the restaurateur they have to create what I want that they don't offer.

Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.
"If they only offer beef sausage" just answered your own question.

The artist only offer hetro invitations, so I guess you answered yours too.
Your telling the artist they have to crate something from scratch they don't offer, no different from telling the restaurateur they have to create what I want that they don't offer.

Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.

Requests are usually limited to menu items, but what the hell, they're serving them to the next table over, so, it's just you they don't want to serve. You're from Texxas. They hate Texxans in that restaurant.

So do the artist and faghadist invitations ain't on the menu.
Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.
"If they only offer beef sausage" just answered your own question.

The artist only offer hetro invitations, so I guess you answered yours too.

Yep- no different than if they only offered white invitations.

Or said they wouldn't sell to Jews.
these so called Christian are doing the same thing
That's your opinion, but most Christians I know read and weigh the full context of God's teachings.

And maybe what is getting liberals, who are a great deal about CONTROL, is that they do not get to impose their will / religious belief on others, which - again - is WHY we have 'freedom of religion and the exercise thereof'!

YOU don't get to tell someone what is and what is not part of their religious faith / beliefs, what they can and can not believe in / live. It's not up to you!

Ah so it's OK for these people to be hypocrites and serve some sinners and not others

Sorry but that dog won't hunt.

Your opponents in this debate are about to move from Christian fundamentalism to full on libertarianism. They will tell you that they believe a business should be free to refuse service t OK anyone. America, dammit!

They should be but as of right now they aren't. IMO anyone who refuses a client is a moron. The only reason to refuse service to a paying client is if a person is rude, abusive or has an unpaid bill.

I'm simply pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of these religious idiots since they have no problem printing words for anyone else no matter how many sins they may have committed or how many commandments they have broken it's just the gay sin that they say interferes with the practice of their religion
Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

The Christofascists can refuse to sell their wares to anyone that they want to.

But they can't refuse to do a bar mitzvah because they object to Judaism, or refuse to do an invitation to a Juneteenth party invitation because they don't believe in blacks celebrating the end of slavery.

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.

Requests are usually limited to menu items, but what the hell, they're serving them to the next table over, so, it's just you they don't want to serve. You're from Texxas. They hate Texxans in that restaurant.

So do the artist and faghadist invitations ain't on the menu.
Your telling the artist they have to crate something from scratch they don't offer, no different from telling the restaurateur they have to create what I want that they don't offer.

Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

If you go to a hardware store and they refuse to sell you a ham- you have gone to the wrong store.
If you go to a hardware store and they refuse to sell you a screwdriver because you are Jewish, you can either go to another hardware store, or you can file a complaint with the appropriate city or state agency.

What if I go to a hardware store and want a rotary hammer and they tell me they don't sell them because rotary hammers violate their religion.

Then you are out of luck.

But if they refused to sell to you because you are a Christian, you could sue the hell out of them.

Deflection, you folks are champs at it, why do you keep trying to introduce crap not under discussion? We're talking about getting things vendors don't offer.
Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.

Requests are usually limited to menu items, but what the hell, they're serving them to the next table over, so, it's just you they don't want to serve. You're from Texxas. They hate Texxans in that restaurant.

So do the artist and faghadist invitations ain't on the menu.

I don't know, I didn't see anything about them hating Texxans on their website?

A lot about weddings though........
'Two Arizona Christian artists face the possibility of being jailed, in addition to being fined, after they recently refused to make invitations for a same-sex wedding.'

Ummmm...did we go to bed and suddenly wake up in Communist Russia, China, or North Korea?

Liberals have been pushing the GLBT Lifestyle on everyone as 'the norm', except it ISN'T to many Americans, especially those who have a religious objection to it. Those religious beliefs - and the practice of them - are actually PROTECTED by the Constitution:

"The Free Exercise Clause is the accompanying clause with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause together read:

“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

What do the Liberal / LGBT 'Nazi's' not understand about that?!

Liberals can argue all day long about how it's discrimination, but it's not. It is one's personal religious belief, part of their faith, and THAT, again, is protected by the Constitution.

So Liberals are going to demand everyone else comply with their demands, regardless of what the Constitution says, and if the individuals refuse they are going to judicially punish them?!

This is an example of WHY we have the Constitution, why we have the Bill of Rights - to protect us from tyranny that encroaches on our personal rights!

I am NOT comparing these, but let's say in the future somehow liberals ram a law onto the books allowing Pedophilia, Bestiality, or Necrophilia? If Christians refuse to participate in any part of those, even if it has been approved by the government, will the government move to punish Christians - to jail Christians - for exercising their Constitutional Right to exercise their religion?
(-- Pretty ironic since this nation only exists because of a people who left England so they could freely exercise their religion without Government oppression, condemnation, and control.)

I understand laws against discrimination - I do, and I do support them....but I draw the line here. The Constitution clearly states, again:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

The government, however, is encroaching more and more on our rights while justifying doing so more and more. Doing so, allowing it to be done, is the start down a very dangerous road (IMO).

Christian artists face jail time for refusing to make same-sex wedding invitations

Free Exercise Clause - Wikipedia

The Constitution doesn't protect human sacrifice no matter how religious someone might claim it is.
You're point other then the one on you're head?
The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.
"If they only offer beef sausage" just answered your own question.

The artist only offer hetro invitations, so I guess you answered yours too.

Yep- no different than if they only offered white invitations.

Or said they wouldn't sell to Jews.

Wrong fagism isn't a race or a religion. It's personal preferences and conduct.
Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

If you go to a hardware store and they refuse to sell you a ham- you have gone to the wrong store.
If you go to a hardware store and they refuse to sell you a screwdriver because you are Jewish, you can either go to another hardware store, or you can file a complaint with the appropriate city or state agency.

What if I go to a hardware store and want a rotary hammer and they tell me they don't sell them because rotary hammers violate their religion.

Then you are out of luck.

But if they refused to sell to you because you are a Christian, you could sue the hell out of them.

Deflection, you folks are champs at it, why do you keep trying to introduce crap not under discussion? We're talking about getting things vendors don't offer.

No we are talking about a Christian business that doesn't want to follow the law, and is suing so that they don't have to sell their product to customers if they object to their race, religion or sexual preference.
It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.
"If they only offer beef sausage" just answered your own question.

The artist only offer hetro invitations, so I guess you answered yours too.

Yep- no different than if they only offered white invitations.

Or said they wouldn't sell to Jews.

Wrong fagism isn't a race or a religion. It's personal preferences and conduct.

Christism is a personal preference and conduct.

Why do Christofascists think that they should be excluded from obeying the law?
The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

It's like if you were in the restaurant and everybody was ordering ham and eggs off the menu and when the waitress took your order she said "We don't serve no Ham and Eggs to your kind, you're a Texxan! Get out of here!"

What if they only offer beef sausage and I want pork sausage, can I sue them for not offering what I want? After all they do offer sausage.

Requests are usually limited to menu items, but what the hell, they're serving them to the next table over, so, it's just you they don't want to serve. You're from Texxas. They hate Texxans in that restaurant.

So do the artist and faghadist invitations ain't on the menu.

I don't know, I didn't see anything about them hating Texxans on their website?

A lot about weddings though........

The "offended" couple could just choose to go somewhere else. Public accommodation laws are only relevant if there is a complaint.

Maybe, just now and then, we could choose to live and let live. They're Christians, they don't want to work with us, just let it go.

But no, we just have to punish them. Send them to jail if we can.

Sad to see.

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