Freedom of Religion? Christian Artists Face Jail Time For Not Making Same-Sex Wedding Invitations

The Bible also condemns sex outside of marriage. No mention of married gay sex.

I just cited four verses saying gay sex is sinful. Are you blind? Or can you not acknowledge you're wrong?

Sex outside of marriage is irrelevant to this discussion. That is nothing but a deflection and will no longer be acknowledged.
The Presbyterian Church now accepts same sex unions and gays in the clergy. Does that mean they are no longer Christian?

For me, yes.

Deuteronomy 4:2 NIV

"Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you."

Proverbs 30:5-6 ESV

"Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar."
It is not their sexual orientation but the practice of homosexuality, which is a sin, as per the bible.

You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?

I doubt if ham was on his menu.

Eggs? I admit I know squat about Muslims. Do they have a thing against eggs too?

So yeah it's different.

Show were any of the artists or bakers said they served fags and dykes. Go ahead
You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Where did the artist say he serves queer weddings?

Marriage is marriage now. Same sex, opposite sex.
You have the constitutional right to believe that. You don't have the right to force that belief on others who do not believe as you do, if you are doing business in a community that has laws against it.

It's not that we don't serve fat people we just don't want to encourage gluttony, it's a sin.

You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Are faghadist invitations on the artist menu?

Booyah! Exactly
The Presbyterian Church now accepts same sex unions and gays in the clergy. Does that mean they are no longer Christian?

For me, yes.

Deuteronomy 4:2

"Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you."

Those are laws of government. Our government is not a Biblical government.
You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Are faghadist invitations on the artist menu?

Try wedding invitations.

And where did they say wedding invitations between anyone and anything?
The Presbyterian Church now accepts same sex unions and gays in the clergy. Does that mean they are no longer Christian?

For me, yes.

Deuteronomy 4:2

"Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you."

Does that mean Trump is not a Christian? He professes to be Presbyterian.
Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Are faghadist invitations on the artist menu?

Try wedding invitations.

And where did they say wedding invitations between anyone and anything?

There are reasons we have judges to interpret the law. One big one is so people like you can't.
You people are so twisted. You are the only ones forcing people to do anything

Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Where did the artist say he serves queer weddings?

Marriage is marriage now. Same sex, opposite sex.
Exactly. And every vendor has the ability to just say "no".
Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?

Does the Muslim restaurant owner normally serve ham at his restaurant?

The two women who are suing saying that as Christians they shouldn't have to follow the law do calligraphy for weddings- they are saying they shouldn't have to follow the law and provide wedding calligraphy regardless of of the customers race, religion or sexual orientation.

The restaurant owner who doesn't put ham on the menu, doesn't put ham on the menu. But he is not saying he won't serve you.

Your telling the artist they have to crate something from scratch they don't offer, no different from telling the restaurateur they have to create what I want that they don't offer.

Their website says that they will create custom wedding caligraphy for their customers.

This is a particularly stupid stretch even for you Texas.

The restaurant says they'll feed me too, but if they don't offer what I want should I be able to sue them or should I go somewhere that offers what I want?

Sue the bastards! I love anchovies, I should be able to sue anyone who claims to sell pizza and doesn't sell them with anchovies
Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Where did the artist say he serves queer weddings?

Marriage is marriage now. Same sex, opposite sex.
Exactly. And every vendor has the ability to just say "no".

Not unless they are out of the marriage related business altogether.
Holey moley batman. I'm not the one claiming my belief in some supernatural creature entitles me to discriminate against gay people in my business.

So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Where did the artist say he serves queer weddings?

Marriage is marriage now. Same sex, opposite sex.
Exactly. And every vendor has the ability to just say "no".

NYCryBaby has a vested interest. The flamming faggot is on ignore, so he goes around quoting me just praying that someone will quote him and I'll see it. His dream is that I'll realize what a cosmic love he has for me and I'll be swept off my feet. The flaw in his plan is I'm not a faggot like he is
So how is this different from a Muslim restaurateur who refuses to serve me ham and eggs because of his religion?
Is "ham and eggs" on his menu? Ever?

Are faghadist invitations on the artist menu?

Try wedding invitations.

And where did they say wedding invitations between anyone and anything?

There are reasons we have judges to interpret the law. One big one is so people like you can't.

Wrong, judges are there to apply law not decide what it means, legislatures say what they mean and how they should be applied. If a law is questionable the courts should set it aside and ask the legislature that wrote it to fix it. Courts have no legislative authority.
It isn't enough that we accept that they have a right to do whatever they want to do.

What they don't have a right to do is DEMAND that we participate.
The Presbyterian Church now accepts same sex unions and gays in the clergy. Does that mean they are no longer Christian?

For me, yes.

Deuteronomy 4:2

"Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you."

Those are laws of government. Our government is not a Biblical government.

I said nothing about government. Stop changing the subject.
Your freedom of religion does not provide for legal COVER to break other laws.
Laws are required to be Constitutional. The Constitution states that we have the freedom of religion and the EXERCISE THEREOF....
Where did this peculiar dogma come from? Never before has the adminonition to avoid commerce with homosexuals been sent forth from the pulpit. These unfortunate people are wrapping themselves in a dogma to perpetuate the hatred in their hearts and calling it "Christianity".

You're obviously not a Christian. Again, you don't grasp that Christianity is a way to lead your life, it's not a tool to demand things from others and force them to do it your way. You don't understand the fundamental concept of Christianity get to determine whether someone is a christian or not?

Strawman. So you get to determine if someone is a racist, misogynist, homophobe, corporatist or not?
No. their actions and attitudes make the determination.
Fuck off! It's because of Christian freaks that I couldnt buy beer on Sunday for years !

Screw those bastards !
The Presbyterian Church now accepts same sex unions and gays in the clergy. Does that mean they are no longer Christian?

For me, yes.

Deuteronomy 4:2

"Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the LORD your God that I give you."

Does that mean Trump is not a Christian? He professes to be Presbyterian.
Does he agree with the Church's stances on gay marriage?

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