Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Yeah cause if you have a ZZ top beard you must be a piece of shit... Right there bigot against people with beards... this Gadawg73 is biggoted against so many different southern things I'm guessing he's one of those north eastern folk that look down on the south because they see themselves as members of a superior arian race ..

You’re making less sense than usual, understandable given the idiocy of the premise you and others on the right seek to promote.

Only the state can act to silence unpopular speech, not private citizens in the context of private society, as private citizens lack the authority and means to ‘silence’ someone.

And to point out the fact that some Christians are ignorant and wrong on the issue, where they have indeed contrived a whining cult of victimhood, is not ‘bigotry,’ it’s merely pointing out the fact that Christians have contrived a whining cult of victimhood.

How many Christians have to be CRUCIFIED before you'll recognize that Christians are no different than any of the other religious groups in history that have been attacked by opposing religious and a-religious groups? 1trillion?

Claiming that Christians are not being attacked and that it's a made up victimhood ... yeah you'd have to be a bigot to make that claim. Look at the not so subtle attacks he's made on christians in the other posts I quoted. The asshole is making out that the Robertson Family is a pile of shit, lying asshole fakes, that are just after money. One would have to be extremely bigoted against not just christians but southern people in general to make the vile statements he's made.

But the Robertson's are made up assholes who are just after money.

"I'm not a Redneck, I just play one on TV!"

But, no, guy, the thing was, he said something to get attention, it generated about a weeks worth of attention, but their schtick has gotten old and their ratings are flagging.

This was Duck Dynasty's "Jump the Shark" moment.

What part of his quoted statements about the Robertsons and anyone that looks smells or acts like the Robertsons is confusing you? Where did you read "tolerance" for the Robertsons in his accusing them with religious and regional slurs on their character and anyone that may admire the Roberson family?

If you can read in less than billboard-size type, this for one:
>> A & E were told by Robertson he would not be silenced so good for him. I do not agree with some of the things Robertson says but I admire him for telling them basically to go fuck themselves. <<

Look, it's not even my quote but you're characterizing it as "bigotry" and you haven't made that case. You haven't even begun to. He sez Robertson is subject to the same rules we all are -- is that not the case?

Yeah so why did you clip out all the biggoted, racist, anti-south, anti-christian comments?

Here let me show you what he did...

I admire Gadawg73 for his first statement. His ability to hide behind not so subtle bigoted comments by making a first statement praising them then following up with the "but" part where he then goes off and calls them scum of the earth is quite remarkable.

See you can quote my first sentence in that paragraph... and without reading the second sentence ... yeah, it's like that the paragraph means something entirely different when read in context.

Never called them scum
Just the opposite, I respect the hell out of the Robertson family. Have said that numerous times. So what if they have ZZ Top beards as they did that for the producers of the show.
You do know they never had them before, don't you. The sons were all preppies, polo shirts and Bass Weejuns and Phil had a crew cut and was clean shaven
The camo and all is fantasy for the show, called drama TV.
And no problem, they earned all they have.
But they are not victims in any way and Phil Robertson has stated many times "I will say what I want and no one will stop me".
Why are you calling Phil Robertson a liar?

How many Christians have to be CRUCIFIED before you'll recognize that Christians are no different than any of the other religious groups in history that have been attacked by opposing religious and a-religious groups? 1trillion?

Claiming that Christians are not being attacked and that it's a made up victimhood ... yeah you'd have to be a bigot to make that claim. Look at the not so subtle attacks he's made on christians in the other posts I quoted. The asshole is making out that the Robertson Family is a pile of shit, lying asshole fakes, that are just after money. One would have to be extremely bigoted against not just christians but southern people in general to make the vile statements he's made.

But the Robertson's are made up assholes who are just after money.

"I'm not a Redneck, I just play one on TV!"

But, no, guy, the thing was, he said something to get attention, it generated about a weeks worth of attention, but their schtick has gotten old and their ratings are flagging.

This was Duck Dynasty's "Jump the Shark" moment.


We are all after money.
But even if they are made up assholes, and I do not believe they are assholes, that would be better than being a REAL ASSHOLE.
Their ratings are off the chart again and everywhere you go their marketing materials are front and center for sale from kid's lunch boxes to Christmas CDs.
Because America loves them and that is all A OK with me.
I disagree with what Phil says but he has a right to say it and his employer has every right to discipline him for doing so as he has NO constitutional protections on speech for employer/employee relation.
Yeah cause if you have a ZZ top beard you must be a piece of shit... Right there bigot against people with beards... this Gadawg73 is biggoted against so many different southern things I'm guessing he's one of those north eastern folk that look down on the south because they see themselves as members of a superior arian race ..

You’re making less sense than usual, understandable given the idiocy of the premise you and others on the right seek to promote.

Only the state can act to silence unpopular speech, not private citizens in the context of private society, as private citizens lack the authority and means to ‘silence’ someone.

And to point out the fact that some Christians are ignorant and wrong on the issue, where they have indeed contrived a whining cult of victimhood, is not ‘bigotry,’ it’s merely pointing out the fact that Christians have contrived a whining cult of victimhood.

Mr. Brown makes excellent points on many issues but if you dare disagree with him he goes into a insecure rant.
If you can read in less than billboard-size type, this for one:
>> A & E were told by Robertson he would not be silenced so good for him. I do not agree with some of the things Robertson says but I admire him for telling them basically to go fuck themselves. <<

Look, it's not even my quote but you're characterizing it as "bigotry" and you haven't made that case. You haven't even begun to. He sez Robertson is subject to the same rules we all are -- is that not the case?

Yeah so why did you clip out all the biggoted, racist, anti-south, anti-christian comments?

Here let me show you what he did...

I admire Gadawg73 for his first statement. His ability to hide behind not so subtle bigoted comments by making a first statement praising them then following up with the "but" part where he then goes off and calls them scum of the earth is quite remarkable.

See you can quote my first sentence in that paragraph... and without reading the second sentence ... yeah, it's like that the paragraph means something entirely different when read in context.

Never called them scum
Just the opposite, I respect the hell out of the Robertson family. Have said that numerous times. So what if they have ZZ Top beards as they did that for the producers of the show.
You do know they never had them before, don't you. The sons were all preppies, polo shirts and Bass Weejuns and Phil had a crew cut and was clean shaven
The camo and all is fantasy for the show, called drama TV.
And no problem, they earned all they have.
But they are not victims in any way and Phil Robertson has stated many times "I will say what I want and no one will stop me".
Why are you calling Phil Robertson a liar?

They had their beards even before their 1st show, Duck Commander that aired on the Outdoor Channel in 2009.
clips of the Robertsons 1st TV Show on ESPN duck hunting show - Bing Videos

Duck Dynasty started airing in 2012.
If you can read in less than billboard-size type, this for one:
>> A & E were told by Robertson he would not be silenced so good for him. I do not agree with some of the things Robertson says but I admire him for telling them basically to go fuck themselves. <<

Look, it's not even my quote but you're characterizing it as "bigotry" and you haven't made that case. You haven't even begun to. He sez Robertson is subject to the same rules we all are -- is that not the case?

Yeah so why did you clip out all the biggoted, racist, anti-south, anti-christian comments?

Here let me show you what he did...

I admire Gadawg73 for his first statement. His ability to hide behind not so subtle bigoted comments by making a first statement praising them then following up with the "but" part where he then goes off and calls them scum of the earth is quite remarkable.

See you can quote my first sentence in that paragraph... and without reading the second sentence ... yeah, it's like that the paragraph means something entirely different when read in context.

Never called them scum <Yes you did and you are still doing it>
Just the opposite, I respect the hell out of the Robertson family. <Your idea of "respect" and opposite are whack!>

Have said that numerous times. <And each time you have followed up that statement with a long series of vile, baseless lies.>

So what if they have ZZ Top beards ... as they did that for the producers of the show.<vile, baseless lie.>
You do know they never had them before, don't you. <vile, baseless lie.> The sons were all preppies, polo shirts and Bass Weejuns and Phil had a crew cut and was clean shaven <vile, baseless lies.>

The camo and all is fantasy for the show, <vile, baseless lie.>

called drama TV.<vile, baseless lie, it's not even a drama dumb ass>

And no problem, they earned all they have.

But they are not victims in any way <funny how you change your mantra to them not being victims, where before you were broad stroking a claim that no christians have been or currently are victims of religious hate of any kind...>

and Phil Robertson has stated many times "I will say what I want and no one will stop me".
<Your the one lying. Again and again and again. You said Phil told them to "fuck off." Funny how that accusation has changed.

Why are you calling Phil Robertson a liar?

Listen, you piece of shit liar, why don't you fucking quote me as calling Phil a liar?

Don't Tread on Phil :)
Yeah cause if you have a ZZ top beard you must be a piece of shit... Right there bigot against people with beards... this Gadawg73 is biggoted against so many different southern things I'm guessing he's one of those north eastern folk that look down on the south because they see themselves as members of a superior arian race ..

You’re making less sense than usual, understandable given the idiocy of the premise you and others on the right seek to promote.

Only the state can act to silence unpopular speech, not private citizens in the context of private society, as private citizens lack the authority and means to ‘silence’ someone.

And to point out the fact that some Christians are ignorant and wrong on the issue, where they have indeed contrived a whining cult of victimhood, is not ‘bigotry,’ it’s merely pointing out the fact that Christians have contrived a whining cult of victimhood.

Mr. Brown makes excellent points on many issues but if you dare disagree with him he goes into a insecure rant.

You also make excellent points on many issues. However, in this case you appear to be echoing libtardian lies. Why don't you provide one "shred" of evidence to back up your slanderous claims on their name.
Yeah cause if you have a ZZ top beard you must be a piece of shit... Right there bigot against people with beards... this Gadawg73 is biggoted against so many different southern things I'm guessing he's one of those north eastern folk that look down on the south because they see themselves as members of a superior arian race ..

You’re making less sense than usual, understandable given the idiocy of the premise you and others on the right seek to promote.

Only the state can act to silence unpopular speech, not private citizens in the context of private society, as private citizens lack the authority and means to ‘silence’ someone.

And to point out the fact that some Christians are ignorant and wrong on the issue, where they have indeed contrived a whining cult of victimhood, is not ‘bigotry,’ it’s merely pointing out the fact that Christians have contrived a whining cult of victimhood.

Mr. Brown makes excellent points on many issues but if you dare disagree with him he goes into a insecure rant.

A tad more than "insecure"... I'd say "demented". :cuckoo:
Never seen PWI go on a second day on the same drunk. :disbelief:
Yeah so why did you clip out all the biggoted, racist, anti-south, anti-christian comments?

Here let me show you what he did...

I admire Gadawg73 for his first statement. His ability to hide behind not so subtle bigoted comments by making a first statement praising them then following up with the "but" part where he then goes off and calls them scum of the earth is quite remarkable.

See you can quote my first sentence in that paragraph... and without reading the second sentence ... yeah, it's like that the paragraph means something entirely different when read in context.

Never called them scum
Just the opposite, I respect the hell out of the Robertson family. Have said that numerous times. So what if they have ZZ Top beards as they did that for the producers of the show.
You do know they never had them before, don't you. The sons were all preppies, polo shirts and Bass Weejuns and Phil had a crew cut and was clean shaven
The camo and all is fantasy for the show, called drama TV.
And no problem, they earned all they have.
But they are not victims in any way and Phil Robertson has stated many times "I will say what I want and no one will stop me".
Why are you calling Phil Robertson a liar?

They had their beards even before their 1st show, Duck Commander that aired on the Outdoor Channel in 2009.
clips of the Robertsons 1st TV Show on ESPN duck hunting show - Bing Videos

Duck Dynasty started airing in 2012.

How much you want to bet.
If you have not seen the many, many family pictures of the boys playing golf with short hair and preppie clothing you are uninformed.
The long beards and non stop cammo is all show. Sure they hunted and a lot but if you believe the cammo everyday and long beards was their norm either you are naive and gullible or you are just in denial because you also worship them.
Phil has many beach photos of him and the GROWN boys family pics with SHORT HAIR.
But that FACT has nothing to do with the real picture as the claim was somehow Phil's rights were denied.

And they weren't, he was not even silenced and he stated that publicly.
Hard to believe there are this many Duck Dynasty groupies here.
Do you guys have cammo jammies?

I have about 20 more of the real yuppie Robertson boys.
Amazing the naive Duck Dynasty heads in the sand groupies here.
Grown men similar to the screaming teenie boppers screaming at the Beatles in the 60s.
Sure is a bitch to have the facts ruin your groupie teenie bopper party.
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I have 19 more out of the yuppie Robertson boys.
But hey now, NO WAY pro wrasslin is fake.
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Never called them scum
Just the opposite, I respect the hell out of the Robertson family. Have said that numerous times. So what if they have ZZ Top beards as they did that for the producers of the show.
You do know they never had them before, don't you. The sons were all preppies, polo shirts and Bass Weejuns and Phil had a crew cut and was clean shaven
The camo and all is fantasy for the show, called drama TV.
And no problem, they earned all they have.
But they are not victims in any way and Phil Robertson has stated many times "I will say what I want and no one will stop me".
Why are you calling Phil Robertson a liar?

They had their beards even before their 1st show, Duck Commander that aired on the Outdoor Channel in 2009.
clips of the Robertsons 1st TV Show on ESPN duck hunting show - Bing Videos

Duck Dynasty started airing in 2012.

How much you want to bet.
If you have not seen the many, many family pictures of the boys playing golf with short hair and preppie clothing you are uninformed.
The long beards and non stop cammo is all show. Sure they hunted and a lot but if you believe the cammo everyday and long beards was their norm either you are naive and gullible or you are just in denial because you also worship them.
Phil has many beach photos of him and the GROWN boys family pics with SHORT HAIR.
But that FACT has nothing to do with the real picture as the claim was somehow Phil's rights were denied.

And they weren't, he was not even silenced and he stated that publicly.
Hard to believe there are this many Duck Dynasty groupies here.
Do you guys have cammo jammies?

My father grew up in GA., moved to FL. He was clean shaven till around 45, then he started sporting a beard. When he turned 53 he moved from Ft. Lauderdale to Ockeechobee and started wearing cammo half the time learned to hunt and now he hangs out with and looks like the folks on DD. Does that mean he's fake? Does that mean he's all for show? Does being clean shaven mean your not from the south or a woodsman, or a fisherman cause you used to be clean shaven, and didn't used to wear cammo?

Huh? Jammies?

Polo shirts is just a style of dress for golfing... just as t-shirts is a style of dress for the beach... just as cammo is a style of dress for hunting. I'm thinking you must have some sort of man crush on them that you are so focused on what they wear.
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They had their beards even before their 1st show, Duck Commander that aired on the Outdoor Channel in 2009.
clips of the Robertsons 1st TV Show on ESPN duck hunting show - Bing Videos

Duck Dynasty started airing in 2012.

How much you want to bet.
If you have not seen the many, many family pictures of the boys playing golf with short hair and preppie clothing you are uninformed.
The long beards and non stop cammo is all show. Sure they hunted and a lot but if you believe the cammo everyday and long beards was their norm either you are naive and gullible or you are just in denial because you also worship them.
Phil has many beach photos of him and the GROWN boys family pics with SHORT HAIR.
But that FACT has nothing to do with the real picture as the claim was somehow Phil's rights were denied.

And they weren't, he was not even silenced and he stated that publicly.
Hard to believe there are this many Duck Dynasty groupies here.
Do you guys have cammo jammies?

My father grew up in GA., moved to FL. He was clean shaven till around 45, then he started sporting a beard. When he turned 53 he moved from Ft. Lauderdale to Ockeechobee and started wearing cammo half the time learned to hunt and now he hangs out with and looks like the folks on DD. Does that mean he's fake? Does that mean he's all for show? Does being clean shaven mean your not from the south or a woodsman, or a fisherman cause you used to be clean shaven, and didn't used to wear cammo?

Huh? Jammies?

Polo shirts is just a style of dress for golfing... just as t-shirts is a style of dress for the beach... just as cammo is a style of dress for hunting. I'm thinking you must have some sort of man crush on them that you are so focused on what they wear.

No man crush on anyone, just messing with you.
Speaking of ZZ Top, one of my favorite all time bands. First time I saw them was in September 1973 at old Municipal Auditorium in Atlanta. Saw them also with Deep Purple at the Omni after it opened and then again at Tampa Jam along with a dozen or so other times over the years. Billy appeared on the show Daryl's House which was great.

ZZ Top has done a lot of good for charities and many other things other than just playing music. Billy's guitar collection is second to none.
These young men were never known to wear cammo around or sport long beards and long hair BEFORE the show started.
That is all for show and everyone knows it.
How much you want to bet.
If you have not seen the many, many family pictures of the boys playing golf with short hair and preppie clothing you are uninformed.
The long beards and non stop cammo is all show. Sure they hunted and a lot but if you believe the cammo everyday and long beards was their norm either you are naive and gullible or you are just in denial because you also worship them.
Phil has many beach photos of him and the GROWN boys family pics with SHORT HAIR.
But that FACT has nothing to do with the real picture as the claim was somehow Phil's rights were denied.

And they weren't, he was not even silenced and he stated that publicly.
Hard to believe there are this many Duck Dynasty groupies here.
Do you guys have cammo jammies?

My father grew up in GA., moved to FL. He was clean shaven till around 45, then he started sporting a beard. When he turned 53 he moved from Ft. Lauderdale to Ockeechobee and started wearing cammo half the time learned to hunt and now he hangs out with and looks like the folks on DD. Does that mean he's fake? Does that mean he's all for show? Does being clean shaven mean your not from the south or a woodsman, or a fisherman cause you used to be clean shaven, and didn't used to wear cammo?

Huh? Jammies?

Polo shirts is just a style of dress for golfing... just as t-shirts is a style of dress for the beach... just as cammo is a style of dress for hunting. I'm thinking you must have some sort of man crush on them that you are so focused on what they wear.

No man crush on anyone, just messing with you.
Speaking of ZZ Top, one of my favorite all time bands. First time I saw them was in September 1973 at old Municipal Auditorium in Atlanta. Saw them also with Deep Purple at the Omni after it opened and then again at Tampa Jam along with a dozen or so other times over the years. Billy appeared on the show Daryl's House which was great.

ZZ Top has done a lot of good for charities and many other things other than just playing music. Billy's guitar collection is second to none.

Aight... truce.

I figure Phil was just messing with the gays when he said what he said... It would appear sometimes when messing with folk they mess back :)

On the brighter side, when their show jumps the shark and gets cancelled, they can shave, put on sensible clothes and no one will recognize them as they enjoy their money.

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