Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Doesn't that sound strange that an employer can control their employees wherever they are?

You find that unpleasant? Then you should be downright outraged over this:

Catholic Morality Clause Drives Good Teachers Out of Louisiana Schools

Catholic Morality Clause Drives Good Teachers Out of Louisiana Schools

And I hope you appreciate the mountain of irony that it treats us to, given the theme of this thread.

From The Friendly Atheist!

Or, you could express your opinion on the above. You know you actually made sense in one post yesterday,

why not go for 2 days in a row?
Doesn't that sound strange that an employer can control their employees wherever they are?

You find that unpleasant? Then you should be downright outraged over this:

Catholic Morality Clause Drives Good Teachers Out of Louisiana Schools

Catholic Morality Clause Drives Good Teachers Out of Louisiana Schools

And I hope you appreciate the mountain of irony that it treats us to, given the theme of this thread.

Interesting read. I have contended for quite a while that many christians have NO problem bearing false witness even tho it's one of the BIG X Commandments.

The ironies of comparing these two employer/employee circumstances are overwhelming,

starting with the fact that they're both in Louisiana.
I would like to add - his Jim Crowe comments had me more aghast then the gay ones, and I doubt that I'm alone, so. Yeah. That piece of the puzzle absolutely fits in this discussion.

The guy has used his newfound celebrity to spout his extremist views. He has every right to do so, and his network has every right to pull him for doing it

Frankly, the guy is kind of creepy
I would like to add - his Jim Crowe comments had me more aghast then the gay ones, and I doubt that I'm alone, so. Yeah. That piece of the puzzle absolutely fits in this discussion.

Yes, that was some crazy-ass shit, pardon the expression. That put him right up there in the conservative Republican Congressman league.

Maybe he was testing the waters for a Presidential run.
I would like to add - his Jim Crowe comments had me more aghast then the gay ones, and I doubt that I'm alone, so. Yeah. That piece of the puzzle absolutely fits in this discussion.

Yes, that was some crazy-ass shit, pardon the expression. That put him right up there in the conservative Republican Congressman league.

Maybe he was testing the waters for a Presidential run.

He fits right in with the TPM.
What really got to 'the boyz who pee sitting down' at Gladd was Phils description of what happens between a gay man and another gay man. The 'Gladd' boyz don't want that image thought of by anyone. They prefer to suggest all that really happens between a gay man and another gay man is they spend their time together wearing flannel 'PJs' and drinking hot chocolate and watching Bet Midler movies. Then they go to bed in separate rooms.
It's a good thing for all those Gladd boyz that their daddies didn't prefer to push their penises in and out of other mens anuses until they ejaculated right?
What really got to 'the boyz who pee sitting down' at Gladd was Phils description of what happens between a gay man and another gay man. The 'Gladd' boyz don't want that image thought of by anyone. They prefer to suggest all that really happens between a gay man and another gay man is they spend their time together wearing flannel 'PJs' and drinking hot chocolate and watching Bet Midler movies. Then they go to bed in separate rooms.
It's a good thing for all those Gladd boyz that their daddies didn't prefer to push their penises in and out of other mens anuses until they ejaculated right?

Do you folks think about this alot? :lol:
I would like to add - his Jim Crowe comments had me more aghast then the gay ones, and I doubt that I'm alone, so. Yeah. That piece of the puzzle absolutely fits in this discussion.

Yes, that was some crazy-ass shit, pardon the expression. That put him right up there in the conservative Republican Congressman league.

Maybe he was testing the waters for a Presidential run.

Or celebrity spokesman for the Hobby Lobby.
I would like to add - his Jim Crowe comments had me more aghast then the gay ones, and I doubt that I'm alone, so. Yeah. That piece of the puzzle absolutely fits in this discussion.

The guy has used his newfound celebrity to spout his extremist views. He has every right to do so, and his network has every right to pull him for doing it

Frankly, the guy is kind of creepy
How is saying he believes in the teachings in the Bible "extreme"?
When God told Noah to put two of each species of animal in the ark God didn't say: "It doesn't matter if both the lions are male" right?
All animal life on the planet is the result what happens after a male and a female mate. To all you 'boyz who pee sitting down' that result was YOU right?
I would like to add - his Jim Crowe comments had me more aghast then the gay ones, and I doubt that I'm alone, so. Yeah. That piece of the puzzle absolutely fits in this discussion.

The guy has used his newfound celebrity to spout his extremist views. He has every right to do so, and his network has every right to pull him for doing it

Frankly, the guy is kind of creepy
How is saying he believes in the teachings in the Bible "extreme"?
When God told Noah to put two of each species of animal in the ark God didn't say: "It doesn't matter if both the lions are male" right?
All animal life on the planet is the result what happens after a male and a female mate. To all you 'boyz who pee sitting down' that result was YOU right?

I was right

You guys are kinda creepy
Let's hear from the Phil defenders on this whose-rights-are-whose episode:

Christian Pastor Defrocked After Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding

"NORRISTOWN, Pa. (TheBlaze/AP) — A pastor from central Pennsylvania was defrocked by United Methodist church officials on Thursday after officiating his son’s gay wedding — an action that ran counter to the denomination’s central beliefs..."

I was especially struck by this line in the article:

"Jurors who convicted Schaefer in a church trial last month..."

Did what? In a what? lol, if I might paraphrase the classic Monty Python line...

"Nobody expects the Methodist Inquisition!"

Christian Pastor Defrocked After Officiating Gay Son?s Wedding |

So, let's hear it...
The guy has used his newfound celebrity to spout his extremist views. He has every right to do so, and his network has every right to pull him for doing it

Frankly, the guy is kind of creepy
How is saying he believes in the teachings in the Bible "extreme"?
When God told Noah to put two of each species of animal in the ark God didn't say: "It doesn't matter if both the lions are male" right?
All animal life on the planet is the result what happens after a male and a female mate. To all you 'boyz who pee sitting down' that result was YOU right?

I was right

You guys are kinda creepy

Totally creepy.

Let's hear from the Phil defenders on this whose-rights-are-whose episode:

Christian Pastor Defrocked After Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding

"NORRISTOWN, Pa. (TheBlaze/AP) — A pastor from central Pennsylvania was defrocked by United Methodist church officials on Thursday after officiating his son’s gay wedding — an action that ran counter to the denomination’s central beliefs..."

I was especially struck by this line in the article:

"Jurors who convicted Schaefer in a church trial last month..."

Did what? In a what? lol, if I might paraphrase the classic Monty Python line...

"Nobody expects the Methodist Inquisition!"

Christian Pastor Defrocked After Officiating Gay Son?s Wedding |

So, let's hear it...

The funny thing about all these yahoos sniveling about Phil the Bigot being suspended for his comments to a magazine (not for his religious beliefs) is that most of them want private companies to be able to fire me just because I'm gay. Not for anything I say and do at work, but for just being gay.

Irony hung itself in a closet.
I can see why A&E wants this guy to just go away...

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," said Robertson, discussing his childhood in Louisiana. "The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field…They're singing and happy."

He continued: "I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' — not a word! … Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues
Let's hear from the Phil defenders on this whose-rights-are-whose episode:

Christian Pastor Defrocked After Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding

"NORRISTOWN, Pa. (TheBlaze/AP) — A pastor from central Pennsylvania was defrocked by United Methodist church officials on Thursday after officiating his son’s gay wedding — an action that ran counter to the denomination’s central beliefs..."

I was especially struck by this line in the article:

"Jurors who convicted Schaefer in a church trial last month..."

Did what? In a what? lol, if I might paraphrase the classic Monty Python line...

"Nobody expects the Methodist Inquisition!"

Christian Pastor Defrocked After Officiating Gay Son?s Wedding |

So, let's hear it...

It would be hard for any of us to comment on the inner workings of the Methodist Church, now wouldn't it? It goes against the basic premise of the Church. What was the poor pastor to do? His love for his son was paramount.

Perhaps he should have done a civil ceremony without a Bible. His whole being and calling was tested at that point. The question now is, how does he and his son feel and if given the chance, would they do it again? Does that make his entire career a lie?
Phil is quite free to be a bigoted racist.

And A&E is free to fire him for that.

It's a pretty simple concept.

You know what, you guys preach tolerance, hell you liberals want diversity, but God help the next person who dares speak against what you believe. Who cares about what A&E can do? This is a matter of principle.

Does tolerance involve calling everyone you disagree with a "bigoted racist"? Does that mean firing a man for expressing his religious beliefs? What if a Muslim did something similar? Hey, they're even more intolerant to other races and sexual orientations than we are!

Young children have a better grasp of tolerance and understanding than liberals do. I hear liberals all around wanting to be tolerated but wont tolerate other beliefs. What is happening to this world?
I can see why A&E wants this guy to just go away...

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," said Robertson, discussing his childhood in Louisiana. "The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field…They're singing and happy."

He continued: "I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' — not a word! … Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues

How DARE he accuse black people of being happy, ever. Those working black men should have been out in the streets killing one another's children. Like they do today.
Phil is quite free to be a bigoted racist.

And A&E is free to fire him for that.

It's a pretty simple concept.

You know what, you guys preach tolerance, hell you liberals want diversity, but God help the next person who dares speak against what you believe. Who cares about what A&E can do? This is a matter of principle.

Does tolerance involve calling everyone you disagree with a "bigoted racist"? Does that mean firing a man for expressing his religious beliefs? What if a Muslim did something similar? Hey, they're even more intolerant to other races and sexual orientations than we are!

Young children have a better grasp of tolerance and understanding than liberals do. I hear liberals all around wanting to be tolerated but wont tolerate other beliefs. What is happening to this world?

MSNBC fired Bashir, Olbermann, Baldwin and suspended Schultz for speaking their minds.

How many times did you defend any of these folks?

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