Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Phil is quite free to be a bigoted racist.

And A&E is free to fire him for that.

It's a pretty simple concept.

You know what, you guys preach tolerance, hell you liberals want diversity, but God help the next person who dares speak against what you believe. Who cares about what A&E can do? This is a matter of principle.

Does tolerance involve calling everyone you disagree with a "bigoted racist"? Does that mean firing a man for expressing his religious beliefs? What if a Muslim did something similar? Hey, they're even more intolerant to other races and sexual orientations than we are!

Young children have a better grasp of tolerance and understanding than liberals do. I hear liberals all around wanting to be tolerated but wont tolerate other beliefs. What is happening to this world?

If he had restricted his comments about gays to his religious beliefs he would not have been fired

Where in his religion are homosexuality and bestiality connected?
Phil is quite free to be a bigoted racist.

And A&E is free to fire him for that.

It's a pretty simple concept.

You know what, you guys preach tolerance, hell you liberals want diversity, but God help the next person who dares speak against what you believe. Who cares about what A&E can do? This is a matter of principle.

Does tolerance involve calling everyone you disagree with a "bigoted racist"? Does that mean firing a man for expressing his religious beliefs? What if a Muslim did something similar? Hey, they're even more intolerant to other races and sexual orientations than we are!

Young children have a better grasp of tolerance and understanding than liberals do. I hear liberals all around wanting to be tolerated but wont tolerate other beliefs. What is happening to this world?

Why should we tolerate it? Why should I tolerate that man putting down my friends?
It doesn't make sense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can see why A&E wants this guy to just go away...

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," said Robertson, discussing his childhood in Louisiana. "The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field…They're singing and happy."

He continued: "I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' — not a word! … Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues

How DARE he accuse black people of being happy, ever. Those working black men should have been out in the streets killing one another's children. Like they do today.

Yes, blacks in Louisiana were as happy as can be. Singing and dancing and happy with the way white folk treated them

On August 8, 1946 — barely a year before Robertson was born — 28-year-old Army veteran named John C. Jones was arrested and charged with "loitering" in a white woman's yard. That night, while waiting in jail, he was beaten, kidnapped by a mob, and tortured to death. As historian Philip Dray writes in At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America, "Both of [Jones'] hands were chopped off with a meat cleaver; then, as the mob held him down, his face and body were seared with the flame of a blowtorch."

In 1959, just a few days after Robertson's 12th birthday, a mob kidnapped and killed Mack Parker, a 23-year-old man who was accused of raping a pregnant white woman near the Louisiana-Mississippi border. As with Jones, the mob broke into his jail, but instead of torture, he was shot twice and tossed into the river. His body was found several weeks later.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson insulted African Americans, too - The Week
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Teachers get fired for posting scuzzy pics on their websites even though they are not in school. Female cops get fired if racy pics are posted on websites they submitted. Once you sign a contract to represent someone, and it is worded right, yes, you belong to that person and what you can and cannot do. HOWEVER, he was asked about his beliefs. Did his contract state he could not discuss his spiritual beliefs? If so, he was foolish to sign it. If not, A&E is in big doo doo. Regardless, he has a right to his opinion when it comes to his beliefs.

Another question to ask is...what exactly did he say in that interview...and WHO EDITED IT? I mean, really? People edit all the time to get more UMPH for the interviewers readers. Page hits. You know the drill.

I believe Phil over what any media outlet says. But that's me.
When I hear the term 'morals clause' I generally consider it a way for the employer to hold the employee to a certain standard of 'behavior'. What does ones opinion have to do with ones behavior? Unless a contract states you are restricted from commenting on X, Y OR Z all they are doing is giving in to others who are intolerant of anothers contrary opinion.
I would like to add - his Jim Crowe comments had me more aghast then the gay ones, and I doubt that I'm alone, so. Yeah. That piece of the puzzle absolutely fits in this discussion.

The guy has used his newfound celebrity to spout his extremist views. He has every right to do so, and his network has every right to pull him for doing it

Frankly, the guy is kind of creepy

The network has every obligation to suffer the consequences for their poor business decision too. That's what the left misses, every time. They really think their actions have no consequences. That belongs to other people, not them.
Let's hear from the Phil defenders on this whose-rights-are-whose episode:

Christian Pastor Defrocked After Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding

"NORRISTOWN, Pa. (TheBlaze/AP) — A pastor from central Pennsylvania was defrocked by United Methodist church officials on Thursday after officiating his son’s gay wedding — an action that ran counter to the denomination’s central beliefs..."

I was especially struck by this line in the article:

"Jurors who convicted Schaefer in a church trial last month..."

Did what? In a what? lol, if I might paraphrase the classic Monty Python line...

"Nobody expects the Methodist Inquisition!"

Christian Pastor Defrocked After Officiating Gay Son?s Wedding |

So, let's hear it...

The funny thing about all these yahoos sniveling about Phil the Bigot being suspended for his comments to a magazine (not for his religious beliefs) is that most of them want private companies to be able to fire me just because I'm gay. Not for anything I say and do at work, but for just being gay.

Irony hung itself in a closet.

First for those insisting on him being racist, from his GQ interview:

Phil On Growing Up in Pre-Civil-Rights-Era Louisiana
“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Gives Drew Magary a Tour

For those insisting he's a bigot:

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Gives Drew Magary a Tour

Now can all of you knee jerk reactionary liberals shut your traps? For the love of pete, you guys can be so infuriating. None of you read the interview, making unfounded assumptions about the man. What is wrong with you?!
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We have had the war on Christmas for years now. Christianity has taken a back seat to Political Correctness. The majority in the nation have stood silently in professing their faith while the Muslim faith has taken the headlines and Mosques built in popular places in our nation's cities. It is a welcome relief to see millions people are standing tall for a family of former ne'er do wells to talk about the belief in the Bible with pride.

It isn't just their uniqueness in their ways that make this family such a hit. I'd like to think it's just good, clean fun. A welcome sight from todays entertainment.
Phil is quite free to be a bigoted racist.

And A&E is free to fire him for that.

It's a pretty simple concept.

You know what, you guys preach tolerance, hell you liberals want diversity, but God help the next person who dares speak against what you believe. Who cares about what A&E can do? This is a matter of principle.

Does tolerance involve calling everyone you disagree with a "bigoted racist"? Does that mean firing a man for expressing his religious beliefs? What if a Muslim did something similar? Hey, they're even more intolerant to other races and sexual orientations than we are!

Young children have a better grasp of tolerance and understanding than liberals do. I hear liberals all around wanting to be tolerated but wont tolerate other beliefs. What is happening to this world?

Why should we tolerate it? Why should I tolerate that man putting down my friends?
It doesn't make sense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He's not putting down your friends. Read the above post. Hey, you don't mind calling him a bigot, or me a bigot, or anyone else who believes in God a bigot, so where's your tolerance? Why do you insist on asking for it when you are unwilling to give it?
Phil is quite free to be a bigoted racist.

And A&E is free to fire him for that.

It's a pretty simple concept.

You know what, you guys preach tolerance, hell you liberals want diversity, but God help the next person who dares speak against what you believe. Who cares about what A&E can do? This is a matter of principle.

Does tolerance involve calling everyone you disagree with a "bigoted racist"? Does that mean firing a man for expressing his religious beliefs? What if a Muslim did something similar? Hey, they're even more intolerant to other races and sexual orientations than we are!

Young children have a better grasp of tolerance and understanding than liberals do. I hear liberals all around wanting to be tolerated but wont tolerate other beliefs. What is happening to this world?

MSNBC fired Bashir, Olbermann, Baldwin and suspended Schultz for speaking their minds.

How many times did you defend any of these folks?
They were fired for making personal attacks on individuals so it's not synonomous. Paraphrasing the Bible isn't hate speech unless you consider the Bible a hate book.

This case illustrates how a small voal and militant minority has power over the majority. While I am a free market capitalist, I support the right of a company to hire/fire whoever they want, I do see a blatant free speech supression by the political left by intimidation, over and over again.

I don't watch the show but it looks like it's popular enough that some other network will pick them up and A&E will pay a price to molify a minority that probably didn't even watch the show.
I can see why A&E wants this guy to just go away...

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," said Robertson, discussing his childhood in Louisiana. "The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field…They're singing and happy."

He continued: "I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' — not a word! … Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues

How DARE he accuse black people of being happy, ever. Those working black men should have been out in the streets killing one another's children. Like they do today.

Yes, blacks in Louisiana were as happy as can be. Singing and dancing and happy with the way white folk treated them

On August 8, 1946 — barely a year before Robertson was born — 28-year-old Army veteran named John C. Jones was arrested and charged with "loitering" in a white woman's yard. That night, while waiting in jail, he was beaten, kidnapped by a mob, and tortured to death. As historian Philip Dray writes in At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America, "Both of [Jones'] hands were chopped off with a meat cleaver; then, as the mob held him down, his face and body were seared with the flame of a blowtorch."

In 1959, just a few days after Robertson's 12th birthday, a mob kidnapped and killed Mack Parker, a 23-year-old man who was accused of raping a pregnant white woman near the Louisiana-Mississippi border. As with Jones, the mob broke into his jail, but instead of torture, he was shot twice and tossed into the river. His body was found several weeks later.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson insulted African Americans, too - The Week

Are things better today? With all the affirmative action, all the quotas, all the welfare, all the free obamaphones, has any of that made them happier? Phil was speaking from his personal observations. He was speaking of the men he worked with in the fields. The lot of black people has gotten exponentially worse. Not better. Much worse. Today he would have no black men working along side of him in the fields, he'd have mexicans who couldn't speak English the black men are having drive by shootings, robbing stores and playing the knockout game.
You know what, you guys preach tolerance, hell you liberals want diversity, but God help the next person who dares speak against what you believe. Who cares about what A&E can do? This is a matter of principle.

Does tolerance involve calling everyone you disagree with a "bigoted racist"? Does that mean firing a man for expressing his religious beliefs? What if a Muslim did something similar? Hey, they're even more intolerant to other races and sexual orientations than we are!

Young children have a better grasp of tolerance and understanding than liberals do. I hear liberals all around wanting to be tolerated but wont tolerate other beliefs. What is happening to this world?

MSNBC fired Bashir, Olbermann, Baldwin and suspended Schultz for speaking their minds.

How many times did you defend any of these folks?
They were fired for making personal attacks on individuals so it's not synonomous. Paraphrasing the Bible isn't hate speech unless you consider the Bible a hate book.

This case illustrates how a small voal and militant minority has power over the majority. While I am a free market capitalist, I support the right of a company to hire/fire whoever they want, I do see a blatant free speech supression by the political left by intimidation, over and over again.

I don't watch the show but it looks like it's popular enough that some other network will pick them up and A&E will pay a price to molify a minority that probably didn't even watch the show.

Where did he paraphrase the bible?

It is the parts where he broke out from the bible and started attacking gays that he got into trouble
How DARE he accuse black people of being happy, ever. Those working black men should have been out in the streets killing one another's children. Like they do today.

Yes, blacks in Louisiana were as happy as can be. Singing and dancing and happy with the way white folk treated them

On August 8, 1946 — barely a year before Robertson was born — 28-year-old Army veteran named John C. Jones was arrested and charged with "loitering" in a white woman's yard. That night, while waiting in jail, he was beaten, kidnapped by a mob, and tortured to death. As historian Philip Dray writes in At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America, "Both of [Jones'] hands were chopped off with a meat cleaver; then, as the mob held him down, his face and body were seared with the flame of a blowtorch."

In 1959, just a few days after Robertson's 12th birthday, a mob kidnapped and killed Mack Parker, a 23-year-old man who was accused of raping a pregnant white woman near the Louisiana-Mississippi border. As with Jones, the mob broke into his jail, but instead of torture, he was shot twice and tossed into the river. His body was found several weeks later.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson insulted African Americans, too - The Week

Are things better today? With all the affirmative action, all the quotas, all the welfare, all the free obamaphones, has any of that made them happier? Phil was speaking from his personal observations. He was speaking of the men he worked with in the fields. The lot of black people has gotten exponentially worse. Not better. Much worse. Today he would have no black men working along side of him in the fields, he'd have mexicans who couldn't speak English the black men are having drive by shootings, robbing stores and playing the knockout game.

I can assure you...

Things are better today
Phil is quite free to be a bigoted racist.

And A&E is free to fire him for that.

It's a pretty simple concept.

You know what, you guys preach tolerance, hell you liberals want diversity, but God help the next person who dares speak against what you believe. Who cares about what A&E can do? This is a matter of principle.

Does tolerance involve calling everyone you disagree with a "bigoted racist"? Does that mean firing a man for expressing his religious beliefs? What if a Muslim did something similar? Hey, they're even more intolerant to other races and sexual orientations than we are!

Young children have a better grasp of tolerance and understanding than liberals do. I hear liberals all around wanting to be tolerated but wont tolerate other beliefs. What is happening to this world?

MSNBC fired Bashir, Olbermann, Baldwin and suspended Schultz for speaking their minds.

How many times did you defend any of these folks?

Martin Bashir resigned. So did Olbermann. Baldwin didn't get his show off the ground because anyone could see he has anger management issues. Ed Schultz isn't going anywhere, as he is moving to the weekend time slot.

How many times did you care to call them out for what they said?
MSNBC fired Bashir, Olbermann, Baldwin and suspended Schultz for speaking their minds.

How many times did you defend any of these folks?
They were fired for making personal attacks on individuals so it's not synonomous. Paraphrasing the Bible isn't hate speech unless you consider the Bible a hate book.

This case illustrates how a small voal and militant minority has power over the majority. While I am a free market capitalist, I support the right of a company to hire/fire whoever they want, I do see a blatant free speech supression by the political left by intimidation, over and over again.

I don't watch the show but it looks like it's popular enough that some other network will pick them up and A&E will pay a price to molify a minority that probably didn't even watch the show.

Where did he paraphrase the bible?

It is the parts where he broke out from the bible and started attacking gays that he got into trouble

Are you a Christian? If you are, you are deeply backslidden. If you aren't, what right do you have in saying he "broke out from the Bible"?
I can see why A&E wants this guy to just go away...

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," said Robertson, discussing his childhood in Louisiana. "The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field…They're singing and happy."

He continued: "I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' — not a word! … Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues

How DARE he accuse black people of being happy, ever. Those working black men should have been out in the streets killing one another's children. Like they do today.

Yes, blacks in Louisiana were as happy as can be. Singing and dancing and happy with the way white folk treated them

On August 8, 1946 — barely a year before Robertson was born — 28-year-old Army veteran named John C. Jones was arrested and charged with "loitering" in a white woman's yard. That night, while waiting in jail, he was beaten, kidnapped by a mob, and tortured to death. As historian Philip Dray writes in At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America, "Both of [Jones'] hands were chopped off with a meat cleaver; then, as the mob held him down, his face and body were seared with the flame of a blowtorch."

In 1959, just a few days after Robertson's 12th birthday, a mob kidnapped and killed Mack Parker, a 23-year-old man who was accused of raping a pregnant white woman near the Louisiana-Mississippi border. As with Jones, the mob broke into his jail, but instead of torture, he was shot twice and tossed into the river. His body was found several weeks later.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson insulted African Americans, too - The Week

Who here is putting Robertson on a pedestal? He is not an educated man by any stretch of the imagination. He only knows what he experienced and he explained that he heard the singing of the black people while picking crops with them. That's all he knew. He did not have the slave experience at all. Don't crucify him for that. Although, one would think he would have heard of the atrocities being in the same area, he apparently did not. He must have been very sheltered by his family.
Yes, blacks in Louisiana were as happy as can be. Singing and dancing and happy with the way white folk treated them

On August 8, 1946 — barely a year before Robertson was born — 28-year-old Army veteran named John C. Jones was arrested and charged with "loitering" in a white woman's yard. That night, while waiting in jail, he was beaten, kidnapped by a mob, and tortured to death. As historian Philip Dray writes in At the Hands of Persons Unknown: The Lynching of Black America, "Both of [Jones'] hands were chopped off with a meat cleaver; then, as the mob held him down, his face and body were seared with the flame of a blowtorch."

In 1959, just a few days after Robertson's 12th birthday, a mob kidnapped and killed Mack Parker, a 23-year-old man who was accused of raping a pregnant white woman near the Louisiana-Mississippi border. As with Jones, the mob broke into his jail, but instead of torture, he was shot twice and tossed into the river. His body was found several weeks later.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson insulted African Americans, too - The Week

Are things better today? With all the affirmative action, all the quotas, all the welfare, all the free obamaphones, has any of that made them happier? Phil was speaking from his personal observations. He was speaking of the men he worked with in the fields. The lot of black people has gotten exponentially worse. Not better. Much worse. Today he would have no black men working along side of him in the fields, he'd have mexicans who couldn't speak English the black men are having drive by shootings, robbing stores and playing the knockout game.

I can assure you...

Things are better today

That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. You're willing to dispense with reality and take on a utopian state of mind in a dystopian world. What things are better? Racism? Not really. Tolerance and diversity? You wish. Healthcare? Heaven help us.

Things are better? You really are oblivious, aren't you?
Looks like nobody wants to confront me now that I've given them all a cold hard dose of reality. How can you liberals justify ruining a man for speaking his mind? A man in Martin Luther King spoke his mind on the National Mall in 1963 to end racism, he was promptly arrested a deemed a troublemaker. A man speaks his mind about his beliefs in a magazine and is promptly suspended. Is that what MLK would have wanted?
Straight up question, TK: do you agree with what Phil said about blacks and gays.

Yeah, if you read what he said, he isn't one to judge, whatever failing a person has, it is between them and god. His job is to spread the gospel. Second, he tilled the fields with blacks, he never once slandered them.

So yes, I agree, simply because unlike the lot of you, I did read the GQ interview.

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