Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Civil rights? Nobody is calling for the hillbilly to be arrested.

When was the last time a homosexual was arrested for being queer? 1650 or so? Yet you Communists have claimed for years this is a civil rights issue. (Which it in fact is.)

So the campaign of demagoguery that your filthy party is engaged in is VERY MUCH an assault on civil liberty. You seek to intimidate ANYONE who would dare hold an opinion not assigned to them by the party.

You are at war against civil rights - I intend to fight you to the last breath.
Phil is just another idiotic fundamentalist right winger with a reality TV show on cable. I don't think anyone was surprised by his views, but we were surprised that his handlers didn't keep him reigned in better. Maybe this is just a publicity ploy, though, because the dumb fuckers that enjoy that show aren't likely offended anyway.

That is the whole problem.
The elite lefties of the Political Correctness Police. It has gotten way out of hand.
Reigned in better?
No one should say anything that is opposite of their their points of view?
It is really sad that young people such as yourself grow up with such a distorted view of our history.

The Foxnewsation of America....Don't like history? Make up your own

No, I have a far superior view of our history than you do. In fact, I wasn't the one who said he got his views of the world from the newspaper and the nightly news.

The liberals of America: Don't like reality? Make up your own.

Yes...I understand

You got your view of history from rightwing blogsites

That is how you can post such a ridiculous OP and expect people to think it has any merit

Actually, I didn't. I don't read "right wing blogsites" but you read left wing ones I'm sure. You admitted you do so. I take my history in raw and unadulterated. I am an absolutist, not a revisionist, such as yourself.

So when you run out of argument, you trash my OP? How... intelligent... of you.
Civil rights? Nobody is calling for the hillbilly to be arrested.

When was the last time a homosexual was arrested for being queer? 1650 or so? Yet you Communists have claimed for years this is a civil rights issue. (Which it in fact is.)

So the campaign of demagoguery that your filthy party is engaged in is VERY MUCH an assault on civil liberty. You seek to intimidate ANYONE who would dare hold an opinion not assigned to them by the party.

You are at war against civil rights - I intend to fight you to the last breath.

Has Phil or you been arrested for stating his opinion?
Your civil rights haven't been violated. Get a grip.

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Straight up question, TK: do you agree with what Phil said about blacks and gays.

Yeah, if you read what he said, he isn't one to judge, whatever failing a person has, it is between them and god. His job is to spread the gospel. Second, he tilled the fields with blacks, he never once slandered them.

So yes, I agree, simply because unlike the lot of you, I did read the GQ interview.

He said blacks were happier in the pre-civil rights era.

To be fair, he said the people he toiled the fields with that were black were happier. There's a difference between what he said and what you said.
My personal opinion here is that no TV network should be allowed to censor a man for expressing his religious beliefs.

This is a profoundly disturbing suggestion. The first amendment applies to the government, not private entities. That aside, A&E has no less a right to free speech than Robertson. That right entitles A&E the right to include Robertson in programming, or not to include him, at the company's discretion.

I don't care what it applies to. That doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your beliefs simply for the entertainment of others.

You make it sound like Robertson has some kind of inherent right to be the star of a reality TV show on A&E. If Robertson wants to continue appearing on reality TV he can go find some other network interested in a new show, or he can create his own show and broadcast it himself.
Really? Are you a psychic? How can you read his mind? Are you a Vulcan? Did you do a mind meld with him or something? How can you sit there and say a man's memories are 'tainted'? Listen to yourself!

Yes, really

You don't have to be psychic to understand the social and legal barriers facing blacks in the pre-Civil Rights south. If Robertsons memories of that time were that blacks were all happy and singing then yes, his memories are tainted
Beyond that, he is a fucking racist

You can read minds? Were you living with Phil Robertson then? Were you living in that era at all?

Shall I alert the presses that we have a psychic time traveler on our hands?

You have to understand liberals, the gay shit isn't getting as far as they thought it would. Now they have to reinvent Phil Robertson as a racist for speaking heresy like he used to work with black men in the fields and they were happy.

The gay card isn't working time to drag out the race card, that always works.
Mr. Robertson was and is free to say anything he wants about homosexual sodomy. He is free to compare it to any other type of sexual perversion, whether he finds them the same, different, or unrelated.

Any other person or organization learning of Mr. Robertson's words or beliefs is free to react in any way they want, other than committing some sort of actionable defamation.

The network that gives free publicity to him and his family and his family business is free to react to his public pronouncements on the subject (or private pronouncements, for that matter) in any way that it wants, including suspending him, cancelling the show, or issuing a public apology.

Every potential watcher of the show is free to start, continue, or stop watching as a result of this dust-up, or not.

Where is the attack on freedom? Might I lose my freedom to see this particular character on this particular program? WGAF?

Never having seen this program before I sought it out from my cable provider, to have a look.

Maybe I caught it on a bad day, but it was even worse than the motorcycle and tattoo shows.

Good grief.
This is a profoundly disturbing suggestion. The first amendment applies to the government, not private entities. That aside, A&E has no less a right to free speech than Robertson. That right entitles A&E the right to include Robertson in programming, or not to include him, at the company's discretion.

I don't care what it applies to. That doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your beliefs simply for the entertainment of others.

You make it sound like Robertson has some kind of inherent right to be the star of a reality TV show on A&E. If Robertson wants to continue appearing on reality TV he can go find some other network interested in a new show, or he can create his own show and broadcast it himself.

No. He has an inherent right to his opinion. Nobody has an inherent right to be famous. Big difference.
This is a profoundly disturbing suggestion. The first amendment applies to the government, not private entities. That aside, A&E has no less a right to free speech than Robertson. That right entitles A&E the right to include Robertson in programming, or not to include him, at the company's discretion.

I don't care what it applies to. That doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your beliefs simply for the entertainment of others.

You make it sound like Robertson has some kind of inherent right to be the star of a reality TV show on A&E. If Robertson wants to continue appearing on reality TV he can go find some other network interested in a new show, or he can create his own show and broadcast it himself.

Absolutely, the Robertson family has probably had numerous offers already. The Robertsons have an equal right to tell A&E to go piss up a rope.

A&E made a mistake. They picked a close knit family rather than a cast portraying a close knit family. Lose one, you lose them all. What's really astounding is that someone at A&E must have thought, at some time, that the Robertson family would just take it and tell Papa to stay home! That's the most surprising thing of all.
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Civil rights? Nobody is calling for the hillbilly to be arrested.

When was the last time a homosexual was arrested for being queer? 1650 or so? Yet you Communists have claimed for years this is a civil rights issue. (Which it in fact is.)

So the campaign of demagoguery that your filthy party is engaged in is VERY MUCH an assault on civil liberty. You seek to intimidate ANYONE who would dare hold an opinion not assigned to them by the party.

You are at war against civil rights - I intend to fight you to the last breath.

You should take it easy on the crazy pills.
Civil rights? Nobody is calling for the hillbilly to be arrested.

When was the last time a homosexual was arrested for being queer? 1650 or so? Yet you Communists have claimed for years this is a civil rights issue. (Which it in fact is.)

So the campaign of demagoguery that your filthy party is engaged in is VERY MUCH an assault on civil liberty. You seek to intimidate ANYONE who would dare hold an opinion not assigned to them by the party.

You are at war against civil rights - I intend to fight you to the last breath.

You should take it easy on the crazy pills.

To him everyone not conservative is a communist. He obviously knows about as much about communism as he does the first amendment.

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I don't care what it applies to. That doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your beliefs simply for the entertainment of others.

You make it sound like Robertson has some kind of inherent right to be the star of a reality TV show on A&E. If Robertson wants to continue appearing on reality TV he can go find some other network interested in a new show, or he can create his own show and broadcast it himself.

No. He has an inherent right to his opinion. Nobody has an inherent right to be famous. Big difference.

So you agree A&E can fire him?

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What basic freedom is being attacked by me?

Despite what your party claims, "freedom of speech" is not the right to say what the party tells us to say.

You seek to destroy a man for stating views in a magazine interview that you don't agree with.

Queers are intolerant and attacking basic liberty. Fuck em'

Where did I do that? Show my posts seeking to destroy Phil.
Why do all of those supporting the hillbilly keep leaving out his other comment about gays that takes it beyond religion?

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

Why is it you Communists that everyone conform EXACTLY to your opinion, or you try to destroy them?

Oh that's right, because you are engaged in a war against basic civil rights.

Civil rights? Nobody is calling for the hillbilly to be arrested.
Some cannot tell the difference.
How are we putting them down? You keep failing to see how we put anyone down for expressing our religious beliefs.

Tell me, is he putting them down when he says things like THIS?

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

--Phil Robertson

Once again ignoring his other comments.

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical

Isn't that in the bible?

That conservative men never want anal sex should come as quite a surprise to a good many conservatives' wives and girlfriends.
Phil is just another idiotic fundamentalist right winger with a reality TV show on cable. I don't think anyone was surprised by his views, but we were surprised that his handlers didn't keep him reigned in better. Maybe this is just a publicity ploy, though, because the dumb fuckers that enjoy that show aren't likely offended anyway.

That is the whole problem.
The elite lefties of the Political Correctness Police. It has gotten way out of hand.
Reigned in better?
No one should say anything that is opposite of their their points of view?

Yes, I am an elitist educated leftist snob, and I do look down at you. Thanks for noticing, though!
Mr. Robertson was and is free to say anything he wants about homosexual sodomy. He is free to compare it to any other type of sexual perversion, whether he finds them the same, different, or unrelated.

Any other person or organization learning of Mr. Robertson's words or beliefs is free to react in any way they want, other than committing some sort of actionable defamation.

The network that gives free publicity to him and his family and his family business is free to react to his public pronouncements on the subject (or private pronouncements, for that matter) in any way that it wants, including suspending him, cancelling the show, or issuing a public apology.

Every potential watcher of the show is free to start, continue, or stop watching as a result of this dust-up, or not.

Where is the attack on freedom? Might I lose my freedom to see this particular character on this particular program? WGAF?

Never having seen this program before I sought it out from my cable provider, to have a look.

Maybe I caught it on a bad day, but it was even worse than the motorcycle and tattoo shows.

Good grief.

To me it is just a pattern where someone speaks out from a Conservative point of view and the PC Police want to stifle that person. I don't like that.

If this Phil dude was advocating hatred of violence against blacks or gays I have a major problem with that. He was not. He was asked a question and appeared to answer it sincerely from his personal religious perspective. Why all the hoopla? Folks don't have to agree with him, but to punish him for expressing a sincerely held religious belief....that seems to be deeply Un-American to me.
You make it sound like Robertson has some kind of inherent right to be the star of a reality TV show on A&E. If Robertson wants to continue appearing on reality TV he can go find some other network interested in a new show, or he can create his own show and broadcast it himself.

No. He has an inherent right to his opinion. Nobody has an inherent right to be famous. Big difference.

So you agree A&E can fire him?

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No, because they violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. His civil rights were violated.

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