Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Yes, really

You don't have to be psychic to understand the social and legal barriers facing blacks in the pre-Civil Rights south. If Robertsons memories of that time were that blacks were all happy and singing then yes, his memories are tainted
Beyond that, he is a fucking racist

You can read minds? Were you living with Phil Robertson then? Were you living in that era at all?

Shall I alert the presses that we have a psychic time traveler on our hands?

Yes, I lived in that era and remember it well. Thank god I did not live in the fucking south

Can I read minds? No I can't
But I could read newspapers and watch the nightly news

Evidently, asswad Robertson couldn't. He wraps himself in the Bible while he ignores the greatest social injustice of our lifetimes

It's really sad when you say you can read minds, simply because the newspaper and nightly news told you so. How pathetic.
Then don't put down gay people.

So, putting down Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Republicans, Christians, Whites, Males, Gun owners - all of these are fine.

But put down queers and you'll be destroyed?

You of the anti-liberty left are real scum, you know that?

Palin puts down me, why not respond.
And I don't put down all of republicans or Christians, only the ones who are bigots.
As for gun owners, rarely do I say anything about guns, but please find me a quote where I have put them down.
As for anti liberty? Ha! You are funny. I probably want more rights than you do. Plus I know what the first amendment protects me from, you obviously don't. So I wouldn't be talking about liberty.

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Really? Are you a psychic? How can you read his mind? Are you a Vulcan? Did you do a mind meld with him or something? How can you sit there and say a man's memories are 'tainted'? Listen to yourself!
If Robertsons memories of that time were that blacks were all happy and singing then yes, his memories are tainted
Beyond that, he is a fucking racist
How can he be a racist when he is shown on TV showing love towards his adopted black grandson?

A black grandson that he would gladly return to the Jim Crow south
Then don't put down gay people.

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How are we putting them down? You keep failing to see how we put anyone down for expressing our religious beliefs.

Tell me, is he putting them down when he says things like THIS?

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

--Phil Robertson

Once again ignoring his other comments.

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical

Isn't that in the bible?
It protects us from political reprisal for having an opinion. And I'm sure you know plenty about that. -TemplarKormac

Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws. The freedom of speech is not absolute. the Supreme Court of the United States has recognized several categories of speech that are excluded from the freedom, and it has recognized that governments may enact reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on speech.......... wikipedia

"I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment," he wrote, adding, "it is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended." Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

The First Amendment protects us from laws being made that restrict freedom of religion, the press and/or speech. It does not protect us from how society responds to the expression of one's religion, the press or speech. A&E punished the Duck Man for his remarks. The government didn't.

It's up to society to punish A&E - BOYCOTT IT !
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My personal opinion here is that no TV network should be allowed to censor a man for expressing his religious beliefs.

This is a profoundly disturbing suggestion. The first amendment applies to the government, not private entities. That aside, A&E has no less a right to free speech than Robertson. That right entitles A&E the right to include Robertson in programming, or not to include him, at the company's discretion.
Freedom of speech has not been attacked, you moron.

Luissa, you're dumb as a fucking post - but even for you that is incredibly stupid. Robertson gives an interview to a magazine where he criticized homosexual marriage.

Not many people read GQ and fewer still are that concerned with the views of a Hillbilly. BUT the queer lobby had to attack - because stating on opinion contrary to the officially mandated opinion WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. A massive scale attack ensues, with the party media splashing marching orders on MSNBC and DailyKOS, with all you mindless cockroaches sallying forth to do battle against those who think in ways not approved of by the party.

No one has arrested you or Phil for what you have said.

No, instead the party media launched a blitz attack of demagoguery.

Queers aren't attacking your liberty. Learn what the first amendment protects you from, dumb ass.

Queers are just a pawn of the left - and the ongoing war on civil rights, waged by the democratic party, which is using this as a salvo against freedom of speech.
You can read minds? Were you living with Phil Robertson then? Were you living in that era at all?

Shall I alert the presses that we have a psychic time traveler on our hands?

Yes, I lived in that era and remember it well. Thank god I did not live in the fucking south

Can I read minds? No I can't
But I could read newspapers and watch the nightly news

Evidently, asswad Robertson couldn't. He wraps himself in the Bible while he ignores the greatest social injustice of our lifetimes

It's really sad when you say you can read minds, simply because the newspaper and nightly news told you so. How pathetic.

It is really sad that young people such as yourself grow up with such a distorted view of our history.

The Foxnewsation of America....Don't like history? Make up your own
How are we putting them down? You keep failing to see how we put anyone down for expressing our religious beliefs.

Tell me, is he putting them down when he says things like THIS?

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

--Phil Robertson

Once again ignoring his other comments.

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical

Isn't that in the bible?

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

This is. The man can't have a personal opinion without you railing him for it. He sets that personal opinion aside and does the biblical thing. You have literally no clue. None.
Yes, I lived in that era and remember it well. Thank god I did not live in the fucking south

Can I read minds? No I can't
But I could read newspapers and watch the nightly news

Evidently, asswad Robertson couldn't. He wraps himself in the Bible while he ignores the greatest social injustice of our lifetimes

It's really sad when you say you can read minds, simply because the newspaper and nightly news told you so. How pathetic.

It is really sad that young people such as yourself grow up with such a distorted view of our history.

The Foxnewsation of America....Don't like history? Make up your own

No, I have a far superior view of our history than you do. In fact, I wasn't the one who said he got his views of the world from the newspaper and the nightly news.

The liberals of America: Don't like reality? Make up your own.
I don't know

Personally, Its just me, but I think the thought of Robertson having sex is repulsive

Why would a woman let something that looks like that get on top of her?
I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.


Climb aboard ladies...


I have no doubt that, if you are a man, and you had a choice, you would choose to look more like Pajama Boy than you would Phil Robertson.

Because that's who you identify with.

Phil Robertson can shave. But there ain't enough testosterone on Earth to change that fag-boy into a man....


Here is a photo of Phil Robertson, who is known as the Duck Commander. He let go of
a potential career in the NFL to create the Duck Commander Duck Call in 1973.

Yeah, I bet you're a real man...... bitch
How can he be a racist when he is shown on TV showing love towards his adopted black grandson?

He opposed homosexuality - and that makes him a racist. Because, you know, sexual preference is a race....

I have been relatively supportive of homosexuals most of my life. I don't give a damn about the sexual preference of others - do what you want.

But this attack offends me - so fuck the queers.
Freedom of speech has not been attacked, you moron.

Luissa, you're dumb as a fucking post - but even for you that is incredibly stupid. Robertson gives an interview to a magazine where he criticized homosexual marriage.

Not many people read GQ and fewer still are that concerned with the views of a Hillbilly. BUT the queer lobby had to attack - because stating on opinion contrary to the officially mandated opinion WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. A massive scale attack ensues, with the party media splashing marching orders on MSNBC and DailyKOS, with all you mindless cockroaches sallying forth to do battle against those who think in ways not approved of by the party.

No one has arrested you or Phil for what you have said.

No, instead the party media launched a blitz attack of demagoguery.

Queers aren't attacking your liberty. Learn what the first amendment protects you from, dumb ass.

Queers are just a pawn of the left - and the ongoing war on civil rights, waged by the democratic party, which is using this as a salvo against freedom of speech.

What you posted doesn't violate his free speech. You are the one who is as dumb as fuck. Learn what the first amendment protects you from and get back to me, loser.

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My personal opinion here is that no TV network should be allowed to censor a man for expressing his religious beliefs.

This is a profoundly disturbing suggestion. The first amendment applies to the government, not private entities. That aside, A&E has no less a right to free speech than Robertson. That right entitles A&E the right to include Robertson in programming, or not to include him, at the company's discretion.

I don't care what it applies to. That doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your beliefs simply for the entertainment of others.
Freedom of speech has not been attacked, you moron.

Luissa, you're dumb as a fucking post - but even for you that is incredibly stupid. Robertson gives an interview to a magazine where he criticized homosexual marriage.

Not many people read GQ and fewer still are that concerned with the views of a Hillbilly. BUT the queer lobby had to attack - because stating on opinion contrary to the officially mandated opinion WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. A massive scale attack ensues, with the party media splashing marching orders on MSNBC and DailyKOS, with all you mindless cockroaches sallying forth to do battle against those who think in ways not approved of by the party.

No one has arrested you or Phil for what you have said.

No, instead the party media launched a blitz attack of demagoguery.

Queers aren't attacking your liberty. Learn what the first amendment protects you from, dumb ass.

Queers are just a pawn of the left - and the ongoing war on civil rights, waged by the democratic party, which is using this as a salvo against freedom of speech.

Democrats aren't attacking your freedom of speech or taking away your civil rights. Seriously, go back to high school and learn about the Bill of Rights.

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It's really sad when you say you can read minds, simply because the newspaper and nightly news told you so. How pathetic.

It is really sad that young people such as yourself grow up with such a distorted view of our history.

The Foxnewsation of America....Don't like history? Make up your own

No, I have a far superior view of our history than you do. In fact, I wasn't the one who said he got his views of the world from the newspaper and the nightly news.

The liberals of America: Don't like reality? Make up your own.

Yes...I understand

You got your view of history from rightwing blogsites

That is how you can post such a ridiculous OP and expect people to think it has any merit
Please, will you morons learn what the first amendment protects you from. Fuck!

So then Luissa-Matters, queers should ONLY be protected against the federal government making laws against them? Restaurants should be free to deny them service and landlords free to evict them for their sexual preference?


You are truly dumb as a stump.
As long as basic freedom is attacked by you scumbags, I'm going back to the term "queer."

Decent people can agree or disagree with Robertson, but you leftist scum demand he be silenced and punished for holding views not assigned to him by the party.

What basic freedom is being attacked by me?

You want to know? The freedom to have a simple opinion. A person in America cannot hold true to his convictions without being targeted or ruined by his detractors.

BUT.. that is not the purpose of the 1st amendment, nor of any of the 1st 10 amendments

They are supposed to be limits on the federal government.. preventing the government from restricting or doing things... not so that a person is protected from what people in private do as a result of their opinions or speech...

Do I support the guy having and stating his opinion?? Yep.. Even if I do not agree with it... But if A&E decides to do this, even if I do not agree with them.. it is not a 1st amendment issue
My personal opinion here is that no TV network should be allowed to censor a man for expressing his religious beliefs.

This is a profoundly disturbing suggestion. The first amendment applies to the government, not private entities. That aside, A&E has no less a right to free speech than Robertson. That right entitles A&E the right to include Robertson in programming, or not to include him, at the company's discretion.

I don't care what it applies to. That doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your beliefs simply for the entertainment of others.

He don't have to sacrifice his beliefs.. but nor does the company employing him
What basic freedom is being attacked by me?

You want to know? The freedom to have a simple opinion. A person in America cannot hold true to his convictions without being targeted or ruined by his detractors.

BUT.. that is not the purpose of the 1st amendment, nor of any of the 1st 10 amendments

They are supposed to be limits on the federal government.. preventing the government from restricting or doing things... not so that a person is protected from what people in private do as a result of their opinions or speech...

Do I support the guy having and stating his opinion?? Yep.. Even if I do not agree with it... But if A&E decides to do this, even if I do not agree with them.. it is not a 1st amendment issue

At least Katz and you understand the first amendment.
I will say this, it would be a mistake to end the show over this and both sides parts... But of A&E does stick to his suspension no where did they violate his first amendment rights.

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