Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

I said bigot, not racist. He's a bigot.

Phil saying this does not make him a bigot.

"“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

He compares homosexual sex to bestiality. Yeah! That isn't bigotry at all. :cuckoo:

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No he didn't. He did mention the two in the same phrase. He was also right. Acceptance of homosexuality as normal behavior does lead to acceptance of bestiality as normal behavior and has done so in countries that have had normalization of homosexuality for a longer period of time.
"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races show that he did not intend for the races to mix." The Honorable Leon M Bazile, Virginia

"...moral or social equality between the different races...does not in fact exist, and never can. The God of nature made it otherwise, and no human law can produce it, and no human tribunal can enforce it. There are gradations and classes throughout the universe. From the tallest archangel in Heaven, down to the meanest reptile on earth, moral and social inequalities exist, and must continue to exist throughout all eternity." The State of Georgia, Supreme Court

Bigotry or simply their religious beliefs?

So, now you stoop to stereotyping people who live in my state?

No, I quoted EXACTLY a judge from VA and the GA supreme court.

From what era? What do you take me for?
"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races show that he did not intend for the races to mix." The Honorable Leon M Bazile, Virginia

"...moral or social equality between the different races...does not in fact exist, and never can. The God of nature made it otherwise, and no human law can produce it, and no human tribunal can enforce it. There are gradations and classes throughout the universe. From the tallest archangel in Heaven, down to the meanest reptile on earth, moral and social inequalities exist, and must continue to exist throughout all eternity." The State of Georgia, Supreme Court

Bigotry or simply their religious beliefs?

So, now you stoop to stereotyping people who live in my state?

No, I quoted EXACTLY a judge from VA and the GA supreme court.

And dimocraps are still the racist scum they've always been.....

Virginia House of Delegates
Session 1940
Bazile, Leon M.
D - District
District includes Counties of Hanover and King William
Member from 1936-1941

Just that they've switched sides now
Your quote

You should be very proud of your family. But never forget, blacks were required to know their place. Yes, they could work for a white family and be treated fairly. But if they ever tried to act equal or superior to whites they were quickly and severly dealt with. Those blacks who worked for your family could not eat at local restaurants, could not use public restrooms, dared not be seen in white neighborhoods after dark

Those were the good ole days that Robertson remembers

Not everywhere certainly. Perhaps in a few places like Selma Alabama, but segregation was not widespread. The good ole days that Robertson remembers (from his statements) are the days when he and black men worked side by side hoeing cotton in the fields. Black men and white men working side by side at labor so menial it is only done by mexicans today. Who would have thought? Today black men are killing other black men for their fancy shoes.

Robertsons memories of the good ole days before desegregation are tainted

He left that field and returned to a different America than his coworkers faced

Really? Are you a psychic? How can you read his mind? Are you a Vulcan? Did you do a mind meld with him or something? How can you sit there and say a man's memories are 'tainted'? Listen to yourself!
I'm sure the Queers appreciate your concern

As long as basic freedom is attacked by you scumbags, I'm going back to the term "queer."

Decent people can agree or disagree with Robertson, but you leftist scum demand he be silenced and punished for holding views not assigned to him by the party.

What basic freedom is being attacked by me?
I'm sure the Queers appreciate your concern

As long as basic freedom is attacked by you scumbags, I'm going back to the term "queer."

Decent people can agree or disagree with Robertson, but you leftist scum demand he be silenced and punished for holding views not assigned to him by the party.

What basic freedom is being attacked by me?

You want to know? The freedom to have a simple opinion. A person in America cannot hold true to his convictions without being targeted or ruined by his detractors.
As long as basic freedom is attacked by you scumbags, I'm going back to the term "queer."

Decent people can agree or disagree with Robertson, but you leftist scum demand he be silenced and punished for holding views not assigned to him by the party.

What basic freedom is being attacked by me?

You want to know? The freedom to have a simple opinion. A person in America cannot hold true to his convictions without being targeted or ruined by his detractors.

I'm attacking someone's right to have an opinion? When did I do that? Link my saying someone shouldn't be allowed an opinion. Thanks in advance.
LGBT should produce a show to be the opposite of "Duck Dynasty".

Its stars should be those who are not man and male enough to grow a beard.

Its stars should be those who, at the end of the show, - like Duck Dynasty - display the basic tenets of their life style.

You know, as the "Duck Dynasty" cast prays.

Let the new show, you know, the one that would be the opposite of "Duck Dynasty" end with gays extolling the great taste of your own excrement on the male member of your partner, extricated from your anus five seconds ago, in order to counter act the vicious and homophobic attack on same sex acts, known as homosexuality.

And call the new show, - keeping in mind their obsession with rear ends - "The Goose Dynasty".

Boycott A&E.

Or even more effectively, watch A&E, note their advertisers and NEVER EVER do business with them, again.

And tell all your friends about it.
Why do all of those supporting the hillbilly keep leaving out his other comment about gays that takes it beyond religion?

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man –would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me,” Robertson stated. “I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”
Really? Are you a psychic?

Not a psychic, a demagogue.

How can you read his mind?

He didn't, he made it up to slander an enemy of the party.

Are you a Vulcan? Did you do a mind meld with him or something?

Nah, RW is just a filthy liar - it's part of being a democrat.

How can you sit there and say a man's memories are 'tainted'? Listen to yourself!

RW has orders from the party to ATTACK. Robertson expressed outlawed Christian views, the party will make him pay dearly for that.
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No, I quoted EXACTLY a judge from VA and the GA supreme court.

From what era? What do you take me for?

I believe it was the late 1960s. During the Loving v Virginia arguments. Seawytch will correct me if I am wrong.

So that wasn't so very long ago and definitely within my lifetime.

Sorry, that quote from Georgia Supreme Court was from 1869 regarding its Miscegenation laws (interracial marriage).

How old are you again?
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As long as basic freedom is attacked by you scumbags, I'm going back to the term "queer."

Decent people can agree or disagree with Robertson, but you leftist scum demand he be silenced and punished for holding views not assigned to him by the party.

What basic freedom is being attacked by me?

You want to know? The freedom to have a simple opinion. A person in America cannot hold true to his convictions without being targeted or ruined by his detractors.

That only happens to people on the Conservative side, TK.

And they are attacked by the most bigoted scum the world has ever known -- dimocraps

Remember how Letterman said Palin's daughter was raped by a baseball player?

Remember how the left called Clarence Thomas a House ******?

Remember the attacks on Herman Cain?

Remember how they held up, and stopped, the appointment of Miguel Estrada by using the now discarded filibuster?

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

Talk about bigotry? Oh yeah. Bigotry DEFINES dimocraps.

Our side, in this case, Robertson....... He's just an unsophisticated person.

Remember what the scumbags did to Reggie White? Another 'unsophisticated' man speaking his mind in an unsophisticated way.

Fuck dimocraps. They're scum. ALL of them
Not everywhere certainly. Perhaps in a few places like Selma Alabama, but segregation was not widespread. The good ole days that Robertson remembers (from his statements) are the days when he and black men worked side by side hoeing cotton in the fields. Black men and white men working side by side at labor so menial it is only done by mexicans today. Who would have thought? Today black men are killing other black men for their fancy shoes.

Robertsons memories of the good ole days before desegregation are tainted

He left that field and returned to a different America than his coworkers faced

Really? Are you a psychic? How can you read his mind? Are you a Vulcan? Did you do a mind meld with him or something? How can you sit there and say a man's memories are 'tainted'? Listen to yourself!

Yes, really

You don't have to be psychic to understand the social and legal barriers facing blacks in the pre-Civil Rights south. If Robertsons memories of that time were that blacks were all happy and singing then yes, his memories are tainted
Beyond that, he is a fucking racist

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