Freedom of speech is gone

IMHO, one of the greatest if not THE greatest threat to free speech is that the media, academia, Hollywood, and anyone else with a big enough microphone that people will listen to, none of them are objectivity calling out the bullshit that we hear daily from both political parties. They'll call out the other side, but not their own and that is dishonest. And I'll be honest here and say that I believe it is the Left that is far worse about that than the Right is, because I don't see anybody getting fired or shutdown from giving a speech somewhere or publishing a book because they are liberal. That is almost entirely the Left doing that.

I believe the biggest threat to telling lies is someone else calling them out for it and telling the truth instead. And there's too much vitriolic talking and invective and not enough listening.

Democrats now control social media. Joe Biden has personally deputized social media to quell misinformation that he feels might lead to people dying.

However, consider this,
It was not that long ago when some social media platforms actively suppressed claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan laboratory and spread after an accidental leak. It was not that long ago when government officials encouraged people not to buy masks to protect themselves from COVID-19. It was not that long ago experts said COVID-19 spread through physical surfaces or that we had to be a full 6 feet away from each other to socially distance.

In each of these cases, the Biden White House would have preferred to quash any debate about the truth of the virus. They want only one voice of expert opinion reaching people, and they want to ban anyone voicing a dissenting opinion from all platforms.

From a conservative point of view, God forbid, if a republican ever wins the White House again, should they be able to do the same? Should they say that any information on social media about abortion should be banned? Should they quell any attempt to defund the police on social media since after doing so crime has spiked and the death rates have dramatically increased?

All I can say is, America has been taken over by the fascism of the Left, and there are no checks and balances to stop them. In fact, without a free press anymore democracy is dead.
As I stated previously - FROG IN A POT

The way you boil a frog is to raise the temperature gradually so he does not notice until it is too late.

This has been coming for some time without anyone enticing over alone fighting it..

We currently have a President who (proven) took Russian and CCP cash during his campaign, who praises Communism, refuses to hold the CCP accountable for the pandemic or cyber Warfare against the US, who has admitted to directing social media censorship of opposing political opinions, views, criticism, or voices...and he is openly defending his violations of the 1st Amendment as 'saving American lives' from '12 individuals spreading mis-information'...


Yeah, we have almost completely lost our freedom of speech while the fo estic enemy Democrats are indoctrination our children and military...

Democrats now control social media. Joe Biden has personally deputized social media to quell misinformation that he feels might lead to people dying.

However, consider this,
It was not that long ago when some social media platforms actively suppressed claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan laboratory and spread after an accidental leak. It was not that long ago when government officials encouraged people not to buy masks to protect themselves from COVID-19. It was not that long ago experts said COVID-19 spread through physical surfaces or that we had to be a full 6 feet away from each other to socially distance.

In each of these cases, the Biden White House would have preferred to quash any debate about the truth of the virus. They want only one voice of expert opinion reaching people, and they want to ban anyone voicing a dissenting opinion from all platforms.

From a conservative point of view, God forbid, if a republican ever wins the White House again, should they be able to do the same? Should they say that any information on social media about abortion should be banned? Should they quell any attempt to defund the police on social media since after doing so crime has spiked and the death rates have dramatically increased?

All I can say is, America has been taken over by the fascism of the Left, and there are no checks and balances to stop them. In fact, without a free press anymore democracy is dead.

That is so much stupidity. It is Republicans who are assaulting free speech rights. Social media companies were trying to stop their platforms from being used for misinformation before Biden won in November.
That is so much stupidity. It is Republicans who are assaulting free speech rights. Social media companies were trying to stop their platforms from being used for misinformation before Biden won in November.
Your comment equates to Joe Biden declaring vaccines did not exist until he became President, despite the world having watched candidate Joe get both his shots before swearing I'm.

The ONLY misinformation being spread is that people who have formed opinions that the vaccine has serious health issues are somehow brainwashed by FoxNews all the while misinformation concerning the vaccines are being applied liberally by the other news media outlets.

In concert with that, there is a significant effort on the way to silence those who ask legitimate questions by banning them from the public square, shaming them for not following the Nazi doctrine of this administration, and at best, a confused and disjointed policy on what to do.

The head of the Covid response has been so inconsistent in messaging that the only real conclusion is that none of this is a public health concern and it is all power politics by one party that is attempting to destroy free thought and speech in this country.

There is no misinformation being put out by pro-vaccine people. Trump received a vaccination when he had the coronavirus. Over 90% of the new cases are unvaccinated people. You pigs are the ones who are lying about the vaccine. Sean Hannity got it right for a change when he urged supporters to take the coronavirus seriously and get vaccinated.
Your comment equates to Joe Biden declaring vaccines did not exist until he became President, despite the world having watched candidate Joe get both his shots before swearing I'm.


Trump fouled up the distribution by not buying enough serum. Trump has been spreading misinformation about the vaccine even though he received the vaccine. Under Biden, there is enough for anyone who wants it.
As I stated previously - FROG IN A POT

The way you boil a frog is to raise the temperature gradually so he does not notice until it is too late.

This has been coming for some time without anyone enticing over alone fighting it..

We currently have a President who (proven) took Russian and CCP cash during his campaign, who praises Communism, refuses to hold the CCP accountable for the pandemic or cyber Warfare against the US, who has admitted to directing social media censorship of opposing political opinions, views, criticism, or voices...and he is openly defending his violations of the 1st Amendment as 'saving American lives' from '12 individuals spreading mis-information'...


Yeah, we have almost completely lost our freedom of speech while the fo estic enemy Democrats are indoctrination our children and military...

No it has not been proven. Biden has not praised Communism. There is no evidence it was created as a weapon even though Trump's reference to it as a China flu has been responsible for attacks on Asian-Americans. There has been no social media censorship by Biden. Republicans are trying to do that. He has not violated the 1st Amendment in any way. You are the ones doing that. Russia was helping Trump and neither he nor you had any issue with that.
Trump fouled up the distribution by not buying enough serum. Trump has been spreading misinformation about the vaccine even though he received the vaccine. Under Biden, there is enough for anyone who wants it.
President Trump made history by delivering vaccinations in less than a year, you proven emotionally hysterical Trump-hating buffoon., an accomplishment so great Biden laughably attempted to take credit for it.
President Trump made history by delivering vaccinations in less than a year, you proven emotionally hysterical Trump-hating buffoon., an accomplishment so great Biden laughably attempted to take credit for it.

Trump did not do it. The drug companies did that. Gen Milley was concerned that Trump's selfishness would lead to a untested drug being released just to get it out. Biden did a better job of ensuring a large supply was available. That is fact whether you like it or not.
Trump did not do it. The drug companies did that. Gen Milley was concerned that Trump's selfishness would lead to a untested drug being released just to get it out. Biden did a better job of ensuring a large supply was available. That is fact whether you like it or not.
Whether YOU like it or not Trump made it possible and delivered. Your dementia-ravaged, CCP / Russian puppet plaguliarist was so jealous, like you, that he falsely and laughably claimed no vaccine existed befirehe became President.

Like you, he was full of shut & everyone knows it.
Freedom of speech is gone
This is a lie.

Government is at liberty to express viewpoints and engage in advocacy speech:

‘As an outgrowth of the government subsidy cases, such as Rust v. Sullivan, the Court has established the “government speech doctrine” that recognizes that a government entity “is entitled to say what it wishes” and to select the views that it wants to express. In this vein, when the government speaks, the government is not barred by the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment from determining the content of what it says and can engage in viewpoint discrimination. The underlying rationale for the government speech doctrine is that the government could not “function” if the government could not favor or disfavor points of view in enforcing a program. And the Supreme Court has recognized that the government speech doctrine even extends to when the government receives private assistance in helping deliver a government controlled message.”


Democrats now control social media. Joe Biden has personally deputized social media to quell misinformation that he feels might lead to people dying.

However, consider this,
It was not that long ago when some social media platforms actively suppressed claims that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan laboratory and spread after an accidental leak. It was not that long ago when government officials encouraged people not to buy masks to protect themselves from COVID-19. It was not that long ago experts said COVID-19 spread through physical surfaces or that we had to be a full 6 feet away from each other to socially distance.

In each of these cases, the Biden White House would have preferred to quash any debate about the truth of the virus. They want only one voice of expert opinion reaching people, and they want to ban anyone voicing a dissenting opinion from all platforms.

From a conservative point of view, God forbid, if a republican ever wins the White House again, should they be able to do the same? Should they say that any information on social media about abortion should be banned? Should they quell any attempt to defund the police on social media since after doing so crime has spiked and the death rates have dramatically increased?

All I can say is, America has been taken over by the fascism of the Left, and there are no checks and balances to stop them. In fact, without a free press anymore democracy is dead.

The Biden Administration expressing opinions concerning the content of social media is perfectly appropriate and Constitutional, in no manner ‘violating’ free speech or the First Amendment.
This is a lie.

Government is at liberty to express viewpoints and engage in advocacy speech:

‘As an outgrowth of the government subsidy cases, such as Rust v. Sullivan, the Court has established the “government speech doctrine” that recognizes that a government entity “is entitled to say what it wishes” and to select the views that it wants to express. In this vein, when the government speaks, the government is not barred by the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment from determining the content of what it says and can engage in viewpoint discrimination. The underlying rationale for the government speech doctrine is that the government could not “function” if the government could not favor or disfavor points of view in enforcing a program. And the Supreme Court has recognized that the government speech doctrine even extends to when the government receives private assistance in helping deliver a government controlled message.”

The WH admitted your Narxist President has directed Sovial media on censoring and silencing opposition opinion or any voice that does not embrace Democrat ideology, agenda, or lie.

Your ardent denial is not supported by reality.

1 John 5:19 New International Version (NIV)​

19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
The only evil is the comprehensive ignorance of conservatives when it comes to the Constitution, the First Amendment, and its case law.

Conservatives are so mind-numbingly ignorant that they’ve never heard of Government Speech Doctrine.
The WH admitted your Narxist President has directed Sovial media on censoring and silencing opposition opinion or any voice that does not embrace Democrat ideology, agenda, or lie.

Your ardent denial is not supported by reality.
You’re just another ridiculous, ignorant conservative.
The only evil is the comprehensive ignorance of conservatives when it comes to the Constitution, the First Amendment, and its case law.

Conservatives are so mind-numbingly ignorant that they’ve never heard of Government Speech Doctrine.
When the Government is controlling private businesses, those businesses are no longer private businesses DUMBASS.

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