Freedom of speech? Not for our police officers

So what if he said Hillary is a moron, should they be able to fire him for that as well?

Unless you have a contract that says otherwise or maybe union protection, you can be fired for any damn thing your employer wishes to fire you for, with the exception of a half a dozen protected classes (i.e. race, sex, age).

You do not have a right to a job, you can be fired for being red headed if they wish.

They didn't fire him for that, they fired him for exercising his right to free speech. Big difference.
So in other words, an employer or government can remove your rights simply by putting it in a contract?

Laughable. Do you ever get off that victim shtick?

That ex-police officer always had that right to free speech. It wasn't taken away from him. That's why he not in jail. Just his employer thought his exercise of that right is irreconcilable with his continued employment, probably because the officer violated a promise to exercise restraint in public statements he made while signing his employment contract, and thus the employer chose to terminate the contract.

Now stop the whining already. It's unbecoming.

Nobody is whining, just having a debate. Liberals always call it whining.
So what if he said Hillary is a moron, should they be able to fire him for that as well?

Unless you have a contract that says otherwise or maybe union protection, you can be fired for any damn thing your employer wishes to fire you for, with the exception of a half a dozen protected classes (i.e. race, sex, age).

You do not have a right to a job, you can be fired for being red headed if they wish.

They didn't fire him for that, they fired him for exercising his right to free speech. Big difference.

which they are fully within their rights to do.

suck it, get over it
My employer doesn't have the right to tell me what I can or cannot do on my free time, especially when it comes to exercising my constitutional rights.

I promise you, if you wrote on your Facebook Wall "Bottom Feeder Trucking Sucks and they don't offer health insurance" under your own name, you would be fired.

Even if it's true.

It's a good thing you don't have a job. Anybody aware of your mental problems would fire you too. Maybe that's why you had so many problems when you did work. If I can see it over a computer, I can't imagine how obvious you are in person.
It's a good thing you don't have a job. Anybody aware of your mental problems would fire you too. Maybe that's why you had so many problems when you did work. If I can see it over a computer, I can't imagine how obvious you are in person.

I'm perfectly fine in person, and I have a job. I've had multiple jobs at the same time, I just decided to go with the one that made me happy.

But unlike you bending over for guys who keep screwing you, I took control of my destiny...
The separation of church and state is one issue and free speech is another. This is not a first amendment issue. In this case an officer violated his employment contract according to his employer by whatever due process that exists. He has legal standing to sue but the courts usually find for employers.

I see. So what you are saying is that we have constitutional protections of free speech unless it's contracted out?
Exactly, especially If you deal with the public. It has to be that way because you are acting as a representative of a company. This does not end when you clock out either.

BS, even the US military has a right to voice private opinions, they just have to make it clear the opinion is a personal one.

No they don’t

If they voice personal opinions that are racist, unamerican or communist they will be discharged

And his comment were none of these things.
Evidently, they were
So in other words, an employer or government can remove your rights simply by putting it in a contract?

Laughable. Do you ever get off that victim shtick?

That ex-police officer always had that right to free speech. It wasn't taken away from him. That's why he not in jail. Just his employer thought his exercise of that right is irreconcilable with his continued employment, probably because the officer violated a promise to exercise restraint in public statements he made while signing his employment contract, and thus the employer chose to terminate the contract.

Now stop the whining already. It's unbecoming.

Nobody is whining, just having a debate. Liberals always call it whining.
Stop whining Snowflake

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