Freedom on display at a Kentucky school today

It really doesn’t matter anyway, Trump and the Congress will not even try to pass any new frivolous gun control laws because it’s a waste of time and money ~ only stupid people believe those will work. Lol
Yes they are cowards who let our children die when they could save them.

Countries with strong gun control do not have a school shooting problem. FACT.
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control.

fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.

That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are (2016):
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.
Your statistics reminding me of something that happened in the 1990s, you know when William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) had banned assault rifles and high capacity mags. Columbine High School shooting still happened even with the gun ban.. Why did it happen, because INSANE liberals will still get the guns, illegally and kill people....

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia

If the bombs that the 2 had made, worked, even more people would of died. Do you then ban lead pipes for plumbing and fertilizer? Funny how it seems that the left is the party of NO, all of a sudden, and willing to give up everyone's freedom....

The gun ban didn't remove a single gun. Clinton was right, just look at the Vegas shooting. Those guns shouldn't be legal.
Your ideas solve nothing, stupid people like you are all talk and no action... go back to your safe place

Actually they do. Since the Aussie gun ban in 1997 there have been no mass shootings.
I know i wasn't supposed to show this, but hey, it is all about guns, legal or illegal..Dumb ass liberal never think about illegal guns entering this country. Until they are looking down the barrel of one...By then it is too late...And that is a good thing...

Australia: Jihad murderer got his gun at mosque
THE weapon used by teen terrorist Farhad Jabar was believed to be sourced from a Middle Eastern crime gang and police suspect it was handed to the schoolboy at the Parramatta mosque….
Gun control does not solve anything, criminal control is where the problem lies.

So your country is awash with guns and has a massive head per capita death by guns than my country. And my country doesn't have many guns at all. Yeah, no correlation there. At all....:cuckoo:
If your country was being invaded by illegal people who are bringing guns and drugs across the open border, your suck ass country would too have a gun problem and many more of your unarmed people would be dead.
Violence is appealing to the average progressive...
One reason why Violence is appealing to the left is the New World Order population reduction. The total amount of people who need to die, to satisfy the NWO is over 6 billion people leaving only 500,000,000 left to be Ruled by the liberal elites. Even if it takes 1 person at a time, the end goal is the means. 300,000 future democrat voters are killed a year and the liberals who are idiots don't even realize their total extinction....Just too fucking funny.
Violence is appealing to the average progressive...
One reason why Violence is appealing to the left is the New World Order population reduction. The total amount of people who need to die, to satisfy the NWO is over 6 billion people leaving only 500,000,000 left to be Ruled by the liberal elites. Even if it takes 1 person at a time, the end goal is the means. 300,000 future democrat voters are killed a year and the liberals who are idiots don't even realize their total extinction....Just too fucking funny.
500,000,000 Muslims. The elites haven't a chance, the least likely are the liberal ones.
It really doesn’t matter anyway, Trump and the Congress will not even try to pass any new frivolous gun control laws because it’s a waste of time and money ~ only stupid people believe those will work. Lol
Yes they are cowards who let our children die when they could save them.

Countries with strong gun control do not have a school shooting problem. FACT.
Trump will probably be able to Nominate two, maybe three Supreme Court justices. And he will not push for any more frivolous gun control laws the same with Congress.
Dream all you want about more gun control laws... It ain’t happening Jack weed. LOL
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control.

fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.

That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are (2016):
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.
Your statistics reminding me of something that happened in the 1990s, you know when William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) had banned assault rifles and high capacity mags. Columbine High School shooting still happened even with the gun ban.. Why did it happen, because INSANE liberals will still get the guns, illegally and kill people....

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia

If the bombs that the 2 had made, worked, even more people would of died. Do you then ban lead pipes for plumbing and fertilizer? Funny how it seems that the left is the party of NO, all of a sudden, and willing to give up everyone's freedom....

The gun ban didn't remove a single gun. Clinton was right, just look at the Vegas shooting. Those guns shouldn't be legal.
Says who? Lol
Other peoples firearm ownership is none of your fucking business you cowardly motherfucker... lol
Violence is appealing to the average progressive...
One reason why Violence is appealing to the left is the New World Order population reduction. The total amount of people who need to die, to satisfy the NWO is over 6 billion people leaving only 500,000,000 left to be Ruled by the liberal elites. Even if it takes 1 person at a time, the end goal is the means. 300,000 future democrat voters are killed a year and the liberals who are idiots don't even realize their total extinction....Just too fucking funny.
Violence appealing to the Left? I thought they were the ones who didn't like guns?

You really need to get your rumors straight.
Violence is appealing to the average progressive...
One reason why Violence is appealing to the left is the New World Order population reduction. The total amount of people who need to die, to satisfy the NWO is over 6 billion people leaving only 500,000,000 left to be Ruled by the liberal elites. Even if it takes 1 person at a time, the end goal is the means. 300,000 future democrat voters are killed a year and the liberals who are idiots don't even realize their total extinction....Just too fucking funny.
Violence appealing to the Left? I thought they were the ones who didn't like guns?

You really need to get your rumors straight.
People kill people firearms do not
It really doesn’t matter anyway, Trump and the Congress will not even try to pass any new frivolous gun control laws because it’s a waste of time and money ~ only stupid people believe those will work. Lol
Yes they are cowards who let our children die when they could save them.

Countries with strong gun control do not have a school shooting problem. FACT.
Trump will probably be able to Nominate two, maybe three Supreme Court justices. And he will not push for any more frivolous gun control laws the same with Congress.
Dream all you want about more gun control laws... It ain’t happening Jack weed. LOL
Yes they are cowards who let our children die when they could save them.

Countries with strong gun control do not have a school shooting problem. FACT.
Violence is appealing to the average progressive...
One reason why Violence is appealing to the left is the New World Order population reduction. The total amount of people who need to die, to satisfy the NWO is over 6 billion people leaving only 500,000,000 left to be Ruled by the liberal elites. Even if it takes 1 person at a time, the end goal is the means. 300,000 future democrat voters are killed a year and the liberals who are idiots don't even realize their total extinction....Just too fucking funny.
Violence appealing to the Left? I thought they were the ones who didn't like guns?

You really need to get your rumors straight.

Yes aren't they snowflakes too? Political partisans are such a joke.
fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.

That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are (2016):
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.
Your statistics reminding me of something that happened in the 1990s, you know when William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) had banned assault rifles and high capacity mags. Columbine High School shooting still happened even with the gun ban.. Why did it happen, because INSANE liberals will still get the guns, illegally and kill people....

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia

If the bombs that the 2 had made, worked, even more people would of died. Do you then ban lead pipes for plumbing and fertilizer? Funny how it seems that the left is the party of NO, all of a sudden, and willing to give up everyone's freedom....

The gun ban didn't remove a single gun. Clinton was right, just look at the Vegas shooting. Those guns shouldn't be legal.
Says who? Lol
Other peoples firearm ownership is none of your fucking business you cowardly motherfucker... lol

Cowardly would be you. We could save our children's lives, but instead you cowardly cling to your guns.
It really doesn’t matter anyway, Trump and the Congress will not even try to pass any new frivolous gun control laws because it’s a waste of time and money ~ only stupid people believe those will work. Lol
Yes they are cowards who let our children die when they could save them.

Countries with strong gun control do not have a school shooting problem. FACT.
Trump will probably be able to Nominate two, maybe three Supreme Court justices. And he will not push for any more frivolous gun control laws the same with Congress.
Dream all you want about more gun control laws... It ain’t happening Jack weed. LOL
Yes they are cowards who let our children die when they could save them.

Countries with strong gun control do not have a school shooting problem. FACT.

Moron....Britain banned guns and they had two guys try to do school shootings last year...the only thing that stopped them was dumb luck....the one guy posted on social media before he did the shooting and got caught....with a Glock 19, in Britain where all handguns are banned, and the other kid, in an elementary school, brought a shotgun to kill his bullies...and at the last second stopped himself.......

You have no idea what you are talking about....they even had a school shooting in Canada, last year or the year before....

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control.

fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.

That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are (2016):
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.
Your statistics reminding me of something that happened in the 1990s, you know when William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) had banned assault rifles and high capacity mags. Columbine High School shooting still happened even with the gun ban.. Why did it happen, because INSANE liberals will still get the guns, illegally and kill people....

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia

If the bombs that the 2 had made, worked, even more people would of died. Do you then ban lead pipes for plumbing and fertilizer? Funny how it seems that the left is the party of NO, all of a sudden, and willing to give up everyone's freedom....

The gun ban didn't remove a single gun. Clinton was right, just look at the Vegas shooting. Those guns shouldn't be legal.

There are 8 milion of those guns in private guy used them to commit crimes....more people are killed in drunk driving accidents in one year....... than are killed in mass shootings since 1982.......combined......

The guy in vegas used 2 rifles and fired over 1000 rounds into a tightly packed crowd of 22,000 people.....

He murdered 58.

The guy in Nice, France, using a rental truck......

He murdered 86 five minutes.

Cars are deadlier than those rifles, and yet you only focus on the have a mental health problem.....we don't have a rifle problem.
Violence is appealing to the average progressive...
One reason why Violence is appealing to the left is the New World Order population reduction. The total amount of people who need to die, to satisfy the NWO is over 6 billion people leaving only 500,000,000 left to be Ruled by the liberal elites. Even if it takes 1 person at a time, the end goal is the means. 300,000 future democrat voters are killed a year and the liberals who are idiots don't even realize their total extinction....Just too fucking funny.
Violence appealing to the Left? I thought they were the ones who didn't like guns?

You really need to get your rumors straight.

No...they like guns in the hands of the government goons when they need to fill mass graves......and in the hands of their thugs oppressing political opposition...they just hate it when their political enemies can use guns to defend themselves....

These are the left wingers that you guys want armed.....

WILLIAMS: Fascism And Communism

The People's Republic of China tops the list, with 76 million lives lost at the hands of the government from 1949 to 1987. The Soviet Union follows, with 62 million lives lost from 1917 to 1987. Adolf Hitler's Nazi German government killed 21 million people between 1933 and 1945. Then there are lesser murdering regimes, such as Nationalist China, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam and Mexico. According to Rummel's research, the 20th century saw 262 millionpeople's lives lost at the hands of their own governments.
That’s because it is extremely easy to get a gun. That isn’t strong gun control obviously.

Well, Lessee: Anyone choosing to moniker themselves after a Brain tells me you are actually probably dumber than a box of shoes. Most smug people are. So -100 synapse just for the arrogance.

"Extremely easy to get a gun." FACT: It is harder to get a gun now than ever in the history of the country. There are now over TWENTY-THOUSAND GUN LAWS in the USA. When I was a kid, we took our guns to school! Had them in the gun rack of our rear window! No problems then! Now you get expelled just for SAYING the word gun. Deduct another 20,000 synapse.

SO I DID A LITTLE DIGGING across a number of websites to uncover some facts:

View attachment 173589

At the bottom, you can see the history of major gun legislation or actions taken to restrict gun ownership. The 19th century had triple that of the 18th century, restrictions in the 20th century went up by another 830%, and so far just 18 years into the new century, we have already had another 56% restrictions added on!

Meantime, gun shooting deaths in schools in the USA (I counted them) went from only 10 in the 18th century to 34 in the 19th century, then jumped to 282 deaths in the 20th century, and already, only into the 18th year of the new century, we are up to 255 deaths from guns shot in schools. That is over 90% the total for the 20th century.


School shootings and deaths have risen proportional to gun laws. One could almost argue that the gun laws are related to the killings! So obviously it isn't a lack of gun laws, restrictions or ease of access. Subtract another 25 million synapse for the Brain. If anything, there is most likely a direct or indirect link between school shootings and *population
*number of people in big cities
*degree of overcrowding
*size of classrooms
*preponderance of public school influence in child's life
*dwindling degree of parental / family influence in child's home life.

So subtract another 65 billion synapse. The Brain is comatose.

Put another way, lead pencils are far more available than guns, yet you don't see everyone grabbing a lead pencil and writing something with one, much less stabbing someone in the neck. Indeed, gun deaths have risen sharply proportional to the lack of familiarity, exposure, comfort and training in firearms, NOT their availability. Indeed, as we go back the centuries, years ago a gun was FAR MORE LIKELY to be a standard item on a person or in the household. And STILL, there weren't the killings of today.

There is no basis to blame school shootings on the availability of guns, lack of gun laws and regulations, except among the most imbecilic among us, and every reason to associate it with increased societal pressures living in large crowded cities combined with lack of training. Citing statistics from other countries is MEANINGLESS. It is a fool's errand to assume that what seems to have worked a certain way in another country with a completely different set of historical and cultural factors should work similar here. Considering that the top ten causes of death are (2016):
Suicide: 43,000
Kidney Disease: 48,000
Flu and Pneumonia: 55,000
Diabetes: 76,000
Alzheimer's: 94,000
Stroke: 133,000
Accidents: 136,000
COPD: 147,000
Cancer: 592,000
Heart Disease: 614,000

In fact, I cannot even find a statistic for where school shooting deaths at 282 for all of the 20th century would even fit in as a stat! Maybe right below number of deaths caused by paper cut or stubbing ones toe?

View attachment 173593

Firearms OVERALL of ALL KINDS doesn't even amount to more than a blip on the chart. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE TRAGIC THAT:
A). The Schools still can't seem to prevent them!
B). That so much media hyper-attention is focused on the matter as if this was even in the top 1,000 issues that we should be worried about as a NATIONAL CONCERN.

CONCLUSIONS: Those that make such a deal about guns and gun crimes in the USA as a function of the NRA, availability or lack of gun laws CLEARLY do so mainly out of total ignorance of the facts combined with a dislike and fear of guns and an untold desire just to see them totally banned from the law-biding populous.
Your statistics reminding me of something that happened in the 1990s, you know when William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) had banned assault rifles and high capacity mags. Columbine High School shooting still happened even with the gun ban.. Why did it happen, because INSANE liberals will still get the guns, illegally and kill people....

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia

If the bombs that the 2 had made, worked, even more people would of died. Do you then ban lead pipes for plumbing and fertilizer? Funny how it seems that the left is the party of NO, all of a sudden, and willing to give up everyone's freedom....

The gun ban didn't remove a single gun. Clinton was right, just look at the Vegas shooting. Those guns shouldn't be legal.
Says who? Lol
Other peoples firearm ownership is none of your fucking business you cowardly motherfucker... lol

Cowardly would be you. We could save our children's lives, but instead you cowardly cling to your guns.

The attacks on schools are attacks against gun free zones.....areas that mass shooters specifically target because they know they will not be stopped by a civilian with a created those, not us.
Like I said, we already have massively strong gun control, so you are saying that school shootings are not a problem!

Or maybe you just want total gun confiscation, and banning. News blip: if you don't like the USA and our freedoms, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If we did it wouldn’t be easy for kids to get guns. Our gun control is obviously weak.
Criminals do not obey laws shit for brains

School shootings aren’t a problem in countries with strong gun control. Fact
In rural America they are not a problem either, it’s only in progressive controlled with strict gun control laws violent crime is high... fact
There are much more dangerous things then a firearms in this country...
take your pick...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
I see...the school shooting the other day was in a "strict gun control laws violent crime" area?

It was a gun free zone......parent's and teachers, who could have stopped the shooter, or kept him from even showing up, aren't allowed to carry their legal guns didn't stop the 15 year old from bringing an illegal gun......that is your gun control all levels...
Your ideas solve nothing, stupid people like you are all talk and no action... go back to your safe place

Actually they do. Since the Aussie gun ban in 1997 there have been no mass shootings.

And that is a lie....the only reason they haven't had shootings that qualify as mass shootings is the shooters decided not to shoot enough people....or failed to shoot enough people.....

Please....explain to us exactly how Australian gun control laws prevented each of these actual shootings from becoming mass shootings....they are all after the gun ban and confiscation in Australia....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

25 January 1996 – Hillcrest murders – Peter May shot and killed his three children, his estranged wife and her parents in the Brisbane suburb of Hillcrest before killing himself.[54]
  • 16 August 1998 – Victorian police officers Gary Silk and Rodney Miller were shot dead in an ambush by Bendali Debs and Jason Joseph Roberts in the Moorabbin Police murders.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]
  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
  • 23 May 2012 – Christopher 'Badness' Binse, a career criminal well known to police, was arrested after a 44-hour siege at an East Keilor home in Melbourne's north west. During the siege, Binse fired several shots at police and refused to co-operate with negotiators; eventually tear gas had to be used to force him out of the house, at which point he refused to put down his weapon and was then sprayed with a volley of non-lethal bullets.[citation needed]
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
  • 9 September 2014 – Lockhart massacre – Geoff Hunt shot and killed his wife, Kim, his 10-year-old son Fletcher, and his daughters Mia, eight and Phoebe, six before killing himself on a farm in Lockhart in the Riverina district near Wagga Wagga New South Wales. The body of Geoff Hunt and a firearm are later found in a dam on the farm by police divers and a suicide note written by Geoff Hunt is also found inside the house on the farm.[citation needed]
  • 7 November 2014 – Jordy Brook carjacked a Channel 7 news cameraman at gun point during a crime spree on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. He was later captured and arrested by police after luring police on a high speed chase and crashing the car.[citation needed

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
  • 27 June 2015 – Hermidale triple murder – the bodies of three people, two men and a woman are found shot dead on a property in a rural farming community in the town of Hermidale west of Nyngan, the bodies of 28-year-old Jacob Cumberland his father 59-year-old Stephen Cumberland and a 36-year-old woman were found with gun shot wounds, the body of Jacob Cumberland was found on the drive way of the property, the body of the 36-year-old woman was found in the backyard of the property and the body of Stephen Cumberland was found in a burnt out caravan on the property. 61-year-old Allan O'Connor is later arrested and charged with the murders.
  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
  • 2 October 2015 - 2015 Parramatta shooting On 2 October 2015, Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, a 15-year-old boy, shot and killed Curtis Cheng, an unarmed police civilian finance worker, outside the New South Wales Police Force headquarters in Parramatta, Australia. Jabar was subsequently shot and killed by special constables who were protecting the police station.
Here is a neater list.....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]

  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]

  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.

  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

And more....

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated tell me how this doesn't show that the CNN article is a lie....
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
I see, most criminals will just ask politely for your money or your ass.

You have a point?

How do you connect concealed carry to violent crime? People vetted for that permit are not criminals, at least not on paper or data bank. What violent crime has one concealed carry person committed?

Many violent crimes.
VPC: Concealed Carry Killers
What kind of crap is that?:cuckoo:

It is documented cases of concealed carry owners committing violent crime obviously.

Wrong.....The Violence Policy Center lies.....they are rabidly anti gun and just won't tell the truth...because the truth doesn't support their extreme gun control ....

Massive errors in the Violence Policy Center's "Concealed Carry Killers" - Crime Prevention Research Center

The Violence Policy Center regularly puts out the claim that concealed handgun permit holders are a danger to themselves and others. Right now they claim that concealed handgun permits have been responsible for 636 deaths from the entire United States over almost seven years from May 2007 to March 2014. John Lott has pointed out errors in the VPC numbers for Florida, so here let’s take the errors in just one state Michigan.
— In the Michigan state reports on concealed handgun permit holders that are cited by the VPC, 185 people died of suicides during the four reports from 2007 through 2012. That is 29 percent of the purported 636 deaths for the entire United States that the Violence Policy Center attributes to permitted concealed handguns.

But there is the problem: If you look at page 2 in the latest report, you will see that the 28 suicides do not list a cause of death. The report merely notes that permit holders committed suicide. We don’t know if they committed suicide with a gun and if it was a gun, that it was the gun that they carried concealed. Given that the overwhelming majority of these suicides were presumably at home, like the vast majority of suicides, it isn’t even clear why a concealed handgun permit is relevant.

The suicide rate among permit holders in Michigan in 2012/13 (6.2 per 100,000 = ((28/450,000)*100,000) is about 62% lower than the suicide rate in the general adult population (see screen shot of suicide rate numbers from the CDC for adults in Michigan).

— The VPC claims that the Michigan State Police show in their five reports between 2007-08 and 2011-12 that murder cases were as follows: Pending 20 Convicted 14. In fact, if you look at the reports themselves you find:

2007–08: Pending 5, Convicted 0
2008–09: Pending 0, Convicted 1
2009–10: Pending 1, Convicted 2
2010–11: Pending 5, Convicted 4
2011–12: Pending 3, Convicted 4

2012-13: Pending 4, Convicted 1

Total: Pending 14, Convicted 11

In other words, during 2007–08, five cases were pending and there were no convictions.

The Violence Policy Center makes several fundamental mistakes. First, it can’t add simple numbers up correctly. While the VPC claims 20 pending cases and 14 convictions, the Michigan State Police report a total of 14 and 11 cases respectively.

If you include both pending and convicted cases for all these years, you are going to obviously double count cases. Obviously, some pending cases end in convictions. The problem is clearly even worse than that as many cases will be pending over multiple years. So if you have a news story on a case and then the case is pending for several years before the permit holder is found to have acted in justifiable self-defense, you will count one case as four bad cases when it shouldn’t have even been counted one time.

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